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Ben’s Week In Review: April 3

March was a ridiculously busy month; April might give me a little break. But that secret project of ours might just launch this month, so…

Truth: Max Payne kicks ass

Yeah, we've gone well past the days when bullet-time was considered cutting-edge and the single coolest feature in gaming. Heck, dozens of titles have adopted that feature since, but I still say Max Payne 2 is one of my favorite games of all time. I loved the story and I loved the accessibility and nonstop fun of the gameplay. Bullet-time never got boring and I'm pretty sure I played that game through at least three times. Therefore, I'm plenty excited for Max Payne 3 ; I think it's too bad that so few seem to be all that psyched. On the PlayStation side, it's understandable. Max Payne was a PC/Xbox title; the PS2 versions just weren't quite as good, so long-time Sony loyalists might've easily missed the first two titles.

But even so, you shouldn't flat-out ignore MP3. Considering Rockstar's track record and the high standing of the franchise, I just can't imagine a poor effort, and it'll be interesting to see what they do in this next iteration. I just hope the storyline remains as robust as ever…

L.A. Noire already breaking boundaries

It's the first game ever to be honored with a Tribeca Film Festival presentation , and that says something. Granted, it could very well have been Heavy Rain , but admittedly, Team Bondi's project is a bit more mainstream, and of course, it'll be available on multiple platforms. But anyway, I think it's important that certain progressive games break boundaries in this way; it's important for those in film, for example, to see what this industry is doing. Maybe it'll give Hollywood some inspiration to look at themselves and go, "uh…when's the last time we were 'progressive?'" But there is one caveat to L.A. Noire that I've been thinking about- if it's either too easy or too difficult to make the correct decision by reading a suspect's face, the game takes a big stumble.

I mean, there are other elements to the gameplay, but that face recognition is a big feature, especially because of the innovation factor. If it falls flat, it means we still have a ways to go on the technology front, you know?

Personal gaming update

I'm done with Top Spin 4 for the time being so I'll go back to Crysis 2 and Dragon Age II . I thought about finishing The 3rd Birthday but it's just a tad too flawed for me, and all I can do is think about how much better it would've been with the original gameplay mechanic. It still has some of the most amazing cinematics you'll ever see on a portable unit (until the NGP arrives, at least), so that's a draw. And I will not torture myself by playing any more of SHIFT 2: Unleashed , which I was fully expecting to like. I don't care what anyone says; the control and reliability is way off, and the aggressiveness is so ridiculous, it's closer to destruction derby than racing.

Coming up, expect a review for SOCOM 4 as soon as the embargo lifts (April 12), and I expect to see Mortal Kombat at some point. Outside of that…I just want to launch our new feature…this month, if possible.

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13 years ago

Oh I am stoked about Max Payne, hmm didn't even know it was on xbox and pc. But I'm extremely worried about it too. With Max gone fat and bald and tropical on us I just can't see the game planning to bring back that awesome gripping Noir style that made the first two so sweet. And since bullet time has become a staple they will probably ditch it in favor of something more fast paced and actiony. I pray none of that happens though, and Max's hair comes back nstuff.

I'm just not as worried about LA Noire as some people are. I have full confidence in my detective skills and the relative accuracy of the actors in their given situations. I bet it will be a lot easier than guessing how people will react to things said in Dragon Age II. (You're gonna go to war with me because I told you what happened?)

Ah, well Dragon Age was good but I'm glad it's a notch on the belt now. Just gotta blast through the DS2 ending, the last half of ME2, and I'll probably be starting Ar Tonelico Qoga tonight. Got the LE for the regular game price 🙂 Great artbook and CD.

Lookin forward to may, I just want class to let out so I can play and write more.

13 years ago

PGU: Got a xbox 360 slim this week for 80 bucks and have started playing Alan Wake. I am really enjoying the story so far. Still hacking away at Red Dead Redemption on PS3 and replaying the KZ3 campaign. Also taking breaks every now and then to play sports champion, only have three people left to play until I beat the table tennis section.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
13 years ago

Ho'd you get a 360 for 80?

13 years ago

I work at a electronics repair shop and we had some people come in and want to sell it for 80 bucks. I was still in the box and was manufactured in Jan so it is very new. It was a 4 gb arcade but I already hade a 60gb 360 hdd to use. FYI the new 360 will use the older style hdd without any problems. You just have to remove the hdd from the case and you place it in the new 360 slim. It will not have any casing on it like the ones you buy for the slim but still fits quite well.

13 years ago

I played the first two Max Payne's through on Xbox and PC. They were pretty cool.
And yeah, Max Payne deserves props for pioneering the whole "bullet time" game play thing.

PGU: I rented Crysis 2 and I'm about 2/3-3/4 through (360 version)
It's good. I can't say I'm totally stoked by it. It looks real nice and impresses me with it's sense of scale. It does a handful of cool things with the nano suit. The AI is last gen, which basically sucks.I've been playing MW2 also. I enjoy it more than Crysis 2 (yeah, I suck like that). I'm even doing a user-review of MW2–oooh retro. ANd I managed to finish KZ3 on Elite. It's good stuff, too. But I did have another frustrating system locking freeze while doing it. And I observed a glitch with a dude hanging by his leg that was stretched out like 8 feet–funny stuff.

Anyway, I got an iPhone 3GS and I got that Infinity Blade game. Hot damn it looks nice. I like it's play, too. It's like Nintendo's Punch Out, but with swords and mid-evil stuff.

13 years ago

… and I just finished Crysis 2. It's midnight. I'm hardcore.
I skipped most the story–like most FPS I play. Had a nice little MGS4 style event going on there at the end.
Anyway, their were some definite "WOW" moments, at times, through out the game.

Here's my shoot'n from the hip user review!
Graphics: 9 Looks great. Massive scale is quite impressive. Great lighting and effects. LoD pop-in is sometimes annoying. Close up texture work is generally a little muddy.
Control: 8.5 Something about these controls felt floaty. I adapted over time to them. Slowdown hinders control.
Sound: eh, don't know. I had the volume down a lot. maybe an 8 or 9.
Gameplay: 9 If they'd have made the AI better, this would have been higher. Slowdown can hinder the experience. The game tackles a lot of play conventions well: stealth, tactical planning, no sneaking/shoot 'em dead play option, suit power upgrades, lots 'o guns. Many ways to skin a cat in this game.
Longevity 9 Longer game than many of it's type. Can't say I'm amped on a second play through, but it was mostly fun while it lasted.
If you haven't shot enough baddies this gen from the first person, better go ahead and throw Crysis 2 on the pile.

13 years ago

I LOVED Max Payne 1 and 2, even the movie adaptation wasn't that bad. MP was one of the most memorable PS2 experiences for me. The dark feel of loneliness and with drawl from the world was intriguing and enthralling.

13 years ago

Seeing as LA Noire has been in development for a while and from what we've seen already I'm confident it will be a good game. I'd be surprised if it flops. Would it have been better as an exclusive? Probably, but I look at Red Dead and that lived up to it's hype as a multiplatform title.

Last edited by FxTales on 4/2/2011 10:44:31 PM

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

I'd rather play the first two Max Paynes before the third one drops, just to be caught up and see what all the fuss is. Rockstar (I think) have published them, so it isn't outside the realm of possibility. But it sounds good, even though there are other projects that I'm more interested in.

I think the camera set-up for L.A. Noire will be able to work in the way the devs seem to think it will, and I don't think that it'll be overly difficult in any given circumstance. I truly believe that it'll live up to the hype, and behind inFamous and Uncharted, it's my most anticipated title of the year. Can't wait for it.

Personal Update:
Playing Sly 2, and I'm not sure how I want to review the Trilogy… I'll work it out when I complete my notes. I had to go into the city Friday afternoon, but it was in-and-out, so I didn't get a chance to pick up any more games/novels, but I'll have a proper chance this coming weekend, which should be fun.
And I'm up to Canto 20 in Inferno. You really do need to find a quiet place to be able to read that. It just demands your absolute attention. Maybe that's just me.

13 years ago

Maybe they will do an HD release of the first two Max Paynes, that seems to be the norm before a big new gen release nowadays.

"Here pity lives when it is wholly dead" -Canto XX

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 4/2/2011 11:19:02 PM

13 years ago

I am really interested in the new max payne and am still holding out hope that they will announce a HD makeover for the first 2 on ps3 with trophy support. This way I could try out the first 2 in the best way.

I wasn't impressed with the first shift and thought it seemed pretty early to be bringing out the sequel so I'm not the least bit surprised by people's complaints.

PGU: Almost done with Godfather 2, decent, definitely well worth the $18 I paid for it. I finally got Wanted: Weapoons of Fate in the mail so it's up next. For $14 it should be pretty good based on the demo. If it uber sucks, at least I'm not out $60.

13 years ago

Just got my platinum for Godfather 2, never did the mp, but I really enjoyed the game.

13 years ago

I want both, Max Payne & L.A Noire.

I've been like a pouting 8 year old little brat since my PS3 died. I just feel like laying in the corner & kicking at the walls of my naughty corner since I can't play my KZ3 or any of my other 2-3 dozen backed-logged exclusives for it either. Waaaa.

I'm thinking of trying to go back to GTA on my bot-box since I've already got 130+ hours worth of marathons on it & still have 15% left to the story, plus a bunch of side missions left. And I'm hoping the Episodes from Liberty City will be able to occupy my mind.

I also picked up a used 360 "Sniper: Ghost Warrior at GS tonight during their PowerSave sale this upcoming week. They have it for only $19.99 right now, but I happened to find a copy with a wrong price sticker of $17.99. It was running for $34.99 used last week, so I was able to get a pretty good deal on it. BTW, it's also said to have a great bullet-time mode, but they call theirs, "Bullet Cam".

Soooooo, between GTA4, EFLC, & S:GW, I'm hoping they can take my mind off of my dead PS3, or I just might have to go buy a pacifier & security blanket, just to keep me comfy till my phat princess is resurrected…..
….or my neighbors rat me out to Super Nanny.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 4/2/2011 11:44:13 PM

13 years ago

the last screens i saw of max payne3 portrayed him as a bald, aging dude sporting a bear get, and a wearing a dirty yellow woman beater. max really let himself go.

13 years ago

Wow, is The 3rd Birthday really that bad? I bought it but haven't gone beyond installing it. I'm still playing Duodecim. That game is freakin great. Love Tifa and Lightening. Next to Cloud and Squall, they are the best characters in the game. Playing with Lightening is making me want to try and beat Final Fantasy XIII again though I have a feeling if and when I pop it back in I'll instantly remember why I hate it so and turn it right off. Not much in terms of gaming update. So many games to play so little time. I have yet to finish Parasite Eve since I downloaded it. Not sure if I really want to wait until I'm done with that to start The 3rd Birthday.

Still haven't completed Crysis 2 either. I'm sorry but I am bored with that game already. Not sure what it is. It's just not grabbing me like it did so many others here. I think I'm close to the end and I feel like I have to force myself through it. I think maybe Killzone 3 has spoiled me when it comes to FPS. I can't get enough of the multiplayer. It's just so much better.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
13 years ago

It takes great guts to admit a game sucks. I know I cant admit it because I payed for it just to say " it sucks ".

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

No, it's not that bad. It's just not that good.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
13 years ago

Maybe it's very different & we aren't used to games like it OR we are FPS sick.

13 years ago

Yea I wouldn't say it sucks. It's just boring and the I hate the controls. Pressing circle to crouch and then having to press it again to stand back up feels dated to me. I prefer Killzone 3's control layout. L2 to crouch and I have it set to Hold instead of Toggle. The movement animations are kinda bleh to me too. Like I said, Killzone 3 has pretty much ruined other FPS's for me. Nothing so far has been able to please me more than Killzone 2 and 3 when it comes to control, game play, graphics, sound etc. The only other FPS I like besides Killzone is Bad Company 2 but I suck at that online so I don't play it as much.

13 years ago

LOL! I just realized you were probably replying to my 3rd Birthday question Ben. Oops! Ha, that's good to know then. PlaystationLifestyle gave it a 4/10. Ouch! Going to start it here shortly.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
13 years ago

Hmmmmmmmm I see…

Well if you want to get better at Bad Company 2, you should always play with friends because Bad Company 2 trully is a great game if you use teamwork . If you do play with friends then try to use teamwork more often. Once you get the hang of it, its fun. Also try the assault class, seems to me its the easiest to use. But thats just me of course…

Last edited by Killa Tequilla on 4/3/2011 1:05:39 AM

13 years ago

I used to play it with friends all the time and I was always the one dragging the team down. LOL! I don't know why. I'm just terrible at that game. It's a shame too because it really is a fantastic game to play online. Maybe I will be better at Battlefield 3. We'll see I guess. But for now, it's all about Killzone 3. 🙂 I have a pretty good k/d ratio and on good days, especially after I have had a cup of coffee, I own. Haha

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
13 years ago

I don't know why but I barely play Killzone 3. Perhaps it's because NO ONE in my list has it? Well a few people do.

13 years ago

Hey jawknee I need a favor, can you check on my PSN account and see if any weird activity or if I've been online lately? I haven't had access to my Mom's BF's Son's PS3 in a long time a couple months, and I need you to check if anyone has been online, it's been hacked and the password's been changed by some guy named Tyler.

13 years ago

JMO_INDY, I checked your status and the last sign-in was 14 days ago.

13 years ago

Yup, what TES said. Bummer man. Hope you work it out.

13 years ago

Damn it, I havent been on like since early February. Well I talked to Alex my mom's BF's Son haha and he said that it was a cousin of his that changed everything and he completely deleted Alex's account, so I'm lucky there. I'm gonna try and get the password changed but I can't remember what date I used for my birthday, I lied so I could have an account over 18 obviously. Thanks Tes and Jawknee I appreciate it guys. But hey maybe he got me some Trophies in the least haha

Last edited by JMO_INDY on 4/3/2011 2:16:55 PM

13 years ago

I don't think "mainstream" and "multiplat" are the reasons why LA Noire received the Tribeca honors over Heavy Rain. Could it just possibly be that LA Noire is something special? That LA Noire is going to affect and move us in such a way that Tribeca felt it necessary to honor this particular game? Or must all posh art awards go to Heavy Rain?

13 years ago

yes all posh art awards must go to Heavy Rain first, then the rest can line up 🙂

13 years ago

You laugh but some believe that.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

I absolutely promise you that has a lot to do with it.

13 years ago

I was serious 😉

13 years ago

Shift 2 is a mess. A big waste of money and potential.

13 years ago

so this week i ended up getting red dead redemption and i am hooked on this game. i wanted it last year but money didnt allow. i love hunting stuff just for fun. i have spent most of my week just playing this and nothing else. so much to do.

on a more personal note my family has suffered a loss. my aunts husband was killed while riding his motorcycle on friday. he had just turned 60 i think. i am not sure of the details right now but my aunt is a wreck. of all days it was april fools day. i dont think i heard one actual fake joke story that day. just a lot of bad news.

13 years ago

My condolences to you and your family. 🙁

13 years ago

Sorry to hear that frylock, my dad is 64 and he still rides. I worry bout him too.

13 years ago

I know BikerSaint will be highly against what I have to say, World, but, in the most discrete way, your Dad should be weened off it. Just as plenty of vehicular accidents happen with age (though, granted, there are plenty of elderly people who are the safest drivers on the road), I imagine motor cyclists have an even greater age-related risk.

Get your Mom and sister actively on your side, and it should go something like this, "Dad, you're a pro, and ride with the best of 'em, and it's obvious you have many more years of experience than me and most people on the road, but do we wanna wait 10-20 years until we (Mom, Sis, me, and yourself) find out when it might not be a good idea, or worse yet, when it's too late?"

Besides, you hear plenty of young people who give up biking when they start a family. They realize they have too much at stake. Granted, elder people have a sensitivity issue with all things age-related, which is obviously why one should appeal to their sense and reason as much as possible, rather than a dogmatic approach…like taking the air out of his tires, or some sh*t. But, don't give up.

13 years ago

Go out in the wilderness and round up horse's to break it's a blast, but beware of the cougers. Sorry about you're loss.

Last edited by THEVERDIN on 4/3/2011 3:46:21 PM

13 years ago


Sorry to hear that, my sympathies & prayers go out to both, you, & all of the families involved.

I don't know if a careless driver caused his death but since 87% of all motorcycle rider's maiming & deaths "ARE" caused by careless auto/truck/SUV drivers, it's a crying shame that ALL auto drivers don't have to take a mandatory "watch out for motorcycles" course in order to get their own drivers license.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 4/3/2011 9:14:07 PM

13 years ago

Yup Shams,

I totally have to disagree.
Apparently World's dad must be a decent rider over the years or he would have never made it into his 60's.

But if a rider is starting to lose their rider abilities & instincts, they & only they, will truly know it & when it's finally time to hang up their leathers.

For me, being a biker & that I live the life 24/7, I'd wither up & die if my passion was taken away from me(actually, I'd F-up any buttinski who tried to take away my rights & freedom).

13 years ago

im really worried about max payne 3.
so many delays, R* have not exactly been showing its limelight so that secrecy is worrying.
but the worst part is it seems there taking it in a direction it should not go.
the new local, the new environments, the new different max.
felt like rushing down to the optometrist when i first saw those pics of max, thought my eyes were playing tricks on me because that looked nothing like him!
i wish remedy kept the license, there the ones who created the series so there the only ones who will respect it and keep the series how it should be.
a series going from its creator to a outside party is never a good sign!
cough bionic commando, cough lost planet 2, cough the DMC reboot!

played a little crysis 2 and ACB on my PC last night.
shocked to see how well crysis 2 runs!
everything maxed out 3D and all, even downloaded the advanced graphics tweaker a fan released and everything maxed on there im still getting a solid 60FPS!
ACB on the other hand, IT RUNS LIKE SH*T!
you would think it would run better then the console versions considering it was delayed by a good 6 months!
my god its somehow buggier, which is a worry because ACB on the ps3 was one of the buggiest games i ever played!
but this though is just ridiculous, with 3D OFF i cant get above 15FPS!
ive had enough!
first they give us the middle finger with there BS DRM!
then they give us the middle finger with the 6 month delay!
then they give us the middle finger with the crappy console port!
thats it, from now on i am NEVER buying a ubisoft game ever again!
they cant be bothered polishing there games, then i cant be bothered buying and playing them!
then they wonder why people pirate there games………..

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

But I thought that Assassin's Creed was your favourite series… Giving up on it so easily?

13 years ago

it was, but brotherhood absolutley sucked!
and the PC version has 10 times more bugs then mercenaries 2, fallout 3 and fallout new vegas put together!
im afraid ubisoft has turned into crapcom!
gone from one of the best third party developers, only releasing gold.
to one of the worst, only releasing crap!
there going to have to move heaven and earth to win me back!

13 years ago

Whine whine whine whine……

13 years ago

I hate the invisible campers on Killzone 3! I want to break their necks, cut their throats, stick a knife in their eye socket and teabag them relentlessly. Thankfully I CAN do all that but I'd rather there was no pussified invisibility. Apart from that I'm loving it, and the Move.

13 years ago

I have no problem with invisible snipers, atleast I can see their cloaks, unlike Crysis 2.

Last edited by Teddie9 on 4/3/2011 9:13:37 AM

13 years ago

I found if I am getting worked by the cloaked snipers I just remember their position and go after them cloaked myself. And I keep doing it until they move their position. I haven't had too much trouble combatting them.

13 years ago

I find that all the snipers in KZ3 are a little too cocky and don't bother checking their flanks. All you have to do is find a normal sniper's nest and flank it.
Plus being a medic I have the little drone and can revive myself. Nothing better than a sniper sitting on your body when you get back up.

13 years ago

Indeed. Flanking them always seems to work. I love using the marksman class though I rarely use the sniper rifle. I usually stick with the Helghast assault rifle. It's too funny when you kill a guy and he keeps spawning in the same place and comes looking for you over and over. I think I got a 10 kill streak on the same guy. He just wouldn't give up looking for me. LOL! I can only imagine his frustration.

13 years ago

I rape all Snipers with the Infiltrator class! I hate Turbine Concourse, so imbalanced and how about Infilitrator paradise Akmir Snowdrift…very off the wall the map thats both fun and frustrating.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x