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Ben’s Week In Review: April 17

April is light in terms of high-profile reviews, but there are still a few significant releases…

I love Assassin's Creed, but…

There's no bigger fan than I. And I admit I had misplaced and erroneous reservations concerning last year's Brotherhood entry. That one came out only a year after ACII and it was great; it had everything I wanted plus more. But I also know they had already written the second part of Ezio's story heading into that production and of course, they already had the setting in place. If they're planning to turn this amazing franchise into an annual event, I'm just a little concerned that Ubisoft will be forced to sacrifice a little something. And even if they don't, I'm worried about Guillemot's comment – "something interesting for the brand." I don't know about you, but that statement implies a change. Look, that formula is awesome; don't change it.

If you want to give us a new historical setting and a new protagonist, fine (provided you don't skimp 'cuz you have to rush it out for every holiday season). But altering the winning formula that the fans fell in love with would be a colossal mistake…this has happened a lot this generation, and I'm concerned my precious AC will take the "faster and dumber" approach in due time. It's almost as if every franchise that wishes to be uber-popular has to get faster and dumber…

…and speaking of changing a winning formula…

Okay, this isn't quite the same thing because Resident Evil fans had issues with RE5; many say the tank controls have to go, and even the dedicated hardcore followers are looking for a significant mechanical upgrade in RE6. But even so, after watching the latest trailer for Operation Raccoon City , it becomes painfully obvious that the very core of this series has been erased for the sake of a "faster and dumber" spinoff. That isn't to say RE was only for intellectuals, but I'm sure you understand what I mean. The whole time I was writing that preview , I had a hard time accepting that it was a Resident Evil project. Slant Six doesn't do RE. They do third-person shooters, and that's what this game is .

Well, at least Capcom isn't trying to claim otherwise. The publisher said very clearly that this new iteration isn't a horror game , and they've also dropped hints that RE6 might once again be recognizable to the fans. There's nothing wrong with appealing to other types of gamers, so long as you don't alienate the ones you have……….Square-Enix.

Personal gaming update

I haven't yet finished Dragon Age II , primarily because I got hooked on my Champions of Norrath play-through. But DAII will indeed be finished in due time; I'm done with SOCOM 4 – you can find the review here – and while it's decent, it's really not my thing. However, Portal 2 is sitting right here and as soon as I'm done typing this, I'll start it. The game is embargoed until Tuesday, though, so don't expect a super early review tomorrow or Monday. 🙂 I'm excited to give it a try; I never did play the first one and besides, I like something fresh.

Then I have to deal with Mortal Kombat , which might be cool. I do have to say, though, those insane Fatalities made me wince. Not much can make me turn away these days, but a few of those were just…nuts. I see NetherRealm is seeking a spot on the nightly news.

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13 years ago

Check out this cool anime opening with FF7 characters

13 years ago

hahaha lol

13 years ago

Oh c'mon Ben those fatalities were good for laughs.

I'm passing on all of that and even MK can wait for its inevitable price reduction because I'm just gonna kick it with Ar Tonelico for some light-hearted JRPG fun along with whatever I feel like playing until L.A. Noire drops next month right after finals. Yay.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
13 years ago

PGU: Im waiting for a game that delivers.

13 years ago

Haha MK forever! Bring the pain.
Yeah, MK will get spotlight time for sure. I'm sure Jack Thompson will have a new game to hate.

Anyway, I gotta say, something bizarre has happened to me over the last week: Assassin's Creed. I'm hooked playing it. Even doing the same stuff over and over, for some reason I just can't enough. I really like the setting, being all Mesopotamia/Jerusalem etc. Last week at this time I was writing on here how it's not a favorite series of mine (albeit I held it with respect) but now I'm all cocoa for cocoa-puffs for it. I dunno why the change of heart, but it happened.
Anyway, being so compelled over the last week playing it, I just had to grab Brotherhood used for the abnormally high price of $29.99 (by my reckoning)making it the most expensive 360 gaming purchase I've made over the last few years (Bayonetta was close for $23).
Anyway, doing comparisons, there's a whole lot BH is doing, or has improved upon, over the first game. I say anyone turned off by the first game's redundancy really needs to give BH a try (winks at World)
Anyway, I could go on, but that's enough love'n for now.
But as for Ubisoft changing up the formula, hopefully it's not too extreme. It seems gamers can be a fickle lot. They can cry about Final Fantasy changing itself too much with FF13 but then turn around and cry when AC and CoD aren't different enough for staying true to their formula. Maybe it has more to do with the frequency of release.. I dunno, it just seems like something of a walking on egg shells paradox.

Aside from that, I ordered Demon's Souls (with that new Harry Pooper movie) for $15 off Amazon–get it while it's hot! It comes with a soundtrack, or something… I like to be cruel to myself with games that insult your willpower to move forward. But the ninja in me will not bow down.

13 years ago

I've always planned to give the sequel a try, there just hasn't been a drought in a very long time. I don't really have any problem putting it off though cuz the first one made me hate being alive.

13 years ago

Way to go Temjin001. Nothing better than reading about someone's passion for gaming.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

AC had me hooked from the start. I always have to do everything in all the games. 🙂

13 years ago

Yeah, Ben, it's good stuff. Though, I'm not sure if I want to find all of them flag–there's a load of them.

I love being a public menace. Like on the interrogation missions I follow the dude around, and I continually plant my fist into the palm of my other hand by pressing down on the d-pad over and over.. hehe
I also think it's funny that the game gives you an achievement for grabbing and throwing beggars. Jumping through shops is fun, too.
It's a bunch a stuff I'd never do in real life, or even feel compelled too, but it's funny as heck in the game. Well, I'm sort of tempted to jump through someone's shop stand… that might be kind of fun =p
I also love the public comments.
"That man must be crazy"
"Why is he doing that?"
"Can someone tell me why is he doing that?"
It cracks me up.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 4/17/2011 12:02:35 PM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

Oh, I didn't get all the flags until Brotherhood…and that's because you can buy maps for each section of the city that tells you where they are. 😉

13 years ago

Divinity II: The Dragon Knight Saga and 8 years later, I'm close to finishing my third Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem run thru using the last alignment, Chattur'gha.

13 years ago

Don't know how you could've missed Portal, Ben, especially when you have/had Orange Box. But hey, like you were saying maybe it's good you waited until now.

The game revolutionized two established genres (and one of 'em completely stagnant) in one fowl swoop: fps and platformer.

My PGU: I've been playing Spiderman:SD in what little time have had in this work week. It's a low-down dirty shame how many a great game has gone unnoticed this gen.

13 years ago

It's definitely been too many.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

Eh, I found HL2 good but a little underwhelming – maybe because I played it late – and I moved on to other games without ever trying Portal.

13 years ago

I'll keep that in mind in your review of the sequel.

13 years ago

I'm a huge ac fan too ben, so I share your concerns that ubisoft, in making ac an annual relase ( if they do, I hope the keep the core gameplay and mechanics and over all awesomeness that is ac ) that the may make it "faster and dumber".

I really hope the don't though. I hope the keep the formula that made ac 1&2 so amazing. Brotherhood was good, but I feel they skimped on the sp to get the mp out there.

As for opperation raccoon city, I pretty much gave up on re after code veronica x and re4. 2 being my favorite, they just don't seem to want to make people play with the lights on anymore. But opperation rc does kind of appeal to me. Not so much the tps perspective, but the squad thing does. Just seems to me that in a zombie apocolypse ( or viral outbreak ) that having atleast 1 or 2 people around would be a good thing. Although not as horrifying.

Pgu : still slaving away on .hack// infection. God it truly is an amazing game. I can't wait to get the rest of them. I would love to see those games get an hd remake for the ps3. Atleast just a makeover. Havnt played much ps3 due to .hack, but I left a sony for a sony so its not cheating.

13 years ago

Where are you picking up the .hack games from? Amazon or eBay? I've also been collecting older games I missed out on which is why I ask.

13 years ago

I did read in the last OPM that Capcom asked Slant Six to westernize RE. I'll play it most likely but it's not the RE I'm waiting for.

As for my gaming right now: I just beat DA:O 2 days ago and starting my 2nd playthrough. Also need to do all the DLC. I'm also starting Borderlands finally. May work on a few PSN games too like Monkey Island, or Heroes of Might & Magic.

13 years ago

Yea, Ubisoft is wearing out AC. They need to stop with these yearly installments and focus on improving their game and game engine.

Not interested at all in the Slant Six Resident Evil. It looks terrible. Bad animations, ugly graphics and the gameplay looks generic. Capcom is in trouble. They are ruining all their franchises. JohnLD told me that the new Street Fighter X Tekken game focus' on juggling too. Has the same button layout as MvC3. Weak sauce. Such a shame.

Still playing Dissidia Duodecim. About 50 hours in. Still having fun. Started The 3rd Birthday but I couldn't get into it right now. I'll try again later when I'm done with Duodecim. Also decided to give FFXIII another try. I've decided that I am going to accept it for what it is and pretend it's not a Final Fantasy. Seems to be working so far. I just reached the part where you invade the airship to save Sazh and Vanille. Also being smarter about how I use and develop each character. I don't want to reach the end again and be to weak to progress. I forgot how beautiful the character models are, aside from their retarded looking low polygon fingers. Seriously, even Old Snake has awesome looking hands.

13 years ago

Good plan Jawknee, before I played XIII I just decided it wasn't a Final Fantasy game and that it was simply a new game from SE. I liked it a lot, it is not FF, but it is a good game.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Watching that video makes me understand why MK was banned here, for sure. But fighters don't really hold my interest, and I didn't find it all that bad. Maybe I just don't see it.

After the unexpected success of Assassin's Creed, and the continuance of that with the sequels, I seriously doubt that they'll go too far in changing it. Maybe they'll change the tone or style somewhat. The gameplay is what draws people in, but perhaps they'll expand on the multiplayer aspect, or try to build it into the SP, like Brink is going to do. Maybe they'll do an MMO spin-off. Who knows, I suppose it's best to wait and see. They said May for news didn't they? That's only six weeks away at the latest that means.

And for some reason, I think it would be better for Capcom to drop RE from the title of ORC. It still draws in fans who know the franchise, while clearly differentiating from the main series and establishing it as a spin-off. Just a thought.

Slowly getting through the Sly Trilogy, and I've got about ten games unopened on my shelf, so the Easter break should go into hammering through them, unless something else comes up (as it always does). Also still getting through VC2. Slow and steady wins the race.
Finished Inferno this morning, so I'm moving onto Purgatory later on. It's certainly not an easy read, and I can envision myself going back to it over and over again to try to capture all of the nuances of it (and maybe try to teach myself some Italian in the meantime).
I've also been having troubles with my car. So I took it to a mechanic and he told me that the transmission isn't far away from carking it. I'm really worried, but with no option other than completely rebuilding, I'm thinking it better to trade it in. I'm unsure of what I'll get in its stead, but it'll be a new car, rather than 2nd hand.
But of course, that means that my planned round-Australia trip has to be indefinitely postponed, which makes me very sad. Ah well… such is life.

13 years ago

@ wreckelss

I picked infection up from amazon. That's prolly were ill be getting the rest of them. I even got the 45 min anime episode. I payed like 6 bucks for the game and its in great condition.

But since they are awesome games the prices do very. Like I said I got infection for 6, but saw that .hack 2 was like 15. Doesn't matter to me, they will be mine anyways. So yeah check it out.

13 years ago

Hey Wrecklees & Dreno,

Just an FYI,
This coming Monday & Tuesday, Gamestop has a deal on all used PS2 games.

They're all "BUY 2 – Get 2 Free"

And if you are a PowerUp-"PRO" card holder, you get the added bonus of being able to start buying those games today(Sunday)a day earlier than everyone else.

BTW, I've seen least 5 different PS2 Hack games there so you might get a great deal overall by buying a bunch at once.
I'm not sure of the prices, but you could check GS online to find out.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 4/17/2011 1:22:03 AM

13 years ago


Since my PS3 died, I had the thought to make a running journal on the trials & tribulations of it.

Here's my Cliff notes….

March 13:
After only 8 hours into one of my last marathon sessions in KZ3's Warfare MP mode, my PS3 kicks me out off & dies with the disc inside.

March 14:
Spent all day researching articles & vids for different ways to get my disc out.
None work!!!!

March 15 to April 11:
Been going completely bonkers that I can't play anything on my PS3.

April 11:
Ok, about to pull my hair out, so I've decided to give Gophermods(Minnesota), a go at fixing it since they're cheaper, they don't delete your hard drive, & they return your very own machine back to you. Plus the fact that I've already spent all my allotted gaming money so I'm pretty broke in that department for the next couple months.

April 12 (Tuesday)2:30PM ,
Shipped at my local post office
Paid $21.85 for 1st class w $500 insurance & tracking
WTF, they wanted $70 for over-night Priority Mail

So I've been tracking my baby at least 9 times a day, so here's what USPS had to show me so far….(yeah, I'm anal about my PS3…and proud of it).

Acceptance SOMERS POINT NJ 04/12/11 2:58pm

Processed through Sort JERSEY CITY NJ Facility 04/13/11 2:35am

Processed through Sort SAINT PAUL MN 04/14/11 1:06pm

Processed through Sort SAINT PAUL MN 04/15/11 1:49am

Arrival at Post Office MINNEAPOLIS MN 04/16/11 4:51am

Notice Left (Business Closed) MINNEAPOLIS MN 04/16/11 8:38am

Sorting Complete MINNEAPOLIS MN 04/16/11 9:34am

Out for Delivery MINNEAPOLIS MN 55414 04/16/11 9:44am

Now, either all our postal workers are frigging stoners, or a big happy f*ck-up of a family because there's a bunch of irregular sh*t in the tracking notice above.

#1. It says that my package was processed through the St Paul sorting facility on 4/14 at 1:06 PM, but then it also says my package was processed again at the same facility the very next day too, 24 hours & 43 minutes later "WTF?

#2 after my package was received by the
MINNEAPOLIS post office, they state that Gophermods was closed (SATURDAY) & a notice was left there at 8:38 AM .

#3. "BUT"……right below that it states that my package was still being sorted one hour later, at 9:34AM.

#4. And right below that, it says my package is done being sorting, & is now out for delivery 10 minutes later, at 9:44.

So I'm going over to my local post office to make my postmaster find out WTF chemical they're lacing their grass with, that all those postal employees have been smoking.

Fair warning to USPS:
You had better not have left my baby in f*cking front of a closed Gophermeds, on the sidewalk or some sh*t, or it won't only be postal workers that go postal!!!

Last edited by BikerSaint on 4/17/2011 1:01:23 AM

13 years ago

Poor Biker, I understand the pain and suffering of shipping that comes with using the usps. Suggestion, pay a little extra next time and use UPS. They are faster and have always taken better care of my things and always have better tracking.

Avoid Fedex like the plague, if you choose 5-7 days shipping, it'll take them at least 9 to deliver. They hold onto packages over the weekend and do nothing with them.

I'm hoping you get your baby back soon, in working order with no new damages. I understand your current state of insanity, I can't imagine sending my ps3 off in hopes of having it fixed, scares me to no end.

13 years ago

The tracking system USPS uses has never been anywhere near real time and is often very vague in comparison to UPS. In The future I would def use UPS. SN: If you have android you should try the app package buddy, its lets you track packages from every service.

13 years ago

Thanks guys for all that shipping 411.

Funny thing was (not sooo funny) that Gophermods would have email me a FedEx shipping label for only $13.99, but cheapskate that I am, I thought I could do much better.

Yeah right…. at $21.85 with the USPS, I screwed myself right out of the price of a decent game.

But hey, I still wound up buying Heavy Rain yesterday, just to celebrate my baby's safe return(finger's crossed, knocking on wood & carrying 4 extra good luck rabbits feet charms).

And I'm going to hit GameStop tomorrow for their first "Buy2-Get2 free" deal on ALL PS2, GB Advanced, & GameCube games to add to my collections.(Hmmmm, sounds like GS is about to stop supporting those 3 systems for good)

Last edited by BikerSaint on 4/17/2011 9:17:26 PM

13 years ago

i hated the first assassins creed since it was so repetitive and i got bored, bought the collectors edition as an impulse buy with cod4. i bought assassins creed 2 and brotherhood, liked them but not that into it. i would prefer if they stuck with the same formula though.

Yeah, i gave up on capcom already. i tried playing marvel vs capcom 3 and i just get pissed off. what the hell happened to games like this being challenging instead of cheap. street fighter had seth, that cheap bastard. now theres galactus as well as a few other characters in the game. i decided to skip all further capcom fighting games. i mean, why the hell is up with all the focus on juggling. juggling should be about EXTRA damage, not a game ender. i mean i didnt mind it in tekken because you actually needed skill to perform them. in marvel vs capcom 3, damage taken is just crazy and it is so damn simple to do. really, a special attack button and 3 attack buttons. i prefer my setup in mvc2 with 8 attack buttons. you actually had to input the correct commands to perform everything. after seeing the street fighter x tekken video on psblog, i see that its more of the same so i'll gladly pass on them. tekken x street fighter might be passable since its going to be more like tekken but i'm not lining up day 1, or year 1 for that matter.

PGU: i'm really getting into crysis 2 online. single player was ok but i cant really go back to do trophies because the game locks up and crashes. they even got a trophy for playing the game after 6 months. i dont know if i like it or hate that but it seems to be doing a good job online. i havent found ANY campers and over powered snipers AT ALL. granted i've only played team instant action and instant action but i'm liking the online.

This week i'll be buying SOCOM 4 and Littlebigplanet 2. i dont really put much thought on other peoples reviews. all i know is i loved the beta so i'm getting it day 1. plus buying both games will net me a 60 dollar gaming coupon to get infamous 2. after that, i wont be getting any games till battlefield 3 and uncharted 3. sony also announced that theres that socom pro membership when you buy the game early.

Oh, by the way, new Kevin Butler video on psblog about socom 4. funny as hell, hahaha

13 years ago

I'm giving Capcom a chance with Dragon's Dogma.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
13 years ago

"sony also announced that theres that socom pro membership when you buy the game early."

It's if you buy the game NEW.

13 years ago

That's just Capcom's versus games. Stay away from those if juggles aren't your thing. I personally am not a fan of their versus games. The heavy emphasis on sequence combos etc is something of a turn off. I'm fine with combos just not insane levels of them.

13 years ago

Thats cool, but capcom havent shown me anything to make me think twice about them this gen, i dont care anymore. by the way, what do you think of mass effect 2? i want to try it but i'm still not sold on it. watching my bro play the first one bored the hell out of me.

right, i should've mentioned that but buying games new is a given for me to support the developers. you get it free if you buy it new but you can also buy it for 15. cant wait to see what i get since its a long term thing.

I figured it was capcoms style but as i said, i wasnt against juggling at all. its just i hated capcoms approach to it especially in Marvel vs Capcom 3, since i loved the first and second game. not only did they make juggling retardedly destructive, they made them too damn easy to perform that even someone who hasnt played it can do it easily. the way i see it, juggling and such techniques are a higher order skill that you learn after putting so much effort in studying the battle system. i mean you can probably loose a character by a successful juggling/air combo and ending it with a super finish. Now, capcom made it really easy to do it. knock someone up with the special attack button, jump and hit them a few times, press the special attack button to continue air combo using next character, rinse and repeat. i like how in tekken games you can juggle them but you have to know which set of commands/attacks you need to perform and not just mashing buttons.

13 years ago

@ johnld

I understand what you mean about mass effect. I watched a friend play ME2 on several occasions for plenty of hours and I always thought it looked boring, but I have been playing it for about 40 hours and I am loving it. If you're really worried you might not like it, just wait until you can find it for a good price.

If you like Bioware games, rpgs in general, then I think you'll like ME2. It has a great story and plenty of rpg aspects.

13 years ago

thats the problem i have with it. i was never into any bioware rpgs, but i love rpgs. not too into western rpgs. also waiting for white knight chronicles 2. didnt even try ar tonelico or hyperdimension. i'll try to get to it when theres a drought and its really cheap. closest i came to western type of rpg is demons souls which is done by a japanese developer. anyway, i am kinda interested in mass effect 2 but not enough to go and buy it right now.

13 years ago

I really enjoyed ME2, definitely getting 3. I can see how just watching might be boring though.

Ar tonelico is fun but still for the niche market big time.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 4/17/2011 2:53:31 PM

13 years ago

Well as much as I'm loving ME2, WKC hold my top favorite spot for this gen, so I can totally understand waiting for WKC2.

Besides I got my copy of ME2 for $20 with all the add ons, so I can tell you that waiting for a good deal on any game always feels better.

13 years ago

Prepping for the greatest fighting game ever on Tuesday.
AC turning an annual franchise is BAD. It should be like MGS. Have games every 4-6 years. Ubi is shooting themselves in the foot. If they're want to achieve their unrealistic fantasy of beating GTA, it won't happen this way.

Last edited by LittleBigMidget on 4/17/2011 2:34:13 AM

13 years ago

i hate todays trend of changing series into things they should not be.
what happened to the saying if it aint broke dont fix it?
i can honestly see the industry turning into one big mash fest where each game is a direct clone of another!
enjoy games like heavy rain, portal, LA Noire, because there the last time were going to see something different!
if things keep going the way they are were going to have 1 game per genre and every other game is going to be a carbon copy of that game in each genre.
wait………. something does not feel right.
deja vu?

13 years ago

How old are you, blank line?

13 years ago

Most of what is going on right now with gaming isn't too high on my priority list, fighters, shooters, and AC are just not really my thing. I'm looking forward to Infamous 2 and White Knight 2 and I'm going to keep my eye on Dragon's Dogma, about the only capcom game in forever that has shown any promise in my eyes.

PGU: I am currently in RPG heaven. I used to be begging for rpgs and wondering where they all were, but right now, I'm sitting pretty. I have been playing Dissidia 2 here and there when time allows and I've got almost 7 hours into it and I've yet to start the story. I've just been playing battles trying to determine who I really like. Will start the story soon, am excited because if i ca spend this much time doing random battles, then I know I'm going to spend a lot of time on this game.

I bought a slim last weekend for multiple reasons, but it makes me the owner of 2 ps3s now and I love it. I can now play Resonance of fate at some point, it had a glitch on random fat ps3's and mine had it bad. However that leaves me with Mass Effect 2, Ar Tonellico, Hyperdimension Neptunia, and Resonance of Fate, all huge rpgs begging for my attention.

I started ME2 the day I got Ar Tonellico and Hyperdimension, so once I finish it, I'll start Ar Tonellico, followed by Hyperdimension, then Resonance of fate, this will take a long time to accomplish, but I'm loving it, because it looks like I won't have to buy a game for a long time.

ME2 is awesome, I had watched friends play it and thought it would just be ok, but Bioware has pulled me in again. The gameplay is good, I like the story, and I like a lot of the characters. It has a lot of rpgness to it and sometimes the evil options can be hilarious.

It's been a lot of fun and I couldn't be happier right now with what's going on in my little one man gaming universe. Rpg's rule and right now there is plenty to be had.

13 years ago

Currently enjoying both single campaign and multiplayer Crysis2. The new stuff gave the breath of fresh air I needed in the genre, and I like how the game is designed for you to be a solo player, not having to relate to friendly ai etc in the campaign.

Other than that a friend and I has started playing Mercenaries 2 coop again, but that's a game that's not really survived the passage of time very well. It looks so dated, so old and bygone it's almost strange. After all it's not *that* long since it was released. Maybe its Crysis2 that makes it look so dated…

The game we look most forward to right now is Portal. We originally decided to wait for the price drop, but we are seriously unsure if we are able to resist buying it…

Last edited by Beamboom on 4/17/2011 4:31:38 AM

13 years ago

portal looks great fun especially co op i cant wait 🙂
and yeh loved crysis sp was long and had some great moments

13 years ago

I preordered Portal 2 on Amazon. I just couldn't pass up the $20 credit. Now, I'm just hoping that Portal 2 isn't just a frustrating game that makes check how to solve each puzzle online. So, coming from someone who played the first Portal game, I ask, was the game difficult?

13 years ago

@ bikersaint

Thanks for the heads up about the b2g2 deal from gs. I'm definately gonna have to check it out. If its buy any 2 get any 2 I already knoow how I'm gonna go about it.

Buy the 2 cheapest .hack games, and for the get 2 ill pick the priciest .hack game and the 3pack mk kollection for my gal.

Bikersaint, your my hero for telling me this information. Cheers to you sir.

13 years ago

Unfortunately that would be too good to be true.They give you the two cheapest free. Otherwise they would have people going in trying to buy two $2 games and get two $20 games free. That would be nice though, i would buy much more often!

13 years ago

No, it doesn't work that way. Damn, I wish it did just because I'd already own every title made in my 5 local GS & EB stores.

I spent about $3 grand a year at GS, so I always buy during their Buy & get free deals all the time.

Here's the way their buy/free deals actually works…

For example:
If you get 2 games at let's say $20 each & 2 games at $10 each, one of those $20 games will be Free & one of those $10 will also be FREE.

BUT,…..if you buy one $20 game & three $10 games, then only the two lowest price $10 games are free.

So the best way to buy them during this buy 2-get 2 is to buy the most expensive games, all at the same price & 1/2 your total purchase will be free.

Or if you can't find them all at the same price, then at least find pairs or quads of games with the same price, so you'll always know 1 of the 2 in each price range is a free one.

I've become an expert on getting the best Buy/get deals possible, so when I've got extra money I usually buy my games in "batches", just to try filling in my collections on the super cheap.
So the last time GS did a buy 2-get one free, here's how I bought a bundle of their games,
3 at $35(so 1 was free,
3 at $29(1 was free),
3 at 25(1 was free)
12 at $19(4 were free)
21 PS2 & Gamecube games at $6.99(7 were free)

So I got $627 worth of games for $378, and because I have a PowerUpPRO card, that knocked another 10% right off the bill, so I actually paid around $340 for 42 used games.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 4/17/2011 10:05:41 PM

13 years ago

Capcom = Dragons Dogma…that's all I want right now! I'm not even excited about the Operation Racoon ever since hearing that 🙂

13 years ago

Man i wish they made a new Champions game, Ben. I put hundreds of hours into them.

Dungeon Hunter: Alliance on PSN is an absolutely fantastic homage to those titles! Can't stop playing it, i'm level 54 at the moment.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

I wanted another one, too. Maybe we'll get that out of Dungeon Siege III.

13 years ago

I'm 50/50 on Dungeon Siege and having never played the others, i can't form a solid 1st impression, but judging from comments on fansites, it isn't going over well with hardcore fans and as a stand alone game to me, some footage looks a bit uninspired, whilst footage of a boss battle looks Baldur's Gate esq…which is obviously good. I'm 100% keeping an eye on it though.

Hey, if rumours are true, then we are going to get better then Champions….with the console version of Diablo lll (Diablo ll is king in this genre imo).

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