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If You Bought Move, Are You Still Moving?

So we're closing in on a month of PlayStation Move availability and from the start, I've questioned the new technology's lasting appeal.

For the record, I really love Move's potential. It really does feel like the next step in motion sensing; it reacts realistically and in my eyes, is in stark contrast to the now out-of-date motion sensing on the Wii. Sports Champions actually impressed me in a number of ways and that says something, because I remain a motion skeptic. Sony has often said they want Move to be appreciated by hardcore gamers, and there are indeed several Move titles that have caught my attention. I'm still not sold of the idea of Move-ing with shooters but then again, I haven't tried it yet. It's just that, after having fun with Sports Champions and EyePet , I really haven't touched either since reviewing them.

Part of this is due to the insane amount of reviews I have to do but even so, I'd rather sit and play Enslaved: Odyssey to the West or Halo: Reach (which I've finished, by the way) in my free time. It just seems to me as if Move – and motion sensing in general – has great longevity for multiple people. When you're alone, it simply doesn't seem to have a lasting effect, you know? But maybe it's just me. Maybe there are a lot of lone wolves out there who typically use their Move quite often. If that's the case, Sony has hit their mark better than I expected…but I have a sneaking suspicion that unless there are other potential gamers around, any motion sensing loses its charm after a short while.

That being said, I can certainly see how Move would be excellent entertainment for the family, or for parties and get-togethers. It's simply more dynamic than sitting and pressing buttons; that much, I admit. And maybe that's a good thing, as everyone is into multiplayer everything these days. Besides, as I said, Move is still in its infancy and I might be singing a very different tune in a few year's time. But now…? Guess I'd just rather stick with the traditional experience…maybe it's an age thing, too.

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13 years ago

I haven't played with it in about a week. Close to platinuming Heavy Rain but been busy with work and other stuff. Not board with it by any means, just haven't had the time recently. I can't wait to try it with KZ3. MAG should be here tomorrow or Monday so ill be giving it a try with that in the next few days as well.

13 years ago

You got MAG instead of that nonsense reagent game. Good for you. Just prepare yourself for a ginormous patch before being able to play.

13 years ago

The more I read about it the less interested I became. MAG was $30 new on amazon and I had a 20 credit so I used it to order MAG and Castlevania.

13 years ago

I agree with the time thing. I work 50 hours a week, gone 60. I really like playing Sports Champions, but I don't have time or energy to do so after work, the house, my girlfriend, and other hobbies. Unfortunately, hobbies have a lower priority than the rest of the stuff.

13 years ago

I don't even want to think how long it would take to download the patch fresh outta the box after all the updates.. might want to watch a movie or two in the meantime lol. Games worth the wait though

13 years ago

This is kinda what I was worried about, if I buy it, will it end up collecting dust like most Wiis? In any case I'll wait for better games to trickle in and the tech to go down in price, I got to many games to play and I ain't got time to bleed.

13 years ago

Yea, do what you did with the PSP. Wait 6 years. 🙂

no seriously though, its not going anywhere and since there isn't a whole lot of games out for it at the moment you'd be wise to wait.

13 years ago

Personally I think it's far too early to make a determination regarding this. I mean there are some launch games that are interesting, ubt are very much family or party games. It's the Move support in other more mainstream or hardcore games that will interest the majority of the folks her, and that support will grow (or not) over time. For example, let's wait until KZ3 or Sorcery have been out for a couple of weeks and see whether people enjoy those.

13 years ago

Sorcery isn't really my kind of game(not into medieval stuff. wizards and witches are about as exciting as vampires) but it looks like a lot of fun with the Move.

13 years ago

I mentioned it because unlike KZ3 which is a mainstream, hardcore game with Move compatibility, Sorcery is a Move game made specifically for Move, but also clearly has some mainstream, hardcore gamer, appeal.

13 years ago

Take that back Jawk, Gandalf could lay waste to those twilight boys and still have enough juice left to split Kristen Stewart like a piece of lumber.

13 years ago

I'm going to get sorcery 4 one reason only & it's the only allows you to be like Harry Potter.


Last edited by GuyverLT on 10/8/2010 10:42:42 PM

13 years ago

I don't do Military shooters, but don't you fans forget Socom.

13 years ago

I love Socom, but after 2 it went down hill for me, 3 was alright in my books but nothing spectacular.

13 years ago

I agree! I love the socom games! 2 was just so good. But I still played them all including confrontation on the ps3 which really wasn't that bad IMO.

13 years ago

Indeed, i really loved Socom 2. I still have Confrontation, i usually never sell any of my games i get because you never know when you might want to start playing again. I also still have Socom 2 around somewhere in my entertainment center.

All of my friends sell games and then later on they regret it.

13 years ago

Same here, I never sell any games either! You put so much in and get so much out of them, and little in return when going to sell them.

But yes I think Socom 2 was the game I actually could say I was addicted too. For months and months I'd stay over at a friends house and wed play from like 8 at night til 5 in the morning! Except on sundays cus that was maintenance day lol ;)!

13 years ago

Lol same here i was on it all the time when i had free time to play. Great times indeed.

13 years ago

Out of interest to buy it..what do you guys and gals who bought it think of it and was out what you expected? Sorry if this is considered off topic…

13 years ago

I will be playing off and on with Move. I see Move as a secondary source for gaming, so I'm going to be patient with Sony. The main thing I have in mind is future games. I think Move will help Sony in the area of unique and exclusive titles that no other system can handle, insuring that we get games that aren't hindered by the competition.

Last edited by tes37 on 10/8/2010 11:36:31 PM

13 years ago

I'll say this and say it again, both Move and Kinect will eventually share the same fate as the as 32X, SEGA-CD, 64DD, and the many other hardware addons that have came and past.

Sure in the begining they might look appealing, but the truth is their fate have already been written given the fact add-ons don't sell.

Right now the biggest sign that both Kinect and Move are set for failure stem from the growing skeptism in the development community…sure developers might rant and rave about how great they are,however based on comments by certain developers its becomig obvious that developers have shifted from committed to not totally committed.

13 years ago

This is an incredibly naive view. The move is different to those listed. It's a peripheral, an incredibly accurate peripheral that games can be made for, the onus is on developers to make the most of it.

There is a huge amount of potential to make unique experiences with it involving 3d environments and putting us in the space. Even the simple game Tumble you can see the potential for things to come. Sure, it might go untapped, and move might just be used as window dressing for the games we already have but to think it's dead on arrival is I'll say again, naive.

13 years ago

Tumble is pretty fun, and really shows off the precision. I might have to upgrade and download the full version of this game!

13 years ago

I don't think it's an age thing. Dualshock owns any motion controller any day of the week.

13 years ago

We only just got it… ofcourse we're still using it…

13 years ago

I have no interest in getting the Move, because I'm afraid it will just gather dust. They say they want to appeal to the hardcore, but we're still waiting for those games….and the Move better not make the controls on those games sloppier.

13 years ago

Yes its super fun playing with friends and after Sorcery comes out ill be on it even more

13 years ago

Sorcery looks like a lot of fun when ever i can get my hands on Move and Sorcery I'm going to have to try it out.

13 years ago

i play the move every now and than. ill probably stop playing when i plat sports champions. after that ill just play it once a month just so im not to rusty when games i want to play with it like kz3 and sorcery.

13 years ago

heavy rains one game you MUST play with the move!
im really enjoying it now, have not played it in a while because fifa 11 and enslaved distracted me, but now that ive finished both ill be going back to it until CLOS finally releases!
but besides heavy rain, theres really nothing worthwhile getting for it, RE5 was a massive disappointment!
talk about half asked!
im dying for eccochrome 2, played the demo for it last night and its soooooooooooooo effing cool!!!!!
why dont we have more games like this?
puzzle games rock!

13 years ago

I wasn't convinced after playing Move at Gamescom. But after a few friends online bought Move I decided to do the same. I don't regret it. Bought Tumble and Flight Control to try it out and games on the horizon that will support Move are on the way : SOCOM, Sorcery, Heroes on the Move, Sly Cooper Collection, KZ3.
It's not necessary to play with move constantly. A fun tool and opens things to other types of games

13 years ago

I had the Move controller some days after release, and I must say I still use it quite often. Tumble is great – but I need a little variety, and therefore I really hope Sony will deliver at least a couple of Move-enabled PSN games in the holiday!

13 years ago

I got it an day 1, and still playing and loving it!

13 years ago

I want a Minority Report style interface with the XMB.

13 years ago

my idea was to sell the wii to buy the move, so even if i dont play the move, be no difference as i never played the wii. (havnt bought the move yet as i was gunner as ive sold my wii, however my GF said shed get it me for christmas so ive bought fifa, and will get medal of honour and gt5 with the wii money instead)

13 years ago

Personally,i have not tried,nor i will.
i bought the wii for my neice when it was released, played for 20 min and have not touched it since,even though wii and move is like night and day,in principle is the same thing.

i truly hope it succeeds,but its not for me.,my neice will love it though,she has been bugging me for eyepet ever since she saw the comercials with move support…

13 years ago

Yesterday I was at Fry's and they had Move set up to try out. I tried to play the table tennis game, but could not serve (not use to the Move controller) so I gave up. I could not figure out how to scroll through the XMB using the Move controller. Plus it didn't help that a guy laughed at me while I was calibrating the controller. I might give the Move a try again the next time I go to Fry's when KZ3 comes out.

13 years ago

have to admit, i am playing rdr and uc2 mp instead of move right now.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

Well, FYI, the table tennis is the one event in Sports Champions that seems a little broken to me. Read the review for more info.

13 years ago

I thought table tennis actually worked well! The transition from back hand to for hand was the hard part! Other than that it feels great!

As a tennis player though it might be easier to find some of those flaws i wouldn't normally pick out!

13 years ago

I agree with you bigrailer. I played the demo when a rep brought it to my job and the demo I played was the table tennis. Before I tried the demo, I hated the idea of the Move and wished that Sony and Microsoft admitted to the fact that they are about 4 years too late on the motion sensor gaming bandwagon. Played the table tennis and I loved just how responsive the Move is. Where as the Wii doesn't really give you a work out, I could see how the Move will because it requires full motion. I'm considering picking up a Move and Sports Champions just for the table tennis game (of course, I'll use it for other games when the time comes…)

13 years ago

Thats kinda sad 🙁 I mean he could have told you… You just have to do like you would in a ping pong match… Throw the ball in the air… then hit it with the racket with an intelligent angle so that it wont just fly anywhere lol…

And as for the xmb… lol hold the trigger behind the move controller to enable scrolling and let it go when you dont need it…

And Ben well I don't really think ping pong is broken but I do feel as though it is not perfect enough to handle the level of difficulty they are giving us when we reach the likes of Ace-8000 and the last champion lvl matches. It goes so fast you dont even have time to move back after you just shot and the ball is already coming back at you lol… I always find myself angry at those cpus so I have to go smash em up in gladiator duels before going back to ping pong lol

13 years ago

I think it really would have helped if games like Socery and SOCOM had been released along with MOVE. Patches to existing games are nice, but new, unplayed AAA titles are needed.
Ultimately, I think Sony, needed to release it before Christmas and especially before Kinect.

Last edited by Simcoe on 10/9/2010 10:35:26 AM

13 years ago

I still use move to this day! I play the sports game a lot still! I got a long ways to go before I get gold in all the events! It's a lot of fun! Besides volleyball, bocce ball and disc golf the others I don't mind playing alone, for longer periods!

Also I started and bought RE5, and love
Playing that with move! The controls are so much more simple, and it adds a little flavor to the game!

MAG absolutely blew me away with move! Ive been using move with MAG since the 2.0 patch came out and to me it just works so well for what it offers! It's a more fun and challenging experience! If I'm on it that day an my hand eye coordination is top shape lol it's quite surprising how well I was doing! Joysticks are still a more reasonable way to play fps, but move again adds another dimension!

Also I have yet to buy heavy rain but I played the demo with move last night and I'm gonna pick it up today for that reason!

So all in all move is here to stay for me! And although I havnt bought any of the move specific games like kung Fu rider or eye pet. I'm still using it for other games, and it's persuading me to pick up games u hadn't played in a while and even go out and buy games I've yet to play ala heavy rain!

13 years ago

I havent' had time to play with it but the kids are loving it, my son has Eyepet and is having alot of fun. I can't wait for Sorcery and to try it with Heavy rain, anyone know if it works with the new MOH ?

13 years ago

I don't think it does! But with all the love ea gave Sony at e3 I wouldn't be surprised if a patch came out!

I thought move was a Christmas gift for your kid? 😉 haha!

13 years ago

I heard the dev's said no move. But they decided to throw in 3d at the last minute.

13 years ago

I think your thinking about COD? I didn't hear anything regarding MOH having 3d?!?!

13 years ago

"This is an incredibly naive view. The move is different to those listed. It's a peripheral, an incredibly accurate peripheral that games can be made for, the onus is on developers to make the most of it."

I don't care how accurate the either Move or Kinect is, the point is both are add-ons and history have shown that time after time no matter the effort or marketing put in, these add-ons always end up failing.

In the end I praise Nintendo for moving away from the add-on market and realizing the fact that they don't work

13 years ago

And I smack nintendo on the head for providing such poor motion sensing and a crappy piece of hardware. Thanks to them I can't get to see mario, metroid and zelda in the glorious hd they deserve.

The truth is: The Wii itself is just an accessory to a ps3 or 360. And now it is being replaced by better accessories heh 😛

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