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How Many BF3 Lovers Are Just MW3 Haters?

EA says they'll steal away a good percentage of the established Call of Duty franchise when the highly anticipated Battlefield 3 hits. And in general, the popularity war between these two shooters often seems to hinge on something obvious: the widespread – and seemingly growing – hate for Activision's record-breaking franchise.

And therefore, a question springs to mind. This may sound extremely childish in tone but then again, based on what I've seen, there's plenty of childishness encircling the aforementioned debate. How many BF3 supporters are simply supporters because they despise CoD for whatever reason? How many are so dead-set against the reigning king (the fact that CoD is king is enough; kings are often roundly hated) they'll side with the opponent…any opponent? How many are just happy to be giving their money to any title that dares to challenge the almighty Call of Duty ?

While it's true that what we've seen of BF3 is impressive, I wouldn't say the MW3 footage is un impressive. And considering the spreading CoD – and Activision – hate, it almost appears as if gamers are getting downright vindictive. We have plenty of readers who aren't big fans of CoD and they seem bitter…is vindictive that much of a stretch? I almost get the feeling that gamers who never play shooters will buy BF3 simply to say they "fought the good fight" against the evil Modern Warfare 3 . Maybe somebody should do a poll. I actually think gamers would be honest, too.

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13 years ago

i dont care, as long as they're competing. COD pushed DICE to make BF3 the best they could, and if it outsells MW3 then they'll keep pushing to get the crown back. everyone wins.

13 years ago

I beg to differ on the whole pushing thing. DICE has always been about quality. I don't see the COD franchise pushing anyone to excel at anything when it's mediocre at everything it does.

13 years ago

"DICE has always been about quality…" – enough sad 🙂



13 years ago

well then its pushed EA to market it like it should have been all along.

13 years ago

i loved CoD4, but it went downhill from there. Then BFBC came out, it was different, but i loved it. played some BF2 at a friend's house, got somewhat hooked. From there, BF 1943 and then BFBC2. Dice just knows how to make a hell of a shooting game.

13 years ago

Wow, why all the hate for CoD? I mean, I'm not obsessed, but it's still a great pick up and play game with friends.

It's probably a society thing, people don't want to differ from the majority opinion and follow it anyway, eventually training themselves to think in a certain way.

I like Battlefield too, but CoD has always been more accessible to me. And in all honesty, the game still has a lot going for it; sales don't lie. People are buying this game for a reason.

Perhaps my only vice with CoD is the fact that other games are trying to emulate its form, or are being overshadowed by its success.

Nas Is Like
Nas Is Like
13 years ago

Very well put, good sir.

13 years ago

im really starting to get sick of the COD V BF3 articles, i mean seriously enough is enough!
TBH im really tempted to get the opposite.
1 because IW actually have the maturity and confidence to stay mum about it, and 2 they actually have praised BF3.
MW3s community manager was seen playing BF3 for a hour backstage today and he loved it!
now wheres DICE praising MW3?
EA are doing to BF3 what dan greenwalt and his fat mouth did to forza 3.
i was really looking forward to getting it, but because of his constant sh*t talking i did not get it.
i think its time for a boycott of all things EA, till they grow the f*ck up!
my god there acting worse then the nintendo fanboys!

13 years ago

i think i will like mw3 even if it does look alot like mw2 (which alot of sequals do) but i will also got b3 as trailers look damn good
as of black ops iam getting tired of cod a bit tho

13 years ago

if they can raise enough fuss to get some cod players to say 'hey, maybe there's something to this other game, let me give it a try' then in EA's eyes, they've won a major battle. if they get them hooked, even better in their eyes.

Its really the only reason why EA is being pretty vocal about it, as annoying as it may be. Remember, thats EA, not DICE doing all this talking.

Same reasons why activision isnt really acknowledging what EA says, simply because by doing so, they will draw attention to a competitors project

13 years ago

In my case, I'm going to buy Battlefield 3, because I'm really tired of CoD, the best one was CoD4.
I need some help if you can(anybody), I'm set on buying BF3 on my PS3, but I want to play 64 player matches, my PC is not so old, it's an Acer Aspire AX1300-U1801A, and I would like to know if it's good for gaming, tried google but damnnn! It has: CPU: AMD Athlon X2 7450dual-core processor, Memory: 3GB DDR2, HDD: 320GB and VGA: 8200 Integrated NVIDIA GeForce. Do I need something better or is it good enough? Cause i can't upgrade, I'm in second year of college, don't have too much money! Thanks if anyone can help!

13 years ago

I think it's good enough, u will probably do okay, maybe some lag though, Since it's an HD game, I don't think u will get HD graphics out of it cause of the graphics processor. If I had the same CPU as u my best bet would be buy the game for the PS3. I know wish the consoles supported up to 64 players.

Last edited by AcHiLLiA on 8/20/2011 9:38:11 AM

13 years ago

You should be able to play it pretty easily but you will have to turn down the graphics a bit. Here's the current requirements that have been announced so far:


Hard Drive Space: 15 GB for disc version or 10 GB for digital version
OS: Windows Vista or Windows 7
Processor: Core 2 Duo @ 2.0GHz
Video Card: DirectX 10 or 11 compatible Nvidia or AMD ATI card


Hard Drive Space: 15 GB for disc version or 10 GB for digital version
OS: Windows 7 64-bit
Processor: Quad-core Intel or AMD CPU
Video Card: DirectX 11 Nvidia or AMD ATI card, GeForce GTX 460, Radeon Radeon HD 6850

13 years ago

s*** no windows xp damn Microsoft! Any who my cpu is almost 5 years old anyway.

13 years ago

I ran a google search on your Acer and no, don't even think of getting BF3 for it. First, your integrated 8200 is poo poo. Second, your desktop appears to be a micro-ATX, or hybrid thereof, so don't count on having a free PCI-e or even the ability to upgrade your PSU to accommodate an upgraded video card. I suppose if u went with a passive cooling solution that required only the 75watt draw off the pci bus, that would work. But, like I said, u probably don't have a free pci-e slot anyway.
Long story short, get it for PS3 or invest in a real gaming computer. U can build em for cheap 😉

Last edited by Temjin001 on 8/20/2011 7:47:49 PM

13 years ago

Thanks to all three of you!
@ Temjin
Thanks, even though I didn't understand half of what you said, sorry 🙂
I guess i'll have to buy it for PS3, which I was already thinking about, just needed that incentive! BTW if any of you would like to add me on PSN my ID is bengiepr234

13 years ago

I am not buying any of them, there are other games coming out too you know. It is not all MW3 and BF3. Just don't another FPS :P.

13 years ago

Ive played every single BF game and COD, and so far BF exceeds over COD and I expect BF3 to do the same. I wish I had a PC capable of running BF3. 64 players, that's too epic!!!

13 years ago

Personally I'm buying BF3 because I felt let down by MW2. Then again BF3 just seems like the better game in general. The better game will be the one that gets my money and that's it. If by some miracle (it would be) that MW3 proves to be better than BF3…..then I wil buy uncharted 3 and Skyrim and rent MW3 sometime in the distant future:). Sorry Activision 😛

13 years ago

Call of Duty is King – Battlefield is just a wanna be. 🙂

13 years ago

Well then may the kings reign come to a bitter end…

13 years ago

And yet the wannabe has always been a more enjoyable series. Weird.

13 years ago

When the King dies a new king takes his place. The King is dead, love live the King.

13 years ago

"Well then may the kings reign come to a bitter end…" – Prepare to be disappointed. lol

13 years ago

I won't be. Don't u worry ur pretty head about it. I got BF3 resistance uncharted and assassins to look forward to neither will dissappoint and they'll all probably show cod a thing or two as to what it means to b goty contender. Cod will get pushed to the side like yesterdays newspaper in due time…

13 years ago

"Cod will get pushed to the side like yesterdays newspaper in due time…" – lol – Keep hope alive bud.

13 years ago

I don't need hope when I got all these BA games coming out "bud" I just need me some effin money!!!

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

Why? Why is it always SO easy to spot those who gravitate over from N4G?

If you're here to spam CoD propaganda Stang, don't bother to post.

13 years ago

Hehe…what are your thoughts on joystiq? I still enjoy that site but N4G is the wasteland of gaming journalism.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

I have no problem with Joystiq. We're actually similar in a lot of ways.

N4G is just a joke.

13 years ago

I am to the point were I am saying screw both, I am getting R3.

13 years ago

I just pre-ordered Battlefield 3 for $47.99

13 years ago

Ben Dutka PSXE

"If you're here to spam CoD propaganda Stang, don't bother to post."

Buts its alright for everyone else in the thread to "spam" BF3 propaganda ?

That makes sense.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

Everyone else is a trusted poster who actually posts about various topics.

You obviously signed up to do one thing. That doesn't fly around here.

13 years ago

The difference is that people put weight with their words, by showing that they have actually taken the time to analyze the pros and cons of both games, your original comment was what seemed to me to be a blatantly bias statement. Obviously others thought the same as well, plus I think the point of this Article was to explore the idea that the title is offering, and your comment doesn't facilitate conversation, it kills it and the trolls come to feast on the remains.

On topic, I just bought BFBC2 a couple weeks ago and was shocked at how much I enjoyed the gameplay compared to COD, it was refreshing and felt more tactical, I value that and I believe BF3 will bring it even harder than any previous DICE endeavor. That's why I'm onboard.

13 years ago

To all of the Battlefield fans hoping that Battlefield takes the title from Modern Warfare 3, I offer you a warning. You guys all claim to love Battlefield because its fanbase is not full of "whiney twelve year olds and hackers" but thats exactly what would happen if BF does sell more than MW3. Those types of players have nothing to do with how good of a game MW is. These people just move from one popular title to the next and despite what you guys think, they will move to BF and ruin your experience too. I loved COD4 when it came out and still do but the franchise blew up after that with everyone and their mom deciding to play the game, and the hackers werent too far behind them. If you're a true BF fan and truly enjoy the gameplay as it is now, you should hope that is doesnt outsell MW3. That being said, as a MW fan I honestly hope BF outsells MW3 but I simply dont think BF has the fanbase to outsell a franchise thats outsold the records it set two years in a row,

13 years ago

I think this is getting old .. BF and MW are different play styles , now with that being said im getting mw3 i don't like vehicles in battle. Im old school where its you and your gun and your team going to kill the other team or holding a point ext.

13 years ago

I'm going to have to disagree with you here….

I've played both titles along side each other and I do prefer the CoD series.

I only play multi player (I do play the single but only for an hour or so to get a feel for the weapons) in both BF and CoD series.

BF servers admins tend to suck if you run a ranked/honour server your not allowed to put "you can't use this weapon"/"no you can't put this item in these locations"

I'm not saying CoD server admins (except MW2 where there wasn't any) are perfect but they are fairer then the BF ones.

Ok that’s not a reason not to like BF but I'll continue.

BF weapons suck – I normally play sniper and to be frank BF sniper rifles are too unrealistic. To me, it’s the downfall of the game. Even as far back as BF2/2142/1942 that simple didn't function as a rifle should. Always failed to register a hit and if you managed to actually hit someone it was pure luck if it actually killed them (even with headshots)

CoD weapons aren't perfect but at least when you snipe you can kill (if its a kill shot and not a shot in the hand/foot) there are some weapons that are overpowered but even then its more skill then just "SPRAY&PRAY". The weapons are far far FAR better. Any gun can kill anyone with a headshot, which for a modern game where people want realism you can't really fault them.

Game play:
BF I've always found it to be team based although you find the "team" is defending its the solo guy (1 or 2) that will find a way around the opposing team and complete what ever it is that needed to be done and this works.
Then again it only take 1 person that’s good in chopper to screw a full team over due to there speed and firepower, if your on the receiving end of one of these such player (normally with a joystick/flight controller) there's very little to be done :'(

CoD in this series there is some "team" play but it is mostly small groups (1-2-3 player) that will complete the objective/defend the objectives but that's not to say that there’s no large team battles like BF.
Unlike BF, the CoD maps are smaller where the BF ones are epically big in some cases and just big in others.
I do enjoy both games and I will be buying both then they get released.

CoD went off track for a lot of people in MW2 especially for PC users. Black Op’s wasn’t amazing either but it was a good game.
BF2 when released wasn’t that good either.

Conclusion – People will find faults in both games, there will be glitches, there will be bugs, there will be hackers.
If you prefer very team orientated game play and big maps then BF is for you
If you prefer small group play, fast action but without having to run the world to get anywhere then CoD is for you

Sorry for the big post

13 years ago

You don't play single player?

What other games do you play?

13 years ago

Im going for Battlefield for one reason…. 64 player online on the PC. It'll be my first time gaming online on PC but I have to try it. I was bummed when everyone went to 24 player on PS3.

Also BF3 to me always looks like BFE and that just doesnt sit well.

Last edited by wackazoa on 8/22/2011 11:06:18 AM

13 years ago

I will buy BF3 and hopefully get MW3 for christmas. Black Ops and BFBC2(started both about the same time) were both fun for me. The fun with BO's ended once I prestiged then the game was pretty useless to me and I traded it in. I actually prefered Medal of Honor to BO's but portions of the MP needed to be refined but the SP experience was the best of any FPS I have played in a long time. I still play BFBC2 and feel that it is to BO's. I prefer the larger maps, vehicles, bullet drop, and team play. They both will have their place and I will have fun with both of them, but I have a feeling that BF3 will have the staying power for me where MW3 will be a use it, abuse it, dumpt it kind of thing