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What Happened To Final Fantasy Versus XIII?

For a while there, it really looked like Square Enix would start to push Final Fantasy Versus XIII . We'd get more than a few behind-closed-doors peeks at gameplay and this great wall of silence concerning information or even baseline details.

But then they announced Final Fantasy XIII-2 and that was it. Versus XIII has taken a definite back seat and personally, I'm a little concerned. It doesn't appear to be on the horizon any time soon, while at the same time, we already have an estimated launch date for FFXIII-2. At the beginning of the year, we started to hear snippets from Japan and that included a few new looks at cinema and gameplay. Then what? Anything? Does anyone remember the first time we heard about Versus XIII ?

And you know, they unveiled Final Fantasy Agito XIII (which has since become Final Fantasy Type-0 for the PSP) and with FFXIII-2 everywhere you look, one might assume Versus XIII could be found somewhere . Maybe they'll bring it to this year's Tokyo Game Show but even if they do, I'm not holding out much hope for any significant update. I keep wondering what Square Enix's plan is for this franchise; it seems a little erratic since FFXIII and I'm not entirely sure why… Any ideas?

By this time in 2011, I fully expected the game in question to be a common topic of discussion. There'd be plenty of media and info to talk about. It'd be one of the most anticipated titles. But where is it?

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12 years ago

I'm in the same boat of apprehension. FF XIII-2 seemed to just come out of nowhere and now there are articles abound concerning the game. I am very positive I read somewhere that FF XIII Versus will NOT be at TGS this year, which makes me quite sad. If Square continues to focus on the main XIII story arc, it may very well push Versus further out of priority than we'd like.

12 years ago

We're on the same boat, buddy. I want Versus XIII to come out before XIII-2. And I'm not trying to bring up a much-discussed theory, but it amazes me how S-E could release XIII-2 in a very short span of time. Sure, most of the assets are already there, but considering the fact that it took FF XIII five years to come out after it was first announced, it really looks suspicious to a point. I'm sometimes inclined to believe that the "scrapped materials" from XIII are what we're going to see in XIII-2. Oh well…

12 years ago

Yea I kind of see that happening. Oh Square, why can't you give us fans the XIII game we've been wanting for years??

12 years ago

Could they possibly take the "XIII" out of the title and make it part of the numbered series? Also, could they pour all their money, time, and effort into it after XIII-2 releases and give the fans a genuine FF experience? Maybe im just clueless, but why does this Versus XIII even have XIII in the title? From all of the information that I have read, and the videos I have seen, it doesn't have anything to do with XIII at all.

12 years ago

The XIII is there because it's part of the "Fabula Nova Crystallis: Final Fantasy XIII" which is basically SE's next big money thing after the Compilation of FF7 finished. They want it to last 20 years.. Anyway this started when Nomura decided he didn't like the way Toriyama was going with FF13 so he decided to make it own FF13, hence the "Versus" which is latin for "to go against". I don't know what hand Agito had in this play, but it's since been renamed to Type-0 like Ben said and I'm not even sure it's sill part of the FNC.

And now you know.

Last edited by Riku994 on 9/2/2011 11:07:05 PM

12 years ago

They all exist in the same universe, if not necessarily the same time period or planet. I posit that they should drop the "XIII" as it is synonymous with failure.

12 years ago

Square Enix's definition of failure does not match ours.

12 years ago

If there's anything that Square-Enix successfully accomplished this console generation, it is to make their fans scratch their heads for some really "weird calls".

When the Fabula-something was announced, I was most excited for FF XIII because it's the big successor. But after playing it and ended up thinking it's a so-so FF game, I thought FF Versus XIII could end up the better home console game. And what do we have now? Yep, FF XIII-2. Whle it looks to improve on the first game, I hope that S-E actually brings out Versus XIII first since they've announced that game more than 5 years ago! If I'm Tetsuya Nomura, I would not be happy about the kind of treatment my game is getting.

12 years ago

There wasn't even a need for a FFXIII sequel, FXIII-2 is a disservice to the gaming fans, I'm never gonna buy it.

12 years ago

I think they felt bad that they gave us a crap FF it didn't sell near what it should have, so they wanted to make more money by slightly improving said crap.

12 years ago

They most likely forgot about it in the same way they forgot about their fans…

12 years ago

Nomura said to forget about Versus for a while because of 13-2. He didnt say the 13-2 part but we all know it. There's tons of discussions about this on GameFAQs.

Basically Ben what most of the users there think is that once 13-2 is out, the curtains will fly open on this game and we'll start seeing a lot more of it and probably a release date soon after. I'm thinking late 2012 for Japan.

Oh and no Ben, we've been told Versus will not be at TGS.

Last edited by Riku994 on 9/2/2011 9:48:21 PM

12 years ago

it's not on the TGS list, but sometimes things make sneaky appearances.

12 years ago

Especially with square enix..

12 years ago

"Basically Ben what most of the users there think is that once 13-2 is out, the curtains will fly open on this game and we'll start seeing a lot more of it and probably a release date soon after. I'm thinking late 2012 for Japan."

Like when XIII was released?…

12 years ago

Yes, exactly like that. So unless a 13-3 is announced…. O_O

12 years ago

That's Squeenix for ya. How I long for the PSX glory days………

12 years ago

Several reasons:

1. Square Enix announce more games than they have time to make.

2. Content was cut out of FF XIII to fit onto 3 Xbox 360 discs. The cut content, along with a whole bunch of new stuff, makes FF XIII-2.

3. Square Enix do not listen to their fans, who clearly care less for a multiplat FF XIII sequel and want the PS3 exclusive FF Versus XIII.

4. Square tend to focus on one project at the expense of another, in this case, FF XIII-2 taking precedence over FF Versus XIII.

I don't know about you guys, but I am really getting fed up with Square Enix this generation. They are so clearly out of touch with their older hardcore fans from the SNES and PS1 days that we know longer care about them or Final Fantasy, AND the new fans they are after are too busy gearing up for Battlefield 3, Modern Warfare 3, Skyrim, Gears of War 3 or Halo Anniversary.

12 years ago

Agreed, Dancemachine! But unlike you, I'm not longer getting fed up with S-E. I've long been that way with them. LOL

12 years ago

That #2 doesn't quite fit, but it is likely true.

12 years ago

Lets not forget that S-E is doing the "reboot" for Tomb Raider. That might be coming out in 2012? or was it later…i remember reading on lot on the reboot. Damn you S-E. Slow your roll with all these games you wanna put out and focus!! Get your heads together, disappointing me at almost every turn.
P.S Where is my Kingdom Hearts 3?!

12 years ago

Eidos is handling that stabs, so it should be right on track. They appear to function on their own beneath SE.

12 years ago

I'm kind of glad I never got in FF which is sad to say. But it seems I'd be a very frustrated fan right now if I ever had. And I'd rather just not have that to deal with. Sorry guys. I really hope SE can clear some things up with and for their fans.

12 years ago

So how many games have square enix made for ps3 this generation? Only 1? That's pretty pathetic, considering that it takes naughty dog only two years to create masterpieces. Any may I remind everyone that this game was announced in 2006.

Whenever anything becomes about money, the quality of that thing always suffers.

12 years ago

hmmm. It's probably not a good sign I think. Does Square have like really limited work personnel or something? I just can't see them doing up all this wonderful CGI (expensive stuff too) and just leave it alone and go quiet. Odd.

12 years ago

It's not that the game isn't being worked on, that's not it at all. Nomura isn't allowed to talk about it because of the upcoming release of 13-2.

12 years ago

Simple. XIII-2 needs to get all the press right now. If people are made aware that a much better game is coming then they will pass on this one.

My favorite developer of all time now sucks balls. There I said it.

F8ck it, I'm still buyin' it.

12 years ago

I get the feeling that Squareenix is stretched thin in resources, manpower and proper leadership. What an incredible legacy gone down the toilet smh..

12 years ago

Well hey. Do you remember or are aware on the subject of FF14 on PS3? The team director said he as well as several of the devs are sleepless most days in order to meet deadlines of the project.

Now put that into comparison to Versus. 14 already has guidelines. Versus must be Created right? Extra stress anyone?

12 years ago

Keys to success:

– Make Wada publicly apologize for taking the main FF entries multiplat.

– Fire Wada, then burn him in effigy while he drinks Sake at a local dive with whoever told him it was a good idea to ditch FF staples.

– Locate everybody who had a hand in FFVII and put them to work on a remake.

– Stop f*cking with Tetsuya Nomura and his team so they can finish Versus.

– Bring back all things FF ever had including turn based battles for FFXV.

12 years ago

Ha! Making Wada apologize would be awesome! I say lets go really Japanese & make him do a public Samurai suicide

12 years ago

Just read the first post, it's pretty awesome.

12 years ago

haha, Square Enix is not at ALL cool enough to think of that Riku. I'd be all over that sh*t.

12 years ago

Amen brotha! Ooh, praise Enix =D I so wish there would be a day in a year where devs would only speak absolute truth like in Liar Liar.

12 years ago

I think it's time we admitted to ourselves that the FF franchise has gone the way of the dodo. The games are a mere hint of their former selves and the company that makes them is far more interested in publishing than developing.

12 years ago


12 years ago

yeah that pretty much sums it up.

12 years ago

Maybe something happened and they just can't continue? So instead of disappointing a lot of fans they just keep quiet?….Not sure but i don't plan on buying FFXIII-2 to teach them a lesson….probably won't do much but theres nothing else i can do :/

Russell Burrows
Russell Burrows
12 years ago

I smell a PS4 launch game as far as VERSUS.???????????

12 years ago

Personally I think that would be such a pain betwixt the balls that I might actually explode.

Of course one might add info together and understand that comment like "gameplay & CGI differ very little" and the time of silence from Squeenix would kind of point towards it.

Seriously though. Are you one of those who are really eager to see a new Play station? Because I ain't rich, bro.

12 years ago

If they release official trailers and more information of Versus XIII then XIII-2 won't get any attention.Everybody wants this game to come out already including me and i'm pretty sure Square Enix knows that so now they're focusing on FFXIII-2 which i'm not planning on buying.

12 years ago

There is something wrong here, I was really expecting a later 2011 release for this. XIII has already been out for a year. I guess they just don't want a title to takes get inbetween the two XIII parts, so it does not take away it's spotlight; Even though most fans seem to be against it anyway. I for one welcome XIII-2, while I would have prefered Versus XIII or XV, I can settle for this for now.

But when will we get Versus XIII… This is the billion dollar question, I fear now that it might not even be until 2013…. Which is tragic. That 7 minute trailer at the beginning of the year showed SO much progress, it's what really sold me on the title. But, now it's just vanished. I hoep they not making Type-0 a priority (Which is also getting a sequel…) As rom what I played of the japanese demo, I was not impressed.

As for the FFVII give it a rest seriously, I don't want S-E fannying about with something they can just never replace. If you sit down and play Final Fantasy VII, You'll find it is juts was wonderful to play now as it was years ago, next gen graphics or not.

12 years ago

dont care!
sorry, but $E has been nothing but disappointment after disappointment this gen!
from FFXIII going MP, to FFXIIIs style change, to versus turning into vapour ware, to their refusal of bringing KH to consoles, to there refusal to let BBs onto the PSN for GO users.
$E is dead to me!

12 years ago

what is it with japanese develpopers taking FOREVER to crank out a game? the last guardian is taking ages as well.

is this game being ported over to 360 as we speak? i don't think anyone would be shocked by that considering the way se has treated the ps3 this gen.

odds are we will here more about this game after ff13-2's release. i do find that we know so little about it disturbing. same goes for the last guardian.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

Forget about Japanese developers when it comes to delays. PC devs take the cake. Diablo III, Duke Nukem Forever, Half-Life (where's 3?), etc.

12 years ago

I hope to play Starcraft Ghost by the time I'm 40 =p

12 years ago

forgive me. i am not well versed on the pc side of gaming. frankly, i don't see how that's relevant to this topic. it does seem like japanese game production has dropped considerably when compared to previous generations and their western counterparts. gt5 forever. the last guardian forever. ffvs13 forever. bioware and naughty dog have managed to crank out several games or more during this time when compared to their japanese counterparts. so i'm not going to forget about it. half the reason they are becoming more irrelevant in the gaming industry is becuase they don't even make games anymore. i sense some over protection of the japanese gaming industry in your reply. that's fine, but i think they deserve to be called out on their lack of production on the hd consoles.

Last edited by Excelsior1 on 9/3/2011 1:32:17 PM

12 years ago

Japanese devs are pretty slow compared to western ones.

12 years ago

From what I heard, more info on the game will only appear probably at Jump Festa in December after FFXIII-2 launches in Japan…It sucks but they are trying to focus on FFXIII-2 right now. After that is out of the way I believe will see more info of Versus.
I believe Versus will be a holiday 2012 game with a English version only in 2013 =(

Russell Burrows
Russell Burrows
12 years ago

If we are lucky we get it 2013.

Sadly SE is a total letdown these days.
I am undecided if the delays are V 13 shifted to PS4 or a 360 port of V 13??????

Either way SE sucks!!!
Not buying FF 13-2!!

If FF V13 gets ported to 360 then not buying any SE crap!!!

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