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What To Play In A Hurricane

With Hurricane Irene working its way up the east coast and the weather terrorists (aka, weathermen) telling us the end of the world has arrived, you need a survival kit. And that survival kit includes games…of some kind.

So here's what you can play with a hurricane blowing outside your boarded-up windows. We'll start with the games you should play if you have power :

Any Devil May Cry: It just seems right. Hurricanes have a certain chaotic nature that tends to endure for an extended period of time. Hack 'n slash insanity fits nicely; shooters require a little too much precision (your aim would just get blown around), and anything that requires platforming or something like that…well, that's no good. The DMC titles have minimal platforming and most of it is just over-the-top combat. Other good options would be any Ninja Gaiden or Bayonetta .

Hot Shots Golf: I just think it's funny. You could use Tiger Woods , of course, but it's funnier with the HSG characters. It's all pristine and cartoony and sunny (provided you're not playing in a snowstorm, which can happen), and outside, the sky is falling. You sort of sit there and imagine what a golf ball would do outside your screen. Then, after you finish playing, you go outside and find out for yourself.

And now, if you don't have power , which is far more likely:

Portables exist for a reason: A PSP or DS should be part of your storm survival kit. The unit should be completely charged and you should also have a ready library of several long, diverse games. Personally, I've got Final Fantasy IV: Complete Collection , Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together , and The 3rd Birthday to tide me over for while.

Board games: These used to exist, you know. Okay, they still do but they tend to gather dust in the slow aisle at Toys R Us. Even so, you should have some classics sitting around; certain games are always fun with other people. If you want to be nostalgic and a tad juvenile, I'd go with Chutes and Ladders. But hey, there's always Trivial Pursuit and the non-board game, Pictionary. We did have fun with games that didn't require video screens…I swear we did.

Football: No, not Madden . Get a football, find an empty field with no trees nearby and no flying debris, and have a blast. Yes, I'm serious. It's not a tornado; it's a hurricane (although I wouldn't recommend this for Category 3 or higher). And of course, this has to be tackle football and there can be no running plays; all plays have to involve throwing the ball. If you catch it even once, you win. Or something like that.

There are plenty of ways to entertain yourself during a tremendous storm. Sometimes, you just have to use your imagination. Other than that, I'd recommend reading. That can be done with or without power, even if you've got a single candle, and we all need to do a lot more reading.

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12 years ago

Fwiw, get another candle unless you want your eyes to explode 😀

I live in the south-east corner of PA and the rain just started coming down real hard about an hour ago. I still have power, of course, but i'm trying to get stuff done online while i still can and save my psp's battery in case the power does go out.

I have a few flashlights and a stack of books, so i'll be set for a while regardless.

Stay safe, everyone.

12 years ago

When Ike hit Texas, I was without power and water for two weeks. A car charger for PSP/DS/Whatever is a must.

Oh and drinking water and food too. 😛

12 years ago

Two weeks? Pfft child's play. Try two months like we had to go through when Katrina hit here.

12 years ago

I lost power and water for a day once. They found me wandering the streets with a group of motorcycle-gang cannibal survivalists.

12 years ago

Hats of to Geo and I think I remember reading about that world. but I thought you guys were on mopeds at the beach.

12 years ago

coulda been

12 years ago

I'm in Wisconsin. We're as far away from hurricanes as you can get 😀 then again, we've had some killer snowstorms…..damn Canadians….

12 years ago

haha, let's see someone take THIS article overly seriously.

12 years ago

What's a board game? What's a book? What's life without me staring at a game until 4 in the morning?

Oh wait, these are all questions a CoD gamer would ask. Buuuuurrrrn xD

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
12 years ago

Wooops i believe i did but i can be romantic if you think about it

12 years ago

Ok, Ben has flipped 🙂

12 years ago

I wonder how bad it will be in Maine once it hits us..because I got college on Monday so idk if there will be power outages. gah! I have no portable systems! oh well, I'll read. I guess I could listen to my mp3 player. Hope everyone has prepared and good luck to you!

Last edited by flamefury42 on 8/27/2011 9:36:25 PM

12 years ago

I'll be playing Digimon World 2 🙂

12 years ago

i rather play digimon world 1, you know when you're digimon dies alot before you get far. you had to feed him, take him to the toilet, train him, evolve him to the crap, literally crap, digimon that eats crap. although somehow all i can get my digimon to evolve to is that egg digimon thats ultimate level or something.

12 years ago

I watched a guy go through Digimon World 1 with only 2 digimon. I prefer 2, dungeon crawling meets turnbased meets outrageously complex digivolving system.

12 years ago

I still play a lot of board games, and not the ones you find in department stores. Real board games like Space Hulk, Twilight Imperium, Arkham Horror, DOOM, Blood Bowl, War of the Ring, Descent: Journeys in the Dark, and many others. Nothing beats a late night game of Zombies!!! with all the expansions, a lot of friends, and custom rules. Check out the BoardGameGeek website for more info on these and other REAL boardgames.

12 years ago

Arkham Horror? Is it based in Lovecraft?

12 years ago

Yep. And I think they're up to 8 expansions for that board game now. Pretty tough game to win too, but great fun nonetheless.

Last edited by Geobaldi on 8/28/2011 12:01:25 AM

12 years ago

Don't forgot about the Ouija board.

12 years ago


12 years ago

War Of The Rings is awesome.

12 years ago

I would really suggest Heavy Rain. I have discovered real rain simply adds to the experience.

Without power… Find a bike and modify it to provide power. Workout and game, problem solved.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
12 years ago

Ooo… Me and my girlfriend get creative alright when there is a hurricane and there is no power for me to game…

12 years ago

Well I'm just glad I'm far far away in Nebraska. Hope everyone out there is staying safe though.

12 years ago

I've had the hurricane coverage on in the background today (before watching my Vikings get whooped) and it's funny because it almost feels like there's a storm here. I guess watching storm coverage just does that.

12 years ago

World, do you live anywhere along the US East Coast? I was under the impression you were mid US.



12 years ago

yeah midwest, but it's something to have on for background noise. Usually my news channel is packed all weekend with gay shows about prison.

12 years ago

Lol, yhea… you wouldn't want to much to many of those now would you?



The Doom
The Doom
12 years ago

What to play in a hurricane? No console game that's for sure. The last thing I want is for my system to mess up because the power suddenly cut off.

12 years ago

Nothing happens. Here in Pakistan, light goes out every 2 hours. Usually my Playstation is on when it does and nothing has happened. Except the YLOD my 60GB suffered from.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
12 years ago

How does run around outside trying to tie the roof of the garage down with flimsy wire about fifteen minutes before the eye hits sound? 'Cause that's what my father and I were trying to do when Yasi hit here earlier in the year. Other than that, just go outside and watch it, it gives you a whole new perspective on the power of Mother Nature.

If you must play games though, it's a real shame that I Am Alive isn't out yet. You could prepare for what comes after, and why not From Dust or Flower, you can kind of control the elements in them…

12 years ago

Video Game: Disaster Report on PS2

Board Game: Twister

Speaking of rain, what is this strange substance you speak of? Sadly i hardly ever see a drop of it where i am.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
12 years ago

Maybe you should come up North Queensland, we've got it in spades.

12 years ago


I didn't know you were in Queensland, for some reason i thought Sydney. Just be thankful you don't live in this desert of mine my friend, it is pretty much endless sun here almost everyday. Which ain't a good thing for too long.

I'd love some rain, just not the amount you guys up in Qld are getting 😉

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
12 years ago

You're over in Western Australia, aren't you? Yeah, I wouldn't be able to put up with the baking sun over there. We get a lot of rain, but it's a nice balance, stops things from getting too hot.

12 years ago

My sister is getting battered in Philadelphia… I hope she will be ok. She is not a gamer even though her husband has a PS3… we pray and hope all will be well…



12 years ago

hahahah I'll try to play football when the next hurricane comes to my city, never thought of it. And I have to agree that we need more reading. If you can find a good book, you will have a blast and can't stop reading it.

12 years ago

It does sound fun. I'm a basketball fan, but trying to shoot the ball in a driving rainstorm with strong winds would just suck.

Last edited by GuernicaReborn on 8/28/2011 2:28:05 AM

12 years ago

I was surprised to hear in one of the broadcasts that it was recommended to bring your kids video game systems when you evacuate.

12 years ago

lol a sign of the times. I don't even remember what I used to do when I was kid and stuck inside(or in the car) with no power. I guess I used to just read goosebumps books. Lego's too. If I had to bring something in the car, it would have been some of my Mighty Max sets.

12 years ago

Ben, I'd have to add off-roading to this list. Taking a 4×4 out in a hurricane, even just a dirt trail, would be insanely fun. At least it sounds like fun to me. Last year I used to go out in snowstorms and find people to winch out. I really just went out because I like to drive in the snow 😀

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

Ah, that can always be fun. 🙂

12 years ago

how can you not mention alpha protocol?
trying to finish it but every time i grab it a new game comes out and steals me away from it!
picked it up to practise my stealth skills for deus ex and to finally try and finish it but i did not even get one safehouse lot done!
still the best RPG released this gen!

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

I only mention Alpha Protocol if I'm vomiting.

12 years ago

potatoes and copper wire and some zinc do the trick nicely when the power goes out. I wonder how many potatoes it work take to power a PS3 for 10 minutes? An hour?

1st Annual PSXextreme Science Fair coming soon.

Last edited by main_event05 on 8/28/2011 2:52:33 AM

12 years ago

Now *this* is a feelgood article!
None is told they need help, no hard-to-understand irony or cheeky tongues(!), just plain good old-fashioned feelgood fun.

/pats an overworked Ben on his back

12 years ago

lets see how long it can last………………

12 years ago

Portable generator is the answer! Everytime a hurricane approaches our coast all the major retailers bring them in. A few weeks after the storm you can pick them up for 1/2 to a 1/4 of retail price. I have 2 so short of a nuclear blast power loss is a non issue.

Last edited by Palmetto on 8/28/2011 8:51:36 AM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

Yes, I think we're aware of generators here in the Northeast. 😉

12 years ago

I have fond memories of tucking myself away in my room to play Street Fighter II and Final Fight on SNES during some gnarly blizzards we had when I was a kid.

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