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Ben’s Week In Review: February 6

It has been another busy week, but February still has big stuff in store. As if you didn't already know.

RPGs making a resurgence

Historically, the role-playing genre is the last category of gaming to really get rolling in any given generation. So maybe I shouldn't be too surprised to see such a resurgence as we enter the fourth and fifth years of this particular era. Dark Souls has been announced and I'm hoping it'll appeal more to my tastes, and Namco is finally bringing Tales of Graces F to North America. Plus, we got an official release date for the highly anticipated Dungeon Siege III …and this is all in the past week. Coming up, you can expect our preview for Mass Effect 3 , I just put up the Hyperdimension Neptunia review (a little disappointing, but that's okay), and we'll be weighing in on the new Ar Tonelico soon, too. Oh, and of course, what I'm guessing will be my favorite RPG of the year – Dragon Age II – drops next month. Can't wait for that one.

Although the standard RPG formula of a world map and towns and turn-based combat seems to have died out completely in the console world, I'm still excited to see so many new role-playing adventures coming out. The action and shooter genres really dominated the first part of this generation and in all honesty, I've been craving such an RPG onslaught. 2011 ought to be interesting. 🙂

L.A. Noire expectations are now sky-high

It fell off the radar for a while, and most just forgot all about it. But now that it's officially on track for May and Rockstar is starting to release all these details and trailers, the hype has quickly been rebuilt. In fact, I think it's probably higher now than it ever was. They keep bringing us behind the scenes , outlining the amazing size and scope of this project, so it's hard not to harbor lofty expectations. Really, if I don't love this one, I'll be quite disappointed. I don't expect another Heavy Rain (that sort of experience happens only once a generation, I think) but I do expect a fantastic game that presents us with something new. The gameplay itself won't be revolutionary but some of those features could have a huge impact.

Rockstar usually doesn't disappoint, and Team Bondi really seems to have gone all out with this production. I'm just crossing my fingers.

Personal gaming update

I'm bouncing back and forth between Dead Space 2 and GT5; I think I'm in Chapter 10 in DS2 and I'm nearing the end of GT5. Well, not the "end," but about as far as I want to go. I'm Lv. 25 with the Formula Gran Turismo and most of the events done. I'll just finish up a few more, maybe try the last (Expert) part of the AMG Driving Academy, and do one or two of the Endurance races, and that's it. I'll be moving on; I have no intention of going nuts with it and I've already seen the two ending movies. Besides, Killzone 3 is right around the corner, and so is Dragon Age II and Bulletstorm . There are plenty more games I'm interested in over the next few months.

Sadly, Neptunia didn't do it for me, and that's unfortunate. But I'm looking forward to trying Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together for the PSP this week (review coming soon after), and I still have to try the new Ar Tonelico , which is sitting here. I realized this past week that the only 360 game I might buy this year is Gears of War 3 but…that's hardly surprising. I have to keep blowing the dust off that thing. What I need is Alan Wake 2 .

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13 years ago

I am now ignoring all trailers, because LA Noire was being ruined for me by them. I had almost been resigned to a non purchase. The tech videos on the other hand I saw look absolutely amazing and have restored my faith in the project completely.

13 years ago

I am still waiting on Dead Space 2 to arrive in the mail. It looks tops & i can't wait to dive into it. Thankfully the "WTF-ness" of Arcana Hearts 3 has made the wait easier.

I also played Venetica, possibly the worst game i ever had the displeasure of touching. The graphics & animation are complete shite & the game as a whole is just complete pants.

No wonder you can find it at what, $30 in pre owned bins already?

Also, where is my VF5: Final Showdown announcement SEGA? Man i want to play that game so badly.

Last edited by Kevin555 on 2/5/2011 10:31:42 PM

13 years ago

VF5: FS won't happen because Sega is lame and gay.

13 years ago

Temjin you should tweet them that, they you followed back there fans.

13 years ago

There are some great games coming this year but I think most of those aren't gonna do it for me. Obsidian can't do anything apparently, so Dungeon Siege is out, if Dark Souls is like Demon's Souls then that's out, Tales I will think about, but I've never liked the fighter-based battle system so that's out as a full price purchase. Neptunia is out for being at all like Trinity Universe. Get moving on Ar Tonelico eh Ben? I gotta know if I should preorder or not!

BUT at least there is Dragon Age II soon while I continue to hack away at Mass Effect 2. Just finished Dead Space today and for reasons I cannot fathom a fellow PSXE member has offered to straight up purchase Dead Space 2 for me (Thanks Beezledrop, remember you can borrow anything from my collection if you like) so I'm excited about that!

I should have some money together later for inFamous 2, KZ3, and LA Noire.

How I'll fit them all in I don't know. I'm not a huge Onimusha fan, but I was saddened today to read that it will likely make a comeback but in the form of an updated multiplayer game 🙁

And the Alan Wake team should just make a spiritual successor on PS3, that game never belonged near the unappreciative 360 audience.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 2/5/2011 10:30:56 PM

13 years ago

I so would love to play Alan Wake on my PS3… They could do what they did with Alone in the Dark, add a subtitle and change a few things just to say it's not the exact same game and add move support, that would be a D1P for me. I refuse to believe it will never come to the PS3.

13 years ago

I'm not sure if they could do much, the devs do own the rights but MS published it or something.

13 years ago

I never did get into gears, it just seemed so repetitive and average. By the end I was only playing for the glory of using the chainsaw bayonet, which gives them some credit for creating an awesome gun.

Anyways, lately I've been playing a lot of FIFA South Africa edition. My friend came over and challenged me too it and that got me hooked again.

13 years ago

I'm with Ben. I only plan on buying Gears 3 this year for the box.

I agree with world about a spiritual successor to Alan Wake for the ps3 but I still want more Alan Wake.

Speaking of Alan Wake, I had to push off Castlevania a bit longer because the woman wanted us to play it. I finished it on Wednesday and the only thing I have played since is the KZ3 beta and not much of it. I kinda get bored quickly for two reasons. First one, I sometimes takes me a few times for it to connect because their servers are so full. And the second one is because they only give you one map. If they would have given two or three it would be better. I don't blame them for not wanting to give away too much though.

On a personal note, I'm going to start bidding on the house my girlfriend grew up in so wish me luck that I might get it.

13 years ago

Haven't been able to get on KZ3 yet, maybe I'll try the botzone.

13 years ago

Good Luck with your BID! Didn't want to try Killzone 3 beta but I wouldn't mind winning that Helghast Edition.

13 years ago

I've been playing Brutal Legend, LBP2, and Mass Effect 2. I started Mass Effect 2 sooner than I had planned on because the UPS dweeb left my game where my dog could get to it. When I found it, the case had holes in it as big as a quarter of an inch in diameter. Lucky for me the disc popped loose from the center and his teeth didn't penetrate it. I left the dog unharmed and still in one piece, but I wanted to beat on the UPS guy or at least have the opportunity to deliver a package to his house.

13 years ago

I'm sure someone will be nice enough to sell you an empty case for a ridiculously inflated price. I'm enjoying Mass Effect 2. It's a bit boilerplate but what can ya do.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 2/6/2011 12:22:53 AM

13 years ago

LOL. The case is still usable, but with the amount of damage to it, I was surprised that there wasn't a single scratch on the disc.

13 years ago

Did you get it for PS3? Blu Rays are like frozen carbonite compared to DVDs.

13 years ago

I destroyed my Warhawk case during one particular fit of rage… I went to gamestop and asked if they had any extra PS3 cases, they did, and they gave me one free. Ask them 🙂

13 years ago

I got it for PS3 World. I don't own an xbox 360 and can't see putting money on a system that prides itself in being able to sell despite it's countless flaws.

@Guernica Reborn, I might just stop by Gamestop and see if they will give me one. The worst they could do is say no, so it won't hurt to try.

13 years ago

My expectations for LA Noire are pretty high too. There was a time it just sounded hopeful, but now, I don't know, something about it looks like it's going to be real fun to play through.

13 years ago

really looking forward to LA noire, will be nice to actually be able to sit down and say i have not played this game before.
have not been able to do that since heavy rain released!
well, besides portal but that does not count because it released ages ago, got it on release and only got a chance to start playing it yesterday.
i love puzzle games, its a real shame we dont get many of them.
im really interested in getting create and giving that a whirl, looks like a really fun puzzle game.

13 years ago

Ben reviewed Create, if you're interested in checking it out.

Last edited by tes37 on 2/6/2011 12:29:56 AM

13 years ago

Got myself Littlebigplanet 2 today, finally, what a great game! The animations, the sackbots, the interface, it all feels more organic and awesome.

It is so much better and it truly expands on what made LBP great, the whole create part is so much better and I'd say easier too.

Going to truly love this game.

Hope i can split time between this and the countless other games I'm addicted to.

13 years ago

LBP2 is on my list for sure. I got the patience to wait for price drop, but then I'll grab it. It's an excellent "party-game" for four players!

Last edited by Beamboom on 2/6/2011 12:53:11 AM

13 years ago

LBP2 is brilliant with multiple players, but it stands on it's own in single player too.

13 years ago

True, true. But then again, many games do. However I've not played any other game that is anywhere near LBP when it comes to local multiplayer, It's simply hillarious. So I'll save this game for that purpose.

Last edited by Beamboom on 2/6/2011 3:47:41 AM

13 years ago

Some day I'll spend some real time with Demon's Souls (I need to buy it first). So many gamer buds I know seem to like it more than fried rice.

JRPG's with a heavy anime stylization just don't really appeal to me. Actually, I'm somewhat attracted to the Lunar games. So I dunno.

I'm still trying to get over the luke-warm KZ3 press. Maybe the game isn't so great after all. I don't want to believe it. I don't think I believe it. And if I can come up with $60, I'll get it.

I'm excited for quite a number of games that are coming around the corner. I want to try out MvsC3 and MK. I'm stoked for Motorstorm: Apoc., and infamous 2. I'll wait on Dragon Age 2 until after I do the first game–which I will.

PGU: Been doing GT5, Gears 2 ($9.99 was my kind of price), and played T6 and SF4 to where my thumbs and carpals hurt. I finally broke down and ordered a HRAP3 stick. ANd like Kevin5, I'd like to see Sega come around and announce VF5: FS. PS owners still haven't been given VF online. Ironically, VF made it's big come back debut on PS2 and, yet, VF5 is only online for 360 and it sold worse than dog poop in a box. SEGA!!!

13 years ago

PGU: started playing Split Second, normally don't play racers but i love it, perhaps i will have to check out the motorstorm games and burnout since those are pretty arcade like, im not cut out for real racing sims lol.

Also gave Dead Rising 2 a try ( hated it ) and still trying to beat gears 2 on its hardest

Been playing it on my 360, but i was able to wait it out and finally ordered my new ps3 which will arrive on monday. I was pissed i missed out on the $100 gift card deal websites were offering around xmas, but amazon and other sites brought it back sort of, but its $50 now. I'll take it though, and use the 50 for either mass effect 2, dead space 2, or killzone 3.

Almost went to gamestop to get my ps3 though, they were offering little big planet 2 with the purchase of a ps3 and my wife wants that game, but ultimately my gaming wants comes first

Last edited by aaronisbla on 2/6/2011 1:44:14 AM

13 years ago

Ah yes Dead Rising 2, what's up with THAT game? It's major suckage even in coop play. It does not deserve the 79% gameranking, it should be firmly placed below 60! How did such a game ever pass the initial brainstorm…

Actually, this is a game for the cult-players WorldEndsWithMe & Co, who seek out bad games voluntarily. They may love this one to bits, everyone else; Stay clear!

Last edited by Beamboom on 2/6/2011 3:52:32 AM

13 years ago

yeah, i went in expecting a somewhat decent game, but damn, lots about the game scream low budget to me. Not a graphics whore but damn this is one ugly looking game. i know, lots of zombies, but besides that, its pretty dull to play too. How'd it manage some of its higher reviews boggles my mind

WTF happened to capcom this gen?

13 years ago

No, I got Dead Rising 2 for xmas, it is utter and complete trash. I've had more fun scratching my balls. Cult players need not apply.

A game should have a redeeming quality at least, even a gimmick to enjoy to be played. DR2 has nothing going for it. I sold it.

13 years ago

I can't diasgree more with all this hate. Dead Rising 2 is a great game. The graphics are great for an engine that can put a few hundred zombies on screen at one time. We're not talking the typical 15 or 20, and in some cases, 40. A few HUNDRED. No other game on the shelves can say that. There's no need for pretentious narrative. Just jump in save people, kill zombies/tigers/psychopaths, and enjoy the increasingly crazy gameplay. The only game I know in recent memory that has as much freedom as this is Just Cause 2 but that was hated by the people who need to be told why to do something through story, instead of just doing it because you can.

Capcom's doing okay this gen. Names like Ghost Trick, Tatsunoko vs. Capcom, Monster Hunter Tri, Phoenix Wright, Zack and Wiki: Quest for Barbados' Treasure, and Sengoku Basara 3 will likely make your brow furrow in puzzlement but great games, all of them. Capcom, like Square, are supporting FIVE systems; each of which can be profitable. Never had a situation like this ever in gaming. If you just own a PS3/PSP you're only getting part of the story. Sorry that doesn't work with the need to be on top of gaming info, but that's just how it is.

As for their titles just for PS3/360, I personally enjoyed everyone except Lost Planet 2. (Super)Street Figher 4 reinvigorated fighing games with an absolute flawless online, bringing back that old arcade feeling. We'll find out in a week if they can do the same for Marvel vs. Capcom. Bionic Commando and Dark Void weren't great, but the were enjoyable , especially, Bionic commando. Has their ability to be cutting edge faltered? Yes. But, with that we can only blame the gaming community itself because last gen they were pumping out fantastic games Killer 7, Okami, Shadow of Rome, Viewtiful Joe, God Hand, Darkwatch, Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams, Maximo: Army of Zin, no one bought them. Now people want great graphics, which cost alot of money. It really sucks that they can't pump out like they used too. I have high hopes for Ashura's Wrath, though. Looks crazy and fun.

13 years ago

Ben are you guys going to do a review for two worlds II?

I have been on the fence about how much I should pay for it. Get it at $40 or wait until it's uber cheap. I really want to try it, but I must at least read 1 honest review before I can make up my mind.

Metacritic can be used to get a basic idea most of the time, but it's never a sure thing.

I just borrowed GTA4 from a friend with all dlc and have played it about 6-8 hours. So far, I'm surprised at how bad it is. The controls are terrible, the main characters and the cars graphics are good, but everything else is almost detail free.

It seems Rockstar hired an entire crew of people just to record foul language. I realize all the GTA games have a lot of language, but it seems, 4 has nothing but.

I was excited to play it, even after some people said it wasn't that great. I know I'm only just getting started, but so far it feels like a huge step down from San Andreas. It doesn't even let you listen to music off your hard drive, San Andreas on xbox did that, why doesn't 4?

Ok enough ranting, does it get better?

13 years ago

No it doesnt. GTAIV is hands down the most overrated game this gen. Even the radio stations are dull this time around!
Not to mention the characters: Intensively uninteresting. I do not WANT to be Nico. He's a humorless, grey nobody that annoys the shit out of me.
It's crazy that I bought a PS3 just for this game only (seriously). And that's the only good thing I have to say about GTAIV: It got me the ps3.

If only San Andreas got an overhaul and was released for ps3, that'd be awsome…

Last edited by Beamboom on 2/6/2011 3:59:57 AM

13 years ago

I thought Nico was hilarious BeamBoom. *shrugs* The missions were blah though.

13 years ago

Hillarious, even? Wow… But then again, you got a thing or two going with "bad games". 😉

One cool thing in GTAIV (imo) was the comedy club and theatre. Especially the theatre. Also I liked the car handling – but then again I've always liked the car handling in GTA so that's nothing special for IV. The graphics are sluggish, it's *always* raining, the nights are too long, the days are too short, some of the missions are just plain annoying, most of them are just uninteresting and a tad too hard, and there are no good club/techno music to be found at all. Even Nico's brother annoyed me, I actually tried to kill him several times without ending the game, just to get one lesser annoyance.

It should also be mentioned that I've not played the expansions. They got different characters so maybe that'd make a difference for me.

Last edited by Beamboom on 2/6/2011 4:37:53 AM

13 years ago

"I have been on the fence about how much I should pay for it. Get it at $40 or wait until it's uber cheap"

If you happen to have a PC, you can pick it up brand new for $29, + $20 for the collector's edition, like I did. If not, I'd say it all depends on how much you're into RPG's; whether or not you enjoyed the first one; and/or how many games you have lined up now. It's received mostly positive reviews to this point. And the online co-op is really fun.

13 years ago

I just finished Rockstar's Midnight Club L.A. before playing GTA4 and I'm sorry GTA4 would have been a million times better, if they had just put Nico in M.C.L.A. and called it liberty city, then added the guns, quests, and such.

Wouldn't have even been that hard, it's not like there are very many building you can enter in GTA4 anyway. Plus the city on midnight club looked better. On GTA4 you can only turn the corner if you're going less than 5 mph it seems.

Nico is about the only character I don't want to kill, he's not great, but at least he's not Roman.


Currently I only have a laptop that would not be able to run Two Worlds II, so ps3 is what I'll be getting it on. I'm fine with waiting, but I'm very curious to see what Ben or Arnold give it. Not sure who's handling it, but I psx always has the most honest reviews, they don't pull punches or play favorites.

13 years ago

By "bad games" I mean low scored games. GTAIV is by all accounts a quality production even if you hate it. I don't recall all the jokes Nico riffed off cuz I played it a long time ago, but he was always cracking wise in a witty fashion concerning the character of his cohorts. I think you have to have an appreciation for British gangster films to even pick up on it though.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 2/6/2011 3:19:34 PM

13 years ago

Um, why is my comment pending approval? I didn't swear or put a link in.

13 years ago

so how come i never find anyone else liking gta4? it has like 99 on metacritic or somthin. personally I put 100 hours into it, after the story I just had a blast driving around in fast cars getting 6 stars and killing as many cops(I guess im a bad dude) but I had so much fun wit it, I never even got the dlc, I dont mind nico but hate a lot of the other characters, like roman.

also I have faith in 2 worlds 2.. super bowl ftw!


13 years ago

One issue I have with gta4 is that there are just too many cops. When you have no wanted rating, you can look around, see no cop, shoot someone, instantly there are at least 4 cops there shooting you.

In San Andreas if you had a bunch of cops it wasn't really a problem because the aiming and walking mechanic wasn't broken like it is on gta4. If you have auto aim on, it only aims at the chest which does almost nothing, and Nico walks like a broken transformer. I turned off the auto aim, but with it turned off, you aim from cover, but when you pull the trigger he steps out and shoots about 2 feet next to where you were aiming. Terrible controls, just awful.

13 years ago

Been playing Two Worlds 2 and so far I've enjoyed it. Much improved over the first game in just about every aspect.

13 years ago

I've read every review I've found on this game and come to the conclusion that I want this game, however not at full price. But I want to check out the item creation in this game, plus the co-op.

13 years ago

From what I hear about the crafting, I will love this game, if for no other reason than I could spend a couple 100 hours crafting. I love good crafting systems in games.

This tends to be the reason I get into MMO's, some of them have crafting systems rarely found in a console game, and I do so love to craft.

13 years ago

I totally agree! Did you ever play Star Wars Galaxies? That's the best crafting system I've ever had the pleasure of experiencing. I do not kid ya when I say I could spend entire evenings collecting resources and just crafting stuff.

Oh the pride of slaying a beast with the weapon crafted from your own two hands! 😀

Last edited by Beamboom on 2/6/2011 6:36:19 AM

13 years ago

Galaxies before the fall was the first MMO I ever played. A friend got me to play it. I'd go over to his house so we could play together, but he'd get frustrated with me.

He'd ask if I wanted to go kill some stuff, but I'd be in the basement of my house crafting like a mad scientist. Never seen a crafting system quite like it since. I miss that crafting system.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

Trying to get a review done…

13 years ago

killzone 3 beta is good

13 years ago

When it lets you connect. lol

13 years ago

I have had no problems connecting so far.

13 years ago

A couple of times I tried to play it worked well, loaded up very quick.

A couple of times tho it told me there was a network error and I had been disconnected from the network, but I was still online. Not sure what that was about, but wasn't a biggie.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x