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Dante Needs Cole’s Plastic Surgeon

Well now, it appears we have another image snafu on our hands.

You probably remember the first one. It had to do with an unexpected character overhaul that generated quite the backlash; the bad-ass that was the original Cole in Sucker Punch's inFamous disappeared and in his place, a backpack-toting, skateboardin' douchebag (or so he was often called) appeared. But thankfully, said backlash was severe enough and the fans were vocal enough, and the developers did something rarely seen before: they reacted to fan feedback and changed Cole's image. We didn't get the original Cole back, but new Cole is better; you can get a good look at the re-overhauled hero in this recent gameplay video .

But will Ninja Theory do the same thing? It might be too early to tell, but if one were to take an early litmus test of the average fan's mood, the results would be clear: nobody seems to like the new Dante. And the worst part is, the developers and Capcom remade the character specifically to cater to the Western audience…and that audience hasn't responded well. If you missed it, you can check out the first screenshots and the debut trailer that premiered at the Tokyo Game Show this past week. The action is nice and Ninja Theory probably has what it takes, but it's just that image…the "emo loser" description seems to be flying around the Internet. Now, whether or not it's young Dante or a whole new Dante is currently unknown but that clarification almost seems irrelevant.

The question is whether or not the backlash will get big enough, and if it does, whether or not the designers will do anything about it. But maybe this is jumping the gun. Maybe only the naysayers flooded in first with their replies because…well, because the hostile fools that tend to populate most message boards have massive inferiority complexes and simply must be heard in a virtual space. They're ignored in reality, after all. But anyway, what say you? Should Ninja Theory follow the same route as Sucker Punch? Or will it not matter at all? Great games tend to override such matters and we're guessing the gameplay in the new DMC is gonna be awesome. But when we have a main character nobody seems to like…

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14 years ago

I don't think there's anything wrong with the new guy, he looks like he could be a young inexperienced-in-demon-powers and not-yet-scared-silver Dante. He clearly has the same attitude, wheres Cole was changed into a surfer or skateboarder or something.

But if they go and change it back I got no problem with that either. The moral of the story is that Westernization pisses off Westerners. We tend not to like it very much.

14 years ago

Agreed. I initially made a comment of the game (not having seen the vid for myself as our office network blocked it). What i was most worried about is that we'd be seeing a repeat of DMC2, arguably the weakest game in the series.

14 years ago

But the new junkie look was definitely salt on an open wound.

14 years ago

I agree with TWEWM. The new young Dante looks like a teenager with anger issues, which is, I think, precisely what the developers were going for. He's inexperienced, he hasn't learned how to fully control his abilities yet, and he's pissed off. The look works for that. Maybe by the end of the game we'll see a little more of the original Dante come through, but if not, meh, I'm pleased.

14 years ago

Yep, it does not look that bad but, changing a character that much is just strange, it takes something away from the game…
Sorry World for going of topic on your thread but, my PS3 just keeps giving me the message "The hard disk's file system is corrupt and will be restored" I tried to run the restore a bunch of times but no dice 🙁 does anyone knows if I can still pull my saves out of it somehow? Does any of the Linux live CDs can read PS3 partitions?
Many thanks in advance for any help you guys can provide!

14 years ago

One thing that hit me so hard is that Dante never smoke or drink but he drinks strawberry sundays. Which is his style and never should be change. Of course the new look will be quite hard to accept by fans since it is same for previous 4 games.

14 years ago

He looks like something out of Twilight or something…

14 years ago

I have a strong feeling this will be anther silent hill. the trailer was a pain for old
DMC fans.

14 years ago

I was a bit upset about this before, but now I've calmed down. Ninja Theory handling DMC is not all that bad, they are after all a proven studio.

Again, I was upset they changed Dante but the more I look at him, the more I like, but the problem for me is that he look nothing like Dante. Remove the fighting scene from the trailer and you wouldn't know it's friggin' Dante.

If they can do this to one of their big franchise, I have fear that in the future Mega Man will be holding a gun instead of shooting from his arm.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
14 years ago

I don't like the new look. At all. I mean, Nero can't have been any older than twenty-ish and his hair was silver. It doesn't make sense for Dante to be a brunette, or blackhead, or whatever colour you want to call it. He's half-demon and the white hair is a series staple.

I think that, no matter how large the fan backlash, Ninja Theory will not change Dante back, simply because they are a new developer working on what they consider to be a new take on the franchise, rather than another entry into the existing canon. Another thing that bothers me is why in the hell are they not doing Devil May Cry 5, and rounding up all the unresolved plot points of the series before rebooting it. Who exactly is Nero and his relationship to Dante/Sparda? What happened to Dante after the end of DMC2 and how did the guy find Yamato in DMC4? More importantly, is Vergil really finished?

Oh, and Capcom promised me DMC: Dance of Sparda. I still want that, even though it was cancelled. Scrap NT's project and give me that instead. Let NT work on an IP all of their own rather than forcing them to b*stardise one beloved by many.

14 years ago

"Who exactly is Nero and his relationship to Dante/Sparda?"

Maybe this guy is a younger Nero? We don't know his history before joining the Order or how his devil trigger was awakened. Maybe his hair turned white when his DT was awakened. Maybe he lost his arm and was saved by the Order. We don't really know anything beyond a kid wearing a red cloak while fighting demons. Capcom made an origin game after DMC2 so maybe we're getting an origin game for Nero now that he's part of the series.

I can't offer an explanation for why he calls himself "Dante." Unless we're getting a reboot. Which I agree is stupid.

14 years ago

I'd be real upset if Tecmo ever re-booted the look of NG while it was still an on-going series. DMC isn't as close to my heart as NG so this change isn't too hard for me to swallow. But more of a concern is how this re-design will boil over onto other japanese games. In a way, I hope it performs worse than DMC4. THis way no other company will try and follow Capcom's lead.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
14 years ago

I'm not the biggest fan of DMC, only having played the latest two, but it sh*ts me to tears to know that there are so many things unresolved and they are planning to leave it as is.

But Nero's DT first activated during the course of DMC4 **SPOILERS** when he got a hold of Yamato. **END SPOILERS** Unless you're referring to his demonic arm. Which is another unresolved question in the series.

Master Temjin,
Given the popularity of the current gen consoles now and when DMC4 was released, I can only see this selling far better. Following your logic, we may well see this happening a great many more times, starting undoubtedly with Resident Evil and slowly spreading outwards. Dare I say Parasite Eve, Yakuza, Persona, perhaps even Suikoden will get 'Western' reboots? BTW, wasn't NG already rebooted from its days on the SNES and SEGA consoles, or were those storyline all wrapped up before the modern incarnation?

14 years ago

Yeah… I messed up there. I was thinking of Nero's devil arm. (-_-)

Wasn't Nero's devil trigger a little weird though? It was right handed–Nero is left handed remember–and a huge spectral-thing instead of a physical transformation like Dante or Virgil. If Nero is a descendant of Sparda then why doesn't he physically change? Strange…

And maybe the devil bringer is the sword shown in the trailer. Could the "devil bringer" sword become Nero's right arm? We see the sword extending to grab a car and the devil bringer did "extend" in a way.

Anyway, it's a better idea than a reboot, IMHO.

Last edited by Kangasfwa on 9/18/2010 1:16:37 AM

14 years ago

Yeah, Lawless. NG has been around for a long time. There was a major gap, though. It hasn't been an on-going series because of the nearly 3 generation gap between the new and old.

14 years ago

I think the whole redesign will be further reaching than just Dante's look. In the case of Cole, the whole vibe of the game seemed intact from before other than the new look for Cole. In DMC's case, the whole game is being rebooted so expect to see all kinds of changes.

14 years ago

Just make his hair all silver. Other than that it seems ok to me as it is supposed to be a young Dante or maybe a totally new Dante but either way he's gotta have the silver hair.

14 years ago

He does have silver hair on his head in patches but you have watch the trailer closely & pause it in certain spots to catch it though. I mean maybe as a feature of the game as you progress through the story unlocking new abilities his hair will eventually turn completely silver.

Last edited by GuyverLT on 9/18/2010 4:57:35 PM

14 years ago

well i hate the new dante, i think he looks like a lesbian in the mug shot…

at all other times he look like an emo drug addict and like he got his ass all beat to hell and back which shouldn't happen, but i think the worst part is that MvsC3:FTW still uses the real dante and he doesn't appear in his own game what the hell is the logic in that?

how does a scrawny drug addict appeal to westerners more than the actual dante?

14 years ago

Lots of scrawny drug addicts in the west.

14 years ago

i love the DMC games all of them, but i have to say this all western touch thing is really annoying. just give us a true DMC game like always. also not sure about Ninja Theory doing this game especially what what they did in the new metroid game the reviews for it suck. i have to say right now i do not have hope for this new game, but things may change down the road i hope they do and yeah the image of this dante truly does not install the DMC feel like in the other games.

14 years ago

team ninja did metroid, ninja theory did heavenly sword

14 years ago

They're strong suit is action games like DMC not shooters.

14 years ago

You know it's a real shame, they talk about westernising their games, they're just doing it in all the wrong places. These pretty boy designs are typically Japanese, why not westernise this area?

Last edited by FxTales on 9/17/2010 11:44:50 PM

14 years ago

You guys DO know that the white/silver hair is just a staple of Japanese Anime right? It isn't unusual for a youngster to have white hair. It is unusual for a western character under 60 to have white hair though, so they changed it. Which is kinda stupid, but it isn't inconcievable that they would plan to tell us how he changed from a badass mental patient to a well-honed bar-owning badass whose hair got F'ed up when he came into his full powers.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
14 years ago

Okay, so white hair is standard japanese fare when it comes to characters. I'll accept that. But, you must remember that even before Dante activated his DT in DMC3, his hair was still white.

Besides, from what I've read about the trailer, 'Dante' appears to be in full control of most of his powers and attacks from the previous games. Again, as I mentioned above, NT and Capcom consider this a reboot, so while it may indeed show Dante becoming… well, Dante, it isn't really canonical to the other games which sort of negates your whole argument.

Although I hope to all hell that you're right.

14 years ago

I was just postulating Friend, things change in reboots. Look at the Batman films. But that's neither here nor there. All I was trying to say was nobody was addressing the fact that the hair was Anime, and that is going to appeal to the anime fans the most concerning that character.

What is interesting is that many say they dislike everything anime and have no clue they have already enjoyed it's influence. The first Matrix for instance was sometimes lifted scene for scene from Ghost in the Shell.

14 years ago

What! This is DMC?? I thought it was "Twilight The Game?" >.>

14 years ago

No more Trish/Lady…

Meh, this is a bad reboot.

14 years ago

I watched the video 3 times now. It's nice. I'm not liking the new look Dante. I saw Ebony & Ivory, that gives me hope. However until I have more details about story and if this is a reboot or not, I'll take a wait and see stance.

As for NT handling it, they made me take notice with HS. I think they can make it a decent game. But this whole trend of 'westernization' is making my head hurt.

14 years ago

"well, because the hostile fools that tend to populate most message boards have massive inferiority complexes and simply must be heard in a virtual space. They're ignored in reality, after all"

After saying that, I wouldn't think they'd Change Coles design if this was true. I would think there would be way more vocal fans of DMC than Infamous. I don't like this new look and think it's very arrogant of Ninja Theory if they don't listen the fanbase. Oh well we all need a Video Game Martyr, why not Ninja Theory.

14 years ago

I can tolerate the new Dante…

14 years ago

Methinks it comes down to the fans, I like DMC, but was never hardcore about it so I can deal with it. The guys who have stuck with it are likely to be much more upset though.

14 years ago

The new look is not good by east west north or south standards. Skunk hair, queer clothes and trying to make smoking look cool like he's from the 50s?

Why couldn't they just make a new character for the DMC series? Are they all out of names? Gotta call this new peacock Dante?

14 years ago

The 50's ARE cool. Fallout 3 = 1950's

14 years ago

Bioshock = 1950's.

14 years ago

I'm SO buying New Vegas. One more month WorldEnds, ONE more month.

14 years ago

Resistance 2 = 1950's

14 years ago

When you are in a mental institution you do lose a few pounds… not that I was ever in one, or that the White Coats asked me nefarious questions…

14 years ago

Not diggin that Dante so much. He looks unhealthy and unkept lol. But the trailer looks good!

14 years ago

no it doesn't man. you do realize instead of making the graphics better they just made it look like RE5. i don't wanna know how bad the game play suffered.

14 years ago

Reminds me of the goober from Twilight.

14 years ago

"Team Belmont" t-shirt:

14 years ago

what is it with developers and making their characters look like teenage delinquents lately?
cole, dante, whos next?

14 years ago

Lara Croft?

14 years ago

Ben Dutka?

14 years ago

Agent 47 will grow a dread and wear bling bling.

14 years ago

47? o dear god no not him!

14 years ago

You're missing the quotes from DMC's creator on Twitter about how he dislikes this new look as well. That would'a cemented it. Heh.

14 years ago

I didn't buy DMC 4, hell I didn't buy 2. I'm not buying this.

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