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Ben’s Week In Review: November 13

Yet another ridiculous week of reviews is here and for extra fun, I'm moving between Monday and Tuesday. More on that in a minute.

What if Gran Turismo 6 was a PS4 launch title?

So Kazunori Yamauchi has confirmed what we all expected: Polyphony Digital is hard at work on the sixth Gran Turismo . Well, as we all know, this franchise hardly operates off an annual release schedule like several massive franchises this generation. In fact, we usually have to wait quite a while. There was a five and a half year gap between GT4 and GT5. Now, GT5 is less than a year old and we're already hearing whispers about a new generation…

So at this rate, is it totally out of the realm of possibility to assume GT6 will be a PS4 title? Polyphony might even have to hurry if Sony wants it for a kick-ass launch game; even if the new console doesn't get here until 2013, that's still less than three years between GT5 and GT6. You know, GT is the last sports/racing series I actually play? As much as I enjoy reviewing the likes of Burnout , Need for Speed , The Show , etc., I pretty much stick to other genres these days.

The rumors about GTAV are making me drool

The rumors just keep coming and if even half of them are accurate, I'll go so far as to say that Grand Theft Auto V is almost guaranteed to be Game of the Year 2012. There's just so much Rockstar is trying to do; it appears to be a tremendous mix of innovation and returning features long-time avid fans have always loved. All this talk about an experience that "never ends," and the combination of a "vast storyline" and what might be the biggest virtual world ever is just mind-boggling . Although I never went back to GTAIV, I loved that game as I loved all the GTAs since GTAIII. Well, the series didn't exist for me before that.

But somehow, I think GTAV will exceed even my expectations. The only downside is this- I have a feeling that the hype for this game is gonna be so out of control, that it'll be almost impossible to exceed expectations. I hate it when that happens. Usually, when I start to see the hype flooding and affecting my outlook, I just stop reading those articles. Drives me nuts.

Personal gaming update

It's just crazy. I've completed Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 , and as much fun as I'm having with The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and Saints Row: The Third , I have to move on. Need for Speed: The Run is sitting here, and I have to do Assassin's Creed: Revelations , too. I may also have to look at the four new PlayStation Move games Sony sent me and if I somehow have time, LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7 .

I'd love to just indulge in Skyrim and Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (which I haven't even been able to start) but there's no way. I have to get past this coming week. As I said above, in addition to all the reviews and news that has to be covered, I'm moving. I've tried to set it up so I won't be offline for long, but nevertheless, I probably won't be able to update on Monday night as I normally do. Just bear that in mind. 🙂

P.S. Video commentary for Skyrim is coming.

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13 years ago

Ben, you might just wanna skip those games and give yourself a well deserved couple of days with Uncharted 3, it's not like I need a review for NFS The Run anytime soon, at least that's just my opinion.

pgu: I've finished Uncharted 3's campaign last week and since then it's been homework and more homework.
I'm about to go to bed, but I have a boxed copy of Skyrim still lying at the edge of my desk, staring at my face.
Though since I promised myself I would leave it there until my homework is done I'll go ahead and leave it there for another day. Even though it's been two days already.
Damn last weeks of the period, always crunch time when all the great games come out…

Studying Game Design and I don't even have the time to play games -_-

Last edited by FullmetalX10 on 11/12/2011 9:19:30 PM

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

I'm back online after not being able to do so since Thursday afternoon. Have had a good weekend though.

I think that GT6 will definitely be delayed to the next 'Station. Seriously, what more can PD add to the current generation? They've made their statement. Semi-related: Saw one of the Signature Editions of the game going for $99AUD yesterday in JB Hi-Fi. What kind of racefan could pass that up? Too bad I've already got mine :/

GTA V. Yeah, I'm waiting 'til R* starts talking. But they won't. They like to surprise their fans, which means I'll be waiting until the game. Fine by me.

Getting through The Bourne Identity. Picked up Volume 2 of the Sherlock Holmes Collection as well, so I'll start on those in the new year, still have quite a few unopened books on my shelf.
Playing through UC3 on Hard and once that's done, I'm moving onto Skyrim. I was amped as hell though. I picked it up yesterday, expecting it to be 80-90 as per usual. Looked at the shelf, every copy was advertised for $75, except for one, listed at $63. Picked it up and received a four dollar discount. American pricing for Skyrim one day after release? Never seen a better deal 🙂

13 years ago

Ben it would be very tough for me to pass up on U3 for so long and quitting Skyrim mid game is gotta be about one of the toughest things to do! But work before play I suppose. Plus it's not like the games you'll be playing in theean time are terrible.

PGU: I beat U3, what an epic game! Best game I've ever played, definitely my favorite game, in my favorite series! Started playing MP and co-op both also awesome and much fun. I really hope ND supports the co-op!

Beat BF3, that's probably the shortest FPS I've ever played. I was very underwhelmed withthe story. Great gameplay and action though. The MP is fresh, and has a learning curve and the vehicles are a balanced part of it. I usually hate vehicles in MP – well I still do – but it's atleast playable for me! Which I really respect!

Beat MW3 last night. That was the best campaign in the series. Very good, this time I actually knew what characters I was and when, and what part of the story I was in. I also love the tie ins to the other MW games. The other MW games were good but I felt lost at times. Also I was very surprised in the length. It took me about 6 and a half hours, I was pretty happy about that. The action was over the top and amazing, very, very entertaining. The MP is as good and deep as ever. I love leveling your character and weapons is finally seperate. Great game very pleased, and well MW3 rejuvenated the games for me!

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 11/12/2011 9:51:14 PM

13 years ago

I'm having a lot of fun with the survival mode in MW3. The online isn't really for me though. I beat the campaign on hard in 7 hours.

13 years ago

Yes the survival mode is great. Personally it's more fun than zombies, because of all the upgrades and perks. But everytime I get past wave 20 I always lose connection with whomever I'm playing with. That's a little frustrating.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 11/12/2011 11:23:11 PM

13 years ago

I'm still on my first playthrough of MW3, but when one of the mains died, I decided to give it a break… it somehow got to me. The other dude deserved more than a punch & explanation for that.

were the previous GTAs hyped up like this one is being now? I might end up bored with the game by early next year @ this rate. D1P still though. 🙂

PGU; I'm finishing my exams on wednesday, so I couldn't squeeze in as much time as I usually do, but I managed to plat MW2(seriously, the last Spec Ops challenges can be done alone) & i'm playing Vanquish, FFXIII(…again), U3 & MW3 in my free time.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

Yes, they were all hyped like mad.

13 years ago

Yea I hear ya. You should definitely get back to it soon though!

13 years ago

Moving is the worst thing in the world imo. I hate it with a passion.

PGU: I've been playing MW3 quite a bit. The campaign was definitely entertaining. I've played the online a little bit but I'll definitely stick to BF3 for online gaming. I've also been wanting to play UC3 online but every time I try I'll get into a game and go to shoot someone and it will freeze for about 10 seconds if I don't get killed, otherwise it will unfreeze and I can run around the map all day but I can't kill anyone. Other than that I've been playing Arkham Asylum here and there and I still have to finish Fear 2. I'll be picking up AC:R Tuesday and I should be done for the year.

13 years ago

I think Yamauchi already claimed that GT6 would have a much quicker development cycle because the framework of their engine was now in place, suggesting that was a major obstacle for GT5's long winded dev cycle. It is gorgeous, isn't it? But there is some ambiguity there to extrapolate from, so who knows? It's not beyond the realm of possibility having GT6 as a PS4 launch title. I'm game whatever their decision.

I think I'm going to hold off on Skyrim until I'm ready for that long entrenching, amazing, RPG. And having played it some, it's one heck of a game. I'll spend a bit more time with it before it goes back on Tuesday for Halo remake. Plus, I snagged Dragon Age Ultimate some weeks back for $7 for PC. I really wanted to give that game some of my loving before it gets lost beneath the pile. Which reminds me… Lost Odyssey NOOoooO! Suikoden NoooOO! .. perhaps there's still hope for them.

Anyway, I've been a busy bee myself. Loving most of it though. I'm having a blast with 3D modeling and programming. I'm getting to really see how the inner workings of 3D graphics work. I also have a smart teacher who has actually programmed his own ray tracer as part of his Masters in CS. I suspect some many years done the road, maybe decades, ray tracing will become the eventual standard for 3D graphics in gaming.

13 years ago

How people can understand all that stuff I'll never know.

13 years ago

Do you think they will fix the shadow problem this time? 🙂



13 years ago

Are you moving far Ben? You didn't get yourself a woman that's forcing you into her place did you?

I took the 10 credit I got for Skyrim (which I am getting thoroughly ensconced in) and put it into FFXIII-2. I should be able to get an Amazon gift card with my credit card reward points which I will also apply to it so all told I'll pay $24 for FFXIII-2 when it comes.

Skyrim is pretty amazing, it's familiar and true to the series but also improves a lot, is a bit less needlessly complex, and somehow manages to have a whole different feel than Oblivion. Sadly the PS3 version still has plenty of bothersome bugs and issues, though I've learned to live with them.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 11/12/2011 10:52:36 PM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

No woman and no, not far. Only about 20 minutes. But there's a big difference between an apartment and a house. 🙂

13 years ago

Congratulations then old bean 🙂

13 years ago

Congrats Ben, you've got it good. With unemployment at around 8 or 9% still, and big conglomerates like IGN are getting hit with layoffs, you're doing alright for yourself, and you've got something to show to some of the naysayers and doubting thomases around you about journalism in the gaming industry.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

Thanks. 🙂

13 years ago

What's odd about your personal gaming update is that it doesn't sound personal at all. It sounds like a rundown of your work. Can't you still play Skyrim during your personal time and keep review gaming for work time?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

I could, if I HAD any personal time right now. Unfortunately, all gaming has to be for the sake of reviews. When it's mostly just me, it's always this way between October and the first half of November.

13 years ago

Ben, are you going to review the MDS HD collection? The only reason I ask is becuase this site is still missing a review for Peacewalker. This would be a perfect time to get a review in for it. Plus, the MGS HD collection could use the publicity.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

I know I should. I just can't guarantee it, especially considering they didn't send it to me.

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 11/12/2011 11:41:21 PM

13 years ago


Speaking of the MGS HD collection…that's what I am playing now. I started off with Peacewalker and I absolutely love it. I can see why some MGS fans have reffered to it as MGS5. In a lot of ways it is the deepest MGS title becuase of the RPG aspects that have been blended in.

At the Motherbase you have R&D teams, sickbay, and even a mess hall. You can send units out into the field to gather intelliegence. There is just so much depth to the game. It feels more like a full blown console game rather than a handheld based game.

The Fulton recovery system is one of the coolest things I have ever seen in a videogame. Just slap it on an enemy and POOF!! A baloon instantly whisks him away for a mid-air helicopter recovery. He is then sent back to the Motherbase where you can assign him various tasks according to his skill set. Instant party recruitment. I have even heard Hideo Kojima himself can be recruited.

Anyways, the MGS HD collection is just $50. That's a great value. Now back to playing Peacewalker.

13 years ago

Rockstar is making the world of GTA V sound SO huge they must have had a word with Microsoft about releasing it on their Xbox "Ten" console. I think the timing would be about right, and of course the PS3 could still handle it.

13 years ago

The "ten" stands for 10 months before system failure, that being one month outside of their 9 month warranty =p. But many retards wont care and bend over and pay up time and time again to get their fix.

13 years ago

Reality is the GTA V will probably be held back just a little bit because of the Xbox… its a shame really. Deep down I think Sony wanted the PS3 to live on, but they have no choice to accelerate the development cycle because of M$.

After playing UC3, I realised if they just kept on making games of this quality I wouldn't need a new console for another 5 years. My mouth hang open most of the time. I was amazed at the physics and what Cell and Rsx can do together when they tie the knott so well.

Agghh… what a shame. Guess the PS3 version of GTA V could probably have been so much more… I know I shouldn't say this before its release… but one can imagine the cursing going on at RockStar because of what they need to do to squeeze it onto the 360!

Looking forward to it nonetheless…



13 years ago

I went to the GStar gaming expo in Korea this weekend. It was pretty cool, but nothing really console oriented. I got to play the Silent Hill Downpour demo (which kinda sucked) and the MGS HD collection (which looked awesome in HD at 60 fps!) but nothing really much to report, unless you're into PC gaming. There were a tonne of booth babes though, and hot damn they were amazing looking. I was playing this Korean Gears of War clone for PC and these gorgeous girls dressed in army attire (well, it looked military style, but really just short shorts, a military vest, and an army hat) are cutely saying "press 'f' when they're down to kill them! hurry!" And all I could say was "Yes ma'am! Right away!"

It was fun. I hope to be able to hit up TGS next year. I hope I have some time to take a ferry over to Japan!

Last edited by ZenChichiri on 11/12/2011 11:31:23 PM

13 years ago

Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease review Lego Harry Potter Years 5-7. My girlfriend absolutely loves those games and we are both hoping it's as good if not better than years 1-4

13 years ago

First of all, we have to confirm when the PS4 will even launch. If 2013 is true, I still think that the first GT for the PS4 won't exactly be same day, launch title. I'm taking maybe half a month or year after.

Anyway, in GT's case, we have to consider the possibilities of some kind of spin-off or another GT game after GT6 in the PS4's launch window. If GT6 does make it to the ps3 in 2013, then it wouldn't totally be out of realm if there was some kind of other GT, perhaps GT7 Prologue for the PS4's early life. If not, maybe an upgraded version of GT6 with more advanced physics, dynamic weather/time features, polished graphics, and A.I. count.

We have to remember PD's previous attempt at a quick GT release for every PS console. When the PS2 came out, GT3 was successfully made quickly, even when GT2 was release not too long before. When the PS3 launched, they tried GTHD (which was canceled). If the PS4's structure is similar, I'm confident that PD can execute a GT game for it early, as they did with GT3 on the PS2.

I'm confident PD won't make the same mistake again of trying to do too much with the PS4 early in its life, as they did with the PS3. They need to know that they should save some power for a sequel later in the consoles life.

13 years ago

The only thing I know, is I'm going to save up for the PS4, and make sure I buy two of them. And then sell one online for like double the price or more, no problem. ;D lol

13 years ago

thats the million dollar question will GT6 be for ps3 or ps4?
id have to put my money on ps3.
simply because they spent so much time and money on creating a new engine for the ps3, so there not going to throw all that work away and start again from scratch for the ps4.
you cant afford to create a brand new engine just for one game!
plus not to mention the ps3 has cost $ony a sh*t load of money, so they will want to make back as much as they can before they move on.
and GT is there best selling franchise!
GT6 should not take them that long.
all they have to do is take the premium cars out of GT5, throw them into GT6, add a few new cars.
take the tracks out of GT5 throw them into GT6, add a few new tracks.
that will take the best part of a few months, then spend the next 2 years making a autovista similar system, and improve the damage effects and of course put in some decent car customization options.
should be able to have it out by this time 2013 easy!

as for GTV, me too, me too.
i just hope the same as IV does not happen.
got so excited for it, then played it for a few hours and was so disappointed i wanted to crawl into the attic howl live a wolf for weeks!
please R*, please dont turn this into another oh noooooooooo you cant do that its far too unrealistic game!
why cant you be how you use to be?
the game that said if its fun to hell with whats realistic!

im having a crysis with skyrim.
its so f*cking frustrating, though for some reason i cant stop playing it!
the beautiful world, and the story, and DRAGONS!!!!!!!
they keep dragging me back!
why oh why did they have to have such a crummy weapon system in there!?

i had to get rid of my turtlebeach headsets today, they have developed some really bad bass rattle and allot of static, especially in skyrim.
every time a dragon breaths fire theres such a loud shriek i have to take them off because it pierces my ears!
took them back and got a refund, so im now trying out the triton pros.
hopefully there a dam side better!
im having really bad luck latley, first the new power A controller i bought kept dropping out had to take that back, and now my turtlebeach headsets!
sigh, things aint built like they use to be!
still got the old motorolla brick my godfather gave me when i was 6.
and she still works like a beaut!
todays phones though, well, lets just say a friend of mine bought the new samsung galaxy S2 last week today he went to the shops with me and had to take it back, faulty battery would not hold a full charge for a few hours!
sigh, can anything released in 2011 work for more then a few hours?

13 years ago

Two titles this week, both to hold positive surprises: Battlefield 3 and Skyrim.

Battlefield 3: Initially I got a bit disappointed with the MP. It was just too bloody hard. It most of all felt like I crashed a party I were not invited to.
But since I have 3 other of my regular coop buddies also playing it nowadays I joined them… And slowly I started getting better, understood the games better and how to play the classes. I still suck hard but now things are looking a lot brighter, and I have renewed enthusiasm. I just *want* to be good in this game.

Skyrim: Just… Wow. This is one game I am happy I did not have to review: I would not have been able to. It's way, way too big for me to ever feel I was ready to write a fair review. This is the first game where truly no players experience can be the same.

From an objective, technical point of view I have never played a more impressive RPG in my life. Simple as that. it's still very much faithful to the fantasy setting and I still don't particularly like that genre, but this game is so much more than a game: It's an experience. I have never seen anything like it. Anyone who call themselves gamers MUST experience this game.

I remain a BioWare fanboy at heart and believe they has the upper hand as storytellers, but oh boy… I take my hat off for Bethesda and hand them the RPG throne. For now.

Just imagine what they will achieve using this engine on the next Fallout, or an entirely new rpg…

Last edited by Beamboom on 11/13/2011 4:56:26 AM

13 years ago

yeah, i love battlefield online. i was doing bad in the beginning but now i'm starting to pull about 20 kills per game in squad deathmatch. highest kills in conquest was 33 and i wasnt just killing. i was MVP becuase i was pretty much the only one capturing objectives. jets and choppers were pretty hard to fly at first too but now i'm getting used to it. what i dont like is that i usually dont get kills when i'm flying a jet. i get plenty of vehicle disabled points but when that final scoreboard comes out without a kill after destroying a few jets and choppers is pretty disappointing.

The Iron Jedi
The Iron Jedi
13 years ago

I just finished Modern Warfare 3 today, I must say I definitely enjoyed it. The campaign was much more enjoyable than Modern Warfare 2. I'm trying to finish Batman: Arkham City, but I'm stuck at the section in the fun house with Joker and the other goons, and I just can't seem to beat them.

I've worked up to Chapter 12 in Uncharted 3, and while it's not (so far) as much of a thrill ride as Uncharted 2, I do find that it's a better fleshed out game, and feels much more expansive.

I looked at the pile of games I have on my shelf, and downloaded onto my PS3 and it's over 100 now. Installing a 1TB WD Hard Drive into the console, was well worth it, but I think how many games I still have to play through and finish.

13 years ago

use quickfire gadgets to keep people back, jump over to the side with less enemies, dont focus on just 1 enemy. one punch per enemy works good to back them off but it also helps build your combo gauge for takedowns. it may take a while but its a good method. also, i believe you can counter more than 2 attacks, just press triangle a few times. use the stun and rapidly press square, you can counter during that combo too. also stun press xx, then press square+towards another enemy while hes about to jump over the first enemy. use your finishing moves, and forget about ground takedowns because it leaves you open. batman has so much moves that if you use all of them, any group of enemy is easy and give you a variation xp bonus too.

Last edited by johnld on 11/13/2011 3:03:13 PM

13 years ago

will you be reviewing sonic generations? i have waited on your verdict since its release.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

Again, I'll try.

13 years ago

PGU: Finished Uncharted 3 and yes I agree what an epic game! Working on Batman AC till I get Assassin's Creed Revelations and Need For Speed the run on tuesday. Still only 53% complete in Batman too many riddler trophies aaaaah!

13 years ago

When can we expect a review for Sonic Generations?

13 years ago

I'm loving R&C: All 4 One. There's been some dissappointment amongst those familiar with franchise with the switch to an mp focus from the typical sp campaign experience. And so was I initially, but I'm thoroughly enjoying it now. The weapons and cutscenes are as enjoyable as ever. And the added dimension of competitive bolt/beast collection, plus the cooperative puzzle solving is magical, and a fresh and fair trade for the single player exploration found in previous entries, which brings me to another point. Some of dismissed the game as a kiddie game purely because of the cutsy motif, but especially later in the game,though the puzzles are not taxing, I find it difficult to believe that the average 6 or 9 year old would be able to pass through them easily even with adult supervision. A couple of boss battles even on normal difficulty proved particularly difficult in a group due to weakest link players, forcing me to switch to offline at times to complete them unfettered. A puzzle or two even had me and another skilled coop partner retry multiple times to get the sequential and tandem segments working successfully, which was a lot of fun.

And beside the difficulty found in the gameplay, the humor in the games character banter and in the cutscenes often contained children-geared content, but more often than not, interlaced with adult-themed innuendo more so than what would be considered appropriate to a Disney flick ("She was taking a memo!").

So I've found, although there is much appeal to be found for kids, this isn't purely a kiddie game, as always has been the case with the Ratchet franchise.

And the visuals are truly impressive. Although I did not have the privilege to experience the 3D side of things, which I hear is so far is best in the business allegedely proving more effective than even KZ3 or Motorstorm:Apocalypse, as the game has scaled the framerate back from 60fps to 30fps, the visuals have been given a boost adding a whole new bunch of post-processing effects in addition to 3D, often giving the in game graphics a CGI appearance moreso than before. Moreover, it becomes clear to what extent Sony studios collaborate even with 2nd and 3rd party studios. A number of notable techniques used in Uncharted 3, for example, were surprisingly implemented in All 4 One. One in particular was a technique often used in film-making. When a scene required background much larger than the confines of a movie set could afford, set designers would use panoramic billboards with painted images to expand the scale of the perceived background. In Uncharted and RAtchet, the same technique is used by using 2d panoramic images of far out skylines, cityscapes, and mountaintops, to enhance the perceived draw distance, that are swapped out with actual polygon models as one draws nearer and nearer. This enhances draw distance while saving on resources such as ram and processing. Very clever stuff.

All in all, this year has proved the best this generation. With the likes of inFamous 2, KZ3, R3, Uncharted 3, Crysis 3, MW3, BF3, R&C:All 4 One, LBP2, MotorStorm Apocalypse, GT5, LA Noire, Skyrim, Dark Souls, Arkham City, SR3, and AC: Revelations, there is something for everyone, and I am and will be enjoying it all. Although, I must say, I'll be playing a couple of these entries on my gaming laptop. After seeing Fallout 3 on ultra settings running at well over 60 fps, with full AA and HDR, I don't think I could tolerate Skyrim on the consoles.

Last edited by Shams on 11/13/2011 11:17:19 AM

13 years ago

Oops, looks like I should've submitted this as a user review.

13 years ago

Neeeh – it's good as a comment. 🙂
I feel bad for Ratchet & Clank. I love those two. It's just… This autumn they will just *have* to wait until a pricedrop before I pick it up. I don't have capacity for all these full priced games.
I will get it though!

13 years ago

I hear ya, Beam. Although I got it fairly early, I only started it after I finished Arkham City and Uncharted 3.

13 years ago

I agree with you for the most part. I am adoring All 4 One so much right now(well last week). It is some of the most co-op fun I have had this side of LBP. It defiantly not my favorite R&C but it is up there.

My only complaint would be the graphics. They have their high points but they don't seem quite as refined as I'd want. Then again since it is the new studio's first outing I sort of expected this.

On a side note Insomniac is does collaborate with 1st party devs, but it was mainly with GG and and not ND.

13 years ago

I wished we go back to the PS2/Xbox days regarding a GTA game the PS3 gets it first and Rockstar can finish up the few touches that's left on the 360 version.

PGU: Finished off NBA 2k11 finally NHL 11 is next Red Wings vs Rangers for the Stanley Cup. Got a pleasant surprised yesterday I got Uncharted 3 in the mail.

Just waiting for GF to ship Assassin's Creed:Revelations was going to get Saints Row the third but I've been looking more forward to Revelations than Saints Row.

Finally Holiday wrap up: I managed to get myself Mass Effect 2(still got trophies to get) and Red Dead Redemption Undead Nightmare for 20 bucks each when I put my family Christmas gifts on layaway.

13 years ago

Imo gtav would be epic if only it were a ps3 exclusive the xbox 360 is only gonna make this game watered down because of its limited disc space……….

13 years ago

i dont think gran turismo 6 will be a launch title. i believe that were going to get a ps4 soon. however, like kojima, yamauchi is a perfectionist and wont allow his game to come out until hes satisfied with it. it would be great though if its a launch game. its one of a few games that sony have thats a definite system seller.

as for gta, was never into the game. i tried it and just wasnt drawn in.

PGU: right now, i'm working on battlefield 3 online. getting my helicopter and jet upgraded, almost used to the controls. im also working on uncharted 3 crushing mode, already in chapter 15. havent played online yet since i already played it till level 35 with the subway promo. still got resistance 3 waiting on my shelf unopened.

if any of you guys are going to do that black friday. best buy will have assassin's creed revelation for 34 at 12:01 am friday. walmart will have batman ac, battlefield 3, and uncharted 3 for 30 thursday before black friday at 10pm.

13 years ago

PGU: I have been having issues with my PS3 display. Whenever I try and play the screen is always stretched horizontally beyond the viewing range, it is still correct vertically though. I've tried a whole bunch of setting changes and resetted the settings and the PS3 multiple times now. Any ideas what's wrong?

In the meantime I am playing Warhammer 40k dawn of war II on my PC. Imperial guard FTW!

13 years ago

Hmm, even if GT6 is being developed for PS3, I'm sure Sony would have just had Polyphony upgrade it to PS4.

13 years ago

GT6 will release on the PS3 for I don't see PD's 2 major game releases per console changing.