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This PS3 Fan Says: Play Halo: Reach

We've got all sorts of gamers here at PSXE; it's part of what makes our community so great. There's a larger than usual RPG contingent, there are those who just can't handle shooters (who often clash with those who bravely defend the genre), and of course, there are multiplatform owners of all ages.

Many asked what I thought of Alan Wake and a few even wanted a review. Well, we can't really do that – our format is pretty clear – but I often said how much I appreciated Alan Wake , and in retrospect, I should've done an article like this.

As I've often said, exclusives are where it's at, regardless of platform. I will say the PS3 exclusive lineup is the best and most diverse but I keep my Xbox 360 for one reason- exclusives. One of them is Halo . I've played and completed every entry, including last year's ODST but I've often been vocal about my skepticism concerning Reach . The reason is because the last few Halo games sort of failed to impress in my eyes, and with the competition going sky-high this generation, the franchise felt like it was lagging behind. I really didn't think Halo 3 was all all that special; it was a great game but, well…it was forgettable to me. That's why I brought home the latest Bungie effort with a few reservations but thankfully, I needn't have worried.

The pacing and variety is what makes it so entertaining. You'll embark on a quiet mission at night with a sniper rifle, operate any number of vehicles within the first few hours, get all tense when battling marauding suicide bombers in tight quarters, toy around with the all-new armor power-ups (Hologram was an early favorite of mine), do a wee bit of battling in zero grav, and even fly a true-blue spaceship for a while. The execution is about as fluid and reliable as one could hope for, and enemy AI is better than ever. The only downside I can see is the ally AI, especially when it comes to vehicles…in the latter respect, your friends are downright awful. But hey, I'd rather do most things myself, anyway, and the allies are indeed more helpful in a straight-up firefight.

I'm not even the biggest FPS fan in the world, but I do like the great ones. Halo: Reach looks great, sounds great, and plays great. Killzone 3 will have to really step up if it wants to reclaim the FPS crown – which I believe KZ2 took back in early 2009 – and although I have confidence in Guerrilla, Bungie has done a bang-up job. Because I tend to appreciate more original, cerebral games these days, I still say Alan Wake is my favorite 360 exclusive, but Reach has made my happy. Oh, and I haven't even sampled the online yet, which I hear is incredible. 🙂

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13 years ago

I'm glad people enjoy it, but my roommates 360 Red Ringed, and I'm not about to go throwing MS cash for 1 game. Maybe if it ever releases on PC. 😉

13 years ago

I have never understood the fascination some people have with Halo, and it has nothing to do with ps3 vs xbox or anything like that.

I tried Halo: Evolved a long time ago, got bored after 15 minutes. I also tried Halo 2 for PC a while back, but it was just horrible. Even for being an old game, it had really lousy graphics, felt really boring and incredibly "kiddie-based" with the floaty gameplay, lame weapons and monsters, it simply felt like a really, really old-gen shooter, much older than it actually is. Since Halo 3 and later isn't out for PC I never tried them, and I seriously have NO intention to whatsoever either…

So unless Reach really is 100 times better than previous games, I don't really see how it's so good, as the same thing was said about the earlier games in the series. And looking at the IGN review, even in the latest Reach the graphics doesn't seem very good at all, but I guess I'm WAYY too spoiled with games like Uncharted 2, Killzone 2 and God of War III….

13 years ago

Would you still recommend it to someone who's never liked Halo to begin with? Something about that series just never interested me. Played the first, thought "meh." Played 2, thought "better but still not fun for me." Played 3, thought "same as 2." Haven't played anything Halo since 3. Would this change my mind?

13 years ago

Similar question. I never played any Halo before nor own an Xbox 360. Is this game a system seller to make take the first step?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

I would never recommend buying a system for only one game. …well, maybe if it was Uncharted 2.

As for the other question, I'm not sure. Reach is still distinctly Halo…if it was the setting or style you didn't like, you probably won't like this one. But if it was more about a lack of variety and overall "oomph," maybe you should try it.

13 years ago

Honestly, I don't know what it was. Just never got hooked. Perhaps it was the setting. I'm not much into heavily sci-fi kinda games, but that's not to say I don't enjoy any. I've loved the Resistance games so far, which in my opinion, is the PS3 equivalent to Halo.

It's not that I'm anti-Xbox either. I loved Gears of War and at least the first Fable (never tried 2). I'd like to play Mass Effect (no longer an exclusive). Halo has simply never interested me. To me, it's always felt bland and simple, just with really polished graphics.

13 years ago

I'd buy a console for a Monster Hunter game LOL

13 years ago

I have both systems and can appreciate a good game when I play one.Like Ben said this is a gaming site in general.Having played all Halos,Reach is by far the best one.Halo 2 multiplayer was awesome because of its function and party system.Iam on my 3rd 360 in over 6 years if this one goes Iam done with them,but in the mean time Iam gonna enjoy Reach for what it is a great online shooter.I will say that the PS3 has my heart now and will 4eva.

13 years ago

Ha. No thanks. This PS3 fan has too many PS3 games to play instead.

13 years ago

Yeah, but ps3 owners still have to be open-minded towards other games on other systems.

13 years ago

Except those who have owned 1. Ain't that right jawknee? As for myself I have a wii and a ps3. Sadly gave up on pc gaming.

13 years ago

exactly bugz… i mean come on, of course i got a PS3, that's why i am seen here every now and then… but i have only owned a PS3 this gen… i thought about one day being able to play some of these exclusive xbox games like left 4 dead, gears of war, and even alan wake… the fable series and even mass effect (we are finally getting that last one tho)…

you can say that the PS3 has a ton of games to play (myself included) but, the xbox does have some exclusive games that are worth playing too… i've always been a PS3 gamer but, the xbox does have games… i bought the gamecube just to play metroid, zelda, and harvest moon… i hope to someday buy a 360 just to play some of these games i never got the chance to…

seems like the time might be right in the near future to check out the other side someday… halo 2 and 3 were not quite my thing, i've played them at friend's houses… but, i am down for some of the other exclusive offerings…

13 years ago

I dont know if thats true BUGZ because I said that a game could be good on ps3 and xbox(I think it was a game Kojima was thinking of making) and I got thumbed down and everyone was a little bias about it.

13 years ago

Fact of the matter is that we are all somewhat biased towards a specific system. However, it shouldn't mean that we should not be open-minded towards other games regardless what system it is based on. Yes, Ps3 has a copious amount of exclusives- good exclusives, but it shouldn't mean that games like Alan Wake, Halo, or Gears shouldn't get the attention from Ps3 or even Wii supporters as it gets from 360 supporters. Halo reach is a good game, and shouldn’t be ignored because we prefer the Ps3 or the Wii. The same goes with the Ps3 and the Wii…. Didn't Kevin Butler give a speech about this on E3?

Last edited by Bugzbunny109 on 9/24/2010 11:11:35 PM

13 years ago

Only so much time. Plus owning another Xbox is out of the question. The investment isn't worth the risk.

13 years ago

Its hard to give up on pc gaming, it seems every time i quit i get sucked back in with something lik tropico or starcraft

13 years ago

I "gave up" pc gaming. But Starcraft, Team Fortress 2 and a couple others brought me back a little bit. I don't care about Halo. As far as I'm concerned Halo is one of those games I play when I go over to a friends house and we have a lot of people wanting to play a easily picked up game. I have no interest in the story line of halo let alone enough to buy a 360. If at some point I play it at a friends house that's ok, but I'm not going out of my way to pick it up.

13 years ago

I agree with Bugz, it's always important to keep an open mind. Having said that, I agree with Jawknee, some of us only so much time. I can't even keep up with PS3 exclusives let alone select multiplat titles that catch my interest.

13 years ago

Tropico is awesome. If only there were games like that on the PS3.

13 years ago

since we have the guts to pop $500 on amazing hardware, i think us ps3 owners can afford a simple 360, im considering getting one so i can play some of the neat 360 games

13 years ago

this is a playstation site remember. not xbox sorry halo not welcome here.

13 years ago

Hey, like Kevin Butler said at Sony's E3 Conference. All gamers have a place with Sony and the Playstation franchise.

13 years ago

Come on man, give credit where its due

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

This is a gamer's site, remember.

13 years ago

yeah, sorry Bobfather. I prefer the PS3 for a great number of reasons, and in my personal opinion, it is number 1 by a long shot. But that doesn't mean other systems can't make quality games.

Take the Wii, for example. HUGE amounts of absolutely SHITE games, but it's got it's fair share of gems, for sure!

13 years ago

Microsoft will never get any of my money, but that attitude is unnecessary and unwanted. From the thumbs down, it's pretty clear you don't speak for the community here.

Good games are good games.

13 years ago

Halo has been the same since halo 2, I played all the halos and they are just not any good, they suck. the only time I ever got in to it and kinda enjoyed it was Halo 2 on the PC. It's probably because I can't stand the Xbox's controller. Halo sucks in my eyes, and since Microsoft owns em, well they suck too always has and most likely always will.

GT5 Countdown: 38 days

13 years ago

I'll be damned. A guy at my work made a countdown to GT5 and the days get crossed off each morning. Can't cheat though, weekends get crossed off only on Mondays.

13 years ago

I won't play Reach because I don't have a 360, but I'll look forward to Bungie's multiplataform project.

Last edited by hellish_devil on 9/24/2010 9:49:36 PM

13 years ago

I would rather look into Crysis and Rage. That's just me. I believe that whatever Bungie is working on will focus on Xbox first, since that's what they've worked on for so long. Crysis and Rage really pushes all platforms.

Halo Reach has many scenes (not including the space fights) have empty terrains, which makes the graphics look dated.

13 years ago

Meh Halo never did it for me. I felt it was just a lot of hype amongst people. I got about 3/4 of the way through the 1st one and just got bored. However multiplayer was always fun. One of the last games I played versus, split screen style.

To me though, people (uneducated x-box fanboys)like Halo because they are told to like Halo. There have been better FPS IMO.

Last edited by laxpro2001 on 9/24/2010 9:51:09 PM

13 years ago

Dare I say Call of Duty is a better FPS than Halo? I enjoyed Call of Duty games more than Halo. The only reason I liked the first one so much was because it was like a gradutation for my friends and I from Golden Eye. But after that, I got distracted with my GameCube the rest of last gen. I gave Halo a try again when I used to have a 360, never finished it. Never player online because I never signed up for LIVE.

13 years ago

I personally think Halo was a smash hit because of Microsoft's advertisements. The amount of money and attention that Halo series are getting are undefeatable. Amazon gave out $20 giftcards even a week after Halo Reach is released.

I think Halo is a 3 million seller game in real life, but Microsoft "made" it into a 10 million seller.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

There's no doubt Halo is as big as it is because of Microsoft promotion. There's also no doubt that plenty of followers blindly ignore most other FPSs. Lastly, I also believe there have been better FPSs, Killzone 2 included.

That being said, I DO acknowledge all that and I'm still more than ready to defend Reach's quality. That should say something.

13 years ago

Singleplayer looks good and fun, but the multiplayer looks like the same crap I could not stand with the other ones.

Anyways I have way to many PS3 games going on right now, and in the immediate future.

I did hear a few of kids on my soccer team I coach talking about it though. They were all mentioning the bunny hop play type, and that was just another nail in the coffin for me.

13 years ago

I played this for about 20 minutes at Walmart. Usually enough time for me to know if I want the game or not. In the end, I found it to be more of the same which might be fine for some people, but I stopped caring about Halo after the first one.

13 years ago

Lol bunny hop! Oh well they're young what can you do about it.

13 years ago

The bunny hop play type is not limited to 9,10, and 11 year olds. My 14 year old son told me how his friend was telling him about the hop till you get behind them attack. Additionally, my 30 year old friend uses the same style.

No thanks.

Last edited by maxpontiac on 9/24/2010 10:08:40 PM

13 years ago

Actually I thought people stopped the bunny hop? Guess not. I know they're starting to do the same in uncharted though :(. Kinda lame if you ask me.

13 years ago

Halo's contribution to multiplayer? The bunny hop.
Oh, I don't play Uncharted online either.

13 years ago

You should its fun. Just blast the hoppers with the hammer and the won't be jumping anymore! 😛

13 years ago

Yea I agree with everybody's sentiments on the halo matter. I really liked the 1st one when it came out but since it kept going downhill from there I stopped trying to get back on the wagon and play it. Lost interest I guess. I'll give this a try since my bonehead of a cousin just bought himself an xbox 360, guess what he got duped into buying it with them saying God of War 3 was coming to it his loss I guess.

Off topic: who is this guy that keeps bashing Ben? I stumbled upon it and he claims he's a great journalist while Ben is not!
Also 3d dot game heroes is $20 at Frys. Don't know if its just Las Vegas though.

13 years ago

Amazing how some people will believe anything.

13 years ago

Yup feel a bit bad but oh well he didn't listen. Now he's stuck with it since they won't allow him to return it.

13 years ago

These same type of people will believe Microsofts line of not needing Blu Ray as well.

In the mean time my friend asked me if GT5 will be needing 11 DVD's… LOL

13 years ago

I've seen a few people bashing Ben before.

13 years ago

Probably more! 1 for every premium car lol! Microsoft also said that bluray will be replaced quicker by its next format. 2 or 3 yrs supposedly.

13 years ago

Yeah. Microsoft believes digital downloads will replace physical media.


13 years ago

@ snaaake

I'm not to sure. I know he has a blog of sorts. I followed a link from someone. I like coming here and some guy said don't go to that half assed site check this out. It led me to there. Have to check and will tell you the name later.

13 years ago

Microsoft is contradicting everything they are saying. They keep saying blu-ray will be replaced by digital download, but I don't see them support any digital download. PS3 is the only machine with a hard drive in every console. How can you digitally download without a hard drive.

Yes digital download WILL replace blu-ray eventually, but how many years? 20?

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