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What’s The PS3’s Reputation These Days?

This isn't really a rhetorical question. I've been so busy running a site that I haven't really paid attention to how the general gaming public perceives the PlayStation 3.

Early on during the system's lifespan, it was easy to know because we had a thousand headlines dedicated to the subject. But now, you can almost sense the generation drawing to a close, because so few headlines focus on anything platform-specific. It's almost as if the underlying current right now is whispering, "yes, bring on the new hardware…"

But if you make the rounds on the Internet and you're privy to a lot of conversation, discussion and argument, how do you think the PS3 is perceived these days? Obviously, it has changed over the years and with the top-notch exclusives, a Network that continues to get better and better, seemingly good reliability, Blu-Ray, etc.; gamers appear to be satisfied. Don't forget that in terms of worldwide numbers, the PS3 has essentially caught the Xbox 360 (depending on the source, and depending on if you say Sony posts "sold" while Microsoft posts "shipped").

The latter is a pretty impressive feat, by the way, especially considering the slamming the PS3 suffered in its first year or so, and also considering that it came out a full year after the 360. But there was the PSN hack, many still point to lost exclusives gone multiplatform, and the popularity of Microsoft in the US is undeniable. There will always be a debate, but if you place your finger on the pulse of gamer nation, how do you think the PS3 fares today? Generally positive? That's sorta the vibe I'm getting.

The PS3 is now over five years old and developers say more can definitely be done. But not much more can be done with the 360 and the Wii, and Sony doesn't want to be late to market again, so the PS4 might be closer than we all think. Once that happens, we also wonder how the PS3 will be viewed when compared to history. But we're talking about the here and now: how do you think the average gamer would describe the PS3?

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12 years ago

While generally, more people accept PS3 as an equal of the Xbox 360. But still there are more people who consider the Xbox as the go-to console for gaming. With their "controller argument," which is stupid, IMO, since controller choice is subjective to opinion, I've played with both but the Dualshock just seems more easy on the hands to me.

I still don't get why the PS3 receives inferior ports of multiplatform games. It just blows my mind that after five years, developers are having any sort of problem with Sony's machine.

That's only my 2 cents though.

12 years ago

Whenever someone tries to cling to that argument I just post a link to a madcatz ps3 controller shaped like an Xbox 😀

12 years ago

Sony should totally be commended for climbing out of the hole it was in when this generation of consoles started. As you already mentioned Ben, they showed up late to the party for one!

I'm very happy with my PS3 and Sony, despite my wonderful 80gb dying twice on me. My slim is doing fine and this gen got me playing genres I'd never touch before. Battlefield, Guitar Hero, Demon's Souls, Little Big Planet, Fallout. All games within genres I would of completely ignored before PS3. Not to mention all the money I've spent on PSN games.

Keep it up, Sony! Please? Very excited to get a Vita at some point next year. I'm thinking early summer. We'll see. Might not be able to resist it that long.

Last edited by Zemus101 on 12/23/2011 9:21:43 PM

Metal Head
Metal Head
12 years ago

I love PS3 so much, that I don't want the PS4 to launch already. The first year is the worst for any console, because developers aren't delivering games that justify purchasing a new console. PS3 has by far the best games this generation. The only reason why XBOX got ahead is because it was $100-$200 cheaper, and microsoft bribe developers to make games play better on the Xbox. LBP,HEAVY RAIN,HEAVENLY SWORD,UNCHARTED,METAL GEAR 4,inFamous, are possible only on PS3. I forgive PLASTATION 3 for the YLOD. PSN is awesome and best of all free. Two of my favorite genres die this generation (survival horror & RPG). I suffer the first year, but when METAL GEAR 4 and UNCHARTED were released it sure was worth the wait on what PS3 can do. PLAYSTATION FAN FOREVER !!!.

Last edited by Metal Head on 12/23/2011 9:57:03 PM

12 years ago

I have a friend who's always been on the Xbox side, even when it first came out and originally we use to laugh at the time when he said that he believed the 360 would kick butt. Recently talking with him, he actually has been considering getting a PS3 mainly because of what he pays for the subscription he doesn't get much out of it seeing as he's progressively playing games less due to his lack of free time with his job. Only thing is since nearly every other game is on both systems, 2-3 exclusive games (yes, PS3 has more quality exclusives, but out of them all a few sounded interesting to him) isn't enough to have him fork out to buy a PS3.

I think if we look back on this in the future, we could see how much of a roller coaster ride the PS3's reputation went through. From being the most anticipated and likely to storm the competition again, to being the most hated, outraged and mocked, then considered decent and frugal, then to unsafe, and now back to decent but known as the "other console". Probably name this generation the most opinionated since the Wii pretty much won and left the competition in the dust with PS3 and Xbox 360 neck and neck but the PS3 suffered through the most kicks whilst still pressing on.

Last edited by VampDeLeon on 12/23/2011 10:38:00 PM

12 years ago

Precisely why I can have nothing but respect for the PS3. WOnder if MS or Nintendo would survive what the PS3 went through…

The tactics that Microsoft used this gen are a clear giveaway that they are threatened by Sony's platform.

12 years ago

The PS3 doesn't get the respect it deserves as far as some developers go. As for everyone else, it's more positive then negative I'd say. This whole console war isn't as big as it used to be(if it was ever really a thing), and PS3's exclusives are opening alot of peoples eyes. Sort of a no contest when it comes to quality of exclusive games on what platform goes. Things have been looking up for the PS3 since the slim.

12 years ago

From my experience in NA I would say the system is GROTESQELY under aprreaciated here. There is no doubt the 360 is the prefered system for reasons that are tough and complex to break down. For some reason the 360 is the go to system which is a huge change since last gen. There is just a general belief out there that the 360 is a better machine for gaming. I've heard excuses from everything from the 360's controller is better, Live is superior, multiplats are better, nobody talks on PSN, no cross game chat, early DLC for the 360…the list goes on and on. What's sad about that is most of these people have probably never even touched a PS3. I can not express in words how much I think multiplat developers underperforming on the PS3 has hurt the PS3's reputation.

One thing I have definitely noticed is it is the younger crowd that tend to think all things associated with 360 are "cool". I visited my cousin at Indiana Univeresty and that place is just swarming with 360's. A few PS3's but not many. That is a dramatic change from last gen.

The console business is a global business and from that point of view Sony has an adavantage but it is no where near to what it used to be. Sony deserves a lot of credit for turning the PS3 around. They had a crisis on their hands at the start of this gen but they have managed to have some success in spite of that. It was a totally self inflicted crisis by the way that MS was able to take advantage of. They got lucky. I don't think that even in Microsoft's wildest dreams did they ever expect to be ahead of Sony for any significant length of time after the absolute smakdown they took last gen.

So I would describe the PS3's reputation as mixed. It's known for great looking exclusives and improved multiplats these days. However, I don't think there is nearly the same level of enthusiasm for the PS3 as there was for Sony's previous systems. Also I don't think the PS3 gets enough respect from gamers or developers. Multiplat developers have played a huge role in Sony's fate this gen. A lot them should be ashamed of themselves. They are guilty of not only inferior ports, but also guilty of bad mouthing the PS3 at the start of this gen. Oh well, mixed is huge improvement considering the way the PS3 started. I only wish Sony did not make things so hard on themselves. They had everything going for them leading into this gen. It's tough watching a company you care about falter. The most frusrating part is not being able to do a damn thing about it for the most part.

Anyways, it's not all bad. The humble pie Sony has been served this gen has made them a stronger company. They were really in a fight for their lives at the start of this gen it would appear that has forced a change in their culture for the better. The PS3 has rallied and had some success. The PS division is now profitable and they have a lot of great developers lined up. I think Sony has learned some painful lessons. I don't think they will make those same mistakes again. This has been one crazy generation. We have seen one console maker go from worst to first and another go from first to worst. That does give me some hope for next gen. Anything is possible.

Last edited by Excelsior1 on 12/23/2011 11:09:14 PM

12 years ago

Sony had their humble pie, when is it Microsoft's turn? 😉

Microsoft have been brash and overconfident to a fault this console generation. I wonder when their cup of coffee and slice of humble pie will be delivered?

12 years ago

MS will eat their humble pie as soon as they go into last place. 😉

12 years ago

This console generation is/was unique for the amount of media manipulation in the NA market, and the degree to which media focus and sentiment drove consumer decisions. It's almost like the iPhone effect. That weird thing that has iPhone owners apparently (at least according to Apple) unable to think for themselves and needing an app for everything ranging from deciding on a restaurant to eat at, to a gift to get for a friend. They seem to be pushing this concept that almost has the technology driving people rather than people driving the technology. I feel that over the last 6-7 years NA consumers in particular have been led around by the nose by Internet reviews and 'news' stories on blogger sites. My mother and father in law are great examples of this. They got their first PC about 3 years ago, and within a year were already falling for the traps of internet mind share and all the garbage that goes along with it. OK, they are not game buyers, but I over hear conversations nearly every day where some 18-25 year old gamer is spouting some internet fabrication or another about 360, Wii or PS3, and talking about it as being the gospel truth, when I know for certain that it's a completely false story.

When PS3 was launched there was a Tsunami of negative press and Internet chatter. Any positives were shouted down and drowned out. It took a couple of years for that to fade, and when the PSN attack happened this year it nearly happened again. I don't know the source of all of this, but I suspect that what it comes down to is the inherent personal bias of 1000's of NA based bloggers, 'reviewers' and tech 'journalists' who were predisposed to skepticism, and still are.

12 years ago

I alo believe many PS3 exclusives are under intense scrutiny (GT5, I am looking at you).

12 years ago

In the USA, it's under appreciated big time, so much in fact, the PS3 will always be in last place as far as sales go. I believe that in the 10-25 year old age group the 360 has everyone convinced that is superior. For example my sons (one in Jr High, one in High School) have told me that almost everyone they know games on the 360. Because of this Sony has an uphill battle in the United States.

12 years ago

I think it could be a war of attrition though. I need to watch game sales more closely in terms of comparative sales of multiplatform games in the NA market. I know that ratio of the number of games sold on 360 vs the number of games sold on PS3 is far lower that the ratio of 360s sold vs PS3s sold in NA. So despite the prevalence of the 360 hardware, it's not really reflected in software sales. It will be interesting to watch that over the next 12-18 months and see what happens in the NA market.

12 years ago

I see your point, but with the 360 selling about 900k in November in the USA, unless something drastically happens, the 360's lead won't change much.

12 years ago


I could not agree more on the younger crowd part. That's the same demographic Sony owned last gen, and I find that most discouraging. Sony needs better penetration in that demographic. I'm not talking about the younger family demographic either. I'm talking about the younger hardcore market that spends the bulk of their time on Live. They tend to buy a few games that all their school friends have and play them to death. I think the social aspect of Live has played a big part in MS's success in that age group. My best friend's son had his Live priviliges revoked and he ran away from home for 3 days!!!Guess where he went. To go find a 360 to play on. Sad, but true.

You are wrong on 360 sales in NOV. It's 1.7 million 360's in NOV 2011. 930,000 360's were sold on Black Friday alone. 901,000 PS3's total for NOV. source Eurogamer/Games Radar. It looks like you somehow confused Sony's numbers with Microsoft's or just saw their Black Friday numbers. Dont worry, I've messed up before myself. 🙂 It's confusing sometimes how they are reported and it's easy to mess up. That's why I always look at two different sources now. Sometimes even 3. They are best found on Eurogamer, CVG, or Games Radar.

Last edited by Excelsior1 on 12/23/2011 11:49:22 PM

12 years ago

I'd prefer Sony stick to catering to the more Mature crowd. I like feeling like Sony is taking care of my needs, not the 12 year old who has no life, and lives off their parents. Plus I don't have to be bothered when online. Although some of that exists anyways.

There's probably a happy medium somewhere, but Sony really knows ad understands their consumers. Thats the way they need to continue to do business. They will eventually get that large consumer base back. Not that they havnt already.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 12/24/2011 12:12:48 AM

12 years ago

and how many xbox consoles were from people buying 2-3 from the RROD..if you take out those people who bought multi consoles cuz theirs had failed. im sure ps3 had surpassed. also the xbox could gear to the young gamer who doesnt have responabilities and can afford to spend all their money. where the ps3 owners are looking for that higher quality. although sony has been dissapointing with the whole new TOS and taking away gamesharing on more than 2 consoles….bad sony

12 years ago

I would tend to agree about 12 yr olds, but even 12 yr olds grow up and would be future Sony fans. Let's face most of these 12 yr olds are probably playing COD or HALO which are MATURE games. I'm more concerned about Sony losing the high school and college crowd.
I just don't like Sony losing a demographic they once controlled. Sony used to have the "cool" systems and had control of both the younger and more mature gamers. Nintendo had a reputation for being the kiddie system, and Sony was able to take adavantage of that I think. I don't think Sony will ever stop taking care of mature gamers needs. I don't even think they have to change the types of games they make. They just need to work on their image with the younger demographic.

12 years ago

On the development side, I speculate these days we see an acceptance of each platform's identity. Every seasoned dev seems to have come to terms with the differences between platforms and the sort of strengths each platform holds. I can't say I remember the last statement I read that states the PS3 is "difficult" to program for. I think largely because it's no longer foreign hardware;instead, it's now familiar hardware. It's great playing a game like BF3 and to know it was designed to leverage the PS3's processors effectively, even for graphics. Even Assassin's Creed has come to the fore on PS3, so I read.
I also think Sony's strong lineup of first party software has made Sony a better content provider going forward. I really don't recall so many sluggers coming out of Sony's in-house teams from prior generations, definetly not as consistently as they nail them now. I think this year has at least one strong contender representing every major genre category for gamers these days.

12 years ago

BETESHESDA says hi. Hope you are enjoying your PS3 version of Skyrim we hid from reviewers. It compares quite favorably the 360 version. :/ Just don't play it for too long. It might break on you. Even after patch 1.3. 🙁

No matter how much seasoning BETHESDA gets I don't think these guys will ever nail it on the PS3. They also have something special for us to deal with whether it be Fallout3's game crippling framerate issues and freezes, or Skyrim's nasty long play issues.

Has anybody else thought their PS3 was going to explode while cranking along at 2-3 fps in Fallout3? Operation Broken Steel is flat out unplayable on the PS3. Shame on Bethesda. They are on my list of developer's who need to show PS3 owners more respect.

12 years ago

Couldn't have said it better myself Excelsior.

12 years ago

Yeah, Bethseda;s poo poo quality control is crummy and doesn't help my point.
btw, the problems aren't just limited to PS3. It just happens first on PS3. My bro, a hardcore RPG gamer, said the same sort of crap happened for him on his PC about 90 hours in. He also said that for as long as he could remember Bethseda always had bug related issues, even game breaking ones. If people had noticed, the 360 version also has issues when playing from an HDD installed file.

So while many multiplays fair well on PS3 these days, some even coming up better (Portal 2, AC: Rev., BF3 etc.,) many devs have come to grips with the PS3. Bethesda is a wierd anomally.

12 years ago

The PS3 is doing pretty well within the gaming community. It gets a ton of recognition for the most part. All the negative talk from the first year and a half is gone.

However, I agree with TheHighlander about there being some sort of manipulation by the media on how the PS3 is perceived by them and how they like to portray it to the masses.

I've noticed this sort of thing coming from the big retail chains, for instance.

You just have to look at the weekly circular ads from the big retailers to get an idea of the way they tend to push aside the PS3 in favor of the "dominant" console, the Xbox 360.

Like most people out there, I’ve been looking through the weekly ads from the top retail chains, trying to find presents for x-mas.

And its hard not to notice how Best Buy, Target, Sears, Wal-mart and even GameStop, consistently give top billing to the Xbox 360. And they do not give the same kind of exposure in their ads, to the PS3. They just don't. They treat the PS3 like they treated the freakin' Gamecube during the last generation. I'm not kidding.

Looking at the lastest weekly ad from Best Buy for instance, the 360 is on the cover. PS3 is like on the 3rd page and not even on the gaming section. WTH?

Similar thing on the GameStop weekly ad. 360 tales 99.9% of the cover and on the second page of circular, they have a crapload of games advertised there. Yet only 4 of them are depicted as actual PS3 games. The majority of them belong to the 360 and the Wii (yes, the Wii). They also advertise two console bundles. None of them involve the PS3. None.

This sort of thing bugs me. Because the PS3 should get more exposure in those type of adverts. I don’t know if MS and Nintendo actually buy any space in those weekly ads. It just doesn’t seem fair to me that they would treat the console in such a manner. As if it was irrelevant.

You might think I’m overreacting to this, but you can see this trend for yourselves. Pick up a weekly ad. And see the amount of space they give to the 360 compared to what they give to the PS3. I’ve noticed that some weekly ads don’t even include the PS3 at all. I mean what’s that about?

Sorry, but the headline from this news story reminded me of this issue. And had to vent a bit about it.

Last edited by Bonampak on 12/24/2011 12:24:38 AM

12 years ago

It's been that way this entire gen. These were the same ads and circulars the PS2 was featured in last gen. I don't know what that means. I just think they are reflecting the dominant system. There are WAY more 360's in NA. If I was a retailer in NA I would go after them first as well. Makes sense to me. No conspiracy there I don't think…it's just smart bussiness. MS spends more on advertising as well.

I have noticed the switch from Sony to MS even at my local video store. They have 1 shelf of PS3 games, and rows of 360 games. Sadly, those were the same rows that were filled with PS2 games last gen. All of Family Video's fliers are 360 intense. They even have a neon 360 logo in their window. Is that manipulation or is it reflecting the preferences of the customerrs?

I still think there is a small degree of negativity around Sony and especialy the PS3. I would say 90%(that's just a guess) of it is gone but there is still a whiff of it in NA. I still run into a PS3 sucks guy from time to time spouting crap straight out of 2006 to 2008. Mainly my damn coworkers. 🙁

12 years ago

I don't give a flying rat's a$$ on what anyone else might think, but in my humble castle, the PS3, along with the whole Playstation family is the "King of The Hill" as far as I'm concerned, & you can take that from somebody who as a serious gaming collector, also owns these too….

60GB PS3(converted to 750GB)
250 Slim Move bundle(converted to 1T)
10 PSP's (different models, colors, or bundles)
2 PSP Go's (A Black, & a white)
PS2 (Phat)
PS2 Slim White Sing-Song bundle)
PS1(portable, with screen)
OnLive (streaming mini-console w/ controller)
360 (320 COD MW2 bundle)
Wii (newer 2010 black, motionplus built in)
GameBoy Pocket
GameBoy Color (in 2 colors)
GameBoy Advance (in 3 colors)
GameBoy Advance SP
Sega GameGear
Panasonic F-Z10 3DO (the slim sleek 3DO model)
Jaguar 64 bit CD adapter
Intellivision 1
Intellivision 2
Zone60(60 retro games built in w/motion sensor)
Telestar Alpha (self contained, 4 games)

Along with 2,309 games in my collections(so far).

Plus I'll also have my previously paid-off WI-FI PS Vita in my hands this coming February too.

So enuff said!

Last edited by BikerSaint on 12/24/2011 12:58:39 AM

12 years ago

I don't see a Sega master system. I still have mine.

Last edited by THEVERDIN on 12/24/2011 1:00:02 AM

12 years ago

Nope, but the Genesis Master Drive is on my list to get, along with all these others, hopefully…

Atari 2600, 5200, 7200, Lynx
Sega Nomad
Turbo Grafix
GameBoy Micro
DS Lite, Dsi, DSi XL, 3DS

12 years ago

Well one thing Sony has to remember is that they have to watch the pricing of the PS4. When the PS3 came out a lot of people were turned off because of the price. I love my PS3 but I had to wait awhile to get it.

12 years ago

That was the bulk of the PS3's problems right there. It's price point. That, and the fact a $600 system could not run a multiplat game properly.

Last edited by Excelsior1 on 12/24/2011 1:22:52 AM

12 years ago

The multiplats issue is not the PS3's fault, that's on the developers. The fact that some developers didn't take the time to understand the system, even though Sony was helping out, speaks volumes of how lazy developers have been this generation In general. Relying on patches and releasing DLC on release dates. It's all greed, and laziness. But you can't blame any of that on the PS3.

The $600 price tag may have been a little high, but it was completely justified. Firsyt off it was the cheapest blu-ray player on the market, all while being one of the better blu-ray players. Next it was the only console with built in wi-fi, wireless blue tooth compatibilities, and so on…

But I do agree. The key to Sonys success next gen starts with the price of the PS4. They really do need to figure out what gamers and consumers really need in a system before releasing it then taking away features later. That was the problem and part of the reason why the PS3 was expensive. The memory card slots and 4 USB ports were nice features but obviously we didn't need them. Plus with the PSN and hd remakes obviously backwards compatibility isn't a serious need either.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 12/24/2011 1:52:26 AM

12 years ago


The PS3 can play ANY multi-plats just fine.

It's the "bad porting" developers that you should be aiming any blame for inferior multi-plat titles, not Sony, and certainly not the PS3.

(Edit: I see Bigrailer beat me too it, but never the less, we're both united on that point).

Last edited by BikerSaint on 12/24/2011 10:00:50 AM

12 years ago

I was referring to the start of the PS3's life cycle on the bad ports. Note the the sentence is in the past tense using the word WAS and mentioning the PS3 PAST price point. so err…yep inferior PS3 multiplats were most definitely around then. Gamers didn't give a crap as to why this happened.

12 years ago

Of course they were around but you said and I quote: "a $600 system could not run a multiplat game properly". Implying it's the PS3's fault somehow. When that's on the developers. No one is saying there wernt inferior multiplat games, but there's two problems with what you said. First of all the system ran those games fine; but they didn't perform up to a standard of another because the developers lack of execution, and second your basically blaming the PS3 for that and that's just ridiculous.

12 years ago


So I'm not beating the horse to death….
once again what Bigrailer replied back to you.

BTW, the biggest thing I'll never understand is that you say you love your PS3, but yet you've almost always got major negativity going towards both Sony & the PS3 in the vast majority of your posts.

It would just seems much more logical to me that someone who enjoys their console & their games, would actually enjoy them rather than bashing anything about them every chance they got.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 12/24/2011 9:47:41 PM

12 years ago

There is a big difference between bring critical and "bashing". One can still love a company and point out mistakes they make. I'm not going to lie…I do have a lot of bad feelings about the PS3's launch. Having a $600 system with games that looked worse was just a recipe for disaster. Gamers did not care whose fault it was. It just happened. I still don't think we have parity on multiplats…we probably never will.

12 years ago

doing quite well especially considering how it started.
no XMB in game support, no trophies, no in game music support, a massive OS footprint, a ugly cumbersome PSN store, not many features, not many games, piss poor ports.
come a long, long way in 5 years!
looking at the vita makes me wonder though.
the UI on that is night and day better then the ps3!
its nicer to look at, and it is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much easier to use!
just makes me wonder where the ps3 would be if it released at launch with the features it has now, with the UI the vita had.
and if the vita released a year or so after it, how much a better position it would be in!
id say not only would it be kicking the %$# out of the 360, but it would even be giving the wii a run for its money!
$ony have done a outstanding job turning a sinking ship into a success!

that said however i wish they would stop trying to take the ninty crowd!
playstation move heroes, ape escape, sorcery, 3 move titles which looked FREAKING AWESOME!
2 ended up sucking because they were catered for 8 year olds, 8 year olds dont have a ps3 they have a wii!
wish $ony would understand that!
and sorcery is looking to go down the same path.
showing it at E3 i was so excited for it, it looked freaking awesome!
but the revival trailer shown latley just proves $ony is trying to turn the move into a wii remote!
$ony, enough!
M$ have destroyed themselves trying to steal the market from ninty, dont make the same mistake!
you did not enter the market and fight off ninty by releasing kids games!
you became who you are, your still running making money, because you catered to the core audience!
so dont turn your back on them, otherwise you will end up at the Samaritans house!
$ony……… please, please dont turn into ninty!!!!!

12 years ago

Out of all 3 major competitors, I will confidently say that Sony has had the roughest battle. The thing is that they survived and that in my eyes shows that they have what it takes. Nintendo has reputation and more money to through around than Microsoft and Sony combined. Microsoft recklessly throws money around hoping that they will gain genuine reputation and Sony is solid. Sony were the new kids on the block in the Sega vs. Nintendo gen. They have done more than proven themselves when it comes to quality and improving the gaming industry as a whole.

I'm sure they are game developers that would agree.

12 years ago

absolutely they had by far the hardest launch so they really had to crawl their way back.
however that was their fault, they decided to go with fancy new architecture and a new disk medium which caused the development costs through the roof, and delayed it significantly.
thus making it so much harder for developers to make games for it, thus delaying exclusives, and third parties releasing either late or poor ports.
i really hope $ony has learnt their lesson with the ps3, and next gen they go the simple easy way out.
vita is a good start, but im not entirely convinced yet.

though if there going to survive next gen they need to stop being so stingy!
their stupid restrictions with the vita is really killing it!
go over to the EU PS blog and read the article put up today about the JP launch event.
every post there is of fans complaining you cant use multiple accounts and the cards and games and accessories are far too expensive!
$ony keeps doing this, and their chasing themselves out of the industry!

id be a shame to go to all that work turning the ps3 around, to the undo it with a few silly poor vita choices.

Last edited by ___________ on 12/24/2011 8:23:05 AM

12 years ago

This gaming gen as well as the history of the PS3 will definitely be remembered. In my life time I've never experienced a gaming generation like this one. I do think that it would be in Sony's benefit to be battle ready with the PS4 when Microsoft and Nintendo come out with their new consoles but also at the same time I wonder how SOny would do if they pinned the PS3 against the competitions next gen systems.

I've always wanted the PS3 to be pushed to its limits like the PS2 was but I constantly have this feeling in the back of my neck that it never will in this current gaming gen.

Last edited by shadowscorpio on 12/24/2011 3:29:20 AM

12 years ago

Microsoft are the evil ones this generation, they launched early without any care for gamers (as the console barely worked for the first 3 years of it's life), they forced Sony's hand, and spend the entire generation building a hate campaign against Sony, where brainwashed gamers were lead to believe Sony were evil, the PS3 had no games, Sony were banning trade-ins, PS3's split memory model was crap, Blu-Ray was slow, PS3 was a trojan for Blu-Ray and Sony didn't really care about gamers, PSN was inferior to Xbox Live because of party chat and so on.

It's been one long viral PS3 hate campaign by Microsoft, and of course they used the "support the underdog" hype.

The reality is, when you wipe away all the viral FUD, is that Microsoft rushed out their console, Sony took their time, and got it right, they made a system that was a true and worthy successor to the mighty PS2.

It's such a shame the PS3 will never achieve it's full potential, as Microsoft will try and shortcut this generation again to get ahead again.

Thanks Microsoft, you really are evil.

12 years ago

Clap l Clap | Clap …well said George, well said…



12 years ago


12 years ago

I support what George has said… I think the 36o has been an injustice to gaming in this generation, simply because Sony has managed to lift the bar so high so often compared to M$… Sony exclusives are proof of this….



Last edited by Qubex on 12/24/2011 7:53:23 AM

12 years ago

am i the only one who pictured doctor evil but with a devils beard and a monocle with president peanut in it while stroking a white kitty while reading that?

12 years ago


12 years ago

"AMEN" George!!!

12 years ago


12 years ago


12 years ago


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