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Ben’s Week In Review: December 4

Things have finally eased up. I'm in my new place, the review craziness is over…time to revel a bit in the holidays. 🙂

Let's not forget: Ninja Theory ain't bad

Being a big Devil May Cry fan, I was just as annoyed as anyone when I saw the new heroin-addict Dante design. But you know, there are two things we have to take into account: firstly, Ninja Theory is a damn fine developer in my eyes; both Heavenly Sword and Enslaved: Odyssey to the West were great. Secondly, the new gameplay floating around out there is impressive. I'm still not sure we see all the depth we saw in past DMC entries, but I do believe the designers have captured the look, flow and feel of combat. And that's critical.

Another video highlighting new gameplay footage dropped, and while I still say it isn't much of an RPG, I'm sure Final Fantasy XIII-2 will work out fine. I'm one of the few people who thought FFX-2 was a great game, so I don't necessarily have anything against sequels.

Itagaki is never worried about anything

Tomonobu Itagaki has expressed anger, but I've never seen him act concerned. It just isn't his style. And while I think there's plenty to be worried about in regards to the current Western domination of gaming, you just had to love this guy's classic reaction . I can just picture him doing it, too. In that interview, he seemed his typical laid-back, cocky self. He basically says, "yeah, we're working with Westerners now (his allying with THQ) but so what?" Provided they just respect the differences between Japanese and Western and they work hard, who cares?

I'm just wondering if he wasn't overcompensating a little when he gave that cool, sunglasses-off, "no, I'm not worried" reply. I mean, you might want to be a touch concerned, although I imagine the world's love of shooters might help him with his new project, Devil's Third . It's in third-person, yes, but there are still plenty of guns. 😉

Personal gaming update

I'm nearing the end of Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception , which is depressing 'cuz the game rules the school. When I finish, I can go back to Catherine (no, I haven't finished it yet, damnit) or The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim . By the way, the reason I wrote that article is because I find it embarrassing. Many years of reviewing games, hundreds of reviews, and never have I encountered such a troublesome situation. You feel like Bethesda cheated you, the critic, but at the same time, you recognize the inherent genius of the game. It's tough.

We should have the next episode of the PSXE Show done this week, so look out for that, and I think I'll try to get a review done for the Metal Gear Solid HD Collection . It'll be super late but people keep asking for it. Also-

Interview Alert

You'll probably remember our article concerning gamer and model Jo Garcia , which got quite the response. Jo responded on Twitter within minutes of the article going live. Well, we figured we should give her a chance to talk more about the subject we started, so we'll be chatting with her on Tuesday.

As usual, we get you guys involved with most interviews, so feel free to post up suggested questions in the comments below. Not sure how many I'll take, so don't be disappointed if I don't use your question. 🙂 Obviously, any inappropriate questions won't be considered.

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12 years ago

Sony's latin america campaign for PS3/Xperia play is BIZARRE. Check this video, is phenomenal!

Nas Is Like
Nas Is Like
12 years ago

That's some weird ish right there.

12 years ago

I kind of get it, like let your inner self out to play

12 years ago

Reminds me of what was it called?…. oh yes, Total Recall!

"Open your MIND…!"

12 years ago

Quaaaaaid….. press the Start button to continue, Quaaaaaaid……

12 years ago

The new DMC is a pass for me.
After the burned feeling of FFXIII I will also pass on XIII-2.

PGU: Assassins Creed Revelations is one fine game. I love the multiplayer. Very different.

12 years ago

I also have loved both Heavenly Sword and Enslaved so I think DMC should turn out well although I'm not a fan of the series so I don't really have an opinion that matters.

I think you should try to interview Ali Hillis next. She seems like a super awesome chick who seems to know a great deal about our medium.

Also, Ben I realized that your Skyrim review is not on metacritic. Did you have taken down or is it just not up yet?

PGU: It's been 90% Skyrim and Battlefield the other 10%. I got ACR in the mail today though so I may take a break from Skyrim and play that.

P.S. The new exclusive is apparently called The Last Of Us.

Last edited by PasteNuggs on 12/3/2011 10:02:35 PM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

Don't know. I don't really follow that. I know it's on GameRankings.

12 years ago

i thought "the last of us" was just a tag line for the game. i dont think anything significant about the game was revealed just yet.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
12 years ago

Watched the trailer for it. Looks rather apocalypse-y, but also very in-line with the more intelligent approach that Sony has been taking towards their first party games. Trailer makes me think that it could be open world (Santa Monica were advertising for someone with open-world experience a while back). But I did get a sort of Heavy Rain-ish vibe from it too. Could Ben have been on the nail with it being QD's next?

Either way, definitely interested in it now.

12 years ago

I have just one question for Jo if you don't feel it inappropriate of course, and I'll promise to respect you whether you ask her or not.

My question is:

How did she feel when you made that article and if it's a stereotype that she comes up against on a regular basis as a reviewer for that particular publication she writes for?

People already have a certain view of that mag, and it never relates to computer games, so do people take her as serious as she does when it comes to gaming? Where does she stand on the subject?

12 years ago

nice been waiting on that MGS HD review look forward to reading that.
PGU UC3 MP is owning me right now especially co/op. think i'll get back to MGS HD this week and start part 3.

12 years ago

I like Ninja Theory, Enslaved was an enjoyable game. But Reboots are just so immoral to me, the idea of taking a wel established fanchise and chucking it in the garbage to begin again is sinful to me. So it owuld have to really impress me to redeem itslef which this DMC just is not doing at the moment, unlike the new Tomb Raider for instance, TR has accepted defeat from Uncharted and has decided to go a new route, this to me is very exciting and I look forward to it.

PGU: I recently bought the Ico & Shadow of the Coloussus collection. I have only just completed Ico, but my oh my what a game! The scale is just immense, I can't believe they managed this over 10 years ago in the early ages of th PS2. The HD remake really does the title justice, bring the architecture to life, visually it can easily compete with any PS3 title up to Uncharted 1. I am now trying to get the trophies, the 2 hour playthrough is dirving me made, but I look forward to properly seeing the changs in the second playthrough afterwards. Then I'll finally move onto SotC, which I only can expect good things.

12 years ago

The 2 hour playthrough is hard. You need to skip most fights which means you need to leave the princess alone and book it. It can be frustrating when she doesn't move like you want her to move if you want her to grab your hand. You do have some leeway, so don't feel too bad aboud frequently saving, as long as it's not too far out of the way.

They are both awesome games, but SotC is so epic. Tell me what you think after playing it.

12 years ago

Pgu: skyrim, skyrim, skyrim. This is an amazing game, I havnt experienced the problems yetn but I'm sure the new patch will be out before I do.

As for my question to jo ;

Id like to know what was the first game she ever played was, or atleastthe first game she played that she can recall was, and how it impacted her gaming lifestyle, and if she didn't play ikt if she thinks she would still be a gamer.

Also, if she could only pick 1 game to play for the rest of time, what would it be?

12 years ago

The main way I would say Bethesda tried to cheat is by refusing to send out the PS3 version for review. That's my biggest gripe on the whole thing. It does not look good. It's an attempt to shape review scores in their favor by only sending out the less buggy and more stable 360 version. INEXCUSABLE that the PS3 version shipped with a potentially game breaking bug.

I LOVE Betehesda's games from a design stand point but I am not so impressed with their technical prowess on the PS3. They can't seem to release a game on the PS3 that does not have some kind of an issue. I can live with bugs but when a game starts to break down on you that when I start to have a problem. Some of the worst framerates I have seen this gen have come from their games. Fall out 3 to this very day can chug along at 5fps and just freeze up without any warning. No other game has made me reset my PS3 more. This is not the PS3's fualt. It is a Bethesda issue. I sincerely hope that I don't have to watch framrates like these on Sony's machine next gen.


I am playing Skyrim. It flat out is the best rpg I have played this generation.The scope and scale of the game is pretty amazing. I have close to 68 hrs total put into the game and I am still discovering new things. Even the sidequests are deep and well thought out. It's very addicting and a lot of fun. The amount of playtime you can get out of Skyrim puts other games to shame.

I would strongly advise potential players to turn auotsave off. That has seemed to help on my second play through. Another thing I have noticed is the game runs better when you do not have a companion/follower with you. That is just an observation.

Last edited by Excelsior1 on 12/3/2011 10:52:48 PM

12 years ago

all this talk about skyrim makes me want to try it. but then again, all these ps3 problems keeps me away. that and the fact that i dont like western rpgs. the closest i got is mass effect 2 and right now i couldnt care less about beating it or even playing again. didnt really catch me. maybe its because of the freedom, i always get distracted and then put off on the game. i feel the same way about gta games. i'd rather have a linear experience with amazing story telling. thats how i see the difference between western and japanese rpgs and prefer jrpgs. jrpgs may have exploration but the story is there. most western rpgs sacrifice story telling for freedom.

its not like i havent tried western rpgs. i played oblivion on 360. most of the time i just find myself heading somewhere while thinking "why am i going here for anyway?". i dont think i see myself putting hours into a game into infinite sidequests either. i'll probably just follow the story, play a few sidequests, beat it and never touch it again. at least thats how i felt playing oblivion. i got bored of it and never played it after a while.

12 years ago


It's weird you don't like ME2, or rather I should say putting many hours into it. It's very linear for an RPG, which is why I say it's a TPS with some RPG elements. The only thing in depth about ME is the conversating, otherwise most of the missions have one way in and one way out, but through conversation you can change the dialogue. Point is, compared to Skyrim, or Fallout 3 it's very, very linear. So I'd assume that Skyrim wouldn't be a good game for you. The issues with the game, should not make that decision for you though, the game is well worth it!

12 years ago

I've been enjoying Crysis 2 on my lappy, and wow, is it delicious.

I feel I have to tear myself away from it to get to my backlogged games (LA Noire, Ico, Rage, Socom 4, Fallout 3, LBP, GT5, Majin), and even worse, I ordered a bunch of pc games on the cheap on top of this (Crysis: Maximum edition, Metro 2033, Bioshock, and Darksiders). So, I guess I'm getting the helpless, swamped feeling that you, Ben, and other reviews must get all the time, though I'm no reviewer.

What I'm surprised at, is that even with full effects, high-res textures, and 60fps, while Crysis 2 is one of the best looking games I've played, it still doesn't match the immersion to be found in Uncharted 3, KZ3, or Resistance 3. This shows me how important basic things are like level design, character design, enemy design, and art direction. And Crysis 2 is no slouch in these departments, mind you (well, with exception of AI perhaps). The music by Hans Zimmer matches the best of what Sony's first party studio's have produced. The maxed graphics are clearly next gen compared to what the consoles offer today. The set pieces are Uncharted worthy. The voice acting is at least at the level of KZ, and gameplay is addictive, yet, in my eyes, it doesn't take the place of other games on my alleged lesser platform.

12 years ago

Itagaki san: "Do I look worried?" *Leans forward and takes of shades. Eyes are anime huge, teary and trembling, with sonic streaks in background with sweat and tears flying*. Puts shades back on. Silently, his lips read, "Help me".

Interview asks audibly, "What's that?"

Tomonobu calmly continues, "Nothing, nothing. As we were saying."

12 years ago

Ha ha. That cracked me up. Some how I can imagine it happening that way.

12 years ago

I'm passing on DMC, i liked the series but not so much as to keep following it. i have other games i want to play more. as much as i loved enslaved, ninja theory's work ethics bothers me. they talked down heavenly swords success, its like they wont be satisfied until their game sells call of duty numbers. i dont like that train of thought. then when they were working/releasing enslaved, they didnt have much confidence in it and it showed with whatever they did, like in interviews. also, enslaved had a lot of bugs and glitches like voices being really really out of sync. however, since devil may cry is one of capcom's main franchise, maybe they'll whip ninja theory into shape. but given capcoms decisions lately, all i can say is good luck with the game.

dont really care about itagaki and his antics. theyre entertaining but not that interesting. isnt devil's third a shooter too? third person i think.

Just platinumed battlefield 3 so i'm starting resistance 3 or maybe assassin's creed revelations. i also want to try sports champions and fight lights out now that i have 2 move controllers. maybe i'll get back to batman arkham city on new game+. definitely playing bf3 online on and off, just love that game. checked the new return to karkland trophies and one of the silver trophies is going to be a pain. you need to get a kill with a jet, tank, and assault rifle WITH A SINGLE LIFE. i rarely get a kill with a jet. i get a bunch of vehicle disables but rarely kills. then i have to go back and get a tank somewhere, get a kill, then get a kill with an assault rifle. that should be a gold trophy there.

also playing skyward sword. i'm impressed with the game over all but as expected, i dont like the motion controls. i try to slice one way and the game cant keep up sometimes. i know i need to slow down a bit with my motions but if it cant keep up with the way i play, its just a problem to me. when i see an opening, i react right away. i dont want to wait till link positions his sword to slice. i try to slice diagonally from bottom to top, he still slices vertically from top to bottom. i will say that skyward sword is a zelda game, exactly what i expect from the game. i guess the fault just lies with me and motion controls. skyward sword deserves the name legend of zelda. hear that square enix, or whoever the hell is running that company into the ground, each game released as legend of zelda actually deserve the name legend of zelda not like final fantasy 13.

oh a question, alright.
if she really is/was a gamer, i want to know her view on the changes, sometimes drastic, that recent devs/publishers are doing to established franchises like final fantasy, devil may cry, resident evil. Those are just the games at the top of my head.

that or her view about activision can get away with practically releasing the same game every year. i'm pretty sure i know the answer to the second question, like everyone does, so i'd have an answer to the first question. just wanted her view as a gamer.

Last edited by johnld on 12/3/2011 11:37:03 PM

12 years ago

"i know i need to slow down a bit with my motions but if it cant keep up with the way i play, its just a problem to me."

I think they designed it that way so you don't over exert yourself while playing. When I got to the first boss I was swinging like crazy and I tired myself out way to fast. It works best with slower, more precise motions. Once I figured out the speed and angle of the Wiimote in which the swing responds best to I was able to master the sword play and the game instantly got that much better for me. There's a certain rhythm to it just like any other game.

I really never want to go back to a game pad after this. Nintendo can and should continue to improve upon the motion controls in Skyward Sword for future Zelda titles.

Last edited by Jawknee on 12/4/2011 2:31:16 AM

12 years ago

I picked up Enslaved for $10 on Cyber Monday and I'm loving it. I feel bad for not playing it sooner but there were too many other games I wanted at the time. I suggest everyone give it a try, it has great graphics and interesting characters with really well done acting.

12 years ago

i agree, i loved enslaved. wish there was a second game. love the story, gameplay was typical but i was playing it mainly for the story. i just hate that ninja theory didnt polish it enough, all those glitches and unsync voices, plus they didnt seem to have high expectations of it making the game suffer.

the only thing i really hated about the game was the damn orb things you have to collect. the scenery is amazing and colorful, at least make those damn collectibles stand out.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

Enslaved = under-appreciated.

12 years ago

vanquish was pretty good too. i'm really glad i bought those 2 games when target had a buy 2 get 1 sale. only thing about vanquish is that each characters story/relationship wasnt fleshed out much. while going through the game and then when they show characters reactions to an event, i keep thinking "where did that type of reaction came from?". and because of the difficulty of the challenges, i'm still one trophy away from platinum.

12 years ago

Enslaved = 1 thumbs up!

12 years ago

The "Piggy" DLC is supposedly excellent, if you're still hungry for more when you finish Enslaved.

12 years ago

Very under-appreciated game. As John said, this game could have been phenomenal with a little more love and polish.

The story was great and the whole thing was fun to play. Really wish there was a sequel.

12 years ago

I also loved Enslaved.

12 years ago

PGU: I finally fixed my tv so I'm back into the wonderful world of Dark Souls. It is surprisingly refreshing and even relaxing to work my way through it again. Besides that I finally finished R&C:A4O. It was a lot better than the reviews would have led me to believe. The co-op was a nice switch up from everything.

12 years ago

i think the problem with R&C:A4O is because it is a coop/multiplayer game. its designed to be played with more than one people. playing it by yourself isnt as much fun. given that all the other R&C games were a single player experience, the change in concept was unattractive to long time fans.

12 years ago

See I found the change of pace as a light hearted breath of fresh air, more of a fun break from the norm. It makes me wish they would do multiplayer like Up Your Arsenal again.

12 years ago

Like Dutka, i am a massive fan of Devil May Cry, it was rip roaring gothic demon slaughtering action at it's sexiest & it did pain me greatly to see our silver headed demon child being transformed into some wash-up boy band member deadsh!t, but the more gameplay trailers i see of this game the more it's starting to grab me & throttle me into taking notice. It actually does look like it could be a fairly rollicking ride & if it maintains the feel of a DMC game & brings on the big country sized bosses than i will be grinning.

I'm still cautious about it but i am beginning to like what i see. Hopefully Lucia gets more screen time here considering Ninja Theory's fetish for blood nut ranga lasses.

PGU: I've been playing the crap out of Tekken Hybrid & KOFXIII. Love them both but KOFXIII would have to have the most cheapest final boss i've seen in a fighting game this side of Alpha 152 in DOA4. The soundtrack collection is a great touch too, i still remember some of them tunes in the good ole' arcade days. It is a great collection for any fighter buff & i am smitten to have it.

I also played Saints Row The Third & although i loved Saints Row 2 to death i felt dissapointed & underwhelmed with this latest addition. Granted, the character customisation is pretty good & the weapons & vehicles are classic comedy but they have taken alot out of this game that made the second one so enjoyable for me imo.

There are hardly any interesting interior locations anymore, you will walk up to a detailed neonlit looking shop which looks like it can be entered but cannot. Furthermore there is pretty much zero secret areas to find now! Whereas in SR2 you could find secret underground labs, caves behind waterfalls & mysterious islands in the middle of the ocean….but nothing here. & yet they took out multiplayer to add more to the single player experience? W.t.f?

The biggest personal gripe for me however is the cut down in story cut scenes, now i know not many give a shit about story in a game like this but atleast in SR2 the cut scenes were action packed & humerous most of the time but in The Third the story missions felt like side activities & no longer could i find myself looking forward to driving to a story point to see a cool cut scene because there was either none or the cut scenes just lacked the coolness of SR2.

Don't get me wrong i still like the game, i just don't love it like i thought i would. I would replace farts in jars, walking toilets & slapping people in the lips with a dildo anyday for some of the omissions taken out of SR2.

Oh & i just have to throw in MGS HD Collection. This isn't out in Australia or Europe yet but i couldn't be arsed waiting for it & decided to buy it online, & it is fantastic!! The new camera view for Snake Eater is just excellent! But does anyone know if they censored the Vamp scene in Sons of Liberty? I remembered that scene having more blood, or maybe i am wrong. Can anyone clarify?

Last edited by Kevin555 on 12/4/2011 12:10:02 AM

12 years ago

Interesting to read your opinions about SR3, Kevin. Are you done with the main story? A coop buddy and I have mainly done side missions so far, but we have too seemed to notice fewer interior locations as you say. Especially that satanic church, we took for granted we could enter that one! And where are the beaches, none of the stranded ships can be entered, where are the islands, the malls, and so on. We figured maybe some of those places were unlocked as we progressed the main story, so I haven't commented on this yet. But if you have completed the main story and there still are no places like that then yeah, that is indeed a disappointment!

Last edited by Beamboom on 12/4/2011 8:49:34 AM

12 years ago

Loved Enslaved, but for some reason I got sidetracked from it, so after I finish up R Six: Vegas 1 & 2, I might have to get right back on it.

My own PGU, as I stated above, I think I'm nearing the end R Six: Vegas and once done, I'll be hopping on R6: V2, but that one's the bot-box version.

i just picked up some video games from my 5Below store that I needed to help fill in my collection, and only $5 each new…

Chicken Blaster for my Wii,

Attack of the Movies 3D for my Bot-Box(w/4 pairs of 3D glasses(cardboard) included, but I already own regular sunglasses with the blue/red glass built right in them.

Ape escape:On the Loose (PSP)

Pursuit Force (PSP)

BTW, glad to see you went studly & got the interview with Jo.
Just promise not to throw her into a tree if the interview doesn't go well, LOL

Anyways, here's a few possible questions for Jo…
What is your favorite genre?
What's your all-time favorite console/hand-held
What's your all-time favorite game?
What game have you put the most hours into, & how many hours have you got into it?

12 years ago

Rsix vegas 2 is one hell of a co-op game. Playing couch co-op is so much fun!

12 years ago

absolutely NT are a fantastic studio, but your forgetting 1 thing.
DMC is not famous for its setting, for its characters, for its story, its famous for its deep combat system.
the one thing NT have never been good at, in fact heavenly sword and enslaved had as simple combat systems as possible!
thats why the fans are so worried, NT are not known for doing amazing deep combat and thats exactly what DMC is known for.
putting NT on DMC is as logical as putting suzuki on a supercar.
there not exactly known for high quality, and speed exactly the things a supercar needs to be!

hes not worried because hes obsession with guns.
his recent remarks of devils third benefiting from a more realistic military shooter feel really worries me.
tis why i absolutely LOATH this gen, why does everything have to be a god dam military shooter!?
exactly why nothing can be popular, as soon as it is it gets milked to hell, becomes crap and it gets a billion copycats!

out of all the times skyward sword could of came out, why did it have to be now?
my god, no matter how much time playing the game i cant finish it!
im absolutely loving it, but i wish i could just finish it so i could move on to others.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
12 years ago

Anybody who speaks sh*t about NT deserves a beating. Their games are among the most engrossing I've yet played, with characters and interactions that are second to very few. The combat system of Enslaved was altogether rather generic, certainly not pushing the genre forward, but HS was quite good in that respect. The three different styles and the combos you could pull off in each, as well as the SuperStyle moves. From what I've read, DmC seems to be a continuation on that mechanic, with the devil and angel modes being mapped to the bumpers. Besides, with key members of the previous DMC games working with them, I'm not worried at all. It's definitely on my radar, and you can bet that I'll be picking up the collection and maybe DMC4 again in preparation.

Itakagi's good for a laugh, but DoA's never interested me, though I have NGS2 unplayed on the shelf. I should get to that… I'll have to wait for more on Devil's Third before I make anything approaching a decision. I do like his sentiment though. As long as there are people that don't give a damn about what is popular, gamers have nothing to worry about as we'll always have diversity.

Skyrim. Again. About 22 hours in now, still unpatched. Still having issues, but it's cool. I really want to finish the main campaign, but crikey, it's long. For some reason, I'm becoming disillusioned with it. As long as I'm playing, I'm having a ball, but I always walk away unsatisfied. It's peculiar.
Still reading A Tale of Two Cities, still writing slowly, and things, I feel are good for the time being.

P.S. Sadly, no questions for Jo right now. Might think of a couple later on though.

12 years ago

Although Itagaki san may say that NGS2 is more of Hayashi san's chimera than his own masterpiece (NG2), it ranks as my favorite hack'n slash of this gen. It's tad less responsive than the 360 version (but still 60fps), but the AI is smarter, the visuals are a massive upgrade (new texture work with 1080p custom vs sub 720p low-res textures), and the replay factor is a whole lot more thanks to the additional challenges and coop missions.

It's stellar as far as the genre is concerned, and does not get the credit it deserves.

12 years ago

guys cool live singing of the dragonborn sone from skyrim

karneli lll
karneli lll
12 years ago

I think this ps exclusive The Last of Us is a red herring.

12 years ago

Started at a new job this week so less gaming than usual. I'm back to writing code again, after a few months as a "system architect" for another company – a fancy title but dull job.

The Old Republic: I've been in the beta the last two weekends and I gotta say, this is the most professional beta testing I have ever participated in. There is a survey engine popping up in the game after each quest asking you to rate different parameters like voice acting, storyline, options/choices, things like that. Utterly impressive. If you just explore and fool around a survey will pop up asking you what you are doing now, how you enjoy doing that etc.

They are collecting an incredible amount of data here. Talk about listening to the fans…! Gotta love BioWare.

Last edited by Beamboom on 12/4/2011 9:24:59 AM

12 years ago

That's something that really says a delveloper cares!

12 years ago

That's awesome, KUDO's to BioWare!

12 years ago

Off topic for a second….

Just a FYI

At Amazon
Tomorrow, Monday December 5th, they're doing a all day "All Video games Gold Box Event", (including new "Move" game bundles too).

So make sure to check their deals out.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 12/4/2011 2:02:16 PM

12 years ago

I'm not too worried about the new DMC. The only thing it looks to be missing is combat depth, but they're imitating its style so well that it doesn't really matter. Hopefully they don't act all depressed about the game possibly not selling well like they did with Enslaved, cause that got rather annoying. Plus, seeing how Enslaved turned out, they should have been far more confident, even if it didn't sell the best in the end.

Its always amusing to see what Itagaki says next, but I do feel like he's underestimating this problem. Of course, that's his style, but he should probably give it a bit more thought than just the whole sunglasses routine.

PGU: Playing Skyrim when it will work, and I swear if Bethesda's next couple patches don't work I'm selling it. Its a great game otherwise, but alongside the bugs I'm not really finding much different betweeen it and Oblivion beyond the radiant quest system and the ability to go pretty much anywhere you can see. I'm not saying that's necessarily a bad thing, but it certainly makes me feel like I've played this game before. AC: Revelations doesn't even have as much of that "been there, done that" feel tbh.

And other than that, I'm playing multiplayer in Uncharted 3/Resistance 3, and finishing up any DLCs I still have left to do (currently on inFamous: Festival of Blood, then when I 100% that I'll do the Portal 2 DLC). Overall, a great end to this gaming year, although several of the high profile releases of late in the year could have been better (both story and quality-wise). Only Uncharted 3 seems to be nearly perfect, and really, I can't see any other game this year deserving that coveted GotY award. Everything else just has too many problems compared to U3 to even stand a chance. Its only real competition is inFamous 2 and Portal 2, and even they can't do anything close to what Uncharted 3 did IMO.

Last edited by Lairfan on 12/4/2011 5:23:20 PM

12 years ago

Started playing Arkham city this game is great. Should have played the first one.

12 years ago

Definitely thrilled to hear about the MGS HD collection review. I had a lot of fun with the collection.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x