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Ben’s Week In Review: February 13

An interesting week in terms of news, and I figure the biggest is worth discussing first…

Activision wants…everything

Of course, EA pursued Take-Two several years ago after Grand Theft Auto IV hit, and whoever ends up with GTA will rocket upwards in the realm of video game publishing. But such an acquisition for Activision would mean one publisher has control of the three largest (numbers-wise) video game franchises in gaming today. To me, that's the issue. I don't think a publisher, even one as large as Activision, has as much control over a developer as many seem to think, and if a designer simply says, "there's no way we can do a quality GTA every year," I do believe Activision – or any publisher, in fact – would be forced to listen. CoD is quite different; let's face it. So the idea that Activision would somehow force Rockstar and other publishers to produce a new GTA, a new Bioshock , or a new Red Dead each and every year doesn't ring true with me.

It's this "cornering the market" philosophy that irritates me a little. I don't know enough about business to be sure about the ramifications of Activision being so powerful, but one has to assume an acquisition like this would have some impact. That impact is yet to be determined but it will have to exist. …and that's the kind of thing that concerns me, even if I can't quite pinpoint my anxiety.

Obviously, gaming is now a human network

In reading Jade Raymond's comments concerning the social elements in gaming, and how what I call "the human network" (sorry, CISCO) is expanding at a very rapid pace, I find myself reflecting and considering. I have never gotten into multiplayer but I can easily understand the lure of playing with other humans; as Raymond says, it's usually more fun than playing with/against AI. However, that being said, I don't agree that it's always preferable, and I believe genre has a lot to do with it. I will never want to play an RPG with other people, even if I can see myself playing any given shooter online (at least for a little while). But what she's talking about is indeed crucial for any developer, because it's all about understanding the constantly changing environment of the industry. I don't know what her new IP is, but I have a feeling it won't really appeal to me…even if it appeals to the rest of the world.

In this way, I feel a little old and behind the times. It can be depressing. Maybe I should talk to Jade about it. Maybe she can make me feel better.


Personal gaming update

I think I've done everything I've wanted to do in GT5; I've done all the A-Spec events expect the Endurance races and the Formula One and NASCAR championships, and I've driven just about every car I want to drive. I've done a lot of the Seasonal Events, too. So I'll just finish up Dead Space 2 this week and get ready for Killzone 3 and Bulletstorm the following week. Also, we won't be ignoring Test Drive Unlimited 2 (review coming Monday, I think) and Knights Contract (I should get it from Namco) just because they're being overshadowed. Oh, and I will have early reviews for the new Ar Tonelico (embargo up on the 21st) and Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together (embargo up on the 15th) for the PSP.

I'm most interested in Dragon Age II for next month, primarily because I couldn't get into Fable III and Hyperdimension Neptunia wasn't what I wanted. Two Worlds II is a solid RPG but with BioWare's latest due out in only a few weeks, I just can't see spending time with the lesser product.

Lastly, we should have some really interesting news for everyone soon. It won't be this week, but soon… No comment just yet but let's just say we want PSXE to be in front of a lot more people…

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13 years ago

I can't wait for this "big news"!

13 years ago

Facebook connectivity?

13 years ago

I hope not. Death to Failbook!

13 years ago

Hehe. I FB is an epidemic, but it's got it's uses.
Great way to get back in contact with people you haven't seen in a long time, as well as bdays, weddings, etc., plus it's easier than writing down a phone number or email address when you bump into a person but are on the run.

13 years ago

I do have it, and used it to get back in touch with some people. Then I realized: "There are some pretty good reasons I don't talk to these people any more."

As such they just faded away again. The best thing FB can be used for is connecting with women, they are all addicted to it. Enforces their theory that everything they do is of the utmost importance 😉

13 years ago

its probably a youtube channel

13 years ago

Lol, World, I know the feeling. But I'm sure you a know at least one good friend who you lost contact with not because of a change in heart, but simply because of a change in life's circumstances, like moving, or busy life both sides. It's also nice to be able to check out the albums, visiting memory lane, or seeing what you missed.

For me, since I have a lot of family and friends all over the world, it's an invaluable resource, even if I hardly use it once a fortnight.

13 years ago

You sold PSX Extreme to Activision

13 years ago

Was this the big news we were suppose to know about last week or something?

PGU: I made it from chapter 5 to 9 in Castlevania. I haven't played that much this week to because I've been sick. D*mn sinus infection. I'm really into Castlevania now and hopefully ill finish it tomorrow.

13 years ago

Beautiful game.

13 years ago

Last week Ben welcomed questions from the readers, we haven't seen what became of that yet.

This announcement, however… It sounds like some sort of ad campaign, or maybe a Youtube channel or Facebook page. Something that puts PSXE out there and more accessible.

13 years ago

Castlevania gets better with every chapter.

13 years ago

Oh yeah, if you didn't see me caution this before, stick around after the credits for the big twist 🙂

13 years ago

Ya, I have kept your last post on the subject in mind.

13 years ago

Cool, it pains me to think there are people who shut the game off at the credits and didn't see that.

13 years ago

I always watch the credits at the end of the game, put all that time into it, I can wait 30 minutes to make sure I don't miss anything.

13 years ago

Anytime I beat a game I reward myself with a sandwhich while the credits roll. Ever since FFVII I have always waited to see what happens after the credits.

13 years ago

I always watch them too. It's like if I don't, I feel like I'm doing a disservice to the developers by not watching their names scroll by. Maybe I'm weird in that way. But that's ok right? RIGHT? 🙂

13 years ago

Definitely ok, some of the names give me a good laugh sometimes anyway. Plus if the game is really good, you get some nice music to listen to and maybe some artwork to look at.

13 years ago

The original God of War had the coolest end credit sequence I had ever watched.

13 years ago

Another reason why FFXIII wasn't quite a true FF, since VII they all have something after the credits, not XIII.

Don't remember if the others did, my NES and SNES days can be a little fuzzy.

13 years ago

Youtube of course, that's it I bet. Youtube is oldfashioned and has been around forever. Not Facebook. That's too big for psxextreme. 500 million people should be avoided at all cost! 😀

13 years ago

LOL, I watched MGS4 credits like 5 times, but that part at the end is worth it x10. "Common…your not gunna make me eat sunnys eggs ALONE, are you?" Classic XD

13 years ago

Damnit! The suspense for this announcement is killing me!

13 years ago


13 years ago

I may be exaggerating slightly:P

13 years ago

I'm not usually a fan of annually released games. Not so much cause I don't think the quality can't be high–two devs on a rotating time block seems to work fine. And games like Assassin's Creed manage to get high marks despite AC2 and AC:BH releasing so closely together–plus, they're open world/sandbox. But I feel that it's a lot more saturation in too short of time. I had just barely finished AC2 right around the release of AC:BH and so I ended having my fill for the time being.

Maybe PSXe will be going multi-platform t, xbox/PS, to expand their user-base. Seems like most the devs and pubs are doing that. So why not PSXe?

PGU: I've been playing tons of different games: GT5, Gears, Halos, Suikoden, NG, SF4, and T6 over the past week. I'm just on a variety kick, I suppose. Plus, I'm getting over the flu, that always means more game time 😉

I will say I enjoy the Gears series a bit more now having returned to them. I remember way back when the PS3 was launching and MS launched this Gears game. My room mates and I were pretty dang impressed by how great it looked and how it introduced a more fresh pop 'n fire design that seemed to have influenced many other games following thereafter.

13 years ago

Erryeaaah, I personally would rather they keep the site focused on Sony products. It's the reason so many of us frequent this site more than others. It's unique in that sense. Why jump just because everyone else is doing it?

13 years ago

This place did have a sister site "Xbox nerds," but nobody cared about it and it sucked so it was abandoned.

I'm just getting over being unwell too, seems like everyone is.

13 years ago

Quite the ecclesiaste, Sensei Temjin.

One of the reasons I had my 360 was because of the Gears craze (but it was NG2 that finally pushed me to pick it up). I remember being impressed by Gears, being RAM heavy, texture rich. Gears 2 was certainly good for a playthrough. What I found about the Uncharteds, on the other hand, is the versatility and platforming within the battles broke free of the "whack-a-mole" monotony that a lot of cover-shooters quickly degrade into. The breathe-taking visuals, artistry, and Hollywood calibre cinema and voice-acting kept each playthrough as enjoyable as the last.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

I can tell you we're not going multiplatform. We might cover some Xperia Play stuff, but that's still Sony.

And yeah, as World said, we did have Xbox Nerds at one point – and I kept it up for a while with news and a few reviews – but it was just pointless and didn't generate anything. Val ditched it a while ago.

13 years ago

Well crap, there goes my wish =(

"Why jump just because everyone else is doing it?"

Because MS told me to "Jump In" You know, their slogan, or motto, or whatever. =p

Come on, Ben, Jade Raymond likes Xbox*
You'd have more common ground to talk about other than just those AC games 😉

World, I never knew of "Xbox Nerds."
That name probably didn't go over well with competitive online elitests who like to think of themselves something better than a nerd.
That's not me, though. I'm a nerd and proud of it =) And I like Xbox

Shams, yeah, Gears is cool, and it's way.. way… better than Uncharted 'winks at jawknee'

*Jade Raymond may not actually like Xbox

13 years ago

and btw, Master Shams, I don't know if it's just me, but I swear the first Gears game has richer detailed texture work than Gears 2. When I zoom into the textures by looking down the site, I noticed the textures mostly hold up pretty well with dense detail. Gears 2, on the other hand, doing the same thing, oftentimes resulted in the texture work falling apart into a mess of soupy'ness.

And as for Gears and Uncharted. They have some gun play similarities for sure, but, yet, they're quite different games. I definitely enjoy Nathan's more brisk and athletic abilities; though, I also enjoy the thick weighty'ness of playing as a high powered soldier in a tough-talking squad who faces off against complete craziness, including even 'digestive teeth and bloody worm hearts' and some decently epic sized boss confrontations. But these two games invoke such different emotions in me, the similarities in experiences pretty much stop after looking outside of the pop 'n fire mechanic.

13 years ago

But, Marcus Fenix (he's to cool to spell it Phoenix) sounds like Marge's sisters, and he's sorta stuck to a 2d plain of tar! Ok, I will concur that the lancers and brumacs are cool, but even still, Gears – online = ME2 + better graphics – story and characters. But if you loved Gears, lemme send you Vanquish. Vanquish = Gears + NG!

13 years ago

Oops, missed your last post, Sensei Temjin. I agree, they're going for two different vibes. I hear ya about the texture difference between the two Gears. Although I do think Gears lacks the polish treatment that Uncharted has by a long shot, I do appreciate the supersoldier motif, the grit, and the other-worldly sci-fi setting.

13 years ago

I plan on picking up Vanquish when it goes discount. I expect to find it for sub $20 within the next 6 months.

13 years ago

Vanquish (and LoS and even Enslaved) have been taking a while to depreciate in value. But all good things come to those who wait. $20 is the sweet spot.

13 years ago

Everyone else posts their gaming updates, so i guess i will too.

I was going to try and get a platinum in Demon's Souls, but the tedium of stone farming killed all of the fun.

I borrowed my sister's iPod Touch and i'm playing a bunch of iOS games. They are basically fnacy Flash games, but fun nonetheless. There hasnt been anything for PSP that has interested me lately.

I picked up Crystal Chronicles for DS. I'm looking forward to playing it, but there are a few games before it on my list.

So now i'm basically waiting for KZ3 and Bulletstorm, both of which look like a ton of fun.

13 years ago

PSP has Suikoden. Go play it!

13 years ago

cant be selfish ben. live chat with jade raymond…make it happen, hahaha.

never been into gta or red dead. found bioshock alright. if activision takes 2k then it wont bother me. still, if activision gets a hold of these block buster franchises then i can sense multiplatform game quality lowering. no more stories, just online multiplayer. if activision can reap massive profits for making sub par games then what pushes other developers, third party at least, to make better experiences.

pgu; i'm working on star ocean last hope right now. game is amazing, even more amazing after the disappointment that is ff13. i need my rpgs damn it. i loose track of everything when i get a game like this. last game in my backlog. i just got to EN II, so i hope i'll be done when kz3 comes out. also thinking of getting MvC3 day one but its still up in the air.

13 years ago

I wish I was in your position. After Castlevania I still have GT5, AC:B, Split Second and Apache: Air Assault to play through. Also, soon to add KZ3 which will probably come before some of these because it will be shorter.

13 years ago

PGU: I just finished Dead Space 2, and I was planning on getting the platinum… until I read the rules of hardcore mode. I don't want to ruin it for anyone, but I died at least 75 times on Survivalist mode, so I have a pretty good feeling that I would never be able to beat hardcore mode. I'm gonna go through it at least one more time though. It was awesome.

Now, I have to debate wether I want to get Mass Effect 2 or GoWIII. I think I might go with GoW, because that won't take as long to beat.

13 years ago

God of War is a better game too.

13 years ago

Being a ME fan, I would still say go for god of war, It is just so amazing.

13 years ago

I'd disagree, GoW has the higher production values and is shorter, but not very satisfying. Find that one cheap.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 2/12/2011 10:24:58 PM

13 years ago

It probably can be had on the cheap now. World, you and Cowpatty are the only people I know who didn't find GoW3 satisfying. 😉

13 years ago

To rail against the game and to be disappointed in it are two different things. Don't lump me in with that freak.

13 years ago

Lol, indeed. My apologies. You know I love you World. 😉

13 years ago

The respect of the PSXE Brotherhood has never been missing from your banter Jawknee 🙂
I just… don't like that guy.

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
13 years ago

I concur with gow3 being amazing and satisfying,love the animation on the gorgon when she trying like f*ck to get away from kratos.And the sound she makes is horrible when he has her by her…snakes i supose.
Unbelievable graphics

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