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Ben’s Week In Review: October 2

September was busy…October is gonna be even busier. 🙂

David Cage's dedication is encouraging

As far as I'm concerned, we can put Quantic Dream boss David Cage in the same "visionary" category as guys like Hideo Kojima and Kazunori Yamauchi. In reading Cage's comments concerning his outlook on game design, it occurred to me that provided such guys maintain their passion and creative drive, gamers will continue to benefit. More importantly, innovation and revolution won't ever die. Interestingly enough, it almost sounds as if Cage is apologetic when he says other game makers have other things to think about; i.e., family stuff. Doesn't it sound like he's apologizing for not growing up?

I really do sense a little regret in his words, but the cool part is that he can't help it. He loves what he does and he seems 100% authentic. Once again, I have to thank all gamers who rewarded Cage and Quantic Dream for the amazing Heavy Rain ; that success allows the studio to take the next step, and I can't wait to see what it is.

"Greatly damaged?" …no sh**, Square Enix

You've gotta be kidding me. You're blaming the downfall of the Final Fantasy brand on FFXIV? That's why the brand is "greatly damaged?" Look, I understand that Nomura was specifically asked about FFXIV, but why didn't he take that opportunity to talk about the legions of long-time series fans that essentially had a meltdown when FFXIII came out? You know, after all that, I never once heard Square Enix acknowledge the negative response that game generated. Not once. I heard sales updates, but that's about it. It's why I've said in the past that they simply don't listen to the fans.

And yes, I'm aware that FFXIII was a great game. I know it was a great game. I put over 100 hours into it and I didn't regret it (well, not entirely). It just wasn't a great Final Fantasy , nor do I really consider it a full role-playing game. These are hardly unique ideas; a great many fans say the exact same thing. And somehow, Square Enix has either missed or ignored it all. Well, whatever.

Personal gaming update

Well, after finishing a bunch of games recently, I thought I'd finally be able to conquer Catherine before the fall onslaught arrived. Not quite. I'm still convinced I'll finish Atlus' excellent puzzler (I have to see how the story turns out!) but right now, it's all about RAGE , Dark Souls , and the surprising Atelier Totori: Adventurer of Arland . Now, I can't really talk about the other two until this week, but I think most of you know that I love RAGE . That's the only hint you'll get, however. 😉

As for Dark Souls , I'll just say that it's brutal and punishing, and I'm not convinced that it's better than Demon's Souls . I have some control and camera concerns…but I have to keep playing before I pass judgment. On a different subject, if you're looking for something invigorating and fresh, I would recommend Child of Eden . You've never really seen anything like it before and visually, it'll blow your hair back.

Lastly, we should be having our Home party this Thursday for the PSXE Show Episode #6. It isn't confirmed yet but hopefully, we're good to go for that. Also, look for more old episodes on our YouTube Channel . Oh, and unfortunately, Level-5 didn't have time to answer our WKCII questions…I got the feeling that the team isn't too happy with the game's reception here in the West.

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13 years ago


was it better received in japan? it's funny you should ask that. the first game was not that well received in japan either. famitsu scored it low and was very critical of the dry story and online elements. it took forever for it crack 1 million copies sold(worldwide)as well. it's not just the west that has picked on wkc.

13 years ago

Is that so? Anyone can confirm this? Cause then, why are "everyone" blaming the western world and our reception if it was the same also in the east?

13 years ago

No they didn't score it low (maybe by diehard fan standards)Famitsu gave it 33/40 which is like 83%, higher than what Ben gave it.

As far as sales go I can't comment on that, it's sad in that regard.

13 years ago

the first wkc got a 29/40 from famitsu which translates to a 72% score. that's definitely significantly lower than this site scored it. just do a google search on the term wkc famistsu score and you will see multiple headlines stating famitsu does not like wkc. i know famitsu can be tough but they scored other jrpgs a lot higher. the sequel did fair better.

as for reviewers killing off jrpgs…let's just say i think it is way more complex than that. the first thing i would blame is the huge drop off in both quanity and quality we have seen this gen in jrpgs. i only have to look at my extensive jrpg collections for the ps1 and ps2 to see that. there has been 1 elite jrpg released this gen imho. that would be the lost odyssey, and that game was on the wrong system.

i would also point out ms did a lot of things at the start of this gen that distorted the jrpg market and hastened its demise. when jrpgs did not sell on system with a huge shooter contingent puplishers just assumed there was no market for them. i think those jrpgs might have faired better on the ps3 but becuase of ms we will never know.

there is the argument that the west has turned into a bunch of mindless twitchers as well. there is no doubt shooters are extremely popular, but i think the success of games like mass effect 2, la noire, deus ex, and fall out 3 shows that games with some depth can succeed. we aren't just a bunch cod drones. there is room on the market for games that require some thought.

it's hard to guage the impact reviewers have had on jrpgs this gen becuase there are so few titles to judge. especially elite jrpgs. i would put reviewers way down on my list of reasons jrpgs have declined. i would also note that it's not just jrpgs that have suffered this gen. the entire japanese gaming sector is in decline. the only series that i can think of that has not had a drop in quality is the mgs series.

Last edited by Excelsior1 on 10/2/2011 10:44:47 AM

13 years ago

"we aren't just a bunch cod drones. there is room on the market for games that require some thought"
Indeed we are not, and indeed there is.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

Excelsior: It's true that we don't have many straight JRPGs to examine, and also true that we don't have as many elite JRPGs this generation. But it's absolutely true that most critics for major sources are not fans of "old-fashioned" battle mechanics. It's not so much the Japanese part they dislike, it's the fact that such games aren't "keeping up" with the rest of the world.

What they fail to realize, of course, is that such mechanics work extremely well and the fans continue to love them. Maybe a good example would be to see how a game like Atelier Totori is received. It hasn't been handled by a big source just yet, but I'd keep an eye on that. The game deserves at least an 8 and more like a mid-8. If you see 6s and even low 7s from the big sources, it absolutely means they're biased against "old-fashioned" styles.

Because from an objective viewpoint, there's really nothing glaringly wrong with that game.

13 years ago

Excelsior, stop trolling it's becoming tiresome. WKC1 got a lower score than the sequel, but bringing up the original's Famitsu score which is something like three years old seems pretty stupid when talking about the western response to the second game now.

13 years ago

I think the first year of the 360's life had a couple AAA jRPG's. But xbox'ers have never been interested in jRPG's… the original XBOX had how many jRPG's again??? Why would early 360 adopters want them?

Microsoft saw that PS3 had loads of jRPG's that sold and MS wanted a piece of the pie. They succeeded, but not in a way they anticipated. Instead of offering them as an option, they effectively killed the genre off for half a decade.

13 years ago

MS nearly killed the genre in the west. Look at the reception WKC2 has had. Do you think it would have had that kind of reception in 2004?

13 years ago

I agree that Cage is a visionary. Along with Kojima And Kaz. You have to respect these guys. Yeah, they can pop out a game in a year if they really wanted to. Potentially making millions more, but no. Their artistic integrity prevails and true gems are created. I always look forward to any of the projects they work on. I say thanks for the memories to each of them.

Square-Enix is on dangerous ground. I have lost faith in them some time ago but now they may lose something far more precious: HOPE. Right now they are straight tripping. It's one thing to stumble but another to remain calm and humble. 10 points to whoever figures out that reference.

PGU: It's all about Ico and Shadow. Timeless classics.

13 years ago

PGU: bugs and glitches aside, im having a crap load of fun with BF3.
Also started playing thru xenogears again, my third time going thru it. been so long since i last played it, forgot how long certain sections of the game are

Gamer Girl Gemo
Gamer Girl Gemo
13 years ago

I nearly worship the ground David Cage walks on. Being a writer myself, he's been such an inspiration ever since I first played Indigo Prophecy. To hear him say what he did about maintaining creativity and such, has really hit home with me. It's great to know that there are still some people with a sense for the arts and what they're actually supposed to mean. Maybe Cage should give SE a good talking to. I'm sure he could do some damage control.

Not many new games have passed my way, as I'm still laying in wait for that first day of November. Other than trying out the BF3 beta – which is really pretty great for an FPS – nothing new.
To get myself pumped up for UC3, I've been playing so much of UC and UC2. I already Platinumed UC, and need to do so with UC2. Only about 2 trophies away from achieving that, but I've been lazy around that. I'm somewhat hoping that I can Platinum UC3 within 5 days like I did with inFAMOUS 2 😀

13 years ago

This issue is this… it is all very well not to "worry" about money until the day comes that you really need it. Cage is brave… if something were ever to happen whereby he was not able to work in video games anymore, for what ever reason that may be, it is times like this that one needs a plan B, and maybe a plan C… including having some money behind oneself as a safety net.

I think one can be safe and still be creative. Cage is still relatively young and can spend a few more years yet taking risks… problem is that doesn't last for ever… one really does have to think of the future… and the future in today's world is that finding and keeping a job is difficult. Getting well paid and retaining your benefits are difficult… every dollar counts today… and one, quite simply, can't have enough to secure ones future adequately…

But… as you say; it is encouraging to see creatives like Cage stick it out… take risks to stay true to his vision, and then actually pull it off successfully… a damn difficult thing to do in its own right. All credit to him and it will be interesting to get some news on Quantic's next project, whatever that will be…



Last edited by Qubex on 10/2/2011 10:37:18 AM

13 years ago

I completely agree with you been about FFXIII. It really is a slick game. The problem is that after 12 and earlier the world has come to expect bar setting RPGs that blow the competition out of the water. Crisis Core was the closest thing to most recently. And even then I want a AAA mother console Final Fantasy. Like the old days.

PGU: I know square can do better because I'm playing through FFIX right now and loving every second of it. I would still rank VIII and VII ahead of it, but it really is true FF gem.

13 years ago

Dead Island: my coop buddies and I has given up on that game now. Will trade it in, even. Beating dead guys gets boring remarkably fast, and being three like we were, beating and kicking a seemingly defenseless individual just felt so very wrong. Really, it did. We all said it almost at the same time. It looks ugly.

Resistance 3: So my main coop buddy and I has returned to R3. And I gotta say; that game has quality written all over it. The animations of the mobs are absolutely splendid and the gameplay is excellent. It is a simple game, sure, straightforward action but does not deserve to be ignored by the ps3 crowd.

Deus Ex: I deliberately progress as slow as technically possible to delay the ending. Absolutely love it, but it also has made me miss what I wanna call "real" rpgs. Miss more interaction with the characters, customization, non-violent content. I miss BioWare rpgs. But I'm not complaining, these are good days for gaming!

Last edited by Beamboom on 10/2/2011 9:34:58 AM

13 years ago

For some reason Deus Ex is failing to grab me. I started playing it before I got the GoW: Origins Collection which distracted me for it and once I finished that I picked up GoWIII again. Lol

Last edited by Jawknee on 10/2/2011 10:36:22 AM

13 years ago

I can totally understand how Deus Ex is failing to grab some gamers. DE is not for everyone, but those kind of games tend to be more for those it's for… If that made any sense. 😀
It's probably my personal favourite game so far of the ones released after Crysis 2.

Claire C
Claire C
13 years ago

Deus Ex Human Revolution is easily one of my favorite games this generation.

I'm looking forward to trying Dead Island.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

Loooved Deus Ex.

Claire C
Claire C
13 years ago


13 years ago

Sigh….Bennnnn….I didn't plan to get rage, but now…sigh I'll read your review.

PGU: Got the ICO/Sotc bundle, in truth it's all about sotc for me – not a big fan of ico at all.

13 years ago

Rage actually looks like what Boarderlands should have been. I never cared for Doom or his other games but Rage looks brilliant.

I absolutely loved ICO. It took about a half hour to grow on me but once it did I couldn't put it down.

Thanks again Limited Vertigo! 😉

Last edited by Jawknee on 10/2/2011 10:39:45 AM

13 years ago

@Jawk: It *looks* like what Borderlands should have been, yes, but imo it miss what made Borderlands so great: The 4p storyline/campaign coop. As a single player game I don't think I'd even bother beating it. As a coop game though it goes straight into my top 3 coop experiences so far on the ps3.

I have however no doubt that Rage is an awesome single player game. As such it *must* beat Borderlands.

Last edited by Beamboom on 10/2/2011 11:20:03 AM

13 years ago

Boarderlands was just too plagued with Unreal glitchiness and terrible animations. I couldn't get into it. I always wanted to play a Falloutish game but the Fallout series is too buggy. Can't wait for Rage.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

Rage rapes Borderlands in the single-player department. That's all I can say.

Claire C
Claire C
13 years ago

That quote should be on the box. lol

13 years ago

Oh yeah Borderlands were far, far from perfect. It was plagued by a lot of things. It was also far too easy and the story had big gaping holes, not to mention the half-implemented features like colour setting on your clothes that are reset each time you load a game, likewise with a non-persistent custom character name that are not even used in in the game whatsoever, loads of details like that. They quite clearly had to finish their work at a stage. This game smelled like a strict budget production where it's success were far from taken for granted.

But these things are what makes me so optimistic for next years Borderlands 2. Now they know their concept is well received by a large crowd and they can work on the sequel without a bunch of nervous investors on their back.
I expect Borderlands 2 to be better than the first in every possible way with maybe one exception: The DLCs. Cause they already rocked in B1.

Last edited by Beamboom on 10/3/2011 2:14:28 AM

13 years ago

That quote should not be on any box. I'm not sure when the word 'rape' transitioned from being a verb that described an intense violation of another person sexually into a verb that conveyed the meaning of being badly outdone.

Truly, I find it offensive that people use the word incorrectly. In my opinion using it in this matter devalues and minimizes the actual meaning of 'rape'. If ever there was a word that deserved to hang onto the depth and intensity of it's meaning, that is one of them. Let's please try to find another term instead?

13 years ago

Ya, sorry guys… I'm all for letting things go when people don't mean anything offensive, and I also think people get overly worked up about words…

But "rape" does hit home for me. I have a sibling with a very unfortunate past. It's one of those few things in life that actually makes you want to severely hurt someone. Even if you aren't a violent person.

Sorry to make an issue of something. I don't mean to be "that guy".

13 years ago

Technically, "rape" means "seize, carry away", but I agree its casual usage is in bad taste.

13 years ago


Really I mean REALLY captivated by the battlefield beta right now. I mean this game shows a lot of promise for shooter of the year. The beta graphically is well sloppy, but we all know that. Regardless though I love how thr beta is basically the full game with one map and a very tricky map at that. I like most people was skeptical because this beta was released and the game comes out in less than a month. That's when I was thinking WTF?

Fortunatley I did some digging and DICE spoke out on Twitter that the beta is a slimmed down version using dated coding I believe from the closed beta. The assured that most if not all the bugs have already been corrected.

Regarding its graphics the beta is unimpressive but I heard jimmy fallon was doing a special on BF3 on the ps3. Yea no one should have to worry about the graphics. They will still blow ur mind. It's gonna probably get my shooter of the year regardless

Oct 25th and counting down the days…

13 years ago

Thanks for that update, I am crossing fingers and toes for BF3.

13 years ago

PGU: Finally in the playoffs in both NHL and NBA 2k11 about to sweep the Minnesota Wild with the Red Wings and in "NBA 2k11" I'm 3 wins away from moving the Pistons to the second round. About to enter the sewers in "Dead Island". Going to get "Spider-Man edge of time" sometime next week from Gamefly.

Games added to the collection: I got "Dead Rising 2" for 4 bucks and since the Christmas is coming up so when I put my family gifts on layaway I'm going to put at least one or two games up for myself.

13 years ago

umm isnt happy with WKC2 reception? It sold 53k copies in the US in the first week, thats more copies total that EU has sold since it came out back in June.. thats great for a game like WKC which has a bad rep anyway… surely they didnt expect a million copies sold in the first month type of game now did they?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

I'm not talking about sales. I'm talking about reviews.

13 years ago

Ben is talking about the media's reception of the game which has been nigh on xenophobic. Having played through the game there is not one major criticism of the game I am able to found grounds for. The comments about the story being weak might be fair based on the first game, but the second part of the story is – in my opinion – far stronger. Not to mention that the cutscenes in this game (the second part) are almost entirely generated within the game engine, and they look nearly as good as the pre-rendered ones from the original, with the exception of minor lip-synch issues. The western media is extremely hostile to this game, and I have no idea why.

13 years ago

speaking of reviews you should check out the gametrailers video review… first time Ive ever seen a review where the reviewer mention things that are downright incorrect… the whole time Im watching this review Im thinking "umm did he actually PLAY the game before reviewing it?"

13 years ago


I'll just say that having played through about 90% of the total game so far, I have not yet found as much as a shred of evidence to support the harsh criticism the game has received. White Knight Chronicles has somehow become a chew toy, or whipping boy for the game media in the west to abuse.

Review scores in the 4,5,6 (out of 10) range are a travesty. But it's truly ugly to see how some of the reviews approach the game. I can't honestly blame Level 5 for being hurt or disappointed by the reception in the west. Personally, I would be insulted by t if I were them. It is insulting.

Ben's review here was about the most accurate. I think that if he'd had time to play the majority of the story himself, his review score might have been higher, maybe an 85/100. I know I rate the game highly, but there is simply no way at all that this game rates the low review scores or criticism it's got elsewhere, nor does it deserve the xenophobic ridicule it get's at some sites.

Ben wrote that editorial about reviews killing the JRPG – this game (1 & 2 together) is a microcosm of that very thing. I really would like to know, truthfully, why it is as it is. It's unfair, and just plain wrong. It's also preventing a lot of JRPG fans out there from enjoying one of the generations best PS3 JRPGs.

Last edited by TheHighlander on 10/3/2011 10:10:18 AM

13 years ago

Man, I can't wait for your review of Rage, Ben. And for that matter, I can't wait to get my hands on the game on Tuesday. I've said it before and I'll say it again: it looks like the only other FPS this year that could take away the "Best FPS" award from R3.

Sure, BF3 is fun (and the beta is nowhere near as bad as people are getting at), but I feel a distinct sense of "been there done that" when I play it. Plus, from what I've seen, BF3 does absolutely nothing new at all in terms of gameplay.

13 years ago

Currently playing the Uncharted 3 Subway demo. It's almost the same as the previous beta; updated menu's, control upgrades are the only changes. There's three new maps too – London Underground, which, at the beginning, has the best opening sequence EVAR! It's like the tunnel vision from UC2, but with two trains side by side, villians on one and hero's on the other…it's really fun when your constantly jumping from train to train, chasing after people. The next map is this desert village one, which is ordinary enough, but after awhile theres a sandstorm which is AWESOME! …in that you can't see a thing. 😛 Last map is kinda meh, its the Syria map from the coop in the beta, and it feels really un-inspired. The rest of the maps are fantastic though…really can't wait for Uncharted 3 now. Oh and the soundtrack now includes guitars with some high-tempo drum beats, which feels peculiar (for uncharted) but really adds to the adrenaline you feel when its the last 30 seconds.

Thank god they took out that stupid 'transform into a spider' kickback though, that was stupid.

Last edited by Ludicrous_Liam on 10/2/2011 5:28:22 PM

13 years ago

So Ben, which game of October are you most looking forward to?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

I would say Rage, but I already have it so that may not count. 😉

13 years ago

It counts, I'll ask that question again in November, but I'm pretty sure I know the answer… 🙂

13 years ago


"Oh, and unfortunately, Level-5 didn't have time to answer our WKCII questions…I got the feeling that the team isn't too happy with the game's reception here in the West."

Yeah, well, this to me sums up the situation in general for far too many games. The media reception for a game like WKC2 here has been really poor. Not sure why, and the deeper I play into the game the more I question the validity of the majority of the reviews. Honestly, many of the reviews were not written by people who'd played the game. That much is painfully obvious when you have played the game and look at the content of some reviews. Ben, you are an exception, but I think that even your review would have been higher if you'd had the time to play through the game.

You wrote a piece a while back about whether reviews were killing the JRPG/RPG genre. I think that Level5's disappointment with the critical reception for WKC2 is a perfect example of that. Whether or not there is a WKC3, I have no doubt that if there is, we will never see it here. Thanks biased and superficial gaming media, we love you.

13 years ago

Hey Ben, I know it's a little late and you probably aren't checking this thread anymore,

But by any chance, when they didn't have time to field questions, did you make them aware of the review score you gave it?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

I did but I don't think that mattered.

13 years ago

Ah well… I wrote them a letter to PR apologizing for the western reception from reviewers and letting them know that there are fans who appreciate their work.

Worthless, I know, but I wanted to say something. lol

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