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Resistance: Fall Of Man 5 Years Later

Here at PSXE, we often talk about the progression of the industry, and how our games change over time.

One of the most intriguing subjects involves the advancement of titles within any given generation; drawing parallels between launch lineups and later offerings is oodles of fun. The PS2 launch lineup was pretty damn good; I remember Summoner , SSX , Tekken Tag Tournament , and TimeSplitters all making favorable impressions on everyone. But later, we entered the realms of Final Fantasy XII , Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater , and God of War II .

…my oh my, how things changed.

As we approach the fifth anniversary of the PlayStation 3 in North America, we look back at what was undeniably the best launch title for Sony’s new piece of hardware: Resistance: Fall of Man . It was before Call of Duty ruled the roost (CoD3 was another PS3 launch title, but it paled in comparison to Insomniac’s excellent shooter), and it was before we’d even heard of Uncharted . It was before Final Fantasy went multiplatform, before Blu-Ray was the accepted high-definition format (HD-DVD was still around), and before the Network had expanded and blossomed. It certainly seems like quite a long time ago, doesn’t it?

I stand by my initial review , which you’re welcome to read if you didn’t back in 2006. Of course, it doesn’t really qualify for a 9.3 by today’s standards but how well does it stack up? Well, after failing to get into any matches in the Resistance 3 beta (hopefully, that gets fixed soon), I popped in Fall of Man and started playing again. I had this wry, whimsical grin as I did so; I fully expected to notice the relative blandness compared to the extreme sharpness of today’s titles. After all, Battlefield 3 footage was playing in my head, and I can easily recall Crysis 2 and Killzone 3 . …tough competition, and things will only get better.

And while it’s true that we’ve moved past the graphics in Fall of Man , I think it’s important to note that Insomniac’s distinct art style remains a major highlight. It’s the same sort of style we’ll see in Resistance 3 ; it’s more about creating an atmosphere and engrossing environment rather than emphasizing each individual pixel. Furthermore, I think the relatively basic health regeneration system works very well; personally, I’ve never been the biggest fan of this new system where you see the screen go red when you take damage. I mean, I guess I just like the precision of seeing exactly how much health I have. And the enemy AI stands up well, too.

The story isn’t bad at all, the campaign is of a solid length (this was also before shooter campaigns started getting shorter), and the various and diverse backdrops make the game endlessly entertaining. Most importantly, I’d like to mention the rock solid stability of the game. It’s a mark of many PlayStation exclusives; there are no obvious technical shortcomings like clipping, crashing, freezing, slowdown, and any other common glitch we often find in lesser productions. We haven’t left such glitches behind, believe me. But Insomniac’s excellent effort was indicative of the type of solidarity we could come to expect from exclusive titles.

The weapons are a little unbalanced and there are a few other minor flaws, but the overall package really remains stellar even after all these years. That heavier, slower type of movement that Insomniac left behind in Resistance 2 still seems surprisingly enticing, the various combat situations and bosses are still super fun, and the technical presentation – ranging from visuals to audio to menus – is also impressive. The bottom line is that I was reminded why I love the franchise, and why I’m relatively convinced that come September 6, we’ll receive yet another stellar experience.

Even by today’s standards, I’d say Resistance: Fall of Man still falls into the mid-to-high 8 range and for a five-year-old production, that’s special.

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12 years ago

Just bought this and played through it before I get Resistance 3 and I was really impressed with everything for it being 5 years old. Excellent game. Expect nothing less from Insomniac

12 years ago

Yup you got that right! I've been playing Insomniac Games's uh games =P ever since the age of 10.

Almost 18 now, and am still a fan of theirs. I cherish their games and the experiences I have had with them.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
12 years ago

I don't mind weapons being a little unbalanced because in real life there is no such thing as "balanced weapons" against enemies.

Anyho, best article I've ever read from PSX. R:FOM was my 1st Ps3 game, along with CoD3, but ultimately it was R:FOM.

Resistance collection for 40$ would be nice before Resistance 3, plus you'll have all 3 games.

Claire C
Claire C
12 years ago

When I first bought my PS3 (I was late to the PS3 party) the first games I bought along with it were Infamous, Uncharted, MGS4, Oblivion, and Resistance FoM.

If the first Resistance came out tomorrow It'd still be a really good game.

Last edited by Claire C on 8/9/2011 9:53:55 PM

12 years ago

The only thing i'd change about R:FOM are it controls lol there hard to get used to by today standards.

12 years ago

R:FoM had the best MP this generation. Better than any of the CoD', better than KZ, I mean it absolutely was the most fun, balanced, and competitive experience I've had this generation. That's my opinion but nothing beats a classic style MP match, being objective based, all set up on balanced maps, and great landscapes and environments with great weapons. To bad all that changed in R2, but o well. Needless to say I'm a big fan of the series and aside from the MP, I loved the campaign as well. To me the game stacks up well against most any games this generation, 5 years later!

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 8/9/2011 10:12:01 PM

12 years ago

I played Fall of Man after R2, and while it had better guns and cool vehicles I preferred R2. I think R3 will be the best of both worlds. I hope that deal about the weapons getting better as you use them more often isn't just for MP.

12 years ago

I love both equally but the tipping point was R2's co-op mode, man that was fun as hell to play with a bunch of friends!

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
12 years ago

It's not. Each weapon upgrades and unlocks an extra ability over each of the three levels. Think of how they do it in Ratchet and Clank and you've got the basic idea. Absolutely awesome IMO.

12 years ago

That's what I'm talkin about, that is a sweet feature.

12 years ago

Hmm, I somehow hated R2's single player campaign, did not like being restricted to just two weapons (especially when Insomniac packs in so many awesome weapons), and there were several places where the campaign felt bloated because it seemed like the developers just packed in wave after wave of grims and leapers. In contrast, R:FoM had a much more varied campaign and it never felt bloated – it was perfectly paced. Of course, I may also be a bit biased as R:FoM was my first PS3 game – ordered it along with my first PS3. 🙂
The co-op mode in R2 though was brilliant, and the first time in any game that I felt that I could be good at multiplayer. 🙂

Last edited by IonHawk on 8/11/2011 10:20:03 AM

12 years ago

Rfom will always hold a special place in my collection. It was my first m rated game and yes m games were embargoed in my parents house. The art style is one of my favorites. I'll go ahead and say insomniac is my favorite developer. I've owned all spyros Ratchets and resistances, and I'm never dissappointed. This is why I don't understand all the scrutiny about r3 I just dont see it. Insomniac allways makes solid games and this will probably b no different. Insomniac is up there with the great like kojima, squaresoft,

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
12 years ago

Stole my thunder there Ben ;P

Resistance: Fall of Man, not only my first PS3 game, but the first console game that I played since the Master System… What a jump. Played it three times trying to get all of the skill points and it's been on the shelf ever since… It's just about time to bust it out again. But yeah, it is a great game and I can't wait to look at it again from the perspective of a more seasoned gamer than what I was four years ago.

12 years ago

Just bought back Resistance 2 in anticipation for the sequel this September.

Ahhhh… quality… and the distinct Insomniac feel of a solid game which handles like you want it to.

12 years ago

The first game I got with my PS3, What I lvoe about Resistance: Fall of Man, is that the time period feels so authentic. Resistance 2 had a more cinematic approach whihc kind of took that away a bit. I also remember playing Resistance: FoM online fare more than Resistance 2, I just liked the maps better, especially the one with the church. I imagine I will play these again soon in prep' for the Resistance 3, But I will always remember Resistance: Fall of Man for being the first serious FPS I enjoyed. (I loved Timesplitters before it, But that was mostly due to the comedy nature of the game.)

12 years ago

It has four-player off-line multiplayer mode… nuf' said.

Buuuut, if that's not enough for you, when one of my buddies come through, we play the co-op story mode sometimes. Haha

12 years ago

Word! The 4player split screen was soo much fun. It convinced several guys to get a PS3.

12 years ago

by far the best in the series!
just the level design especially felt so much better thought out.
sure it did not have the massive boss battles 2 had, but the levels just felt allot better designed, like someone poped them in the game then heaps of people tested it to make sure it worked well.
instead of just popping them in and doing no testing, like how R2 felt.
i really do hope 3 goes back to the originals roots, though the beta has not exactly been a good start!
then the whole PSN pass BS stopping people from being able to rent the game.
this is how they want to leave the series!?

12 years ago

Fall of Man environments completely immersed me. The control set up was comfortable. The health packs actually made you think about your next move opposed to run,gun, cover…

Hell, I remember when they released the dual shock 3 patch to it..gave it that much more feel to the game.

12 years ago

Surprisingly, I got into Resistance Fall of Man rather late. Boy was I disappointed in myself for waiting that long. Now, Resistance games are a day one pick up for me now.

12 years ago

Great game, had tons of fun playing it. Still a solid shooter even by today's standards, one of the best lobby/party systems to this day. Hopefully R3 will not omit the clan system, as that too was a nice feature that too many games now refuse to add in or just substitute it with a simple tag system. I guess we can thank the casuals for that…

12 years ago

To me, Fall of Man was a better game than R2, for some reason I even felt it had better graphics, even though it's a much older title and one of the first games I ever played on the PS3, maybe I had to high expectations from R2 but I did replay RFOM not long before I played R2 so it wasn't all "hyped memories" either. Most importantly, I thought the campaign was a lot more fun in RFOM, I loved the suspence they managed to keep for the entire game, and the varied, fast moving enemies attacking from every angle, and the game had a very tight atmosphere. Still one of my favorite FPS's along KZ2. KZ2 wins on graphics, but I'd probably pick RFOM in some other categories…

It'll be interesting to see how they did with R3, if it's more like RFOM or R2. Here's hoping for the former.

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