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Ben’s Week In Review: December 11

Well, a bomb or two was dropped during the Spike TV Video Game Awards 2011. That was interesting.

Naughty Dog is doing it? Okay, I'm in

You know, I just realized: I've said in the past that during the first PlayStation generation, if a game had the Squaresoft label on the box, I bought it. No questions asked. And since that time, I haven't felt that way about any developer. Then along came Naughty Dog and the incomparable Uncharted franchise, and the new announcement of The Last Of Us . In the first ten seconds of watching that trailer, it dawned on me that I almost didn't care about the concept…Naughty Dog is doing it. All I need to know.

Personally, I'm hoping for a story-driven, character-oriented adventure that is a cross between action and survival/horror. I want to feel the stress of constant survival (the girl says it's a "routine" in the trailer), and I want to feel for the characters. Hell, I want Heavy Rain crossed with Uncharted crossed with Silent Hill . …oh be quiet, it's not impossible.

Well, if Platinum can't do it, nobody can

I only needed Bayonetta and Vanquish to convince me that Platinum Games is a top-tier developer. Now, even if they're only great at action extravaganzas, so what? Doesn't Metal Gear Solid: Rising qualify? I don't like the supposed new name – "Revengeance" isn't even a word – but Platinum can make this great. I know they can. I just wonder how Hideo Kojima feels about all this…isn't this the first MGS developed outside Konami? How big of a role does Kojima even have?

I also wonder if he's putting the entire project behind him and focusing on his current projects, like Zone of the Enders 3 (yes, please!) and that mysterious "Project Ogre" game. Oh, and MGS5. Let's not forget that one. I just wonder if Rising or Revengeance (or whatever) will actually appeal to MGS fans. I mean, Raiden is the main character so that's something, but this is hardly vintage MGS gameplay…

Personal gaming update

Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception is done and it was incredible, although I felt the ending could've been a tad more forceful and emotional. I talk more about this in the new PSXE Show, which should be finished this week. I also gave Catherine another stab and – forgive me – started a new game of Final Fantasy VII . I just want a break from the slew of Oct/Nov reviews, and I'm waiting until Christmas before I start into a few of the games I want to play and finish, like Assassin's Creed: Revelations .

Also, you can blame Jo Garcia for the FFVII thing. She dubbed herself a " Final Fantasy girl" in the first minute of our conversation, and I knew right then and there we could talk about FF all night. I think if I hadn't switched gears at some point, we might've…and so, here I am, playing FFVII again. 'sigh' Well, whatever. Maybe I'll use Tifa this time. 🙂

P.S. Upcoming interviews that are possible but not cemented in stone: Nolan North and Ali Hillis.

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Gamer Girl Gemo
Gamer Girl Gemo
12 years ago

Oh, please tell me we'll get a chance to post questions that you might ask Nolan North. I have a humongous list for Nolan! Being that he's such an inspiration, I would adore that chance. You gotta make it happen, Ben! I will personally send you a Christmas present if you make that possible 😀

Hell, I might just do it anyway cause you're super awesome 😉

PGU: I've been putting so many hours into Skyrim. It's such an addicting game, despite the persisting lag. I've also been trying to have my complete fill of UC3. Having beaten it just about 7 times or so now, I'll be starting up the road to that Platinum. Skyrim will be next, as daunting as a task that is.
With 2011 winding down, I can definitely say that this year has been the biggest for gaming yet. It's gonna be hard to top this year, and even harder to get these great games of 2011 out of my PS3. Then again, I really don't want to.

Last edited by Gamer Girl Gemo on 12/10/2011 10:09:55 PM

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
12 years ago

Skyrim isnt hard to plat. Just takes time. I wish i had UC3, ill get it when its 40$ with all dlc 🙂

12 years ago

Shame on you! Supporting Bethesda over ND. =P

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

I can probably take a few questions, but this hast to be set first. 🙂

12 years ago

I would love an interview with Nolan North. I love Uncharted, and Nolan. He and the games are amazing. I found out recently he's done voices for a lot of other games too. Sweet!

PGU: Going to try Platinum on all 3 UC games. Maybe finally finish MGS 4. I know, I know. I'm ashamed. Also need to play the Batman games. So far behind. Getting close to Christmas, so maybe I'll buy myself some other games I've been wanting to get to. Batman: Arkham Asylum, and Arkham City. Maybe even some Bioshock. Who knows? Merry Christmas all! And Happy New Year!

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
12 years ago


Who me? Supporting bethesda over ND? Well, mind you, I am ashamed!

But I hear theres a lot of DLC so in the long run, it's a lot cheaper to just wait. I'll buy it new.

12 years ago

go to walmart, they still have batman arham asylum/city bundle for about 49 bucks. at least thats what i saw yesterday.

12 years ago

@ johnld. Thanks, I'll have to check it out.

12 years ago

The Last of Us looks awesome. The trailer has already sold me. I'm not normally into the terror type of games. But I think that's more being turned off by the Macabre horror content(Dead Space/RE/SilentHill), and not so much the survival thriller type(Half Life, Resistence) Plus, it's ND. That doesn't hurt. I'd like to see some game play but I don't have any doubts it'll play just as well as it looks.

The shocker for me was Reveangeance. I was already interested in MGS: Rising because it was… MGS. But to take MGS and place the universe in the hands of Platinum Games? awesome. awesome. I can count on Platinum Games delivering my action ninja fix if Team Ninja lets me down. The game has my name written all over it. Plus, it doesn't look like it's attempting to be all "westernized". It has a distinct MGS/eastern -anime'ish over the top vibe I'm feeling from it.

PGU: Finished up Batman (the first one). Spent some more time with Rage. I like it more as a game by way of it's design(I liked it to begin with, just more now), but now I think I think a little less of the visuals now having played a handful of fully indoor missions that don't look nearly as pretty as being outside.

All in all. gaming is euphorically amazing these days. Couldn't be happier with all of the amazing stuff to choose from.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
12 years ago

Personally, i think that whn the master gave the project to platinum games, it was a sign that The master will stay exclusive to ps3. The game didnt look fluid, it looked weird. The cost of multiplat!

12 years ago

The new ND game looks awesome. People on other sights are already bashing it as "just another zombie game" yet they fail to recognize that what ever the people are infected with, it's NOT a Zombie virus. It has something to do with a fungus per that BBC Cordyceps ant video they had posted on the site days before the games reveal.

As fun as Vanquish was, I'm not totally convinced they can do a game titled Metal Gear justice. As I said in the other thread, it looks pretty blagh to me.

PGU: Started a new playthrough for Skyward Sword on Hero Mode. Enemies are harder, they do more damage and there is less health lying around. The second time through is just as fun as the first. What I love about Zelda games is they're usually so deep that by the time I', finished playing it once, I forget a lot of the puzzles(not completely) and where items are so it's almost like playing it for the first time. Miss that about games this gen. Most I play through once, and even the super fun ones, like God of War and Uncharted, when I play them again I breeze through them because the puzzles and challenges we either easy or or easy to remember.

Fox hounder
Fox hounder
12 years ago

Rising looks interesting. Honestly i'm not upset about the lack of stealth, if i want stealth then i can just play 1-4, PO, or PW.

I'm not too excited about the direction of the story though, apparently Rising takes place after MGS4 instead of in between MGS2 & MGS4 like originally planed.

Last edited by Fox hounder on 12/10/2011 10:53:45 PM

12 years ago

How can it take place after MGS4 when Raiden was repaired to appear human at the end? At the end of MGS4 he looked normal. In Rising he looks more like he did in the middle of MGS4 before he was torn apart near the end.

Plus I am pretty sure I read this actually takes place before the events of MGS4. I'll try and find the link….

Found it:

"like originally planed."

Maybe they did change it but I haven't read or heard anything to that affect. Plus with him looking the way he does it would make more sense if it took place before.

Last edited by Jawknee on 12/10/2011 11:03:42 PM

Fox hounder
Fox hounder
12 years ago

Here is the official site, the story info is there

For more info checkout the KP report, sean eyestone has a interview with the producer of Rising.

12 years ago

Oooh, thank you good sir! 🙂

Fox hounder
Fox hounder
12 years ago

Your welcome 😉

Last edited by Fox hounder on 12/10/2011 11:41:19 PM

Fox hounder
Fox hounder
12 years ago

For anyone that hasn't seen the trailer yet here is a link to it:

12 years ago

I'm really pumped for ND's new project, but I really hope this isn't the end of Uncharted either…anyone know if ND has said anything?

Gamer Girl Gemo
Gamer Girl Gemo
12 years ago

ND once said they weren't done with Drake yet, soo… I wouldn't expect ND to end their days with Uncharted any time soon 🙂

12 years ago

Dude, Platinum games can handle action, but every thing else sucks balls from characters to voices to story to art to variety. They said it would still be stealthy with a story focus. What a joke.

Getting Uncharted 3 for xmas, for now I bought Saint's Row The Third at a good price and was blown away right away. It's a huge step up from SR2 and absolutely puts GTAIV to shame.

How can you not use Tifa in every single battle? I don't understand how anyone couldn't.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 12/10/2011 11:41:00 PM

12 years ago

Yea I always used Tifa too. My most used team was Cloud, Tifa and Aeris then when Aeris died it was Cloud, Tifa and Barret and I would swap Barret out for Yuffie or Cid. Of course there was never a playthrough were I didn't grind like hell to max every single character out. Even Aeris before she would die. Well her Limit Breaks and Ultimate Weapon anyway. Not so much her Level.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

If the game is just action-based, we don't really need anything else, now do we? If they want to maintain some semblance of MGS, they have to pay attention to the story and characters, but this game doesn't look too deep.

And if you check the base stats of the characters, Tifa isn't very good with Materia and I really hate it when any important aspect of a character's abilities is based on luck. Even though you can control it to some extent, Tifa's Final Heaven Limit Break leaves a little too much to chance.

Give me Cid's Highwind any day of the week, and Red XIII is the most capable Materia user in the game next to Aeris. I usually go with Cid and Red XIII, although I've experimented with all of them. If you go by stats, Red XIII is actually by far the best all-around character next to Cloud, and I always thought it should've been Tifa.

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 12/10/2011 11:54:27 PM

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
12 years ago

World, a heads up. The bloke that voiced Raiden in MGS4 is back for Rising, so there's hope for the entire cast, but more than that, if you follow the link by Fox hounder provided above, you'll find that the Lead Writer, Cutscene Director and 3DCG Advisor are all from KojiPro, while the programming is being handled by Platinum. Also, the visual direction is being overseen by KojiPro, but the artwork itself is being handled by Platinum members. Could yet be good.

12 years ago

I just meant I like to keep her nearby, a woman in that outfit shouldn't be left to her own devices 🙂

12 years ago

Cheers for The Third! 🙂

12 years ago

Red XIII and Aeris all the time, with a mix of the others.

12 years ago

RedXIII has the most MP next to Aeris, and is definitely the best all-around next to Cloud (although, Clouds magic isn't very great, tbh. But he has excellent vitality and strength as well as spirit which makes him a beast in the front row)

But next to Aeris, Tifa actually has the most Intelligence (or magic power). If you shove her in the back row, and riddle her with magic to boost MP and magic attack, she's got some powerful magic.

Still… I agree that her character set up could have been better.

Barret is an excellent choice for tank. Most vit and most HP. Plus with backrow weapons, not giving him any magic materia and making sure he has a fully leveled Cover and Counter materia or two, you've got one "helluva" tank. (See what I did there?!?)

Cid has the strongest base attack of anyone. Including Cloud.

Added note on Tifa's limit: Back when I FFVII first came out, and I was still a lil' young'un, I used to be able to hit YEAH! on every single scroller every single time.

Now when I go back to it, I've got no shot… makes me a little sad. I don't know what it was about being a kid that made it so easy to hit it every time…

Last edited by Underdog15 on 12/12/2011 9:53:31 AM

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
12 years ago

The Last Of Us looks well good, and if Naughty Dog can pull it off… amazing.

Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. Definitely a stupid name, but I'm not willing to write it off just yet. I just wonder where it fits in with the MG canon and what KojiPro is doing, considering this has been shipped off to Platinum.

Halfway through A Tale of Two Cities.
Finished off the main quest line of Skyrim this morning, and I'm feeling quite good now, after Thursday and Friday had me just about ready to plug myself :/
Ah, the difference that a weekend of relaxation can make 🙂

P.S. The Nolan North interview, hell to the YES! The Ali Hillis interview, go for it!

12 years ago

1: I didn't like Bayonetta or Vanquish… Sorry 😛
2: Of course you finish interviewing a hot pornstar gamer and you wanna use Tifa 😉
3: Didn't we talk about this? LEGEND OF DRAGOON! Honestly Ben… 😛

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

Forgot about LoD. Had FF on the brain. 🙂

12 years ago

You all know I didn't get heavy into MGS past the first game, but I certainly know what it's all about. Revengeance DOES look like a neat action title, I prefer neat action games to not take the names of established big games that were based on better gameplay is all. I'd be willing to check it out for a low price just to cut people to ribbons, I'll say that.

12 years ago

Looking forward to reading North's and Hillis's interviews. Psyched and confident in ND's new project. PGU: Playing Rage on the ps3, and Crysis on PC.

12 years ago

Coincidently, the very next day I chatted with you about wishing I could get Crysis 2 for $10, Amazon had it for $10. Yeah, life can be cool like that. Or maybe you call the shots at Amazon 😉

12 years ago

Dang, that's even a better deal (because I had to drive 30 mins to the Kmart that carried it). Yes, Amazon rocks. I got Metro 2033 for pc for 12 bucks (when it was selling for 29.99 at bestbuy on black friday weekend), Darksiders for 5 bucks, and Bioshock for 8 bucks (brand new).

I'm played Rage last night all night, and yes I'm thoroughly enjoying it (more so than Fallout 3) And yes, it's weird that the indoor areas don't look as good as the outside ones like the wasteland. It's usually the other way around (since in a typical game design you have fewer assets and textures to render in a corridor than you'd have in a open area of a similar or more complex environment). I played through the hospital level where you get the defibrillator upgrade (which opens like a stage in Resistance 2 and ends up like Deadspace). It is a mixture of both open areas and corridor based ones, and though it uses even lower res textures than wasteland uses, since it is so fast paced, you can play the level without textures ever loading in fully. And though it won't be snatching any graphics awards from ND or GG because of this, it doesn't get in the way of my enjoyment.

Though developed by Id, being a Bethesda production, it makes no secret of it's similarity to Fallout (there's a even a Vault-boy bobblehead to be found on Wellspring's Mayor's desk), but what is a surprise is how many games Rage pays homage to.

12 years ago

Yeah, I've had to remind myself of all of these game deals I find that I still have to actually play these games. I've amassed a small library of titles. I'm conciously keeping myself off of the Steam and Amazon digital stores etc. until I make more of crack into these games I own.

I'm glad you're liking Rage. It's good stuff indeed. And year, those bunker missions with the RC cars really demonstrate the achilles heel of their engine's design.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 12/12/2011 9:42:03 AM

12 years ago

Btw, the Amazon purchases I made were all hardcopy. I prefer it that way, so that when I get better computer in the future, I can be sure to try out my older library again with better settings.

12 years ago

on naughty dog and last of us, i feel the same ben. i'm not interested at all in survival type games or apocalypse/end of the world type games. passed on fallout games and rage. i havent even saw the trailer of last of us but ive already decided that its a first day buy for me. squaresoft will be forever with me, square enix is dead to me. watched the final fantasy qore part and its just full of crap. they said "the fans" loved final fantasy gameplay and the game itself. also somthing about final fantasy XIII being a game that "the fans" must have.

as for platinum and metal gear rising, i think that was probably konami's call. that or it wasnt up to kojima's standards. I dont think kojima production is familiar enough with the genre and implementation of gameplay mechanics which caused delays to game development. my money is konami decided that the development team at kojima production without kojima himself was inexperienced, genre wise, and decided it was more cost effective to let someone who has more experience with games like that. i feel bad for the guy who was implied as kojima's successor, dont even remember his name. if shinji mikami is working on it, it could turn out to be a good game. however like what square enix did, it would only be metal gear in name only.

still playing battlefield 3, i cant get enough of the game. just got the trophy where i had to kill 1 person with a jet, tank, and assault rifle with one life. working on the other ones, just cant stand that i have that platinum trophy right next to a bar that says 90%.

also started playing resistance 3, i think im somewhere in the middle of the story. i thought capelli had a bigger body build from resistance 2 but i guess i was mistaken. i love that the weapon wheel is back. i'm playing a scifi game so i dont mind being able to carry a bunch of different weapons instead of just 2. but right now i'm doing the mission with all the sniper chimeras and i didnt plan well. i kinda used all my ammo against the last part, hahaha.

i'm also playing skyward sword on and off. i'm on the the search for the second flame. i also got most of my items upgraded too. theres still a lot more game to play on this zelda game.

by the way, saw the VGA winners and i know i shouldnt be surprised that it was all crap. VGA is nothing but a publicity stunt. in my opinion uncharted 3 and skyward sword had a lot more deserving of game of the year than skyrim. bethesda winning studio of the year? to me, releasing a broken game, on ps3 at least, doesnt deserve it. best studio has to be the one who actually made a game as close to perfect, techwise. i'm not saying naughty dog should win, you really cant compare multiplatform and exclusive development but uncharted 3 was a flawless game techwise and their online support post launch is great too.

ohh, and the funniest damn part. the best 360 game was batman arkham city. so the best 360 game out of every game out for the 360 is a multiplatform game. kinda wondering why gears 3 didnt win it.

12 years ago

I don't think Shinji Mikami works for Platunum anymore. I think he went on to start his own studio.

12 years ago

the last of us looks really cool, ive always been wondering why there has not been a game based on that concept, but now we finally have one!
i just wish another studio was working on it, i kinda wish QD actually were working on this, that would be the match made in heaven!
QD are fantastic storytellers, and they made the best most believable relateable characters ever in a video game!
exactly what this needs!
ND though, well, there as famous for amazing deep storylines, and complex relatable characters, as ferrari is for top notch toilet paper!
oh well, only time will tell.
i just hope this does not turn into i am alive, ie a fantastic idea that has never been done before, then being a massive disappointment.
got so much potential, but whether it reaches it or not…….

as for MGSR and PG, well just one question.
whats with publishers these days and putting developers on a series which is famous for one thing and using developers who are not known for that?
ND for example, the last of us requires a story driven experience, with in depth believeable characters.
ND has never been known for that!
QD would of been a far better choice!
or DMC, you take a series which is famous for its amazingly complex combat system, and put a developer who has made the most simplistic, repetitive, basic combat systems on it.
its like taking ferrari and putting them on a small cheap hatchback, and grabbing suzuki and having them make the worlds fastest most reliable car!
can only end in one way, with lots of people in tears!
oh and a company or 2 going bankrupt…….
hey, maybe thats why so many studios are getting closed down this gen?
just a hunch……….

still trying to finish skyward sword, 70 hours in and ive still got 1 flame to find.
god i have not played a game THIS long in, well, ever!
not that thats a bad thing, its just starting to drag a little, like the developers ran out of ideas.
the protect the stupid robot missions are seriously annoying!

12 years ago

Nothing against Ferrari's, but I think you might have a serious fixation on them, LOL

12 years ago

whos a petrol head and does not?
id say ducatti, but last person i saw on a bike had a idiot turn in front of him, he swerved and went flying over the handle bars slamming his leg into a telegraph pole breaking it in 6 places!
if love to get a bike one day, but ive seen so much it totally puts me off it!
oh, not to mention my whole family would take turns killing then reviving then killing and reviving me if they even got a whiff of it!
so, yea i have a fixation on ferraris.

12 years ago

This weekend I am free from both dog and lady, so it's gamer weekend! Yippeee!
And this weekend I planned on only playing PS3 games released prior to this autumns insane flood'o'quality. It started good:

MASS EFFECT 2: Started a new playthrough and were immediately reminded of its greatness. It is such an incredible, incredible game. The characters in this game are works of art, every single one of them. "Love" is too weak a word to describe my feelings towards that game.

FALLOUT NEW VEGAS: Has this game always looked this bad? After Skyrim the older Bethesda RPGs will never be the same… I kept going for a while, but man, this looks *so* last year now. And I'm not even a graphics ho'.

CRYSIS 2: I turned to my personal FPS Of The Year for some multiplayer action, and damn how good it is. I've always wanted to get mw3 but I've now decided Crysis 2 mp is equally good in a similar fashion to the cod games so I'll skip mw3 completely and keep Crysis 2 along with bf3 as my mp games.

… But that's how far I got before I had to return to this autumns titles.

RESISTANCE 3: Filled with enthusiasm from the C2 multiplayer experience I then pulled out R3 to check out the mp in that game too. Oh boy…

… The sound of crickets. Either some servers were down now, or the game is completely abandoned. There was not a single person playing R3 multiplayer. I waited and waited, one name popped up on my list for a brief moment, but then… Silence again. So sad.

SAINTS ROW 3: My coop buddy and I have discovered that the side missions/mini games are more fun this time than in SR2, making the difference between the main missions and side missions much smaller and *that* was a pleasant surprise. The main story was disappointing this time (at least so far, half way through) but that doesn't matter as much now that we know the mini games are that much better.

RAGE: I got out of the TV Show level but now I am disappointed about all the driving stuff. That's not what I want to do in this game? Annoying. Still looks crazy good though. 🙂

… And I still got a full Sunday ahead! SR3 if my coop buddy is available, Skyrim if not. Happy gaming folks! 🙂

Last edited by Beamboom on 12/11/2011 4:56:39 AM

12 years ago

Ha, I just completed Final Fantasy VIII & I have IX starring at me from the shelf daily. When you get around to completing Catherine, let me know your thoughts if not in a article, on the forum. I look forward to the next PSXE Show Vid 🙂

I got Sonic Gens cheap this week and It's quite enjoyable, but in all honesty I do prefer the 3D Sonic levels, I even liked them in Unleashed but of course there was another side to that game, one I dont ever have to experience again.

I also recently got a black labeled version of Tekken 3, my version was scratched to bits, So I have been playing Survival Mode on that again on and off, It's still my favourite Tekken. Other than that I am still on SotC(HD), Which I am also enjoying.

12 years ago

Anything ND makes, I want.

As for MS:RR, not too sure what to think about it now that everything's been changed-up with it. Looks like it might be OK as a new game, but not so sure as a MG or MGS title.
But with KP producing it & having their name on it, I'm sure they'll be overseeing it & guiding it rightly.
I'll just have to see & hear more from it before I make a final decision on it though.

A solid "Yes" to the Ali Hillis interview, & also to any future Nolan interview too.

I stepped away from R6:Vegas to sample the 2 newest games I bought, Operation Flashpoint:Red River & Rage.

And ever since, I've just got one thing to say….

….I've now been totally consumed by Rage!

Last edited by BikerSaint on 12/11/2011 9:45:44 AM

12 years ago

Before i knew naughty dog was involved in The last of us i wasn't really interested but know i'll probably buy it when it comes out because i love naughty dog and i liked the trailer .

PGU: I finally finished dead space 2 and know i'll go back to putting more hours into Skyrim working for the platinum trophy it's got some problems but it sure is addicting.

Last edited by burnedknight on 12/11/2011 10:32:38 AM

12 years ago

Once again, the video game awards were blah, blah, blah. What? The last of us was the ONLY ps3 exclusive? Everyone knew it was a ps3 exclusive, maybe not by naughty dog though.

The last of us was a ps3 exclusive 1st person shooter? Who saw that coming? All they talked about was mainly games that was already out, highlighting 1st and 3rd person shooters mostly as usual, and have hot attractive chicks participate in corny skits.

Can't wait to see the same bullcrap, but with a different host next year.

12 years ago

"Heavy Rain crossed with Uncharted crossed with Silent Hill" (Cue tears welling up with excitement).
…oh, please let something like this exist someday.

12 years ago

Still blows my mind that Bethesda won Studio of the Year at the VGA's. Bethesda? You mean the same company that released a buggy game, and has since patched the game to buggery, where (particularly on the PC version) certain things don't work anymore? Right.

Guess I shouldn't be surprised, this is the VGA's after all.

PGU: Completed Uncharted 3 and wow… I've heard that a lot of people preferred 2, but IMO 3 in hands down the best of the bunch, and the ending is incredible. Great at tying everything together as well.

Now to get back to completing endurance races on GT5…

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x