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Ben’s Week In Review: May 8

Strangely, I got an e-mail from a PR lady who asked if/when I'd review Puzzle Agent . As it's a PSN title, I replied with, "gee, I'd sure like to…whenever the Network is back." It seemed she had temporarily forgotten. I want to forget permanently .

I adore Assassin's Creed, but…

There's no bigger fan of this franchise; it's my favorite of the generation with the exception of Uncharted . I had my reservations for last year's Brotherhood but it turned out to be exactly what I wanted, and I loved it to pieces. I have to say, though, new reservations have popped up after learning more about Assassin's Creed: Revelations . I don't mind the gameplay enhancements, I love the idea of using both Ezio and Altair, it'll be interesting to visit the historical, majestic city of Constantinople, and the expanded concept of the Borgia Towers is intriguing. But a few things leap to mind- first and foremost, Ubisoft said more than once that Brotherhood would be Ezio's last chapter and the next AC would be ACIII, so they could utilize a new hero and setting.

…but as I see it, they didn't have time. They needed the annual entry and they cut corners to hit that deadline. I'm sorry, but it's difficult to see it any other way. Plus, that zip line sounds suspiciously like a way of speeding up (and thereby dumbing down) gameplay that absolutely does not need to be faster. The fans love the patience and stealth involved; they love the unparalleled atmospheres. Don't go too crazy on us, Ubisoft.

Hey EA…Activision doesn't care about you

While EA continues to crow about Battlefield 3 , making one bold statement after another , I keep thinking that Activision just doesn't care. Why should they? So what if the new CoD has to go up against a superior product? Since when does that matter to the hordes of casual gamers and die-hard CoD fans? NFL 2K could magically return this year, be significantly better than Madden , and wouldn't secure more than a fraction of Madden 's overall sales. When it comes to billion-dollar franchises, I just think they're immune . I think it really doesn't matter anymore. Besides, with a $200 million budget and three studios cranking on Modern Warfare 3 , it's not like we'll get dog sh**.

But really, like I said, it wouldn't matter if we did. EA can talk all they want. Maybe they'll get decent sales thanks to critic support and hardcore gamers but let's face it- most of the CoD brethren who quite literally only play one game a year haven't even heard of Battlefield .

Personal gaming update

I really like MotorStorm: Apocalypse but the PSN went down before I could sample the multiplayer, so I have to wait until the Network is back before doing a review. Now, the same could go for Brink , but let me ask: I can play it on Xbox Live and count that experience as part of my PS3 review, if the readers don't mind. If you don't like that idea, I'll wait on the review for that, too. Just let me know. I can't imagine the Live multiplayer would be that much different…

Other than that, I'm still trying to finish Dragon Age II and Final Fantasy IV on the PSP. You know, concerning the latter, we've gotten so spoiled by the hard drive and auto-saves. You just sort of assume the game will save after doing something significant, and sadly, that stuck in my head…I took down two bosses in a row in FFIV and neglected to save. Then, exploring with my new airship, I went into a busted-up castle to go a-looting, and stumbled across a Monster-in-a-Box. …can't escape, monsters way too powerful…dead. And oh yeah, hadn't saved since before those boss fights.

Oops. …oh, how we forget.

Oh, and Happy Mother's Day! 🙂

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13 years ago

Having PSN withdraws. Ayone else hear the rumor that we're getting cross game chat and in game video chat as apart of the big network update?

13 years ago

Ben, I don't think you should put MP in as part of your review. It's all the same anyways. That's my thought on it.

13 years ago

I'll have to try out Brotherhood, then.

My week? 3rd in a row that's been too busy. Haven't had much time to game, though I'm a couple chapters shy of completing Spidey's Shattered Dimension, which I've really enjoyed. Then on to JC2, after which I'll finally get to Socom 4 with my sharpshooter. I'll have another go with KZ3 with my new accessory. And of course I'll find more time with Yakuza 3, before breaking the plastic of Yakuza 4. I have plenty to hold me over for next month's inFamous 2, but still, I'm quietly impatient. I still have to finish up LBP for LBP2, but that gives me more time to snipe a good deal on it.

13 years ago

Oh, I forgot to mention Portal 2 has been pretty cool, too. Finally got to it last night and I flew through the first 4 chapters.

13 years ago

That's alot of games to play before inFamous!! Good luck Shams…..and the levels in Portal get a lot more tricky towards the end!!

13 years ago

I had a chance to try out Just Cause 2 a couple weeks back. I thought it was great fun. I look forward to snatching that one up for about $15-20

13 years ago

Shams, I think you've been here long enough to treat yourself to an Avatar. Not that terrible move, but a picture near your name 🙂

13 years ago

I've loved every minute of the 120 hours I put into yakuza 3:p so far 75 hours put into yakuza 4 🙂

13 years ago

Oh yeah, and Master Shams, Brotherhood is good stuff. It's a good extension of what you experienced with AC2, but more refined and broader in game design scope.
While the combat hasn't changed a whole lot, there are subtle improvements to it.
I've plugged in about 15 hours+ on it and I think I'm about 2/3 through the main story (on sequence 8) and there's plenty of stuff to do, probably another 20 hours+ if I wanted.
I've seen it for some good deals, $40 new and $30 used.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

ACII and Brotherhood are the closest I've come to Platinum-ing anything.

Anybody has any questions, ask me. 🙂

13 years ago

10-4 on Brotherhood, Sensei Temjin. I'll be sure to snipe a deal on it.

I hear ya, World. 'Tis about time.

Finally got to and finished sp campaign on Portal 2 this weekend. It was less demanding on timing than the first. Not as many vertigo inducing moments, and I preferred the writing and ending credits song of the prequel ("Still Alive"), but still a clever and satisfying ride. I'll dig into the mp when the psn comes back up.

13 years ago

I feel like Assassins Creed has turned into a spin-off franchise. I'm going to hold out on both AC:B and AC:R until they figure out what they want this franchise to be. I imagine I will pick them up someday when they are cheap.

As for the PSN, It still hasn't bothered me that much. I just finished Portal 2 and am working a 36 hour shift this weekend… I haven't really tried to get on much. I do hope their "good faith" offerings are nice when they come back though.

I'm also done with CoD altogether. I borrowed a friends copy of Black Ops, and doubt that I will ever buy a CoD again. I'm definitely ready for something new in the FPS genre – kinda like Half Life 3…. That would be nice.

Happy Mothers Day to everyone!!!

13 years ago

Mothers day was last month here.
Still need to play last years asscreed.
Oh and I wasn't too impressed with the new motorstorm.
Pacific rift looked and felt so much better

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

Um…it did NOT look better.

13 years ago

it most certainly did!
pacific rift had lots of color, apocalypse was like, well the apocalypse.
except replace fire and brimstone with brown brown and more brown!
in fact its so brown you could convince me it was made with the UE3 engine!
3D effects in pacific 3D rift were far better too!

13 years ago

I didn't think the foliage in Pacific Rift was particularly impressive. You could see it sort of "draw-in" and it's shadows while you drove. It also used some sort of slight blur inducing AA. I honestly thought the first game looked more consistently better.
I haven't played the full version of Motorstorm Apoc, just yet. All of my stores in this "one horse town" are sold out or don't carry it. I plan on snagging it Wednesday when I go into the city. And then I'm going to do up a review for the titanreviews gaming site.

13 years ago


I'm guessing the full game looks better than the demo then.
I'll probably get it sometime in the future

13 years ago

I cant really say im dissappointed in the new AC3 but it does seem to be getting a bit recycled. I think they'll make this one work but any AC afterwords using the same characters and story arc is going to make fans of the series start thinking about antoher game. Plus, this probably isn't going to do anything great to their sales. Think about it, if AC3 is basically just a refined version of brotherhood, and all the fresh, highly advanced and improved games coming out around the same time frame (UC3 R3, TM, etc). AC3 will become an afterthought. its allready gonna be one of those games that im going to wait on until Q2 of 2012 at the latest.

13 years ago

Assassins Creed Revelations is not Assassins Creed 3. Revelations is a nother side/addon/2.5 game like Brotherhood. The REAL AC3 is most likey coming in 2012. And it'll get decent sales and be a great game. Bet on it.

13 years ago

Dude, its gonna get excellent sales, not decent ones. I've never seen an AC game sell below 7 million, which is better than most other games can say.

Plus, Revelations is gonna sell well too. There's already a crapload of people who will buy AC regardless of whether the games are spinoffs or true sequels, and the new changes they've made will probably attract even more people.

13 years ago

hopefully the network will be up when brink arrives. using live as a substitute for the ps3 multiplayer just doesn't feel right. it's realy your call, but i imagine most would be patient enough to wait for your review of the ps3 multiplayer.

13 years ago

I'm excited for AC: Revelations, too. I'm eager to see how it turns out. I probably won't snag it right away for $60 because those Ubi-soft AC games drop fast in retail value. That, and it comes out during the high spending holiday stuff.

But earlier in the week while I was sketching up a picture of Batman, (I like to draw comic book stuff so here's a link for those who are interested in seeing some of my stuff )

So I went ahead and snagged the latest Batman game for a good price on eBay. I look forward to playing it after I'm done with AC:Brotherhood.

13 years ago

Nice artwork, thanks for sharing!

13 years ago

Very cool Temjin.

13 years ago

That's awesome Temjin! Very nice work I like it. 😀

13 years ago

Thank you, guys =)

13 years ago

After my disastrous encounter with AC1 I have higher hopes as I plan to dip into AC2 soon, BUT the moment L.A. Noire hits my mailbox that game is taking control of my life and that's final.

I was thinking just the other day that AC is having a bigger identity crisis than Desmond. Part 1 has a hero and time, part 2 has a hero and time, Brotherhood is basically an expansion pack to 2 but it isn't 3, Revelations is a mishmash of 1 and 2 and Brotherhood but 3 will be an all new assassin and location?

Ubi doesn't seem to have the slightest idea what direction they're taking and like Ben said, just trying to toss something together in time. That is going to lead to problems later. You must be clear cut with your ideas, numbered entries, and spinoffs.

I'm still trying to make headway in Ar Tonelico, I just wish it had a decent battle system. The game is pretty hilarious though. I'm also trying to collect all the naked pics in Splatterhouse, no easy task.

Can anybody tell me why the PSEye only work halfway on a DLP TV? It's annoying, don't boast well for me getting Move, and there isn't room for using it where my LCD TV is.

13 years ago

World are you hyped for InFamous 2?!

13 years ago

That's exactly why I will not reward Ubisoft by purchasing this game. I'm holding out for AC3, and even then I will probably wait on a review at this point.

13 years ago

I'm super hyped about inFamous 2. Most anticipated game this year even over Uncharted 3. I even cashed in my credit card rewards for an Amazon gift card to bring down the price on the Hero edition a tad.

The ONLY problem I have with inFamous 2 is that this semester will be over before I have the Cole/Sly Cooper backpack in my possession 🙂

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 5/7/2011 11:03:16 PM

13 years ago

AC2 beat the first in everyway possible. More compelling characters, story. AC1 was pretty tedious and repetetive. This however, takes a huge leap from that. You should definately like it man otherwise… well… i guess ur SOL but good news is you probably only spent 20 bucks on it so not that big of an investment.

13 years ago

Yup, 20 bucks.

13 years ago

The crazy news is I can't garner ANY interest in selling Two Worlds II, or Resonance of Fate at $20. I mean come on guys they are basically brand new, you're breakin' my balls.

13 years ago

Resonance of fate sells on amazon for $18 new all the time, so getting $20 for it is kinda a stretch.

Sad to hear you didn't get into Two Worlds 2, I loved it, only major glitches I ran into were graphical. The customization was way worth it though to me.

13 years ago

hey youre right, last time I checked on Resonance it was going for 40.

TWII the combat drove me absolutely crazy, it was just intolerable for my tastes. Too clumsy.

13 years ago

Odd, I found it to be a vast improvement over Oblivion.

13 years ago

Each to their own I guess. I could get no effectiveness out of it whereas I pwned the world in Oblivion. But then I always played that in first person.

13 years ago

ben, the day NFL 2k shows up is the day I forget about Madden. Madden gives us the same game year after year, only adding/updating really tiny things that don't matter like a green dot on the back of the QB's helment. How about fixing the blocking and tackling before going into that much detail and you(EA) are not even close to getting there, not even in the same universe!

I have not picked up Motorstorm yet. I want to really bad. Split screen will be just awesome! (: just wish my wallet wasnt so shallow.. 🙁

13 years ago


Well, my hopes of buying a brand new Slim in July have dashed.

And unless the USPS OK's my $500 insurance, I won't have any PS3 for a very long, long, time because after 21 years of faithful loyal service working at the Trump Taj Mahal Casino, the new owners of just 4 months just did a second wholesale layoff massacre today, & I was one of the many workers chopped.
And just so the top big-wigs can f*cking pad their exorbitant million dollar + yearly bonuses even higher.

I'll be going for unemployment benefits, but at around $500-$600 weekly, it won't even come close to paying a 1/3 of my monthly bills, (plus that big check I was expecting in early July was directly tied to my job, so that's now gone too).

Plus I have 2 very large outstanding retirement loans I'm not going to be able to pay back, so I'm not sure what's going to happen next about that.
But I guess the IRS will now be taxing me 10% for that unpaid portion too, plus another 10% penalty that they'll compound daily.

So even thinking about getting another PS3 is going to be out of the question unless I either win the lottery or a Gamer-Angel glides down into my life & donates a used PS3.

Damn, and just when I recently bought Fallout New Vegas, Alpha Protocol, Heavy Rain, & I just received my stuck KZ3 disc back too, along with another 123 games in my PS3 collection.

And all, with no chance in hell on playing any of them now.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

:O Oh Saint, I'm so sorry to hear that. Damn man, I hope it all works out for you.

I suppose if worst comes to worst you can start selling off pieces of that legendary collection of yours. Needs must when the devil drives. Seriously, all the best, I hope that the USPS pulls through and you can quickly find yourself another job.

13 years ago

Sorry to hear that Biker, not sure whether to thumb you up for support or thumb you down because it sucks so bad.

I'll pray for ya and hope you find a new job, maybe one that pays better. Keep your head up.

13 years ago

Dang, that's too bad Biker. Things sound pretty crappy for you, but don't be surprised if in a few months from now if everything is totally different and improved from where you're at now.

The November before the last, my PS3-phat got ylod and I was essentially console-less (I didn't have a 360 at the time) And having been spent from Christmas shopping.. no new PS3 for me right away. Then, at the end of the year, I got real sick and was out of work. I got better and found a new job. I just played my trusty PSP and FF7/FF8 to pass the time. It was kind of a good thing, too. That school quarter was challenging for me and it was important that I focused in my C++ programming course. I ended up doing great. Cash started rolling back in with my new job. Not quite out of the woods, I went to get my new PS3-Slim; sadly, ready with money in hand, it was during the time when PS3's were scarce and I couldn't find one for a couple weeks. ARGH!

Eventually my Best Buy got some and things were good again. Then, a couple months later I got an un-expected inheritance (not a whole lot but nice anyway) and I ended up getting also a 360 Arcade.
So basically, in just a few months time things changed for the better pretty dramatically.

So hang in there =)

13 years ago

Thanks guys,

After 31 years in the casino business, working at Caesars, & then the Trump Taj Mahal working first in their security departments, and then as a blackjack dealer & a floorperson, I'm officially done with the whole lousy tainted casino biz altogether.

Believe me when I tell you that there's more f*cking shady politics going on behind the scenes with casino jobs than in our own government.
It's all a "who-you-know" & "what-can-you-do for-me" mentality there, and only the fat cat owners & CEO's get richer, while they take & take & take from everyone below them till we've got nothing left to give, and then we're all expendable.

The word "seniority" in a casino is a joke, it's non-existent in the casino biz & it only means that there's a target on your back, just so that they can replace you with a foreign part-timer that they'll start at a minimum pay-rate. with no exactly NO benefits, vacation time, sick days or any personal days.

So f*ck 'em, I'll just collect my unemployment(for my very first time ever)for a while & see if the government's got any free programs to learn another trade.

Now, I've just got to figure out a way to getting a used PS3 ASAP so I can get back to finishing up my stats, awards, etc., in KZ3, & then I can get started on Heavy Rain which I had bought recently.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 5/8/2011 1:01:00 PM

13 years ago

But enough of my doom & gloom….

"Happy Mothers Day" to all of those who are!

13 years ago

I am enamored with Motorstorm. I just wish PSN was up so I can ram people of the track. Hopefully, Sony can have it back up by next week.
Also, am I the only one who is getting concerned with the yearly release of Assassin's Creed? I fear that the yearly release will cause the gamplay and plot to become drab consequently ebbing the quality of the game, and turning it into the next COD or Guitar Hero.

13 years ago

Ben, please let the Brink review wait, I'm sure we can handle it. If there is any major different in the online, it would be nice to know about. If anything, make it next weeks poll or something. My personal opinion is no: don't do your review on the XBox version.

And before people attack me, YES I know he only means the online, but servers tend to be different between PS3 and XBox.

13 years ago

Seems reasonable, I doubt they will be very different experiences but I'm willing to wait since MP integration is a huge part of this game.

13 years ago


13 years ago

started my 2nd play through of DA:O and Mirror's Edge today.

Birthday in 11 days, maybe I'll treat myself to some MK and/or DA:A & II

13 years ago

Ben, how come my first comment is still pending? Anyway, my first comment was about ingame video chat and cross game chat coming to the
PS3 as part of the big PSN restore FW update. Anyone else heard this rumor?

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x