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Games We Can’t Forget In 2011

With the likes of Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception , Gears of War 3 , Resistance 3 , Mass Effect 3 , Killzone 3 , LittleBigPlanet 2 , Bioshock: Infinite , Dead Space 2 and Batman: Arkham City set to dominate headlines in 2011, we'd like to remind you of a few titles that might get overshadowed by the blockbusters, but should nevertheless remain on your radar.

The Last Guardian

Based on the style and nature of the game, which is both original and ambitious, and the fact that it might just release when the new Call of Duty arrives, Team ICO's project could easily get the cold shoulder. And you can bet you won't see much in the way of advertisement or promotion, so if it does hit store shelves for the holiday 2011 season, I'm afraid it'll just disappear.  And that would be bad .

But it absolutely cannot and should not be ignored. In fact, if you're looking for something fresh and artistically amazing, this one should be at or near the top of your list.

L.A. Noire

It has been in the works for a while and although Rockstar has continued to treat the press to plenty of info and footage, a lot of gamers can only think about the next GTA. And although the game won't be all that similar to Heavy Rain in terms of gameplay, it does remind us of Quantic Dream's masterpiece in regards to the emphasis on storyline and character development. The setting is also quite compelling, and we can't wait to dive into the "noir" atmosphere.

The technology involved is also fairly impressive, as evidenced by the latest video below. Provided everything comes together, L.A. Noire should be one of the best games of 2011.

Twisted Metal

I think we should probably face up to facts: Twisted Metal has lost its blockbuster status, despite the hardcore fans who remember the days when TM was a mammoth title in the industry. Although it took the limelight at Sony's E3 press conference and we have no doubt many are anticipating the return of Sweettooth and Co., it could very well be overshadowed by other, "more modern" franchises. David Jaffe wants to bring back a time when video games were purely fun, and we figure that's admirable.

After all, as games become more complex, the intensity level rises, and we often need something that acts as a simple stress-reliever. Unless we miss our guess, Twisted Metal should fit the bill rather nicely.


thatgamecompany deserves your attention, if only because they've produced two of the best downloadable titles of the generation. Flower proved they can be both ambitious and highly creative at the same time, and Journey is shaping up to be even more ambitious and even more creative. The idea of interacting with other players as we progress through a mystifying wilderness is enticing; we must help each other, and we can't use our voices. It's difficult to explain exactly how the gameplay will work, but we're going to give the devs the benefit of the doubt.

Much like the case with The Last Guardian , this should appeal to most anyone who enjoys a sense of freshness; an interactive experience that can't really be compared to anything else.

SSX: Deadly Descents

I put this in the same category as Twisted Metal . Back in 2000, SSX was one of the biggest launch titles for the PS2 and if you check the reviews, it pulled down huge numbers. The following summer in 2001, Twisted Metal: Black dropped and hit big. So, nearly a decade has past since both franchises were at the top of their game (pun intended); SSX Tricky and other installments were great, but most fans agree the series went downhill (pun intended…again). So now, EA goes and announces SSX: Deadly Descents and there's a mixed reaction.

Some are like, "hell yeah!" while others are going, "eeeeh…I've got other things to play now." But if the developers get it right, this could be one of the most entertaining games of the year. Gotta love the downhill insanity!

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13 years ago

You missed Elder Scrolls V. Oblivion never fails to entrertain, and I doubt Skyrim will.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

Elder Scrolls is always huge and easily recognizable amongst the hardcore RPGers.

13 years ago

Elder scrolls is one of those games that overshadows those Ben mentioned. in fact in light of all these new announcements, its the game ive been hearing a lot of chatter about!

Considering how epic oblivion was, this new installment has been long awaited for! Should be great, cant wait. Only bad thing it releases the week after U3. Welp guess that week will be busy!

13 years ago

As much as I want Elder Scrolls, I've probably got 50 hours or more left in Oblivion to complete so I won't need to grab that one right away.

13 years ago

ES5 and U3 are my most looked-forward-to titles of 2011.

Maiq The Liar
Maiq The Liar
13 years ago

Skyrim is by far my most anticipated game for 2011!

13 years ago

Forza Mototrsport 4 🙂

13 years ago

What about Duke Nukem: Forever? D:

13 years ago

I'd say that's more of it "If it's your flavor thing" than these games. I know I'm gettin it at some point.

13 years ago

If I even consider buying all the games I want in 2011 at full price that's gonna be damn near a thousand dollars. I think I better manage my money carefully. But there's a few that simply must be played first day.

13 years ago

so true. Uncharted 3 i know is most likely on my buying at full price list. ND has shown us that they utilized our funds well.

13 years ago

Really hope Twisted Metal turns out as a big hit.

13 years ago

Man i was hoping demon souls 2 would appear somewhere UGHHHH.. I seek soul power! I want to touch black maiden err. The demon inside her 😛

13 years ago

Journey looks breathtaking and I do enjoy a relaxing game here and there. Now for SSX I am really missing the colorful pallet that was used on previous versions; this is not in game footage so it may change.

13 years ago

Well, L.A. Noire and the last guardian are on my to own list now.

Last edited by X_shadowkilla_X on 12/17/2010 10:34:51 PM

13 years ago

Hell yes. The facial expressions on Noir look phenomenal!

13 years ago

I think Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning is being overlooked. Especially since Ken Rolston is the lead designer. My 2011 list is gonna be expensive as I plan on getting UC3, KZ3, Resistance 3, LA Noire, Ace Combat: Assault Horizon, Spec Ops: The Line, Twisted Metal, Homefront, Crysis 2,Socom 4, Infamous 2, Rage, Ghost Recon: Future Soldier, and possibly many more depending on how they turn out.

Last edited by PasteNuggs on 12/17/2010 10:42:00 PM

13 years ago

Nice list Paste2TheNuggs, most of those games are on my list too.

13 years ago

Ya, now it's just trying to find time to play them all. I have a huge backlog now that I can't seem to get caught up on.

13 years ago

Been waiting for last guardian since it was first announced, very much looking out for twisted metal and L.A noire but not sure yet.

13 years ago

When are we getting some Jak and Daxter action on the Ps3? I want me some.

13 years ago

Ah! A person I can very much relate to. I'd have to say that some of my most memorable gaming experiences w/ my PS2 were each and every one of the Jak & Daxter games (made by Naughty Dog).

Jak & Daxter came bundled w/ my PS2 when I bought it back in 2001…or was it 2002? I forget…but gosh, that game was just addicting. HUGE WORLD, magical, unique, and just so much fun.

I didn't get Jak II & Jak 3 until 2008 or so. Jak II was unbelievable fun (though I did feel it lost a touch of its originality w/ the eco and stuff). Jak 3 was fantastic as well…though much much shorter and easier compared to Jak II. BUT THE VEHICLES WERE SICK.

I wish…Naughty Dog would revisit Jak & Daxter but…I just highly doubt it. PSX – It was Crash. PS2 – Jak & Daxter. PS3 – Uncharted. Uncharted rocks…but I do miss Jak & Daxter a whole lot. =(

13 years ago

a game on top of my wish list is Crash. I really want to see a remake of MGS 1 and 2 a bit more and 2nd to MGS is motor storm 😀 ahh good times

13 years ago

The Last Guardian is looking really good, Problem is that I never played the other 2 games from Team Ico- Ico and shadow of the colossus, my friend saids those 2 games aren't that good, especially shadow of the collossus…….JUST KIDDIN JUST KIDDIN, I hear they are both excellent top quality titles, but I actually never played them, but thank god the Team ico collection is coming out, first day but for me and if I like them TLG is a day one buy for me…. JUst waiting for APril.

13 years ago

Anyone who overlooks Uncharted 3 or Twisted Metal deserves to be neutered.

13 years ago

Better slice my nuts then, TM, eh vehicle combat.

13 years ago

Aw, 5 thumbs down!

I never mind when World says he doesn't like a game that is only cool TO like. He's usually pretty good for giving credit where it's due even if it's not his schtik. (See: Gran Turismo 5)

13 years ago

I know it's a new IP & all, but how about "Homefront" where North Korea occupies the USA?

And it's due to release on the 11th of March…

13 years ago

I have Homefront preordered. I hope it lives up to the hype the developers are putting out.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

Eh…we'll see.

13 years ago

I have it on top of my list. It looks like it will be a good game and really fun. PLus what going on it seems like it actually can happen, lets hope not. With Prez Obama wanting to bring back out troops home we'll be fighting them here on our own soil, more bombings.
Homefront, just might be the most WANTED multiplat game of 2011 2nd to SSX:deadly decent acourse

13 years ago

The Last Guardian is going put us all into that imaginary world for real!

13 years ago

2011 is going to be A-MA-ZING! There are so many games I want I know I won't be able to get/afford them all and if I could I wouldn't be able to have enough time to play through them all.

MY wanted games for 2011
MotorStorm: Apocalypse, Kill Zone 3, Socom 4, Dirt 3, Madden 12, Twisted metal, LBP2, Uncharted 3, Driver:SF, Homefront, L.A. noire, Ghost recon:Future soldier, Infamous 2, Spec ops: the line, Resistance 3, Ace combat:Assault horizon, and maybe Portal 2
I'm sure some will be added and some won't get on my shelf at all next year but I know the PS3 exclusives(almost all) are being purchased first.

13 years ago

I thought Bioshock:Infinite wasn't coming until 2012?

Anyway as for these five games The Last Guardian is definitely D1P, L.A. Noire, and Journey look very interesting but I will have to wait and see a bit later on if I will be getting any of them.

Now Twisted Metal I played TM2 and TMB but I have lost interest in that type of game but maybe it will reignite the feeling of fun I use to have with those games.

I have never been into the SSX games so won't be getting Deadly Descents.

Last edited by SixSpeedKing on 12/18/2010 1:07:24 AM

13 years ago

Metal Gear Solid 5: Rising anyone?…

13 years ago

Rising is not MGS5. Peacewalker could of been 5.

13 years ago

good point

Sir Shak
Sir Shak
13 years ago

The Last Guardian is my most anticipated game. Even more than Uncharted 3.

13 years ago

Can't wait to put my hands on Yakuza 4 and the Mortal Kombat Kollector edition!

13 years ago

Disgaea 4 and RAGE!!!
These 2 you can't miss!!

13 years ago

I can't disagree on Rage.

13 years ago

All of these games are in my radar with the "blockbusters" included. As, from what I've seen, these are all blockbusters.

RockNRolla to my growing gaming catalog come 2011!

13 years ago

All of these games have something in common: none of these franchises have debuted on this current gen, and many of them have predecessors from a prior era.
I think we all can expect games like Uncharted 3, The Elder Scrolls, and ME3 to be great games because they've already set a standard/expectation for us this generation, but these listed games have yet to stand in the spotlight. Hopefully they deliver.

I'm also hopeful for Knights Contract. It's looking like a game I'd want to play. I just hope the game play is solid.

13 years ago

For me its Ar tonelico Qoga, Atelier Totori, and Hyperdimension Neptunia that I can't miss in 2011(even though I bought the Japanese versions of 2 of those games this year).

13 years ago

U did forget DCUO I'm in the beta & it sure to be a hit with RPG'ers and normal gamers alike. It's crazy fun. Too bad I can't afford $15 a month 🙁 OH well, but the games just pure fun cant stop playing it!!

13 years ago

I have the highest of hopes from The Last Guardian. Alongside Uncharted 3 and LittleBigPlant 2, it is in the top 3 of my must-have games for 2011.

13 years ago

Hell, I can't make a list, "I want them all"!

(plus I even if I didn't want a few, I still need them for my gaming collections).

13 years ago

Also Ar Tonelico 3 and Hyperdimension Neptunia are titles that really need support in 2011. Buying these PS3 exclusives will help send the message that such titles are still appreciated in the States.

13 years ago

The Last Guardian is not only "cannot be forgotten", to me, it is my most wanted game for 2011-2012 of all the titles, period.

other than that, i look forward to Uncharted 3, FFv13, and MGS Raiden in 2011-2012.

Last edited by BigBoss4ever on 12/18/2010 10:10:33 PM

13 years ago

Add Brink to that list for me as well.

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