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Uncharted 3 Will Be The Best Game Ever Made

Okay, bear with me on this:

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves is arguably the greatest game of the generation and certainly the best game of 2009. GameSpot tried to be different by giving it to Demon's Souls , but Naughty Dog's unbelievable sequel was so amazing, it was essentially the default choice for most sources. And has anyone noticed the reaction that game gets if it's placed before an out-of-touch individual who doesn't really know anything about modern interactive entertainment? Only Heavy Rain could prompt that level of awe and complete and utter confusion. Why? Uncharted 2 is the closest I, or any of us, have come to actually playing an action movie.

But there's something else at play, here. The original Uncharted was great, too, if you may recall. And yet, the developers found a way to keep absolutely every facet of the first title that made it awesome, and only set about to add more greatness. In my opinion, the end of Drake's Fortune sort of felt tacky and didn't really seem to gel with the adventure. The finale of Uncharted 2 ? Simple and almost perfect. The acting and storytelling got a little better, the gameplay somehow managed to get a bit tighter, there was more variety overall, and I don't think there was even one moment of boredom, frustration, or disappointment. Now, all this being said, what if the designers take this same approach into Uncharted 3 …?  Now, maybe lightning never strikes twice and the team just isn't capable of doing this so perfectly again, but to not have faith in Naughty Dog at this point is borderline sacriligious.

I mean, wouldn't the result quite simply be the greatest video game of all time? Yes, yes, we can argue about personal preferences all day long, but I've never bought into the idea that if I dislike something, that personal opinion somehow affects the inherent quality of the product. As I always say, you can like the McDonalds hamburger more than the filet mignon; that doesn't mean the McDonalds burger is a superior piece of beef. Of course, it's a sliding scale and the closer two things come to each other in terms of quality, the more opinion plays a role (i.e., are you more impressed by a Mozart work or the Sistine Chapel?). But overall, stepping back and viewing the whole situation, and doing our best to compare what Uncharted 3 should be in relation to all other games we've ever seen, the answer may be clear.

Ah, but you see, Final Fantasy Tactics will always remain my favorite game of all time. It's why a "Favorites" list and a "Best" list will always be a little different.

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13 years ago

U sir, are my idol…

13 years ago

I need a Game of The Year Version!!!!!!!

13 years ago

Sunni, its a game worth having the normal AND GoTY version (if that comes out ill buy it as well!)

13 years ago

I have faith that they CAN, indeed pull it off. They're on a roll. They have the PS3 format DOWN. Now's when they just keep churning out top notch experiences. I'd also like them to go out of their way to be a little quirky… To surprise people, not just in their game designing prowess, but creativity.

13 years ago

Thus is another benefit of developing exclusive games. After a few years of playing with the tech you can master it and exploit it for all its worth instead of fiddling with multiple consoles.

13 years ago

I believe it. I didn't think 2 was going to be much better then 1. how could it? Drakes Fortune was a gem in 2007. Still is. I figured we would only see minor improvements like fixing screen tearing and other tech issues. But to my surprise they managed to make the game as a whole, a whole lot better.

13 years ago

I loved Uncharted 2, It is one of my favorite games and is one of the best I have ever played.
Uncharted 3 is already a day one buy for me.

13 years ago

They do can pull it off though but we'll see.

In my mind the one who will make the best game ever is Hideo Kojima and I still think so.

13 years ago

He's already made one of my favorite series of all time I'm not going to put pressure on him to make the best game of all time.

13 years ago

I can't wait for this, I want it almost as I want BF3 which for me is a HUGE deal.

13 years ago

My God, a 3rd sequel to an already great game? I can not belive it being possible. I see it as trying to create life from nothing. But i'm just really happy to hear that they will make it so.

13 years ago

i can not wait to hear details of this game. i didnt play uncharted 1 until 2 weeks before 2 came out. now i cant wait for another. uncharted is an amazing franchise.

13 years ago

I also came late to the party though not as late as you. haha It wasn't until late 2008 that i picked up Drakes Fortune.

13 years ago

This is off topic but I finally platniumed Assassin's Creed II and LittleBigPlanet today! I also mastered Master Ninja Mode on Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 and I'm only 1 trophy away from that platnium ;D

Last edited by sonic1899 on 8/6/2010 10:27:08 PM

13 years ago

Niiiice. :3

13 years ago

Oh wow, lbp's plat is hard!

13 years ago

…usually I,m not bothered by negatives, but why am I being thumbs down for talking about my plats? The last thing I expected from this site was to be thumbed down by talking about my PS3 accomplishments

13 years ago

Jealousy!?!? 😉

13 years ago

Props on beating NGS2 on MNM mode, especially. The chick missions were brutal. I'm surprised you don't get platinums for them alone.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

My biggest question is what mythology and treasure they will use third time round. If they've already managed to perfect the story telling facet and gameplay, then what story are they going to tell? I shouldn't be worried as they've done a damn fine job on their first two games, but I can't help but question.

Also, I really hope that they can craft the fourth game in full 1080p HD, just to be different. Yeah, I meant fourth, they need a way to improve it upon the best game ever, and if all they can do is graphics, then go ahead.

Last edited by Lawless SXE on 8/6/2010 10:34:24 PM

13 years ago

Maybe the Aztecs/Mayans, or maybe an Egyption thing or maybe all of the above and MORE 0.0

13 years ago

How about some Atlantis under water action?

13 years ago

I dont care what anyone says the end of Uncharted: Drakes Fortune was not "tacky" at all. The story in Uncharted had me grasping for my controller the whole time. Not to say Uncharted 2' story was worse, but the twist and the search for Francis Drake was on a much bigger scale to me. Maybe because Drakes relation to Francis Drake. It felt more meaningful in the end!

But both are great games, and to me Uncharted 2 is the best game I've ever played, and it is my favorite. It did everything right, EVERYTHING!

13 years ago

It came pretty close to perfection… there is still a little room for improvement… but it is so small it is negligible… Uncharted 3 will iron out those last few kinks and it should turn out to be one of the best experience ever in video gaming history…

Uncharted 3 may just be that infliction point that makes Hollywood realise their future is really in doubt… and what a great day that will be… to play a movie rather than watch the damn thing…



13 years ago

I have to agree with you, it did seem to have a more meaningful story and I am one of the few if not the only person to like humanoid creatures towards the end, that my friends was a twist I didn't see coming. my girl was watching me play when I got my first glimpse of these beast, I have to admit I jumped a little bit when it scattered across the screen in the distance (yeah she laughed at me). But at the same time no one had a problem with the tree of life that gave people super powers (I didn't have a problem with either) in UC2.

"But both are great games, and to me Uncharted 2 is the best game I've ever played, and it is my favorite. It did everything right, EVERYTHING!" QTF nothing more to say.

13 years ago

Absolutely agree with you %100.

13 years ago

"Uncharted 3 Will Be The Best Game Ever Made". Pffff….No, you guys ever heard of Halo Reach? BEST GAME EVER.

*Huge sarcasm by the way*

Last edited by Bugzbunny109 on 8/6/2010 11:31:05 PM

13 years ago

It's not a biased prediction to think the third could be greater than the second. It's a total possiblility, I look forward to this than anything else, this franchise is like THE franchise I anticipate. A lot of us do.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

Oh, I've heard of it. And if it doesn't do something new for ONCE, I will not ever play another Halo.

13 years ago

But Ben, you can play in space for the first time in Halo Reach… that part does look awesome I have to admit…



13 years ago

Killzone 3 will be all the space I need. 🙂

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

Qubex: I'll definitely play it; I've played every Halo, including ODST (which was decidedly lame).

But as I haven't seen anything much different since the original Halo, Reach had better finally innovate.

13 years ago

ben, i think you are asking too much from halo lol, it wont do what you asked but i wish it did. But fanboys will hail it as the best thing ever

SirLoin of Beef
SirLoin of Beef
13 years ago

I'm excited to play Reach. Do I think it's the best ever? Nope. Does that mean I can't enjoy it? Not at all.

13 years ago

Is the sequel after Reach going to be 'Halo: Jumping The Shark'?

13 years ago

No doubt Naughty Dog will create another explosive game and another GOTY contender. However, I can't agree with you on this article, ben.
First of all, its a little premature to say that it will be the best game ever made since Naughty Dog has not officially unveil the game. Again, not to say ND won't produce another spectacular game.
Next, lots of games or even other things in the world tend to fail in the eyes of consumers even though the product was good simply because of the insanely high expectations and pressure from the gaming industry.
I can't imagine the pressure ND is facing now to outdo themselves of what they did with UC2. All I am saying is we shouldn't build up the hype train so soon and we shouldn't pile too much pressure on ND. Or else everyone will be left disappointed and hence starts the flaming and ranting.

13 years ago

a bit premature, but its not like they can't do it. I just want them to take as much time as needed to make this a UC3 and not a UC2.5, even if it doesn't come out fall of next year

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

I will assume the vast majority of the PSXE readership can understand that this article is for fun and discussion, and we don't LITERALLY say that Uncharted 3 will be the best game ever, as if it's some kind of universal fact.

I realize that when the article gets picked up elsewhere, THOSE people will act like children. But this community is waaaaay too smart for that. …yes? 😉

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 8/7/2010 12:46:26 AM

13 years ago


13 years ago

The hell… I'm satisfied even if Uncharted 3 ends up with no improvements, but just Uncharted 2 with a different story.

13 years ago

Uncharted 3, RockNRolla.

13 years ago

MGS4 wasn't that much longer in gameplay excluding the cut scenes. It was longer no doubt but not to make a statement with. I kind of get where your going with the RPG, but in a whole why does length help a game with replay value to you? I'm actually asking an honest question, im not trying to be a smart ass or anything!

But either way I've replayed both through completion about 7 times, still just as fun the next time through as the first. and I'm even playing UC2 again through right now. Add the MP and its got plenty of replay value.

13 years ago

thats what she said

13 years ago

Good one! 😉

13 years ago

this is why i could never bring myself to buy god of war 3. Just had to rent it for 7 bucks and you can beat the single player.

13 years ago

And thats fine if you just want to beat it!

But if your like me, who plays through games 3-5 times maybe even more, then ya gotta buy it!

13 years ago

I wish there'd be more supernatural stuff in UC3.

If immortal juice exist in UC2, why not for more?

13 years ago

ps3 yea but not of all time.
i really hope they inject a proper believable less Hollywood story in U3.
uncharted 2 had so many plot holes it looked like swiss cheese!
not only that but it was so far fetched typical rambo action storys.
we need a proper deep realistic story something believable like AC not a Hollywood blockbuster!

they could of gone so far with the stories i mean they have covered 2 of the worlds most famous people, and 2 of the worlds most famous cities!
El Dorado and shamballa are mysteries to man, they really could of delved in and given us there vision there story of how the places came to be and there history and such.
but instead they were just background, a reason for travel.
uncharted 2 and KZ2 are 2 of the worst stories ever put into a video game!

i really hope ND and GG put a propper story into their next games, because as ninja theroy said storyline is more important than anything in your game!
i would not go as far as too say that, gameplay is more important than storyline but a great storyline will have you coming back time and time again, great gameplay wont!
a great storyline is what grips the player, makes him want to play more of the game, its what immerses them into the game!
if im not at TAFE thinking hmmmmmm i wonder what happenes next after the level i played last night than the games story has failed!
i remember finishing infamous and i was thinking about it and talking about it for weeks!
trying to put all the pieces together, to have a perfect understanding of what happened, who all the characters were and what they had to do with the story.
same with AC2, ive been wondering WTF that women was talking about at the end of the game since late november when i finished it!

thats what makes alan wake so f*cking brilliant!
the gameplay is crap, but the story is so intriguing, well thought out, and well interesting! it keeps you back wanting more!
it constantly leaves you asking questions, guessing why this happened, what it meant, what could happen next thats what keeps people interested because it really answers nothing it leaves your imagination to run wild!
thats what a good story needs to do, it needs to leave things open for contemplation!

13 years ago

I'm starting to think you're one of those crazy people who yell at passerby on the street…

"uncharted 2 and KZ2 are 2 of the worst stories ever put into a video game!"

13 years ago

lol I had to stop reading at that line.

The only conclusion I can reach is that he gets paid for every thumb down, and he has a crippling mortgage.

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