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Square Enix Wouldn’t Dare Wreck FFX

Okay, so there's a rumor going around that Square Enix's revisiting of Final Fantasy X could actually be an overhauled remake .

Of course, there are no sources or evidence in the European article and the translation is iffy, but can you imagine what might happen if Square Enix fiddled with the gameplay? Of course it won't happen; it won't happen because we're looking at a high-definition gloss and not a remake (I firmly believe that). It also won't happen because the world would explode and the debris would land squarely on every Square Enix office around the globe.

I know they're desperately trying to remove all traces of the term "role-playing" from Final Fantasy in order to cater to the twitchy action gamers over here in the West. I know they think all of us just play Call of Duty and have no interest in the idea of an "archaic" turn-based RPG. But there must remain some executives at that company who fully understand the concept of a timeless classic, especially because Squaresoft used to create them on a routine basis. They wouldn't dare let anything happen to FFX, right?

Besides, it would take a ton of work to overhaul FFX to the point where it plays like FFXIII. That just isn't going to happen so get the idea out of your head. It's impractical and illogical but above all else, it's idiotic . Might as well ask Hideo Kojima to turn MGS2 and MGS3 into third-person shooters for the upcoming HD Collection.

There's a development discussion that would go over well.

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12 years ago

Messing with the gameplay would be suicidal, but stranger things have happened, so don't rule it out. Look at George Lucas and the original Star Wars Trilogy.

12 years ago

Vader's new "NOOOOOOOO" makes my heart ache.

12 years ago

I'm convinced they make those gay little changes just to make waves to get publicity for the release because it happens every time they rerelease the series.

12 years ago

I'll buy the original Star Wars trilogy on Blu-Ray when they release the old untouched versions of it, the way Star Wars was meant to be.

The new trilogy I'll buy, since it'll look awesome in 1080p and hasn't been ruined by Lucas. (Episodes 1 and 2 were ruined enough as it was, in fact, going back might improve them. Oh George Lucas, how the mighty have fallen)

12 years ago

the only thing i would advocate them changing is making it slightly easier for yojimbo to use zanmato.

and i would like to play the international version

12 years ago

One thing I never understood about Yojimbo…

Where and when would he have an opportunity to spend the money you give him? Seems to me, over paying could hurt the Spira economy!

12 years ago

I am rather optimistic that we won't see those changes. I don't think they have the time to change the gameplay for a game that they're going to give an HD treatment. Or maybe that's what I would like to think since I don't want them to really mess FFX up. I love this game as it is.

12 years ago

Yeah it will just be HD and I can't wait to get my hands on it. With any luck they will sync up the lips too but that might be too much to ask.

12 years ago

I don't think its a remake if it is Im disappointed its not VII or VIII. I hope we get version with the dark Aeons.

12 years ago

This about it. PS2 is much easier to overhaul for HD then it would be for a PS classic. Dont get me wrong id love to see a VII an VIII remake but those wont happen

12 years ago

i have to say, a enhanced porting, like the mobile persona games would be welcome, add the choice of X-2's ATB for people who liked one better then the other. maybe add international edition features. but not break and rebuild. keep the game classic, but delve into what fans may like to see thrown in with their favorite. FFX was my first PS2 game, but i didn't like the battle system a lot, but X-2 had a free flow atb. I'd like to see the option, that'd make me double-dip for sure :D. but alas, the untouched, graphic update will do.

12 years ago

Is this only going to be FFX? Not adding X-2 with it?

12 years ago

If it sells well they could, but X-2 wasn't that popular so I wouldn't hold my breath. I enjoyed it but I understand the disinterest in the Jpop Charlies Angels thing.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
12 years ago

Sure they would, it's S-E.

Having said that I agree that it would just be too much work for them to go over all of the aspects and rework them. I mean, it wouldn't be as difficult to do as FFVII, given that all it would take is updating the character and environment models, as opposed to recreating them. And they already have the battle system of XIII worked out, but they'd still have to incorporate the elements and attacks of FFX. I think we're safe.

12 years ago

Square enix would dare wreck final fantasy X they did it to 13 it may not be a previous entry but final fantasy is very well known. I know non gamers who know what final fantasy is and its a shame that square enix let them selves go. At one point and time they was squaresoft – beautiful sexy perfect shape size coke bottle body and leader of the pack then they trimmed the soft part put the weight on aka Enix now they put on 600 pounds all about money messing up franchises and undesirable I bid you a farewell squeenix FAIL

12 years ago

You're absolutely right Ben. It would take "a TON" of work and we ALL know that SE and "work" do not go hand in hand these days. They're more of the "sell the cutting room floor scraps" kind of company now. FFX will be a mediocre HD port at best.

12 years ago

I don't know if it would take that much work really. I saw an article about them just creating characters, battle scenes and Aeons through the FFXIII engine and that they were just going to "filter" the sets and scenes with the engine. I'm guessing it would be a lot like the Halo anniversary remake not full-blown.

Still think it's unlikely and even though I'd prefer a remake of VII, this wouldn't be possible for it. I'd love to see FFX given this treatment unless they touch the gameplay in any way.

12 years ago

they wont, everything goes in there too hard basket so they will do as little as possible to get this out the door.
this being a total remake is as likely as them coming out tomorrow and announcing KH3 exclusive to wiiu!

12 years ago

Does anybody know if Sony own the rights to this title? 'Cuz I don't want to see this popping up in an ugly green case.

12 years ago

I'm pretty sure they do. Can anyone confirm?

12 years ago

Squeenix, everything they do these days I take a wait and see approach. I actually hope they package X-2 along with it but I'm definitely not getting my hopes up. They've lost tons of money lately so I think this will be out sooner than we think

12 years ago

square is capable of anything so i would be real careful about saying they would not dare. this should be safe however since we know square does not like to put a lot of effort into their projects anymore.

Warrior Poet
Warrior Poet
12 years ago

FFX is only 10 years old; it doesn't need a remake. But if it gets one, so much the better! (As long as it's done right).

Looking at all the remakes they've had lately, especially on PSP, it seems their policy is to touch up the graphics, make it widescreen, and sometimes include better voice acting (like in Star Ocean 2. That actually improved the game a lot).

Let's just wait and see; it won't be out for another year or so.

12 years ago

I also don't think SE would or should mess with the gameplay at least i hope they don't but SE has done crazy things lately

12 years ago

"Might as well ask Hideo Kojima to turn MGS2 and MGS3 into third-person shooters for the upcoming HD Collection."

You know if he revamped the controls and cameras to be more like MGS4 I wouldn't mind one bit. In fact it was something he tried to do with the rerelease of MGS3 but it kinda fell short.

However, Square needs to leave FFX's gameplay alone.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

Well, no, I wouldn't mind that, either. I just mean if they took out a lot of the stealth elements and changed the core gameplay.

Like what happened with that craptastic Splinter Cell: Conviction. 'gag'

12 years ago

Gotcha. And I agree 100%. It's one of the reasons Rising has me worried about the future of the franchise.

12 years ago

The only thing I would't mind changed would be Wakka's weapon.

A volleyball? Honestly?

But then again, a classic is a classic to it would be best not to change it.

12 years ago

That thing's a BLITZBALL!!!! lol

Volleyball's don't hurt when you get hit by them. Unless… it were a volleyball with SPIKES!

12 years ago

I would love to get it if it were bundled with X-2, and especially if they were the international versions. Oh, who am I kidding? I'll get it no matter what.

12 years ago

As long as they just amp up the visuals to make some better detail on things here and there and make blitz-ball little easier to understand, Everything else don't touch. I hope they don't change the combat mechanic to fit like x-2 and ff13 ill be disappointed. I like the old school FF combat system better but thats MO. Last thing would be cool but long long shot is have easter egg for beating the game or something of new trailer or something of FF-Versus.

12 years ago

George Lucus makes my heart break:(

12 years ago

You need to slim up your avatar of the less cool version of the Anima summon.

12 years ago

I hope the formula stays the same. It was one of the more memorable RPGs for me (albeit I cheated to get the celestial weapons; I never had the patience nor the proper hand-eye coordination back then, i always panicked.) I may give the weapons a fair go this time around if opportunity arose.

12 years ago

Square won't change anything about it bc if they did, they couldn't call it FFX bc it would be a different game all in all. Although they may screw with the control scheme like they did with RE4 HD. The controls for that game sucks now. I'd rather play it on the PS2 bc the controls are where they should be on the PS2. They don't even allow you to change it to what you want, they just give you 2 different settings to choose from and both suck.

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