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Please Stop Whining About Too Many Sequels

Hey, I'm the first one pulling for the success of a plucky new IP. The industry absolutely thirsts for fresh experiences, and developers must continue to strive for innovation and revolution. It doesn't just expand the boundaries of the interactive entertainment world; it guarantees stability and growth.

But you know, I'm getting sick and tired of a lot of hardcore gamers – so-called "purists" – who continually complain that we're inundated with sequel after sequel. And while it's certainly true that most of the biggest titles available are new installments in established franchises, we're forgetting something vital: those same games are often some of the best we've ever seen. Why are we forgetting that?

What, because Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception is "just another Uncharted," it's going to be a rehash? Or what about Batman: Arkham City ? God of War III ? Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots ? I mean, I could go on and on. Sure, some companies are pushing for these annual entries in gigantic franchises ( Assassin's Creed is the latest to join the annual list), but are we really going to ignore the inherent quality?

For instance, I see a lot of people crowing about Catherine and rightfully so. But too many are just going, "yeah, it's something new so it rules." Yes, it's original and yes, that's great. But the game isn't pulling down high review scores just because it's unique. There are plenty of new IPs that never work out ('cough' Haze 'cough'); where are the anti-sequel freaks when that happens? Also, there's one fact we can't ignore:

When it comes to movies, sequels aren't often as good as the original. But in games, the best installments in any given established franchise aren't always the original entry…in fact, I dare say that's rare. Zelda: A Link to the Past ? Super Mario 3 ? Which Final Fantasy ? Which Metal Gear Solid ? Given the advances in technology and huge budgets that allow for fantastic talent in all aspects of development, we're continually capable of creating better experiences. It's this fast advancement that benefits us.

Yeah, we needed a Heavy Rain . We can definitely use a Catherine . We're going to continue to need them forever. But let's stop whining about too many sequels; last I checked, so many of those sequels are freakin' bad-ass in every sense of the term.

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12 years ago

Metroid is one of my favorite game series, and while Other M had a few faults, every other Metroid game has been incredible. Yet people use Other M as an example to bash games with too many sequels. I dont care how many installments there are in a certain series, a fun game is a fun game. Period.

12 years ago

I agree. Some of my favorite video games are sequels and threequels. Not necisarilly direct though. Look at the ff franchise like ben mentioned.
Then ya got chrono trigger and 1 and 2. And on and on.

People are just gonna complain though. About anything. Its really kind of sad.

12 years ago

FF games arent really sequels though. Idk what you'd call them, really.

A lot of people like to hate on Nintendo for making so many LoZ, Mario, and Metroid sequels, but as long as they keep making great games i dont care what sequel number they are.

12 years ago

I have nothing at all against sequels in and of themselves. I'm always quick to defend Assassin's Creed, Uncharted, etc.

What bothers me is when a game comes out, is good, but has flaws, and the sequels neither improve on the *current* formula nor fix said flaws. That bothers me.

Notice, I also said "improve on -current (keyword current)- formula". Sequels are meant to have the same or extremely similar qualities from the last. Uncharted should not suddenly become turn-based, and Final Fantasy should not suddenly become an action-adventure. (wait… what? oh… nvm… it already did.) But that there… FFXIII was the first in the -ENTIRE- series (save Mystic Quest, but who counts that?) that I was bummed out about. Yes, I even enjoyed FFXI!! (although they shouldn't have numbered it and just called it FF: Online, but whatever.)

Take, also, Call of Duty. I harp on that because I see the same flaws show up over and over. It isn't that the formula is necessarily bad (originally, at least). It's that improvements aren't made and the same glitches and issues show up time and time again. -THAT'S- what bothers me.

If sequels can continually take a winning formula and fine-tune it and add to it (not take away from it. I'm lookin' at you FFXIII and FFXIV) then I say keep 'em coming.

I mean hey… who DOESN'T think the next Uncharted, God of War, and Metal Gear Solid will be any good?

Saying sequels suck for the sole reason that it's a sequel is *super* lame. I don't care who you are. But if things aren't improved and glitches aren't fixed and the current formula isn't tightened up at all??? Well… yes. THEN you may have a point.

12 years ago

I don't think Rising will be superior to MGS4

12 years ago

If I said it would, I didn't mean to. I meant to say a MGS sequel will likely be very good.

Last edited by Underdog15 on 7/30/2011 12:19:48 AM

12 years ago

I guess one would call it a spinoff "Sequel" is a loaded term not so easy to define in gaming.

12 years ago

I would love to see those whiners create a new IP.

12 years ago

"Please Stop Whining About Too Many Sequels"


12 years ago

it's nice sometimes to get a fresh ip. look at how lbp, infaous, mod nation, and heavy rain did. the were great new games. well that's sony but.

getting something new doesn't hurt

12 years ago

third party wise to boot

Last edited by gangan19 on 7/30/2011 1:56:38 AM

12 years ago

I'll take a sequel to a gem over a risk of a new IP any day. I'd gladly buy KH3 before I bought say.. Catherine (it's fresh in my mind.)Sure a lot of new IPs look good, but a lot of companies need to stick to their guns if they wanna continue to sell games. Most of Square Enix's games suck nowadays, and they need Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts to survive, no matter how poorly they're doing with FF… I lost my train of thought, sorry.

Fox hounder
Fox hounder
12 years ago

Great editorial ben. I say if developers like kojima pro or naughty dog can make the next release in there series better than the last, they can do as many sequels as they want to.

Last edited by Fox hounder on 7/29/2011 9:59:21 PM

12 years ago

Ironically, I consider the original Metal Gear Solid on PS1 the pinacle and the best of the series.

I would rather have MGS1 remade for the PS3 than any of the other two games that followed.

Last edited by Ignitus on 7/29/2011 10:03:58 PM

Fox hounder
Fox hounder
12 years ago

MGS1 is a great game, but it too is also a sequel to the lesser known Metal Gear 2 solid snake that was released on the japan only msx computer. In fact MGS1 was originally going to be called Metal Gear 3, but because it was going for a world wide release and MG2 SS was only released in japan they called it Metal Gear Solid.

Last edited by Fox hounder on 7/29/2011 10:20:01 PM

12 years ago

Wow, thanks for the info. That's a good one for a trivia question.

Fox hounder
Fox hounder
12 years ago

i have metal gear to think for that info.

12 years ago

wouldn't that be something if they remastered MG1 and 2 in HD. Btw is there a code for the MGS1 game for the HD collection?

Last edited by AcHiLLiA on 7/29/2011 11:38:03 PM

Fox hounder
Fox hounder
12 years ago

I'm afraid as it stands now the code is only for the japan PS3 release, it's to compensate japan consumers for not including peace walker with 2 & 3 like here in the US and i think in the UK. However, the word going around is that the ps3 version of the hd collection will include a download code for the psp version of peace walker so that ps3 owners can take advantage of transfarring, i assume it's for the US and the UK, but it too could be for japan only. And yeah i agree with you about Metal Gear & Metal Gear 2 solid snake, those two forgotten classics should be remade.

Last edited by Fox hounder on 7/30/2011 12:48:04 AM

12 years ago

Yeah, it annoys me too.

12 years ago

I think there are probably just as many series that get worse as there are that get better. Hardcore modern warfare fans stick to their guns on MW1 being the best. The bugs in CoD get worse with every game. Final Fantasy XIII all but ruined the series, FFXIV failed, Resident Evil 5 did ruin the series and now its gone tactical, Silent Hill Homecoming sucked balls, Tomb Raider Underworld, Devil May Cry sunk itself, New Vegas wasn't as good as 3, God of War III was significantly less epic than 2. Gears 2 took technical shortcuts that hurt it bad.

The main reason titles like Uncharted keep getting better is the devs are dedicated to make the best game possible instead of cranking out a sequel that makes money or passing it off to somebody else to try to keep it on life support.

This is why we have reboots, the games have been murdered with so many sequels.

12 years ago

people are probably complaining the cod series think mostly

12 years ago

If I like the game, I couldn't care less if it's a sequel, a prequel, or an original IP!!!!

Just keep 'em coming
(but not every 11 months *cough*COD*cough*)

Fox hounder
Fox hounder
12 years ago

@BikerSaint. This is off topic, but i noticed your welcome to psxe post on that PS4 exclusive article, and i want to say thanks. Also thanks to ColTater for the welcome message as well.

Last edited by Fox hounder on 7/29/2011 11:29:21 PM

12 years ago

In before "COD has a 2 year cycle"

12 years ago

Fox hounder,

No problem. Glad you're enjoying the site & the fact that adding your own thoughts & comments to it is what makes the site so great.

Plus we get rid of those would-be trolls pretty damned quick, LOL

Fox hounder
Fox hounder
12 years ago

BikerSaint. yeah, those trolls can be pretty annoying, ben does a good job at keeping them out.

12 years ago

I think that the games that are good and still are sequels are games that do some things differently. Like uncharted changes the scenery and adjusts enough that it's not a rehash. Bioshock infinite looks like a complete change of pace in some ways, but is still a sequel. Reusing things is fine, just add enough to justify a $60 price tag and keep people interested.

12 years ago

My favorite games this generation are all sequels. Metal Gear Solid 4, Mass Effect 2, Uncharted 2, Fallout 3 and Assassins Creed II. Not to mention the last two games of the year (Mass Effect 2 and Uncharted 2) are sequels. I don't however think there should be a new version of games every year. Not even sports games. Companies can do so much with DLC now that it seems greedy to release a game every year.

12 years ago

Agreed, but look at how much was added from a$$ creed two to a$$ creed brotherhood, it was worth the 60 price even if it was released pretty quickly after.

12 years ago

I'd like to see an end to whining about clones. Read Dead Redemption and Saints Row are GTA clones, the Fallout 3 and NV games are Elder Scrolls clones, all military FPS games clone each other, 3D Dot Game Heros is a Zelda clone. It just goes on that way, shut up and play btches.

12 years ago

Sequels is what keeps this gaming industry alive, I think I'm right.

12 years ago

Well here's the thing. Those "whiners" complaining about sequels are always the first in line to get the latest Halo.

I love sequels to games. I think they carry the industry in that they are what developers nee to ecome established. What I mean is that yes sometimes a new ip will strike gold. But it the sequels that push the series, and video games. I'd much rather spend $60 on U3 than Rage as an example because U3 is proven, despite how epic Rage looks. But with that said I'm getting both. 😉 just an example.

But No doubt the industry needs new ip's also to keep ebeything fresh. I think we've seen some of the best new ip' this generation than any other. So I don't get where the whining can even be justifiable.

12 years ago

Oh I love sequels, otherwise how wud we get, U2, KZ2, Infamous 2, AC 2 and list goes on, i dont understand either why people while about sequels

12 years ago

"Sequels is what keeps this gaming industry alive, I think I'm right."

From business POV sequels are good because they demonstrate the market demand for a product, but on the other hand from a creative POV sequel are bad because A)they drive up the cost of production and B)sequels force the maker/producer in a position of playing it safe. Between those two scenerios the latter is worst.

In the end I'm very glad there aren't any sequels to some of my favourite games

12 years ago

im all for sequels, simply because at least you know what to expect.
though, they have to be sequels, not totally different games with a well known series name thrown onto it.
cough assassins creed brotherhood, GOW3, DNF, prey 2, KZ2, R2, LBP2.

12 years ago

I'm half and half on this some sequels are good for instance Burnout is still going strong and Soul Calibur V looks exciting.

But My problem with sequels is when it affects the story of such titles like Metal Gear. After Rising, Metal Gear is over! There really is nothing they can do. If they maake a story on Raiden after MGS4 it will just be a joke, Raiden has earn his peace and they cannot make any more sequels, MG series overal has 4 prequels now, it's pretty much filled the timeline from MGS3 – MGS4 there is nothing plausible they can do anymore.

My other problem with sequels is what I shall define in my phrase 'modernly epic'. Tekken for example, started semi realistic with a few fantasty elements, it had its feet on the ground. as the sequels went on the story and new character became more asburd, trying to out do the previous title, being more epic each time. until we have reached Tekken 6 where you can juggle your opponents from one ened of the map to the other. You have a character who has chainsaws from arms, jetpacks and uses her head as a grenade. Oh and the last boss is a Dragon…Tekken is an example of a series which has suffered from sequel to sequel trying to be more epic and just turning into something of a joke, hence 'modernly epic.'

12 years ago

^ this man understands. The sequel has the ability to ruin itself because it is cursed by either being a reskin with nothing of note new or taking things way the hell too far.

12 years ago

I really like that term, "Modernly Epic".

Fox hounder
Fox hounder
12 years ago

Ultimadream. I agree with you. Kojima pro can't and shouldn't make a sequel to MGS4, however they should do a sequel to PW, because it didn't answer every question about outer heaven, the patriots, and the big boss family. MG & MG2 SS should be remade since MGS1 retconned certain parts of there story, not to mention the fact that those games didn't have much of a story to begin with.

12 years ago

If they're going to do another MSG spinoff, I definitely want a complete "Meryl's" storyline based spin-off!

And keep this one on the PS3!

Last edited by BikerSaint on 7/30/2011 10:31:31 PM

Fox hounder
Fox hounder
12 years ago

A meryl spin off would be pretty cool, maybe like a team based combat kind of game similar to socom.

12 years ago

i don't have a problem with sequels. having said that i do wish there was better balance between new ips and sequels.

12 years ago

That's exactly how I feel about it too. We need both, but today it's way too far between each new quality IP.

Just imagine if it was the same with movies:
– "Let's go to the movies, dear!"
– "What's showing?"
– "Loads of awesomeness! There's Jurassic Park 10, Spider Man 6, Pulp Fiction 5, Top Gun 12, Karate Kid 14, Toy Story 8 and Indiana Jones 14!"

Last edited by Beamboom on 7/30/2011 8:24:50 AM

12 years ago

People are complaining about too many sequels because so many of them are coming out this year. I'm all for sequels, but something needs to be done about their release schedules. The "-ber" months are gonna suck me completely dry; financially anyway.

12 years ago

Dragon's Dogma, gonna be epic without a number.

12 years ago

I have no problem with sequels, when they're for a good game series! The problem nowadays isn't too many sequels, it's too many games in the same damn genre, everything has to be a first person shooter now, and almost no games for all the other great genres out there, like the good 'ol RPG.

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