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Ben’s Week In Review: December 12

It's that time of year, and I'm just glad December is nothing like November for this industry. It's like we get all the heavy work out of the way so we can enjoy the holidays. 😉

Oh, NOW I remember why I don't work for the papers anymore

Morons. Complete and utter morons, the lot of them. I took one look at that embarrassing article concerning the most recent video game evil , and immediately felt a bad taste in my mouth. It goes beyond the fact that it's depressingly stupid from a statistical standpoint; i.e., they choose to say 5% of gamers let their hobby impact a relationship; I can say 95% of gamers never let a game impact a relationship. No, it's far worse, and far more insidious: it's the reflection of an obvious agenda. It's the old guard refusing to budge. See, the mainstream media (and the masses in general) always rely on stereotypes strictly for egocentric purposes: a certain group fits a certain viewpoint they have, and life makes sense. The instant they learn their image is inaccurate, they have to admit their mistake. And after a certain age, that just isn't going to happen.

Oh yes, I remember. I remember being told to invent quotes for non-existent people. I saw articles edited beyond recognition so the story could be presented with a slant. Finally, the liberal agenda boiled over- covered a country/western concert. Was told I needed to find a fan quote from a minority attendee (good effing luck doing that at a country/western concert, by the way). If I couldn't find one, I had to make up a "minority-sounding name" and a corresponding quote. Did it. Wasn't proud of myself. Two weeks later, a rap concert. Don't I need a fan quote from a white attendee, or something? Nah. Don't bother. …'vomits'

Racers know Gran Turismo 5 is a simulator

Obviously, most critics didn't get it. I knew going in they wouldn't; one needs a fair amount of automotive and racing knowledge to accurately analyze the product. And if you're looking for a video game, you might be disappointed. On the other hand, if you understand what GT5 actually is , you'd quickly see the unrivaled brilliance . This is part of the reason the game has sold so well thus far. And I got news for you- many of the same people who like Forza won't like GT5…'cuz one's a video game and one is a driving simulator. I still say GT5 might be the very last system-seller, though, just because if this one doesn't convince you, and you haven't been swayed by anything thus far, you obviously don't want a PS3. And, as far as I'm concerned, you're obviously not a gamer.

Personal gaming update

Still working through Brotherhood but the going is slow. I keep wanting to do everything and that mindset continues to arrest my progress. But I do have plenty of time, so I'm not too worried. No, I'm not watching the VMAs; I can catch the footage for Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception and all the other stuff without much difficulty, and I hate the "pop culture" vibe to that whole thing. Besides, I'm fairly certain Uncharted 3 will be drop-dead amazing. I also hear Mass Effect 3 will be announced but I'm having trouble getting excited for that. When it comes to RPGs, just gimme Dragon Age II

Also, I hope you enjoyed the Home interview . It does seem more than possible that PSXE will be involved with the service in some way. I'm going to start looking into it this week; the Home staff will help us out in getting started. I'm not sure yet how it will begin, but it might start with a meet-and-greet and then upgrade to something involving video. Might even get up some PSXE t-shirts for your Home avatars. 😉

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13 years ago

PSX Home shirts FTW. Good luck with everything, and man I can't wait for skyrim…..hopefully i'll be able to ride a dragon lol. I'm allowed to dream!

Last edited by Dridion on 12/11/2010 9:49:25 PM

13 years ago

psxe shirts would be freaking awesome! or hat or something.

13 years ago

PSX Home shirts would rock :).

13 years ago

Hey Ben & Arnold,

How about setting up some kind of program selling some "REAL" PSXE shirts, hat, mugs, mouse pads, etc, etc, for all us fans of the site.

It would be a little something for us, which would also help the site at the same time.
Plus just think of all the FREE extra advertising I'd expect you would also get from people seeing those PSXE logo'ed shirts & hats.

I'm sure a lot of us here would buy them.

13 years ago

ONE: I watched the VGAs with my girlfriend after you know what. Polls can suck it.


Last edited by Riku994 on 12/11/2010 9:50:55 PM

13 years ago

uncharted footage is out
easiest way to watch in HD is probs eurogamer

13 years ago

how about the psblog? it has it there

13 years ago

I just watched the VGAs. Omfg I've never seen such…I don't even know what to say, the awards sucked. BO for best character? SERIOUSLY? and not a SINGLE mention of Heavy Rain…just…just wtf, man. On the plus side, Elder Scrolls 5, Uncharted 3, and Batman: Arkham City kicked ass!

13 years ago

You're forgetting something my friend. The VMAs are US centric awards, The PS3 has been dominant over the last few years. Microsoft and it's army of fanboys have not been pleased by this, and with $500 million being spent on the 360 and Kinect marketing, I am somehow unsurprised that the awards were not quite so dominated by Sony despite excellence like Heavy Rain and GT5. The fanboys strike back…

13 years ago

BTW, has anyone saw the deleted scenes and gameplay of Heavy Rain? They look really amazing, it should be DLC. (I apologize if I'm late on this)

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

The style of writing here seems to be very irritated about something. Obviously, the content gives much away, but I hope you can find a balance soon.

Once upon a time, back in the days of school, I seriously considered getting into journalism, but reading the newspapers and magazines and even watching the news made me realise that almost everything is reported in a negative light. You never really see great news, and if you do, it's always tinted by an aura of distrust. It's hard to describe. Anyway, discovering that sort of turned me off that whole idea, and instead I'm working on a farm, and writing for pleasure. Such is the ways things go.

As for censorship of the media: Quis custodiet ipsos custodes. No-one cares to bring them into line, and as a result, everything is biased. It's a crapchute.

Now Gran Turismo 5 is another problem, and you've hit the nail on the head. Polyphony hasn't needed to state it, because it's written on the box, and synonymous with the series. "The Real Driving Simulator". It's pretty obvious that they aren't trying to create a game, and anyone who thinks they are is simply deluding themselves. It's about authenticity, not hyperbole.

These people just refuse to wake up and see it, and to cap it all off, people are already saying that Forza 4 will be better than GT5. That's your perspective, because you think a simulator is the same as a game. Piss off. (This statement isn't aimed at the people of this site, just in case there's any confusion here.)

Personal Update:
Still playing GT5, and I beat the bongobuses. Progress is slow, and I really do need a wheel for the added sensitivity for those NASCAR challenges, but it is very enjoyable all around. I've decided that from Christmas Eve, GT5 will be on sabbatical so I can get through Demon's Souls, and hopefully the R&C:Future trilogy before I go back to Dead Space to prepare for the sequel.
On the PSP, I'm still playing VC2, and honestly the game, while difficult, is simply inspired. Although, at my current rate of progress I'll expect to still be playing it when the third one drops.
Still reading Middlemarch, not really able to get into it for some reason, but I'll persist. And I passed 10,000 words on my current writing project last night. Again, very slow progress considering I've been working at it for almost two months. It's only looking to be 15,000 though, so whatever.

P.S. Good to hear that the PSXE brand will soon be expanding, and I look forward with some trepidation at the new faces that it may bring to this site.
P.P.S. Resistance 3 drops September 6th of next year… Awesome 😀

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

And Drake's Deception on the first of November… *sings* Oh, Happy Days!

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

Writing a short story?

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

A set of interlacing short stories, yes.

13 years ago

Thumbs up for putting a latin quotation and the word "crapchute" in the same paragraph.

…though it should be crapshoot, as in rolling dice.

Last edited by Fane1024 on 12/12/2010 1:59:42 AM

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Ah, I always make that mistake… For some reason crapchute seems to make more sense to me…

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Also Ben, thanks for putting my review up so quickly.
Anyone interested, it's Ghost of Sparta, over there <— as always.

13 years ago

No news travels as quickly as bad news.

13 years ago

The old guard just better get out of the way. Videos games are here to stay. The masses that follow the media and let it make decisions for them are the ones who empower these so call journalists. This false or misleading information is simple population control. Information spreads so fast this day and age that it makes it so easy for them to get away with it.

I am proud to be a part of the Grand Turismo Triumph! This is a perfect example of the issue we face regarding controlled negative journalism. Imagine if this game did not have the haters breathing their bad breath all over it. Sales would probably have been even better. Can't wait to see those numbers after the Holiday season.

Personal gaming update: Your HDD wil me formatted. All data will be deleted. I was over 40% into GT5and 30% into Brotherhood. Not to mention all my other stuff. About 100 gigs. I an devastated!

13 years ago

LOL! That bad experience of the print media must have left a bad taste indeed Ben. That newspaper that reported the poll is a particularly insidious paper because it's readership is a generation or two past their sell by date, but they still have decent spending power in the UK and are extremely conservative.

GT5 is indeed awesome. I can't quite get over the number of people who expect it to be more of a video game than it is. I mean, to complain that the courses look sterile – for example – is absolutely nonsensical. It comes back to the people making that complaint not knowing enough about racing to know that the courses look spot on, and drive spot on. Not to mention the fact that what they want is an augmented reality, that contains extras to make it more interesting. Considering that I *am* ADD, and you'd think that therefore if someone was going to be bored by such 'sterile' course, it would be me. But, I'm not bored at all, I still marvel at how accurate the courses are and adore the feeling of driving Laguna Seca, knowing that I am driving the real circuit, simulated yes, but also real. I can't quite understand why these folks think that they need to add a bunch of useless, fake extra detail to make it more interesting. How can it be more interesting than to take a realistically modeled car around a realistically modeled course with realistic driving physics. That is a test of ability, not a test of twitch skills. Perhaps, that is the problem?

A PSX presence in Home would be great, although then I will have to endure endless jabs about using a female avatar, or cave-in to the pressure and bring my male avatar out of retirement…LOL!

Finished Infamous. Great game, can't want for Infamous 2. Playing through VC2 on the PSP. Wow, it's as good as the original on the PS3, If you like this kind of RPG and have a PSP and haven't got VC2 yet, do yourself a favor and get it.

Finally, GT5. What can I say, I'm loving it…

Last edited by TheHighlander on 12/11/2010 10:28:37 PM

13 years ago

All I have to say is the Uncharted 3 trailer was short but amazing! All was in engine too! The water effect as Drake was being chased and the sand. Can't wait till November! Will be a long wait. 🙁

13 years ago

Unfortunately I watched the VGA's…. but I DVR'd it since it conflicted with the Heisman Presentation and I was able to FF through most of the awards.

OT – (WAR EAGLE! Way to go Cam – AU's 3rd Heisman winner! Here we come Oregon!)

Anyway, I should have only watched the last 5 minutes of the VGA's…the rest was worthless…across the board, just a waste of time really. It does make me want to play Red Dead Redemption though (which I missed out on)

Can't wait for 11-1-11 !!!!!

13 years ago

Dont count on FFV13 making it in 2011

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

I guess we'll find out at S-E's press conference next month…

13 years ago

Dragon Age who? I just saw TES V be announced. Gotta clear the shelves before that one gets here.

13 years ago

I'd say 2011 is looking fantastic really.

Batman looked great as did SSX.

Thor? Not so good.

13 years ago

@alienage and wreckless_4485
2011 is going to be the best year in gaming history. hands down.

Last edited by booze925 on 12/11/2010 11:13:37 PM

13 years ago

i didn't watch the vga, but i saw the trailer on the internet.
uncharted 3 looks as close to real as you can get. im 100% pumped. ill be waiting for nov. 1
(EDIT) what the hell went down on the plane behind drake?? i smell another awesome setpiece level

Last edited by booze925 on 12/11/2010 10:44:19 PM

King James
King James
13 years ago

I didn't watch the VGAs. Heard they gave Red Dead GotY. I'm ok w/ that.

I did catch the premier trailers on GameTrailers. HOLY ISH!!! 2011 is going to be crowded:
-Resistance 3 in September.
-Batman's in October.
-Uncharted 3 November 1st.
-Elder Scrolls V November 11th.
-Mass Effect 3 Fall 2011.
-The Last Guardian fits in that Fall 2011 block.
-Infamous 2 is in that holiday 2011 block too.

DAMNIT!!! So many games. Its 2008 all over again. Except this time top of the year is stacked too:
-Portal 2
-Deadspace 2
-Dragon Age II
-<Insert Game In Forgetting Here>

Good to be a gamer in 2011!!!

King James
King James
13 years ago

L.A. Noire — 4got that one

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Holy crap Wreckless… That's an epic list. At least 21 on there that I'm interested in… 2011 in is going to be a ridiculous year for games… But you left off CoD 8. 😛

Last edited by Lawless SXE on 12/11/2010 11:22:17 PM

13 years ago

@ Lawless They are also releasing a COD 9 this year too. Plus I think Activision may just be able to pump out a 10 this year too. Mooooooo

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

I thought Sledgehammer's CoD was 2011, then MW3 was 2012, and Treyarch would shine again in 2013… Oh who am I kidding? Activision can't wait to release three CoDs in three years from three devs… Three CoDs in twenty months is much more feasible.
Moo indeed, Sir Bob.

King James
King James
13 years ago

Epic list Lawless.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

What list now?

13 years ago

Sorry, I forgot to include the link in my second comment

13 years ago

My gaming update is simple:

The more I play GT5 the more amazed I am. Rarely does a game keep getting better. Most games heat a plateau around the 8 hour mark. GT5 everyday is like I'm traveling the world and getting my hands on the world's most amazing cars. On the sales part, I never doubted that, I expect this game to sell 8+ million by 2012.

Also, Aeris, isn't she great? Better than Tifa, even.

Now just gotta watch some of the trailers from that lame tv show.

I'm with Ben on that, it's like an MTV award show, lame. Why not keep it authentic and professional like E3? It's like some stupid "mainstream show" where only the most "hyped" multiplatform games are given recognition, the rest (stuff like Demon's Souls) aren't even looked at.

You guys should stop watching that stupid show. It's your choice, but think about that choice.

13 years ago

i totally forgot about the show. more important things to do besides watch that crap. can easily catch the highlights on the internet after wards. not like this is 1992 anymore.

13 years ago

Exactly, just watched the 0:40 long trailers.

Think I'm gonna waste my time watching such a stupid show for 1-2 hours for 1 or 2 minute long trailers? lol…

By the way, SSX: COD edition looks so bad. EA what the hell?

Journey = great, UC3 = great, Resistance 3 = great

13 years ago

Aeris = Ichiban

GT5 = Ichiban

GT5 just keeps getting better. I don't actually believe that you can review this game without playing through it past level 20

Last edited by TheHighlander on 12/12/2010 1:00:41 AM

13 years ago

im half way through level 19. maybe i will hit 20 by tomorrow if i get the time.

13 years ago

Does anybody really care about these awards at all? I cannot think of a single credible video game website that takes them seriously! The only reason they're probably covered are for new game reveals and footages!

Talking of which, the Uncharted 3 footage was awesome, can't wait to see more. The lighting was superbly done. Drake pulling out that gun from the…ahem…sand…was the "Oh snap!" moment for me!

Also the MK trailer showing Kratos pulling back Sub-Zero and running in to fight Scorpion. Super stuff!

But the one that takes the cake for me was Arkham City. Man, that Batman trailer looks B-A-D-A-S-S

If that trailer is anything to go by, we'll now be able to use projectile weapons while gliding, and Batman has a new smoke bomb! I know that gameplay wouldn't look anything like it, but if somebody hadn't told me its a game trailer, I would have thought its a live action movie or something.

13 years ago

I only just caught the teaser trailer for U3 today then learned of the longer trailer to be shown not long after. So today was a pretty fricken awesome day.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

VGA 2010 coverage up. Going to bed now.

13 years ago

Ben you are the man. i dont even have to look anywhere else but here to find the videos i wanted to see. this would be why psx is #1

13 years ago

I'm still pretty pumped to play GT5 come Christmas. Having liked Forza 3 a lot, I suspect GT5 will feel more realistic and, as it's sort of implied, less "game-like." I'm still a bit confused by what that means but I suppose once I get playing GT5 I'll get the idea. And it's worth stating that I can't say I have any real experience at racing race cars. So if a person told me Forza 3 was simulator grade, I wouldn't have known the difference, either way. It is comforting to know Yamauchi actually races cars. I don't think that's something the Turn 10 director could claim… and it helps to know the PS3's hardware can crunch more numbers than 360, that's gotta amount to something.

As for the VGA show. I don't watch TV, really. I wouldn't even know what channel it'd be on, and I doubt it's broadcast (all I have). My wife and I followed The Office for a couple seasons, or so, but that's about it. Gaming is how I like to spend the little leisure time I have to myself.

I've been smelling the roses in ME2. But mostly, I've been on a "re-visiting my roots" kick with Tekken, VF, MK etc.

I was also pretty amazed by how awesome KZ3 looks. Gamespot has a 25+minute game demo to view. I think it'll be as hot as it looks on release day.

13 years ago

i get bored using my tv and not interacting with it. even more so now that i have my ps3. i almost dont care tv exists. only a few shows make me turn off my ps3 and honestly i just end up missing them and watchin them online

13 years ago

I watch a very select few shows, mostly BBC America and the Discovery/History/Science channels. And of course, football…. But other than that, the screens in my house are for PS3 and PC use…

13 years ago

i tuned in to spike vga right when elisha dusku was introducing uncharted 3 which is at the very end. then they revealed game of the year. my thoughts, a woman was one of the main people who made red dead and thought it was cool. then she spoke and was dull as hell. after that, the show repeated and seen that all of NPH's "jokes" were really forced. the funniest thing i saw was when he adlibbed about his "ak47s" not working. then he started to talk about kinect so i switched the channel.

Looking at the upcoming games just next holiday season, i really need to find a job now. i can still buy killzone 3 but i'm gonna have to pass on day 1 purchase on littlebigplanet 2 and white knight chronicles 2. luckily i find marvel vs capcom 3 a little disappointing so i dont need to buy anything till killzone 3.

personal gaming update:
started working on gran turismo 5, havent played gt since gt3 so im still getting the hang of it. i dont think that gran turismo is the type of game i'm going to complete. i'll probably play it on and off. Anyway, i still have star ocean, bioshock 2, ratchet and clank tools of destruction, and heavenly sword on deck. i also got to work on sports champions and black ops. i'm not going prestige because its a waste of time so i'll just try to unlock everything and finish every challenge i can.

i have already beaten tools of destruction and heavenly sword so i'm just trying to get it to record in playstation rewards. i have been playing a bunch of new games lately but when i checked my rewards status it hasnt changed at all. i emailed sony about it and they told me to wait AT LEAST 2 weeks for it to register.

Last edited by johnld on 12/12/2010 3:05:41 AM

13 years ago

FYI- Uncharted 3 trailer, wallpaper, avatar, and theme are on Playstation Store already!

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