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Why inFamous 2 Is So Damn Appealing

I loved inFamous and I'm sure I'll love the sequel. It also seems that everyone I know feels the same way.

So I asked myself, "why are these games so damn appealing to so many people?" Well, the open-world setting is definitely a big draw, as evidenced by the immense popularity of Grand Theft Auto . Plus, it helps that Sucker Punch is a fantastic developer and we're almost guaranteed a satisfying, stable adventure with tight control and impressive technical elements. But there's something else…

I actually think it's this unique combination of action-based mania and the exploration involved with a sprawling metropolis. At first, I thought Cole's speed was much too fast but after playing for a while, I realized that it was just right, and it didn't diminish my appreciation for my surroundings. Amazingly, I always wanted to fight and I always wanted to explore and look around. The pacing of one really doesn't match the pacing of the other, so perhaps it's this contrast that so many people enjoy. It can be difficult to get such pacing correct.

It's the pacing and the freedom; the freedom to approach enemies in a variety of different ways. You can do so in other free-roam games, too, but you can't very well launch yourself onto a rooftop in seconds in GTA. You can't zip from one rooftop to another. You can't go back and forth between the ground and the air on a whim. What other game lets you do this, and do it so unbelievably effectively for so long? And in such an environment? The combination is so totally addicting.  It's just an atmosphere and style of gameplay and immersion that seems almost singular in my eyes, and this is why I think inFamous 2 will sell extremely well.

Of course, now that I said it, the game will tank. …but it better not.

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Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

Btw, the reason I'm putting up a few articles and this editorial now is because I won't be around later tonight to put them in Saturday's update.

13 years ago

Got a hot date later, eh? 😉

13 years ago

Ya, me. We're going to Fuddruckers.

13 years ago

Color me jealous!

13 years ago

We used to call that place Buttf*ckers… rather apt in this context.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

We gots a Fuddruckers nearby. …been there once when it opened.

13 years ago

@ Ben and LV

hope you two had a romantic time at Buttf*ckers ha ha

13 years ago

Fuddrucker's…. Burgers….. Mmmmhhh

13 years ago

The final paragraph in the article…..
Prototype is also addicting due to the reasons outlined in that parapgraph, right? Well to me it is.

13 years ago

Hi,I got both at the same time & thought Infamous was the better game with better focus for gaming,Prototype seemed more disjointed & all over the place.I can't disagree that they were similar.Ps while I'm here I can't believe that DNF is out in the next 2 weeks.Is this real?

13 years ago

Prototype has those elements… kinda. But I didn't find it anywhere near as addictive. I bored of it very quickly. Still haven't beaten it, though I'd like to. I hope Prototype 2 is more like infamous.

13 years ago

If it was more like Infamous then it wouldn't be Prototype besides your playing as someone else and youre trying to kill Alex Mercer (main character from the 1st game). It actually should make for a more interesting story and tough ass Boss fight Considering how powerful the Alex is. The graphics are leaps and bounds better then 1st not quite as good as Infamous 2 depending on your opinion so it definitely looks to better than the 1st.

Also Ign has reviewed the game and given it a 9.0, I'm still trying to figure out how the hell they got they're hands on the full version game already.

Last edited by GuyverLT on 5/27/2011 7:52:58 PM

13 years ago

I swear after playing the demo for the first time I kept looking along the walls of building around uni to see how I could climb all the way to the top of them, lol

13 years ago

After reading, it takes me back. What an awesome game inFamous was. Can't wait for 2 and see what they improved and added to make an awesome franchise even better.

13 years ago

I'm so stoked for this game. Even the PS3 Exclusive haters at IGN gave it a 9.

13 years ago

With IGN you simply add a extra point to all PS3 exclusives and it becomes much more accurate.

13 years ago

Yeah the IGN review made me *really* want to play this game. d14sure.

I don't agree that IGN is biased in their reviews, though. This review not being an exception – the reviewer write very positive words about the first inFamous too, and, well, 9.0 really speaks for itself.
Usually their scores do not differ much from the metacritic/gamerakings average.

Last edited by Beamboom on 5/28/2011 5:11:42 AM

13 years ago

only reason why i hate IGNs reviews is allot of the times they only review half a game, like KZ3s review.
or they say nothing good about a game, spew praise for it, then give it a 8!
infamous 2 perfect example only thing he complained about was the camera!
what, the cameras that bad it takes a whole point of does it?
infamous 2 still looks really buggy to me, so a 9 looks very generous!
but for crying out loud, you have to explain why it gets a 9!
you cant just say ZOMFG this is the best game ev3r!!!!!!!
then give it a 9!

13 years ago

It's all in the eye of the beholder I guess, cause I think he explained well why it got a 9; the story, characters and gameplay, and above all how all elements are so very well tied together being the main reason.
In my opinion the perfect 10 is almost a theoretical, impossible score, the "ultimate, *perfect* game" with no flaws whatsoever. And from that perspective a 9 or 9.5 is pretty darn close to perfect!

13 years ago

It may be minor but the way Cole can get around the city with the use of his powers is fun enough on it's own sometimes, regardless if I had a destination or not.

13 years ago

I just pre-ordered the Hero Edition so I can get that awesome sling pack that comes with it not to mention the awesome Cole figurine.

I got the platinum on Infamous in 9 days after finding it on blockbusters shelf about a week before its release date. I couldn't get enough of it. Even though I hated looking for those 300 damn shards I did it.

I will be getting Infamous for one of my choices for the goodwill service they're providing. That way I can beat it again right before 2 comes out. I'm pretty psyched for this game.

13 years ago

I, too, will wear the bag.

13 years ago

I just hope I can look half as cool as Cole wearing it.

13 years ago

I guess I was also wrong about the 300 shards actually being 350. And how can I have a 95% completion on my save yet I have done everything there is?

Last edited by Sancho on 5/28/2011 1:20:32 PM

13 years ago

Why inFamous 2 Is So Damn Appealing:

Because it's inFamous. nuff said.

inFamous was the first ps3 game I ever purchased. I'm excited for part 2.

13 years ago

I'm ultra stupid-stoked to play this!
Got my amazon pre-order in and i go to bed each night with my Gillette 4 bladed shaving razor, forged from the mines of Mordor, clutched firmly in my hand. My precious.

13 years ago

lol, what? Why are you sleeping with a razor?

13 years ago

Haha, you know? The Gillette Razor Blade cross promotional deal Sony did with Infamous 2. Now because I bought this super 'death star' razor blade I get a free DLC unlock in Infamous 2 on release. Right now that blade is my closest attachment between me and Infamous 2 =p

13 years ago

lol, I didn't know about that, I'm gettin' the Hero Edition so I get all DLC.

13 years ago

It is pre-ordered and ready to arrive.

I think the reason it is so appealing might have to do with the style of the game. The navigation, fighting, stuff to do. The way everything works together makes it the only open-world game (except Fallout 3) I can play after the campaign of without boring.

The characters(except Zeke and Trish) are also a huge draw into the game. Cole is awesome. Alden looks awesome. Kessler is one of my favorite antagonist ever. And Sasha, well she makes being evil sooo much more amazing.
That voice…

13 years ago

I love how Cole sways like a drunk when she talks.

13 years ago

pretty sure its also popular (on top of what the article said) because everybody, at some point, has wanted to shoot electricity at someone. Myself included, many times over.

13 years ago

Brings back memories of wool socks and carpet.
Good Times, good times…

13 years ago

I think its so damn appealing because it will be an even better thought out adventure, less black and white moral choices, more powers, more choices. But ultimately the game just makes YOU feel powerful. Even with all the sh*t Mercer could do in Prototype you never actually felt powerful. In inFamous, you can feel the greatness of it in your blood.

13 years ago

My pre-order says it won't flop…

I think the appeal is that it;s a super-hero game where you play an ordinary guy thrust into the role of a super hero or super villain, plus you have the totally open world for exploration and combat. As you say, you are free to reformulate your tactics fluidly as the situation demands, there's not necessarily only one way to finish.

13 years ago

I just got done beating the game as "Evil Cole" today. 2nd play through. The game is just FUN to play. Cole is agile and quick enough to make traveling around the city a joy, and yet you still feel ridiculously powerful when wreaking havoc on enemies (and pedestrians). The story is fantasic, the characters memorable and lovable, and the moral decisions make it all the more interesting.

All of that combined with open-world gameplay, a variety of mission types, and enough incentive to do the other things like collecting shards, completing side missions, and gaining XP has kept me playing this game for a LONG time.

That's why I like it anyway. June 7th can't come soon enough.

Last edited by jimmyhandsome on 5/27/2011 10:13:53 PM

Nas Is Like
Nas Is Like
13 years ago

There's something about inFamous 2 that just feels a bit…awkward/off. I can't put my finger on it. I really liked the first one, no question about it, but I don't like how the second one is shaping out to be so far. I have no hype or expectations for it whatsoever, so I won't be picking it up. Unless something changes my mind.

13 years ago

I think I love just being able to climb around a city and stick to things like a friggin monkey. I saw this guy on a TV show once who could do stuff like Cole because he had conditioned his fingers somehow.

Since playing the game I think how boring it is when I'm downtown just stuck on the ground. I wanna shimmy up a lamp post and jump onto the light rail tracks and skid away 🙂

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 5/27/2011 11:11:13 PM

13 years ago

That's it. I'm writing Sucker Punch for a Monkey skin unlock. My daughter would get a total kick out of that.

13 years ago

I can't wait to know who the Beast is!
My missions uploaded already to the UGC Beta!

Last edited by Kiryu on 5/28/2011 12:40:16 AM

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

I'm amped to pick this up in a fortnight's time. Unfortunately JB Hi-Fi doesn't have WKCII in their database. At least theat means there'll be no difficulty in me choosing which to play first.

Still trying to play through inFamous. I'd be a lot further through it if I hadn't have lost the last three days ability to play it. I seriously love it though. An all around amazing game.

13 years ago

I still hate this scroll bar… it's inFamous.

13 years ago

If only the setting option were saved with the user profile (or persistent cookie), so that we don't have to constantly turn it off.

13 years ago

Yeah, I still don't like it. I'm used to it, but I'd rather not complicate things by worrying about scrolling two y-axis bars to get where I want.
What was wrong with just scrolling the main page? Heck, I'd just hit either 'page down' or 'end' to get where I wanted fast.

13 years ago

Off topic for a second, I already put it in the forum under "Good deals for gamers", but this is important to every gamer out there & not everyone goes into the forum…….

Thanks to Red Bull's new promotion, all gamers can now join the ECA(Entertainment Consumers Association) for FREE (reg.$19.99 value)….You can check out all about the ECA right here
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13 years ago

its the destruction.
nothings more satisfying then standing in a narrow street and letting off a tornado lifting everything in the street and hurling it around!
O, wait there is.
letting off a few grenades before firing off the tornado so when it comes through and lifts things up they explode in peoples faces!
i love doing that, when we had the demo from the lead combat designer in the conference room everyone just busted out laughing!

one thing i wish games would still have is cheats.
almost every game has them untill the final stages where there locked out.
why not let people use cheats once there finished the game for the fun of it?
the whole point of infamous is blowing sh*t up!
what better way to blow sh*t up if you had unlimited energy and could throw missile after grenade after shocks and never stop!
was so much fun having unlimited electricity, i remember we had a competition who could have things going off for the longest without killing themselves or a civilian.
was so funny seeing a car get blown off the ground, then blown again in mid air, invisible juggling!
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, come on give us our cheats back!!!!!!!!!!

13 years ago

been saying that for years, this whole generation is almost cheat free, coming from a cheat deep PS1 and PS2… To this.

I just doont understand why they stopped giving us the option.. GTA really is the only series where they have always given us cheats, but even now it comes with conditions.

I know people get on their high horses and spout some rubbish about being a real gamer and completing games the natural way, but thats bull. If people want to play the game they brought what ever way they want… Let them!

13 years ago

I know a guy who calls me constantly to look up cheat codes for him online. I use to enjoy using cheats occasionally to get unlimited ammo or whatnot, but anymore I find that takes away from the games experience. I always express that opinion as I'm giving that guy his cheat codes so hopefully he'll one day want to play the games the way they were intended.

13 years ago

Achievements/Trophies are to blame. sure, they could disable trophies from being collected with cheats activated, but not a lot of games do that

13 years ago

i can understand why they do it, they dont want people cheating online, or cheating with trophies or whatever.
but why not make it that they can not be unlocked till you have finished the game on the difficulty your playing, and lock certain trophies out?
i wish they would not lock trophies out though, it makes it easier to get certain ones like i recently played infamous again and am trying to get all the shards again.
if i had infinite health i could zip around and collect them, instead of constantly having to stop and kill enemies, replenish my health.

one thing i wish would stop is saves locked to your profile.
so freaking annoying!!!!!!!!
whats the point of being able to setup multiple profiles if you can only use the save file on one?
the ps3 i got downstairs has its net card broken so i cant get it online, so i cant play my games downstairs anymore i have to bring my newer one downstairs, unhook the old one and set the new one up.
pain in the a$$!
wish you could combine trophies too, since sony refuse to give me the PSN account details so i can replace the funds so i can get my account back ive lost my original account, so im now using a new one and have lost all my trophies.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x