Analysts say it's inevitable: at some point in the industry's future, all games will be in digital format. Physical media will die. It might take some time, but we're already starting to see evidence of the shift, and developers and publishers are supporting it.
As usual, it always comes down to a question of money. Developers have been complaining throughout the generation that games have become too expensive to make, and taking risks is ill-advised. At the same time, gamers continue to complain about the supposed high cost of games (the fact that a SNES cartridge cost $60 nearly 20 years ago doesn't seem to matter to such complainers), and publishers have made it plain that digital delivery is simply more efficient.
So if both the manufacturer and consumer gets things done for a cheaper cost, isn't that a good thing? It's a no-brainer for the game makers, but will gamers who value their physical, tangible game collections opt for a digital copy of a game if it's cheaper ? How much cheaper would it have to be? Of course, if we don't even have the option between digital and physical, this isn't even a question, anymore. But we should have the option for quite a while, right? What would you choose?
In my experience, people talk big about what they want, but the instant you save 'em a few bucks, they change their tune. It's a little depressing, but that's how things work.
Thats right, internet connection is a good point to consider. North America is seriously lacking internet wise compared to the rest of the world. I know for sure here in Canada beside the Indie ISP, all the major one still impose download/upload caps with ridiculous prices that are only a scam for more money when you go over it.
There is also the case of throttling because theyd rather do that then upgrade their infrastructure to once again bring in more money by giving crappier service and promising speed that are available for short periods during the day only and help you bust you monthly cap faster if you use your speed too much….
So thx to the big telecom being greedy we get crappy speed and low download limit and that just makes it really bad for digital content distribution. Some Indie ISP offer unlimited internet but they still use the big telecom network so they will have to man up and upgrade their infrastructure otherwise we are still stuck. Lets hope everyone switch to Indie so the big telecom will be forced to change their ways and upgrade to world standards.
Sry for the rant 😛
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You're all mis-using the term "digital": games are already all digital, whether on-disc or downloaded.
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Here are my thoughts on going all digital besides all the comments already made about liking the physical media and download times and disc space.
1. Not only would the used game market be dead, but the rental market would also be dead. Think of how long it would take to download a game just for a rental!! And don't say you can just download a demo cause there are some people that use Gamefly to rent a game, beat it, and send it back. You would be forcing people to buy it if they want to play it. No more selling a game after you beat it either because it would be authorized only on your console. It would put companies like Gamefly and Gamestop out of business for sure.
2. No more borrowing games from friends or bringing a game to a friend's house to play it there. You would have to bring your whole system over just to play 1 game!
3. Who would house all these games for download? PSN would be overloaded if it was just them!! Can you imagine 7+ million people trying to download a new release like MW3 on release day?!?!?! Would other stores have the capacity to offer these downloads? If not, that would pretty much monopolize the market for PSN and XBL.
4. They would have to reduce the price to about $10 a game for me to go digital. I rarely buy new releases except for some of the big ones. I generally wait til the price on Amazon dips under at least $40 before I buy a new game.
Bottom line there are too many factors to consider here. No way games will go all digital. I too still prefer having a book in my hand instead of a nook. LONG LIVE PHYSICAL MEDIA!! lol