Happy Halloween! Don't care too much about this particular holiday, but I suppose others do. Girls dress up like whores…I suppose that's worthy of notice.
Everyone needs to be excited for Brotherhood
Not enough people around here are hyped for Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood , damnit. When I saw the news that the game had gone gold , I immediately remembered just how much I loved the first two games. The first established the foundation and it gets a bad rap these days, which is really unfair. The sequel remains one of the best games of the generation, and most any critic anywhere will say the same thing. As for the new iteration, let's not forget that it was named Best Multiplayer Game of E3 (that's saying a lot, people), and Ubisoft swears on a stack of Bibles that the single-player campaign is very, very fulfilling. A European source I saw recently had a Ubisoft rep saying it would take 35 hours to do everything, which is fantastic news. I dumped a good 30 into ACII; it's still the closest I've come to a Platinum.
Everything was just so meticulously well done in ACII; the cities, the people, the animations, the atmosphere, the story…it was just so beautiful. Ezio is one of the biggest bad-asses in the realm of video game heroes, and I'm not sorry at all that he's returning. My only reservation for Brotherhood is that they might not focus enough on the stealth aspects, as I've seen a lot of action-oriented game sequences. I also don't like the idea of being forced to issue orders to others. But even so, I want it…badly.
Man, the PS2 was one godly machine, wasn't it?
It's easy to forget that the PS2 has been around for 10 years . In looking back, that was a system that delivered on all fronts throughout the majority of its tenure, and we all have so many memories. From the GTAs to the MGSs to the FFs to the GTs to the GoWs; there were so many classics, and let's not forget about the artistic masterpieces like ICO , Shadow of the Colossus , Rez , Okami , etc. I was still in a pretty hardcore RPG phase but the PS2 gave me a chance to enjoy so many other genres, and I branched out. The PS1 still remains the RPG king in my eyes and it wasn't until the PS2 where I started to go, "hey…that's not an RPG and it looks pretty damn fun." And this is how I ended up being as diverse as I am now; it was thanks to the franchises I mentioned above, along with a few other noticeable titles. I won't ever forget the memorable Final Fantasy X , Grand Theft Auto III , or Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater , and that's only a small selection.
Here's hoping we talk about the PS3 with just as much – if not even more – reverence in six years time. 🙂
Personal gaming update
I'm pretty much done with Vanquish and I've started on the Killzone 3 beta. I haven't played long enough yet to write up a full hands-on of my experience but I will say that much of the weight seems to have disappeared. I mean, it's certainly heavier than the gliding-on-air in Call of Duty or whatever, but it's definitely more fleet-of-foot than KZ2. I'm not sure if I like that. But beyond this, there's no denying the amazing quality, and we're only looking at a beta. Besides, the small twists given to the multiplayer are really effing cool; the up-close kills, the cut-scenes during certain modes that give it a slight story feel, the career options (Engineer, Marksmen, Infiltrator, Field Medic, and Tactician), etc. And oh yeah, it looks pretty damn amazing. Besides this, I still have to review Saw II: Flesh & Blood and Shaun White Skateboarding .
The other November release that should be good is Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit ; the demo was fun and Criterion doesn't really know how to produce an inferior racer. And I'm sure everyone here is on pins and needles awaiting the Black Ops review… 😉
well my personal gaming update i have been playing final fantasy 13 and just cause 2 from gamefly. i also played new vegas this week. ff13 is so damn boring its unreal. i keep playing just to play it. it really is a pretty game but i just get so bored playing. i still own original editions of 7,8,9 and 10. played all of them and loved them. this one is just boring.
just cause 2 is a lot of fun. could be better but it is still fun to just screw around with. would not pay $60 for it though, probably like $20.
i really like new vegas and think its a great game. i have played for hours without major glitches and freezes much. occasional framerate slow down but just like F3.
i dont have enough time in one day to play all the games i want to play.
FFXIII doesn't get going until about the 15-hour mark or so. Just so you know.
Feels like a completely different game after that, though.
yeah i heard that a lot and im giving it the chance. its getting a little better as im going but its so slow. anyway im not sure if im behind in game play from my clock. i sometimes let things sit in menus while i do somthing. im about 15 hours on my game clock but i just got odin. not sure if i should be farther for where you were talking?
Uh…Odin is most definitely not 15 hours in. I think it's like 6 or 7 hours in.
yea well i fell asleep with the game on a few times and the counter keeps goin ya know. i knew i wasnt 15 hours actually into the game. i have done that with a few games and it really screw up trackin my play time.
Yea, what ffrulez said. It peaks in a nice open area then it goes back down hill from there.
i'm with Ben on this one, it totally opens up after the 15 hours mark also the story will keep u hocked till the end.
waiting for my ps3 to come next week :), cant wait to Move also
You mean that the linearity stops after 15 hours?
Haha, Halloween. No, you can keep that one.
I really have nothing more to add on AC: Brotherhood than I've already said numerous times. It looks very interesting, and downright cool. The multiplayer experience should be rather unique, and the single player should be even better and more fleshed out than it was in AC2, and from what I gather, that game really fixed a lot of the waffling that went on in the first. If it doesn't get a better average score than AC2, I'll be very surprised. Still gotta pick that up.
I think the fact that companies are remaking and rereleasing PS2 games just goes to show how legendary the system was. To think that some of the games still appeal to a large group of people, when there are newer games that are far more technically proficient, is a marvel. I am actually thankful to those companies for doing that, as it gives me a chance to play over some of the classics that I missed, as well as letting other people that perhaps passed on them at the time to experience their greatness.
Do I think we'll be saying the same thing about the PS3 in the middle of the next generation? Hell yes. I mean, just looking at some of the games that have already been released: MGS4, UC2, inFamous, Demon's Souls, and some of the titles that are yet to hit: GT5, TM, KZ3, The Last Guardian; there is no doubt that there is an equal level of quality. Add to that all the other capabilities of the system that we brag about now, and I feel that it will go down as being worth revering, if not being particularly influential.
From what I gather, the reviews of those two games are going to hurt you. I've seen nothing particularly good on either, but perhaps Hot Pursuit can make up for that.
Personal Update:
Finished Enslaved yesterday morning, and what can I say, one of my personal favourite games so far. The review is in that direction <<<< and a little bit that way ^^^. I've now gone back to play The Ballad of Gay Tony, and am liking it thus far.
Actually, that's all that's worth mentioning this week… Well that's boring.
pins AND needles!
I'm 4 trophies away from Demon's Souls platinum, all four are "Best weapon by…" trophies. They are Bladestone, Marrowstone, and 2 others that I can't recall now.
Getting from pure black character tendency to pure white character tendency was HARD (kill 10 black phantoms!) juat to get that damn friend's ring, but possible.
Last edited by hellish_devil on 10/30/2010 10:31:18 PM
you kinda didnt have to get pure black tendency. midway this october, there was an online event. it was pure white world tendency online for 1 week and pure black world tendency after that until the 31st for holloween.
you kinda didnt have to get pure black tendency. midway this october, there was an online event. it was pure white world tendency online for 1 week and pure black world tendency after that until the 31st for holloween.
Chracter tendency, not world tendency.
Black phantoms only appear on pure black world tendency.
Besides, I play offline.
Last edited by hellish_devil on 10/31/2010 11:38:12 AM
AC:Brotherhood is really shaping into something. The use of vehicles is always a welcomed addition especially in an open-world game, and though i didn't find much replay value in the first two games, it's often that we don't see everything a studio wishes to put in until after a couple iterations. Being able to parachute in for a kill seems like a nod to Just Cause, so i'm glad there will be an emphasis on fun, and trust they'll provide us with the same cinematic story-telling that the series is known for.
I finished playing Force Unleashed 2 on Friday night, and did enjoy my experience. i'll get to work on my user-reviews for both Lords of Shadow and SWFU2, right now.
Well, I just nabbed a copy of DarkSiders, so i guess i'll have to hold off on the user-reviews for a bit more.
ooh, Awesome find there Master Shams. Darksiders is an under appreciated action-adventure. It doesn't look like much, visually. But it really has it where it counts. Picture NG Sigma (the first one) but balanced more as 50% action 50% adventure. The combat is very well done, and surprisingly very robust, especially when you get deeper into the game. ANd there's a few very awesome boss battles that'll test the ninja in you. The story is also stronger than most of it's type. I eagerly await it's sequel. I'm thinking of platinum'ing it.
assassins creed brotherhood…d1p. already pre-ordered from BB…the first 2 were amazing, i have high hopes for this one too. November 16 cant come soon enough 🙂
Not sure if I'm going to buy the new Assassins Creed game as i put 40 hours into the last one and that might be enough for me for the next little while.
Personal Update:
Have been enjoying Vanquish for the last week. Was loving it so much that I restarted the game when I was half way through. Missions that took me 30 minutes the first time now take only 5 minutes. Trying to savour the gameplay Wonderful.
I'm half way through Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition and wondering if I will be able to go back to it after Vanquish. Its tank controls seem like the total antithesis of Vanquish.
Ah well, good to be a gamer… Will keep me going until GT5 finally drops.
I look forward to how the next AC turns out. I'm really impressed by how the series has integrated open-world design and stealth action. For me, if I were in the shoes of a dev, it would seem to me very challenging to make a good working game like that. There's just so many things to juggle. AC has achieved it very well, indeed.
There's no doubt that the PS2 was a fine time in gaming. So many great hits. So much to play, the industry was booming strong and everyone seemed happy in gaming land.
I've put all other games on hold as I'm working my way through Castlevania: LoS. The game is BIG. It's also somewhat different than what I originally perceived it to be. It manages to maintain some core classical Castlevania concepts that become much more evident the deeper you get. Like previous entries in the series, your character's own abilities act as the key to solving many puzzles and proceeding into new territory. THis becomes a major component in the game about half-way in. In fact, i think the balance of the game's play has shifted from 3/4 action and 1/4 puzzle to the exact opposite of that. It's no GoW clone for sure.
Yup, Castlevania sets it's self apart from God of War. It's only similar in mechanics. Really liked it. I just completed it today. I'm going to try and get platinum.
Jawk how long of a game is it?
Um..i think i put about 35 hours into it. That included playing my first play through on hard and searching for all the magic, health and item upgrades as i progressed. I ended up collecting everything just before the final boss. I still have some challenges to complete as well. I was worried this game was going to suffer due to multiplat status but it has not. The only problem i have with it is the frame rate could have been a bit higher. Nice looking game but has a choppy frame rate. Especially if you have played God of War. It rarely had any extreme frame rate dips. It just seemed to consistently choppy.
Dang man, you're pretty intense, Jawknee. I usually don't engage most games on hard mode right from the onset. I did for Infamous, but that's about it.
I think I'm nearly done with the game. I'm on the third titan-like flying bone dragon boss.
Yea, I died a lot but it was fun. I try and get the Easy, Normal and Hard Trophies for any game that has them in one play through. Knock all three out in one run.
did that with the second uncharted, I usually prefer to play games on the hardest difficulty although usually it is not as fun as playing it at Normal
Ben, if/when you review Brotherhood, can you let us know if there is any screen tearing or not. That would be mucho appreciated. =)
knowing assassins creed, it will be mediocre in the graphics and sound effects department
I'd disagree with you there Booze. The first Assassin's Creed had some of the best graphics that I'd seen up until that point.
booze, you're out of your mind. ACII is one of the best-looking games of the generation. Period.
Jawknee: The screen-tearing issues in both games have been greatly exaggerated. It exists, but considering how much detail and the insane scope of the game, I never even notice.
I don't know Ben, i played AC2 and it has some of the worst tearing i have seen. I got a head ache if i played too long.
Sounds to me like you just kept playing looking for it. I really didn't care. Too much going on.
Jawknee seriously. Talk about exaggerating. A headache? Really? If the graphics in AC2 gave you a headache you have got to get your eyes checked man.
Lol, okay, whatever Alienage. That's fine, you don't have to believe me. It strains my eyes thus causing the head ache. Uncharted DF has a similar effect. Effects different people in different ways i guess. I'm not the only one I know who was bothered by it. It's inexcusable in my opinion. There's no reason it should occur except out of pure laziness on the developers part. Other developers have who have made more visually demanding games have proven that.
I sorta agree with booze…I've played the brotherhood beta and was not impressed by the graphics at all…I havent played the first two either. I know it's a beta but stil…they werent impressive in the slightest, just above average if you ask me 0_o. IDK maybe I was expecting "the best graphics of this generation". I didn't notice any screen-tearing though Jawknee, but then again this was before I got a HDTV so who knows.
Yes, Uncharted 1 has some down-right TERRIBLE screen tearing. Ofcourse ND were probably rushed to get it out before holidays by sony, rightly so because all other games were bairly decent (Lair anyone?). You have to admit though, the game is stunning. I would still buy that game for £40 today no questions asked. I hope ND either create the BEST game ever released with uncharted 3, which if they wanted to improve on the sequel thats the only way they could go. If not I'd prefer a new IP.
Anyway thought I'd do a little "personal update".
Okay so as you all know, it was my birthday on the 26th. (what's that? You didn't know that!? 🙁 ) I got 2 games and a HDMI cable. The 2 games being R&C: Crack in time & InFamous. OOOOH MYYYYY JESUSSSSS FUUUUCCC****ING CHRIST 1080P IS AMAZING!!!!! This is comming from someone who thought GT5P couldn't possibly look any better on my little 15" 560i 10 year old SHARP tv, but holy JESUS!! Honestly…WOW. It's gunna take some getting used to though OMFG THIS LOOKS SO GOOD everytime I turn on the tv, lol. R&C Is great, reminds me when platforming used to be the norm in most games. Humour is great, sorta like spongebob; you'll find humour init no matter what your age. BTW was the adam west voicing the big green guy? Sounds like him. I was sad to see there being 0 graphical improvement from quest of booty, which, in my opinion, was improveable. Water effects are sweet though, I imagine ND lent a few ideas on that one. I'd rate it about 8/10 so far. InFamous, reminds me of spider-man 2. I just get giddy when I'm walking across the street knowing I can f*cking bring down lightning on anyone who gives me a funny look. I know that wasnt in spider man 2 but w.e bad example. Oh yea and I broke my controller, again. I've just gotten way too serious on UC2 multiplayer. I REALLY want to get atleast 2.00 KD/R by the time I'm finished with it. So when someone is teleporting, killing me through walls, I get angry. Very angry lol. I just sat their in amazement that someone was shooting me in 1 shot after i'd already loaded a clip into him, then i pressed on the R1 button too hard and the whole controller broke in half. IDK maybe the screws were lose but everything fellout of place. I was in super angry mode then so i threw it away lol. ANyway I fixed it in the end, bandages all over it 😛 Anyway that's just about all my gaming update…oh and im at 593 trophies…w00t
Jawknee I know the headache you're talking about, I think it has the do with the PS3's constant use of the quincunx anti-aliasing which comes at a cost of leaving pretty much everything BLURRY, this not a problem with 360 as the employment of MSAA doesn't give that blurry vaseline effect, this was very apparent in ACII which I played on PS3. Screen tearing can't give headaches, it's rather viewing blurry or dimmed stuff for long periods of time.
And I don't think ACII is one of the best looking games this gen, Red Dead looks better, the details on horses is enough comparison.
AC1 did the same thing to me www and I played half of it on the 360. So it's not the AA. It's the constant tearing when you turn the camera. Only games with rampant screen tearing do it to me. What's the point of having far reaching land scapes and pretty graphics if the buildings and trees are just going to tear in half when you turn the camera?
Last edited by Jawknee on 10/31/2010 12:45:55 PM
My Week in Review is pretty simple.
On October 30, my birthday happened =)
happy bday man how old??
Happy Birthday for yesterday.
Happy yesterday birthday!!!
Thanks guys, and I turned 17 ^.^
I reckon' you might be one of the youngest PSXE members as of now, seeing as you're one year younger than me. I know we did a who's the youngest member thing before, though I can't remember anyone being younger…
@ FullmetalX10
I feel so cool that I'm one of the more younger members of PSXE because I'll carrying on the tradition of this community for a much longer while hehe 😉
Happy belated to one of the youngest here,
From the oldest here(57, and about to become 58 on November 5th).
assassins creed 2 gt boring after 1 playthrough and brotherhood will be no different.
killzone 3 had a bad cast but amazing multiplayer.
Last edited by booze925 on 10/30/2010 11:10:53 PM
…who the hell is playing ACII over again?
i have to agree with ben right here. playing assassins creed once is good enough.
Ok way off topic but I can't seem to find an answer anywhere and there's usually a lot of well informed people on the site but I have a text from my brother stating he's downloaded the Undead Nightmare dlc but it won't work for him, I can't help him as I'm not there but it seems odd that it won't work given that the game and dlc have been purchased in the same country.
Any help would be much appreciated and I'm sorry to post it here but no luck so far.
I told my cousin that it has been 10 years since the ps2 came out. he replied "thats it? it feels like it has been longer."
15 years of playstation has really opened my eyes to so many different areas of gaming that i never tried before ps came along.
Heres to another 15+ years of PlayStation!