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Will Resident Evil 6 Disappoint The Fans?

First of all, if you see a bunch of headlines talking about an "official" Resident Evil 6 announcement, ignore them. As most sources have already stated, it was generated by a fake video.

But it begs the question: Capcom will undoubtedly deliver RE6 at some point and based on the critical and fan reception for RE5, we're wondering if the developer will understand what needs to be done. Catering to long-time fans has proven problematic for Japanese designers this generation, primarily because they keep trying to bring in new fans. Some say that's a mistake.

An example of that would be the Slant Six-developed Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City , which will be a fast-paced third-person shooter that marks a definite departure from the standard survival/horror format. Now, we don't expect that from RE6, but what changes should we expect? They're not really going to make us freeze in place and fire a weapon again, are they? Ironically, they helped pioneer a new over-the-shoulder look in RE4; maybe they could do it again.

That's really what this series needs: a significant upgrade or alteration to gameplay that many consider to be outdated. However, at the same time, the fans don't want Capcom to ditch the slower-paced style that generates fear and foreboding. Check out older Silent Hill entries if you don't know what I'm talking about. We just have to wonder…Japanese developers have gotten a reputation for scaring off their established fanbases this generation. So what can we expect when RE6 is announced?

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12 years ago

Well from what i hear going back to fps from tps as well as making it piss ur pants scary would b a good start I only ever played re5 so coming from a new players perspective, there was nothing in that game that gave me the sense of dread and horror like a game like dead space. I was definatly not playing a survival horror game

It felt more like a grittier uncharted to me. So I definatly can't respect resident evil as a horror franchise at this point. As an action game sure its a good action game, but major fans want horror and if RE has aspirations of being the horror genre it once was, its got a ways to go.

But like I said before, those first two changes would b a good start at least that's what I have gathered from the criticisms of hardcore fans.

Last edited by BIGRED15 on 9/16/2011 9:43:53 PM

12 years ago

When was Resident Evil a first person shooter?

12 years ago

RE was never an FPS so it cannot go back to something it never was. And on that topic, RE would suck worse than it has if it tried to go FPS. Crapcom needs to take the series back to RE2 and RE3…..the glory days….oh how I miss them. On a brighter note, RE2 for free to PS+ on Tuesday. YES!!!

12 years ago

Not just RE2, but RE1 and RE3 will be free also, I believe.

12 years ago

Well sh** what do I know?????

12 years ago

Confirmed Free PS1 games…….
PSN on 9/20/11
Resident Evil: Director’s Cut (for 2 weeks)
Resident Evil: 2 (for 2 weeks)
Resident Evil: 3 (for 2 weeks)

I have both, the original RE, & 2 different versions of Re:Director's Cut, but I just realized I still need RE 2 & 3…..damn it.

BTW, here's some fun facts from my collection….there are 2 different versions of the Director's Cut.

1. Original RE:DC that's in a fat double disc case, and includes a 2nd disc which is a interactive demo for the upcoming RE2.
On the DC disc itself, the words "Director's Cut" are inside a "RED" rectangle background. Also, both the case & both of the discs are marked as 1997's on them.

2. The 2nd copy of RE:DC is a "Greatest Hits", plus "Dual Shock Analog Controller support: upgraded version.
And on the game disc the words "Director's Cut" are in the same exact rectangle , only this time they are on a "black" background. On this version, the case & the disc are labeled as being 1998's.
This version also has a new(for 1-900-680-2583 toll call "Capcom Hint Line" etched into the right side of the disc.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 9/17/2011 3:48:17 AM

12 years ago

What do they mean "free for two weeks"? Are they referring to the availability of RE 1-3 as free games? I sure hope that is the case because I'd hate to download the games then feel pressured by time to play them. I'll then buy RE4 and RE: Code Veronica just to complete (mostly) the major RE games. With that deal, it's like I purchased 5 RE games for just $19.98. I love being a PS+ subscriber!

12 years ago

Resident Evil: Dead Aim was FPS. But it was a spin off, so it doesn't really count, does it?

12 years ago

Dead Aim doesn't really count, but that game was crazy fun! Lots of people didn't like it, but I played through it in one sitting with the awesome Guncon2. I'd love to see a HD release or a sequel that utilizes the Move!

12 years ago


I believe that means they're only available as "FREE" D/L'd for that set period of 2 weeks only & that you have 2 weeks to grab them off the PSN(& they're yours to play as long as you have a PS Plus account). And after that time, those games if not gotten during the "free" period, will revert back to the regular PSN prices for everybody afterwards including + members.
"So grab em while they're still hot(free)"

Disclaimer: Somebody else should be able to tell you differently if I'm wrong though.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 9/17/2011 3:41:31 PM

12 years ago

That's what I thought of too, BikerSaint and it appears to be the case. Anyway, this is awesome for us who have never played any RE game before.

12 years ago

I think they can pull it off, and make RE6 a great game, but there is about an equal chance of them completely screwing up and bombing. This isn't unique to just Japanese devs. Any developer has en equal chance of making something amazing or not. It just seems that a few have gotten sucked into Activision's mindset of "money, money, money," and it seems that this has backfired on them a bit. Let's not forget however, that not all Japanese devs have dropped the ball (Kojima and Polophony Digital come to mind). Anyways, I think they could reinvigorate the series by making it sh*t-your-pants scary with a great story.

BTW, I know this is a bit wierd/off topic, but I was wondering if anybody on this site would like to add me. I have a lot of people on my friend's list, but most play CoD, and I was hoping some people from here might add me on psn. I really respect you guys, and I wanna play with ya sometime. So, add Destria-phogly97 if you want. Thanks 🙂

12 years ago


i don't play CoD but i'm sure we have SOME games in common

12 years ago

I wanted that trailer to be real in the worst way! The co-ordinates… Thunder Bay, Ontario… that's my home town. I would've loved to shoot down zombies on my ol' hunting grounds. 😉

12 years ago

It could be RE5 clone and I would buy it. I know a lot of people didn't like RE5 but I loved it. Was cool being able to play it with my girlfriend and the challenge and length of game were perfect to me. My only problem with the game is it wasn't in the least bit scary. I say bring actual zombies back and let it be 2 player again please.

12 years ago

Resistance 3 was scary.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
12 years ago

It had moments.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
12 years ago

What can we expect? The internet to light in a flaming ball of rage at the stupidity of Capcom to be seeming to be lifting the hammer for that final nail that shall make the coffin of Resident Evil.

What we should expect? RE5 Lost in Nightmare DLC being the example of the entirety of the game. A blend between tense, creepy environments and very rare glimpses of more open areas. Mostly slow, shambling zombies, but giving way at certain points to BOWs. A more impersonal storyline. Variant super enemies. Less ammunition for more of a focus on fright and making the player run away.

All the good stuff, man.

12 years ago

What little info has come to light about RE6 seemed to indicate it would continue forward with the action style and basically leave true horror in the dust as so many horror series do on their inevitable march toward doom. Zombies and gore does not a horror game make.

I think we can expect what RE5 was, a pretty decent shooter with flawed mechanics that isn't scary.

12 years ago

As long as its scary and not co-op based I'm good…

12 years ago

Well, seeing how Capcom sold out to Microsoft and seeing as how if any game wants to have half a chance with the Xbox crowd it has to be multiplayer, chance are that you'll be teaming up with someone.

12 years ago

Scary yes, but please keep the coop option. I had a real good time playing through RE5 coop with a buddy.
Just make it more scary and less sunny and we're there.

Last edited by Beamboom on 9/17/2011 6:36:11 AM

12 years ago

IDK Beamboom, nothing scarier than going at it alone. Just the feeling of "No one here to save me" adds to that feeling of dread.

12 years ago

That is true of course. It's just… Then it becomes too scary for me to enjoy it! 😀
(I am not kidding either. I could not even get past the tutorial in Dead Space 1&2. I still got them both, just waiting for the opportunity of someone else playing them while I can watch 😀 )

Last edited by Beamboom on 9/17/2011 8:53:07 AM

12 years ago


C'mon man, that is what makes Dead Space such a good series. Dim those lights, open the windows at night & vamp the volume to max settings. If you sh!te yourself than the game is just working it's magic. 😉

Regarding scary games, we just need new games in general that can match the sedate chills of Project Zero aka Fatal Frame, the Japanese horror of Forbidden Siren & the wierdness of Silent Hill 2 – 4 The Room. Sadly, we just ain't seeing enough of it this gen.

Last edited by Kevin555 on 9/17/2011 11:04:32 AM

12 years ago

I know they are good, Kevin! 😀 I know. But you should have seen me when I play those kind of games. I just am totally unable to distance myself from it.

Have you played FEAR2? Most say that it was not scary. I can even now in retrospect agree with that. However, you remember those hallways right at the beginning of the game, inside the hospital? Where you discover that something weird was going on. Beyond that it was not much happening at all, yet.

Well… I am not kidding you when I say that I used *at least* half an hour from one door to another. No, not the entire map, just from one one hallway to the next. We talk about 15-20 steps or so here.
While walking crouched I hardly touched the manual stick to walk forwards, listening for every single sound, expecting the worst around every single corner.

So yeah, they are good, those games. Or so they say. During the opening scene of DS2, when you are in that straight jacket, well I kept telling me "I can't die I can't die" through the entire map. And that's how far I've gotten in that game.

Last edited by Beamboom on 9/17/2011 3:32:24 PM

12 years ago

Resident Evil 6 can't disappoint. Capcom will for sure take the criticism of R.E. 5 and fix whatever it is the fans wanted. Speaking of Resident Evil… I can't wait to play R.E. 4 on Tuesday.

12 years ago

One word answer……YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12 years ago

Resident Evil Survivor was considered an fps. It was on the ps1 and it was a pos!

12 years ago

I'm sorry, but Capcom has done nothing but disappoint me this generation. Resident Evil 5's more action-based focus didn't bother me so much as their DLC distribution, Super/Ultimate/Hyper Mega Edition releases, their one-save file on Mercenaries, and the cancellation of ALL three Megaman games.

What I'm trying to get at is that Capcom's business strategy is shoddy, and I want nothing to do with them in the future.

12 years ago

I was just thinking about RE while playing DI. lol, i know i'm getting annoying with my constant DI comments but I can't speak highly enough of that game, which brings me to my next point. It seems like everything good that Capcom dropped from RE, Techland picked up and used for DI.

Answering Ben's question; yes, RE6 will be a huge disappointment for me. RE 4 was disappointing (as a RE title) and I though they were gonna get back on track when they released REO:F2 but I was let down by Capcom yet again when RE5 came out. I'll be getting RE6 no matter what cause I'm a huge RE fan, but i'm not gonna hold out any hope for anything.

12 years ago

They need Mikami back but too bad, he's already with Zeni.

12 years ago

I'm all for a new Resi Evil but it needs to go back to the RE2 feel. I think an action mix of RE4 & scare factor of RE1 & RE2. They need to tie the loose ends with a few iconic characters too. WTF happened to Ada & why haven't we seen Claire Redfield since Code Veronica?

Let's forget the canon garbage that we see release after release on the Wii & most handhelds & shrug off that co-op swat team bs RE coming later on. Instead, get your hands dirty & start polishing up a new RE for next gen systems. The last thing fans want is the taste of fail that RE5 left in our mouths for a year now.

12 years ago

I won't be dissapointed because I simply have no faith in Resident Evil anymore. It has now just turned into a generic action game which is such a shame because 1-3 we're so SO scary! While I do not mind RE4 it was the turning point for RE and afterwards it just focused on action over horror.

A lot of people would complain at the controls of the older games, But I found in Silent Hill 2-3 they nailed the controls with the 2d control system, so you dont have to turn the character in axis, you press right teh character just goes righ, instead of turning right and then pressing up to go forward. These controls were excellent! & it's because of reviewers complaining that they're old we got RE4's over the shoulder system, which is destroying action games, I absolutley hated it in MGS4!

With RE6, I have no idea what they can do with it after RE5's 'modernly epic' conclusion… Thye can introduce new characters but it will be difficult to cae for them this late on. Like that 'busty chick' in the new revelations 3DS game… new character and I just could not care less.

Last edited by Vivi_Gamer on 9/17/2011 5:27:52 AM

12 years ago

It wont disappoint me simply because i hate the series now. Won't be suckered into this one. Biggest disappointment this gen for me, next to FF13

I literally had to fight to stay up late to play this crap, i kept dozing off

Last edited by aaronisbla on 9/17/2011 5:33:32 AM

12 years ago

do cows go moo?
is the pope chrisitan?

12 years ago

Catholic, actually.

12 years ago


12 years ago

same sh*t different smell.
you get the point though.

12 years ago

lol, yea i got you.

12 years ago

Good grief No Name,
You can't even get those right. HA HA

12 years ago

I personally think Capcom themselves was a big waste of everybody's time this gaming era.

12 years ago

FPS Resident Evil games
1.Resident Evil survivor
2.Resident Evil Code Veronica: battle mode was FPS
3. Resident Evil survivor 2 I believe you can only find it in Japan. Or Ebay.
4.Resident Evil Dead aim

As for Resident Evil 6 I wouldn't mind going back to the good ole days of fighting zombies and other weird t-virus or G-virus inspired mutant monsters just leave out the giant spiders.

Companies like Capcom and S.E.gotta understand 360 fans like a certain brand of games i.e FPS or games that feature roided up soldiers with chainsaws attached to their guns.

And no matter how much you try to reach out to them by overhauling the game to fit their taste they still may not buy the games. And not only they're risking losing money from sales on the 360 side,they're risking a blacklash from fans that been with them dating back to the SNES or early PSone days.

12 years ago

Leave out the spiders?? what was wrong with them?? my favorite spiders were the ones from Nemesis where when you kill the big spider you'd get swarmed by the little ones. 😀

12 years ago

RE5 was a disappointment to me, I beat it and never played it again after that. I would rather play the old RE games over the new ones honestly.

12 years ago

I'm not so much of a Resident Evil person as the "jump at you to make you jump" kind of scariness just exhausts me rather than keep me interested and fight on. I MEAN hell let me tell you…RE4 was one D**N exhausting game. I mean honestly getting all those keys, going back and forth, and then you have the wave of all those creatures and stuff…just ugh…but it was a good game because it still kept the franchise on the SURVIVAL HORROR route.

With RE5…NOTHING. NOTHING AT ALL. Just an exhausting 3rd person shooter. And it wasn't exhausting because of the horror…(because let me tell you…THERE WASN'T ANY)…but just because of all the s**t you had to do to advance to the next place. I mean my GOD.

WITH RE6…make it right Capcom…make it SURVIVAL HORROR once again. GRUESOME CREATURES, BLOOD & GORE does not make a horror game…it will be scary…if it pops out of nowhere (as that is the main basis of Survival Horror…I guess).

I want a new FATAL FRAME!!! But the next one is just a remake of Crimson Butterfly.

12 years ago

The Lost in Nightmares dlc was pretty good.

12 years ago

I think that they are takeing it serious and they they will make a great game, resident evil 6 will be high on there list, the new resident evil thats to come out next year resident evil operation raccoon city will be fun am looking foward to it .plus i think that its also a test to see how and to get feed back on how the new system works for gamers. some will not like it some will but to me it's some thing different not what i wanted but some of the new stuff is intresting .

12 years ago

the thing from playing resident evil from the days of playing part 2 i always wanted to be able to hold up my gun and to be able to walk forward, left ,right and to be able to retreat walking or step back wile fireing my weapon ,and am not talking about run and gun am talking about the ability to be able to walk with my weapon/gun in a ready position

12 years ago

They did it nicely in in the Outbreak games, so I know they CAN do it. The question is WILL they do it??

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