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Ben’s Week In Review: January 1

Somehow, someway, another year is over. …just insane. 🙂

If Final Fantasy X a "remake" or not?

On the one hand, I'm happy to hear Square Enix say Final Fantasy X HD will have the "same quality as the original." On the other hand, I don't think S-E even knows what "quality" is anymore in regards to role-playing and on top of which, I still don't know exactly what they're doing. I'd like to think they're doing the smart thing and simply using the FFXIII engine for a complete graphical overhaul, and that's it. I'd like to think they're not going to do something unbearably stupid and alter the gameplay in some way. Not even Square Enix could be that brain-dead.

But what exactly is this? It sounds like more of an update than most HD overhauls, although I can't imagine they're making any drastic changes or alterations. I wonder if the Vita's involvement has any bearing on the company's plans for this re-release…I wonder if that has given them some ideas that wouldn't normally arise when planning an HD update. I think we need more concrete details on this one, don't you?

Still no Alan Wake? …hurry up, Quantic Dream

For a while there, it seemed like a possibility that PlayStation 3 owners would get either the original Alan Wake or the impending follow-up. The first game sold terribly on the 360 and we had heard that Microsoft didn't want to risk a sequel. There was also some confusion as to who owned what but as it turned out, while developer Remedy owns the brand name, Microsoft owns the publishing rights. So obviously, a PS3 release for any Alan Wake iteration is out of the question. That's a bummer for PS3 fans because the first title is one of my favorite games of the generation, and I expect nothing less from the sequel.

This only makes me want Quantic Dream's new project more. It's a mistake to compare Alan Wake and Heavy Rain in terms of gameplay, but both sport a heavy emphasis on storyline, and both feature some of the best writing I've seen. Therefore, just in terms of plot and character development, if PS3 owners are missing out on Alan Wake , they should look forward to Quantic Dream's mystery project.

Personal gaming update

Well, although I had sworn to get involved in Assassin's Creed: Revelations and Gears of War 3 , my play-through of Final Fantasy VII has temporarily derailed my motivation for modern gaming. Besides, I just saw the scene where Sephiroth put his blade through Aeris' back (oh shut up, it's not a spoiler when the entire gaming planet knows what happens) and every time I see that, I usually can't stop until Sephiroth is dead. It's still emotionally jarring to this day. The music, laying her body to rest in the water…it just sucks. It's so depressing. Honestly, it's what makes Sephiroth the memorable villain he is, IMO.

But I'll get to those other games soon enough. As for site stuff, we'll be posting up our Game of the Year Awards on Monday or Tuesday and that takes some definite time. I'm also looking into more interviews and another PSXE Show (with more advanced equipment). Oh, and Happy New Year to everyone; have a great 2012! 🙂

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12 years ago

Alan Wake was great, the way they set it up as if it were a T.V. series worked so well with the Stephen King styled story line created a great atmosphere.

I've got to buy that game soon and grab myself the DLC. That is one of the most recent games I remember getting really into. I think I enjoyed that more than UC2 or 3.

It's weird, I know that UC 2 and 3 are higher quality titles than Alan Wake but I still got more AW than the UC titles. I wonder why that is? Possibly AW had a style that worked more for me personally? Could it be that I had less going on in my life at the time I played AW which allowed me to get more into the game? Could it be the lack of hype for AW which might allow the game to take me by surprise?

I've noticed this before and always been curious why it happens..

12 years ago


I think you answered your own question when you said that possibly Alan Wake had a style more to your liking. Don't feel bad about getting more of AW than UC. That just happens sometimes and I think you are on the right track as to why that is the case. I have struggled getting a lot out the UC series myself mainly because it's so linear.

12 years ago

It certainly wasn't because of the lack of hype for Alan Wake. That game was hyped to the moon and back by everybody near a 360. My favorite part of all the hype was them showing the game on a high powered PC when it was releasing for the 360 and by the time it released, it didn't look like anything that was previously shown. Doesn't mean it's bad, but hype is a kill train, for any game. Look at GT5, that game suffered the worst from hype than I've ever seen.

12 years ago

I doubt that Square will make any drastic alterations to FFX either outside of a new engine. Frankly I think one of the main reasons they won't is because they have become quite lazy this gen. Changes, while tempting, would mean more work for them so it would fall on Square's "too hard" pile. The main thing I want to know is whether or not this remake is going to be of the international version of FFX.

Okay, why do people always mention Heavy Rain and Alan Wake together? From what I have seen the games look and play quite differently from each other. Having said that, I have played very little of AW. Am I missing something?


I have been playng The Lost Odyssey which is a fantastic JRPG. Definitely the best JRPG I have played this gen. I LOVE Kaims dream sequences. Whover wrote them is a fantastic writer. It's so good that it has me interested in Mistwalker's next project which is called The Last Story. Too bad it's for the Wii but if it's as good as The Lost Odyssey I would definitely consider at least renting a Wii in order to have the chance to play it. I think I have heard that some of Final Fantasy's creators are over at Mistwalker. Maybe that's why The Lost Odyssey is so good.

I don't own AW yet but it is definitely high on my list. Temjin told me it can be bought used for $10.

I have also been playing the Mass Effect 2 Arrival DLC in anticipation of ME3.

12 years ago

Mistwalker consists of THE FF creator, Hiranobu Sakaguichi, as well as former FF composer Nobuo Uemastsu. I think its the reason why LO is good and one of the reasons SE sucks so bad.

Hopefully Mistwalker can make a PS3 game.

12 years ago

Mistwalker was part financed by MS when they formed, but they outsource development activity. I don't know whether they are contractually tied to MS, they make games for DS and iPhone also, but their contracts with MS might possibly encumber them so that they cannot support Sony platforms.

12 years ago

I read somewhere that they don't lke sony.

12 years ago


I remember hearing something about that as well so I googled it and found all kinds of articles on the subject. One interview from Mistwalker basicly says anywhere but the Sony brand. I wonder what led to such harsh feelings for Sony. All I could find is some articles pointing to a feud between FF's creator and Ken Kutaragi(the father of the PS).

Last edited by Excelsior1 on 1/1/2012 4:27:52 PM

12 years ago

Yes….either that, or the funding from MS brings certain platform exclusions…

12 years ago

Happy new Year, I hope everybody enjoys thier games this year!!

12 years ago

hard to believe another years gone!
feels like just yesterday i was in the city wondering what the quickest way out was!?
done it once and id never do it again!
i finally finished downloading infamous festival of blood last night so im going to start playing that now.
i dunno why, but im just really bored of rayman origins.
i freaking love the game to death it puts a MASSIVE smile on my face!
yet i cant spend any more then a hour playing it, i just get really bored.
shame, i really really want to finish it, but i just cant!
oh well, hopefully festival of blood is a dam side better then infamous 2!

12 years ago

Loved it but can't play it for a long time?
Does it feel repetitive sometimes?

12 years ago

its not its repetitiveness thats spoiling it for me, every game this year is repetitive!
sonic generations is the same, i absolutely love that game but cant finish it because im so bored of it!
i love platformers, especially 2D platformers so by all rights i should be all over these 2!

12 years ago

Well so the happy year greets gonna be here?

Special hugs for Ben,Arnold,Jawks,LimitedVertigo,Highlander,World,BikerSaint,Excelsior and well Blankline, may I miss some people there but was because this year I wasn't very active here, I need to change that ;).

12 years ago

It's time invested here, but that is what Ben and the PsxExtreme crew really appreciate, so does the rest of the community; so don't stay too far away for too long 🙂



12 years ago

Damn Qubex how I could forgot about you and your classy sig, sorry!

12 years ago

I did an appreciation list like that once. I decided not to because I knew I'd leave out people I didn't want to leave out.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
12 years ago

Maybe S-E are doing something similar to what Saber and 343 did with Halo Anniversary and encompassing the entirety of the original within the new engine alongside small new additions? I really don't know, but it would explain why they still don't have a date for the game.

I thought MS owned the rights to Alan Wake. Clearly not the case, but what they do have is enough to ensure that it will never come to the PS3. Such a shame, but yes, it does make me that little bit more impatient for QD's next.

Personal Update:
Putting Skyrim on the backburner for the most part. Been playing Midnight Club LA because my sister has been here and she really, REALLY likes it.
Still reading A Tale, but almost finished now. Been focussing more on writing of late, which I really enjoy. Not much else, but I hope that everyone has an awesome 2012.
Peace and Love, Lawless.

12 years ago

PGU: it's been all Skyrim, had some time off for the holidays and I definitely got caught up in the game. I was finally able to immerse myself in it like I had with Oblivion. I still don't think it's as deep as Oblivion was, and some things I wish they would have left alone. But all things aside the game is just unreal. So expansive and so dang immersive. It's frustrating knowing the next quest I do will take a some time, when I'm getting tired or have to shut it off for whatever reason! You can't play for an hour and get anything accomplished and I love that!

After Skyrim I'm definitely picking up R3 and Portal 2! Been wanting to play both those for awhile!

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 1/1/2012 4:00:32 AM

12 years ago

Happy New Year! Special shout out to everyone in the forums!

Last edited by cLoudou on 1/1/2012 4:15:37 AM

12 years ago

Jarring is the right word for that scene Ben. I know people think it's funny or strange, but I won't play past that point, and I never have been able to.

12 years ago

Happy New Year PSXE people 😀
I'll go make some game design homework now.

12 years ago

Im probably the only one awake on here this morning its 7:30am(est) here were im sitting right now lol. anyways.

I cant wait to see what Final Fantasy X is all about. Remake or not from the hype i guess it was a pretty good game back in the day. Im not much of a final fantasy fan with final fantasy 13 begin my first FF game. As for alan wake i dont get the hype for it. Besides Gears 3. Alan Wake was the only reason i had a 360 up to 2 months ago when i got rid of it. AW felt slow to me i could never really get into it.

PGU: Nothing to really to report. I'm ashamed to admit this but I only beat 2 games last year out of the 37 plus games that are in my in my collection. They were Little Big Planet 2 & God of War: Chains of Olympus. So this year im challenging my self. I am gonna try to beat all or most of my games in my collection before i buy any new ones. Enless they are must haves then i will buy them but will not start them till i beat my challenge. Wish me luck every1.

12 years ago

also if anyone wants to watch me progress through my challenge i've set my self feel free to add me on PSN my ID is Rapturesassassin if u add me please tell me your from here 🙂 My first few games im going through are Mass Effect 2, Skyrim & Assassin Creed: Revelations. I like to keep a good mix of games so i wont get bored and i am not worried about 100% or multiplayer. I just wanna get back to having fun

12 years ago

Good luck going through your 40 games if you are planning to play Skyrim first.

12 years ago

Lol… Skyrim… yes that will be a challenge for anyone.

I have tried to get into it but I am beginning to understand what Ben has been saying all along. I don't know if I have the patience to trudge through it…



12 years ago

"Happy New year to all"

Not really into RPG's myself, I've got both FF7 & Tactics & never could get into them, even though I pull them out yearly to try, try, try, again & again, to no avail.
So Skyrim is going to have to become a "wait & see" for best price very late into the new year.

Damn shame that we can't get AW on our own consoles, especially since it wasn't very much appreciated by the majority of the 360 crowd.

My own PGU:
Been broke so I've been trying to chip away at some of the games in my huge backlog lately, so after finishing my 2nd playthrough of Rage, I've been nibbling away at R6 Vegas, infamous, & Heavy Rain.

For the life of me, I couldn't remember why After finishing Good Cole a while back, that I didn't jump right into Evil Cole too.
But after playing Cole's Evil side for 2 days, I remembered why I had to stop.
One of of the hardest damned timed spotlight races about 2/3 into the game, had set off my intermittent carpel tunnel syndrome in my right wrist.
After after getting to that same race as Evil Cole, damn if it didn't freakin' set off my carpel tunnel once again. So I've had to stop infamous for a while again.

And just because of that, Heavy Rain had to be my absolute worst choice to jump right into afterwards, cause my wrist pain got so bad trying to hit all those multi-combo'ed buttons, that I got both Madison & Jayden killed quite early on, so far.
Damn, I just hope I have at least somebody in the city left alive before my game ends, LOL

Oh well, nothing says "Remedy" better than going for the other 21 Heavy Rain playthrough's
(and having my Peracet prescription)

Last edited by BikerSaint on 1/1/2012 7:13:33 AM

12 years ago

You can't really compare Skyrim to JRpgs, they are completely different. If you liked Fallout 3, New Vegas and Deus Ex:HR, chances are you'll enjoy Skyrim.

12 years ago

Happy New Year everyone!!

If Squeenix screws up FFX it wouldn't surprise me. & I forgot that the reason they suck now is because so many of their original staff left. goes on.

I was looking forward to possibly playing Alan Wake on the PS3. I guess Ill have to try it out on the PC version whenever that comes out

PGU: Dark Souls is still on the agenda its been great but Im ready for it to end. Soul level 80 and counting and there is just so much I could do. I would love a 2nd and 3rd playthrough but with Arkham City, Metal Gear HD collection, SOTC, Enslaved, Castlevania, LBP2, Vanquish and Valkyria Chronicle's staring at me waiting to be played, it can wait. I am never letting my backlog stack like this again lol

12 years ago

I wouldn't mind playing FFX again. Just making it playable on the ps3 is good enough for me. HD may be too much to ask of SE.

I thought about buying Alan Wake to play at a friend's house, but none of them are even interested in seeing it.

I got Ace Combat: Assault Horizon for $28 on Amazon friday night. I was disappointed I couldn't get it at release, but the unwanted wait saved me $32. I still have quite a few games I need to finish before starting it.

12 years ago

Happy New Year everyone
Hopefully se wouldn't mess with FFX if it's just graphics upgrade it be ok but no touching of gameplay.

PGU: I just started playing Batman Arkham City and L.A Noire but after going back to WKC2 i'm addicted to online questing so know i'm trying to juggle three games not the smartest idea.

As for me I haven't been posting on here as much in the New Year but I plan on changing that.

12 years ago

Square can do what ever they want with the graphics, as long as the gameplay remains intact I'm okay with what ever they do. However if they change the game to be more twitch gamer friendly, I'll pass.

Never been interested in Allen Wake. Watched my friend play it for a few hours. Not my kind of game. It just looked like an average game. I thought it was cool that the Xbox finally got something other than a roided out shooter bloodfest, but in the end it failed to grab my attention.

PGU: Still chipping away time with Skyward Sword. Finished my third playthrough. I think I'm going to start another game here shorty but this time abstain from collecting any heart pieces or containers. My friend calls it "The 3 Heart Challenge". It will be 6 though in Skyward Sword because you start with 6 instead of 3 this time. Also started a new game for Twilight Princess and Wind Waker. Forgot how great those titles are. The only problem I have with Twilight Princess and Wind Waker is their lack of Wii motion Plus support. I really hope Nintendo does an HD remake of at least Wind Waker with motion controls. That would be awesome. Also have to finish inFamous Festivel of Blood. Started it but haven't picked it up in a few days. I'll be in Cali all this month and I'm bringing my Wii and PS3 so I'll have plenty of time to catch up on my back log.

Last edited by Jawknee on 1/1/2012 7:15:24 PM

12 years ago

Jawk, you seem to be really enjoying Skyward! Shows the Wii heart still beats strong. Those little silicon gates are giving much joy it seems.

You have probably noticed I have been playing quite a bit of Battlefield 3 recently… every time I see you logged in I am about to start a Battlefield 3 session… 🙂



12 years ago

Indeed. I can't put it down. Ha, LOVE IT! My Nintendo challen stats say I have logged nearly 200 hours in total so far. The only other game I have played more on the Wii is Twilight Princess at 221 hours.

Ill play some BF3 with you some more when I get back from Cali of you're still playing. I have limited Internet when in Cali so I can't play games online. 🙁

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

One thing you have to remember about Alan Wake: if you only see the action sequences, it won't appeal to you. That game is ALL about the story. 🙂

12 years ago

I played FFVII when it launched in the 90's, that scene of Aeris never really got me the way it does to Ben and many others. The game gives you an option as to who you spend your time with, I always chose Tifa. I think if something would've happened to her(Tifa), that would've struck a chord with me.

12 years ago

Ben, crew and community – hope you all have a successful and positive 2012. With the way the world is right now, we can surely use more hope and peace.

May you all be safe, happy and healthy…



12 years ago

A big thumbs up and cheers!

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