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Ben’s Week In Review: August 1

Well, Monday is my birthday but…well, you stop looking forward to birthdays after 30. 😉

Deus Ex: Human Revolution not getting enough respect

Granted, we haven't seen any gameplay just yet and one can argue the series has only gone downhill since the original became a big-time phenomenon on the PC. But I've very much enjoyed all my Deus Ex experiences and the upcoming Human Revolution looks and sounds fantastic. It's great to hear the developers are holding tight to the "core values" that made this franchise so damn good to begin with. I must also refer you back to the debut trailer that really got me psyched. Yes, we most certainly need gameplay footage before we can pass further judgment but the concept alone is enough for me to be very, very excited. Many have likely forgotten the days when the name "Deus Ex" immediately evoked a smile and a "man, that game was awesome " reflection, or if they haven't forgotten, the feeling has faded.

I accept that. But while there are plenty of potential masterpieces slated for 2011, you really shouldn't ignore Human Revolution . It wouldn't surprise me at all if it ended up being one of the best games of next year.

L.A. Noire has a lot to live up to

I only say this because we've waited quite a long time, and Team Bondi has been making some fairly bold claims in 2010. Most recently, we've heard more about the Motion Scan technology they're utilizing for L.A. Noire , and it sounds pretty damn impressive. The part that struck me is the interrogation aspect of the gameplay; the fact that Motion Scan will allow you to read the "tells" of a suspect to see if they might be lying. How cool is that? We all know what Heavy Rain has done for the industry and if the developers do their jobs correctly, L.A. Noire might be another step in the realm of interactive story-telling. Obviously, it won't embrace the revolutionary "no game over" philosophy in Quantic Dream's game, but the more designers can immerse their audience in the virtual experience, the better off we'll be. I still have my reservations for Team Bondi and this game here, but it could very well be excellent. And maybe, just maybe, something special…

Personal gaming update

I finally started playing Super Mario Galaxy 2 . I might do an article when I'm finally done with it (or far enough along where I can make an accurate assessment) but for now, let me just say this- firstly, as I don't own a Wii and I'm really only used to playing the best of the best, I didn't realize how spoiled I was – visually – until I started SMG2. I mean, I was expecting like Joe Danger quality in terms of HD color and style. But I sort of forgot the Wii isn't much more than the GameCube. So that was sort of jarring. But anyway, I got involved in the game and it works out well; I like it a lot, and the endless imagination of the developers is what stands out. You just never feel as if you're doing the same thing twice. That's absolutely great; I love continuing freshness and creativity.

…I guess I just don't get how it's a 10 or even a 9+ game. I mean, I'm sure it is, provided we're only counting the Wii's library. But if I have to compare this to Uncharted 2 , MGS4, Heavy Rain , Killzone 2 , Gears 2 , God of War III , etc…I mean, you can't even make that comparison, IMO. It's like one set consists of games from today and the other is a freshly styled version of the way video games were 15 years ago. And that's not necessarily a bad thing, either. I just think it needs to be said.

Might get Alan Wake for my birthday. If I do, I'll have to put SMG2 on hold to play it…don't hold it against me if I don't back to SMG2. 😉 I probably will, though.

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13 years ago

Even with all the reviews about SMG2's graphics being the best there is on the Wii, it's still quite disheartening when you see it and realize that we COULD have had HD Mario this gen.

There's nothing worse than Nintendo's constant refusal to get with the times. First it was refusing to go CD based, then it was the refusal to have online and now it's HD graphics.

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
13 years ago

So true. Fairytale Fights was so much better.

I kid! I kid!

13 years ago

don't forget that the wii doesn't support online. ur friend id is 0i3848847848486846 sthng is just ludicrous

13 years ago

The gamecube had some really nice graphics. Alot better than the PS2 and XBOX.

Check out Resident Evil 0 and 1 on gamecube. They were fantastic!!!

Plus MGS: Twin Snakes (the gamecube remake of MGS1), looks nearly identical, possibly better than MGS2 and MGS3.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Haha, your birthday is the same as my PS3, that's kind of odd.

I am very much looking forward to LA Noire, as I have stated in the past, and the MotionScan tech does indeed sound sweet, but it has to be up to the player to be good at reading people. If they aren't well, I don't think they'll get the same WOW factor from it.

Human Revolution also seems very interesting. I haven't played any of the earlier games, but reading about how Bioshock is similar to Deus Ex, and what I've heard about the customisation systems and the ability to play through the game without killing anyone, it's got me interested. I wouldn't discount this games ability to push the envelope and continue down the path that we have started to see with Heavy Rain, and L.A. Noire. I hope to see more games announced that make use of a solid, engaging storyline that makes you care about a character, and doesn't necessarily ask you to kill a couple of hundred people between intensely emotional cutscenes.

Personal Update:
Well, I wrote all of about two hundred words this week. Really annoys me when I run out of inspiration to finish off a scene. I'll get there sooner or later.
Didn't read much either, everyone at work was too excited for Friday night, which sucked. Yeah, I've only been reading on my lunchbreaks at work. Makes for very slow progress.
I still haven't gotten around to finishing Valkyria Chronicles. I'm on the last chapter though, and hope to have it finished sometime tonight… or this week.

Happy birthday Ben, and peace to one and all.

13 years ago

will never blame ya, although so many ppl worship Mario I never liked that bastard. on the other hand Alan wake is great

13 years ago

The drought in the weather and games is killing me now. Been too broke to let myself buy any new games. Resorting to Sacred 2 for an RPG fix.

13 years ago

It's actually a lot of fun.

13 years ago

still needs Red Dead Redmetion

13 years ago

Nice buttons 😀

13 years ago

nice buttons indeed, cant w8 to see the whole joystick

13 years ago

@TEG3SH umm what did your comment meant ??

13 years ago

u should look at the pic before bugs u'll understand what buttons means, and as buttons are usually part of joysticks… or to make it short (it means cant w8 to see her whole body) just adding to bugs' comment

Last edited by TEG3SH on 8/1/2010 12:20:09 AM

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
13 years ago

I've never heard anyone refer to a woman's body as a joystick before. That's usually a comment about a man's penis. WTH?

13 years ago

@fluffer nutter lol thats what I thought too

13 years ago

Super Mario Galaxy 2 > a lot of games this yea. I dare say 98% of them.

With only GOWIII standing up to it and inevitably GT5

13 years ago

GOD DAMINT if only somebody could kill a scarecrow

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

I really don't see how that's possible. It just doesn't compare to modern games. Bioshock 2, Red Dead Redemption, Heavy Rain, Final Fantasy XIII, Battlefield: Bad Company 2; I mean, these are all elite titles in the industry. I have NO idea how SMG2 qualifies in the face of that competition, when what I'm looking at could very easily have been done on the GameCube.

Look, it's a great game. …for the Wii.

13 years ago

@ Ben

thats what i meant exactly

13 years ago


In regards to Ben's comments on SMG2. I've often thought about how games are, or should, be measured. I've noticed on more than one occasion where Ben suggests certain games, usually Wii games, can not by compared to many of PS3's heavyweights. From what I can perceive, this is inherently due to the lack of the Wii's hardware abilities. As suggested in the editorial above, SMG2 lacks the kind of assets that would define the PS3's standards. Are the very best Wii games always going to be inferior to the very best PS3 games?

A few questions of mine arise from this:

How should games be measured?
What are the tangible qualities that define a game?
And what would be a good grading rubric for games?

The popular argument is that gameplay matters most.
If I were take God of War 3 and strip it down to work on PS2 hardware, how much about the game would be forced to change due to hardware constraints?
The graphics, sound, and vastness of some locations would obviously be slimmed down, but couldn't the bulk of the game-play still be preserved?

Assuming that it can, does God of War 3 have any right to obtain a GotY award if it's essentially a more visually impressive version of it's predecessors? Has anything about the gaming experience really changed outside of it's higher fidelity?

If SMBG2 had an HD-facelift would it become eligible to set among PS3's finest?

Maybe some of you believe it does.

Is there something else at play?

I'm curious to observe peoples' thoughts on this.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

All we can do is compare it to what is currently available and make an assessment. The comparison should be done against similar platforms, so nobody will comparing a PS3/360 game to an iPhone game. But in all honesty, I also don't think we can compare PS3/360 games to Wii titles. There's just too big of a gap.

For your God of War question, while the gameplay could indeed be retained if you stripped off the glossy veneer, you would lose part of the experience. As much as the Wii crowd wants to say graphics don't matter, the realistic have to face up to facts. What we are interacting with is moving pictures in front of us; the more we believe in those pictures, the better our experience will invariably be.

Furthermore, it requires extra hardware power to pull off certain gameplay mechanics as well. Certain boss fights in GoWIII might look amazing, but the team at Santa Monica will say that they require the sheer PS3 power to make them PLAY the way they do. If they could've done something like the Colossus fights in GoWII on the PS2, they would have.

And no, if SMBG2 was in HD, I still wouldn't say it's elite level. These days, the elite includes things like professional voice acting, professional orchestras and licensed music contributing to soundtracks, extra mechanical depth, storyline/plot construction, script writing, character development, etc. Now, how much of that is even IN SMG2?

The bottom line is that when I sit down to review RDR, I have to consider about a dozen MAJOR features that simply aren't in SMG2 or other Wii games. It's really like comparing "now" to "then."

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 7/31/2010 10:51:41 PM

13 years ago

I'm only going to discuss the last part of your comment – "If SMBG2 had an HD-facelift would it become eligible to set among PS3's finest?"

My answer – NO

As someone who owns a Wii and has played both SMG 1 & 2; I can say that the game is HIGHLY repetitive. Sure the levels change, but the goal is still the same as it was 20 years ago…get to the end of the level and get a star.

Games today on the PS3 have MANY different facets of development; graphics, gameplay, story, level design, character development, immersion, replay value….among others.

We said that SMG2 has great level design…I wont deny that…some of the levels are just ingenius with the inverted worlds or the play on gravity. But as Ben said…the graphics on the Wii are barely better than they were on the gamecube. And to me that does distract from the game slightly when the other games I'm playing are Uncharted 2 or Killzone 2.

As for gameplay…most of the time it's good, but at times it can be complete crap and feel totaly unresponsive. They do this thing where Mario doesn't immediately start running when you move the stick…he has to kinda "gain momentum" and it really just feels like he's glued to the ground.

As for story…there is none. Save the Princess. We talk about crappy stories in games…well this has to be not only the worst, but the most OVERUSED story in VG history. And to say that you should even be considered for GOTY when that's all you're bringing to the table….Hell no.

The game does have high production values for a Wii game. It is developed well, and it hits the mark on everything that it set out to do. So if running through some interestingly designed and colorful levels collecting stars is your cup o' tea then this game is for you. But looking at the game compared to everything else on the market….

Graphics – sub-par
Gameplay – adequate
Story – non-existant
Level design – top-notch
Character development – none; in fact if you somehow didn't know who Mario was, you sure wouldn't at the end of the game.
Immersion – Ha…I not once felt like I was a plumber
Replay Value – Considering the whole game is a repeat of SMG 1, I guess they get a little credit….but I will NOT go back to get the comet stars.

So it's a great game by Wii standards, but could it ever contend for GOTY among the PS3 finest?
Not in my book…not EVER.

EDIT: DAMMIT Ben, you beat me to it while I was typing…

Last edited by SvenMD on 7/31/2010 11:04:45 PM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

LOL It's okay, you said it differently. 🙂

13 years ago

I like what you have to say Ben, particularly the part about moving pictures.

SvenMD, I identify with many of your points.

But what about those games that don't attribute themselves to cinematic story telling?
Gran Turismo, online FPS, Madden and fighters (Street Fighter etc) etc are very sophisticated, yet, none contain many of those elements that a RDR, or other story-telling games, would have, or would need to. Is a story narrative crucial to the quality of a game? I would say that Gran Turismo doesn't need a story, and I'd probably be bothered by it if it tried (reflects on RR: Revolution)

To pick on Street Fighter (or insert any fighting game), it's story can be thrown away (I imagine stories are there to placate those who want a little more substance than just the complex fighting), completely optional to what motivates it's core players.
Even without their current-gen facelift, fighters have evolved quite minimally, especially Street Fighter.
From this site, the game still reviewed a 9.4 from John Sheppard (thee John Sheppard?! =p.. sorry)
I would imagine, in this case, the score represents the genre, not the gaming platform.

I'm beginning to think that relativity should be confined within the genre. Like Ben mentioned above, what is relative is all we can go on. But if that's so. Ratchet aside (I think it's more like 50/50 shooter/platformer) wouldn't Mario be the "best" pure platformer on the market? I can't think of another game in it's genre that really compares.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

No, see what you did there? Why "Ratchet aside?" That series is doing a million more things than Mario, and it's really only because of the hardware limitation. It's not just about graphics.

As for the others, they don't have as many elements as the other games; sports/racing games and fighting games are always pretty straightforward. But even so, better hardware allows developers to do far more things; the Wii hardware wouldn't allow for Gran Turismo 5 or SFIV, regardless of the fact that the genres haven't changed much. What HAS changed is what the categories of games are capable of and again, that's due to hardware capability.

I just don't think the Wii should be compared to the PS3 and 360; the overall experiences are too crazy different.

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 8/1/2010 12:49:26 AM

13 years ago

It's time that we stopped BSing each other and it's time that the industry stopped BSing the consumer.

There are currently 4 video game platforms of note, in no particular order they are;

HD gaming (360/PS3)
SD gaming (Wii/PS2)
Handheld console (DS/PSP)
Multi-function device (iPhone, Android phones)

PCs really are not part of this discussion, with the exception of a few 360/PC titles, the PC gaming market doesn't intersect with console gaming.

So there are four platforms. The point is that you cannot compare the games of one platform against the games of another platform with any degree of equivalence.

A typical iPhone game is not in any way comparable to Peace Walker, Chains of Olympus, LBP, GT, Soul Calibur, or any of the other PSP experiences you can have. The devices are too different, and intended for two different purposes. You can't do a direct comparison with the sole exception of older games that have been ported or are running inside an emulator. But really, are these the kinds of cutting edge games that we want?

The DS/PSP comparison is difficult too, because Nintendo persisted with a very inferior hardware platform. However even with the disadvantages it has the DS manages to keep going, OK it won't have a game like Peace walker or Chains of Olympus, but it does do very many games that only a dedicated handheld gaming device like the PSP and DS can do.

With home consoles, again it's nearly impossible to compare games on the SD platform. The graphics are just too different, and as several people have pointed out, it's not just the graphics, the entire game is missing elements because the hardware is simply not there. So there's no point comparing the version of Madden on the Wii/PS2 against the one on the 360 or PS3, they're just completely different games now.

As for the HD platform, the fact that the 360 is saddled with DVD instead of havig BluRay causes some issues, but fundamentally speaking both the 360 and PS3 are roughly equivalent in terms of mainstream 720p games. Both consoles can do things that no other console can, so games contain richer experiences that are only possible on these elite consoles.

But instead of openly talking about gaming in terms of this market segmentation, the industry and media continue to spin it as if Wii is totally on par with the 360/PS3. It's not and it can't be. I don't care how good the new Mario game is, there have been something like 18 trillion predecessors, so you'd have to hope tha by now the game mechanics, design, characters and sounds have been nailed at the level of perfection. At the end of the day, it could be the very best Mario game, but it is what it is, they best Mario game running on an SD platform. You can't compare it directly with stellar games on the PS3 or 360, it doesn't stand up at all. If the latest Mario had been done on the 360/PS3 then it could be so much more. OK, perhaps it wouldn't be, perhaps it would simply up-res in which case I'd have to hope that it would get shredded by the reviewers for being lazy.

But we have to start seeing and recognizing the segmentation of the gaming market. Gaming is so much bigger than it used to be 5, 10 or 20 years ago. The single market view of 20 years ago doesn't work now. Not only is there platform segmentation, but there is genre and demographic segmentation to consider too.

Until the industry, the media and we consumers start thinking about gaming that way, we are doomed to false comparisons of games, poorly targeted games and games written for the wrong demographic of gamer for the genre in question.

We have to become more sophisticated, or the gaming market will undergo a contraction of sorts. hen again, that might not be a bad thing, it might concentrate a few minds.

13 years ago

Ben, the reason I put Ratchet aside is because I think it's as much shooter as it is platformer. Just as I wouldn't place something like Motorstorm in the same category as Burnout. Similar in many ways, but different in many as well. Even if they are both racers.

I suppose, for me, my core values for gaming is rooted differently. For example, I think Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 is a better playing game than God of War 3 ( I love both games). When it comes down to the precision and the sort of elements that defines it's play, NGS2 will always be my pick.
Even if GoW3 bests in graphics, epic'ness, story etc.

Perhaps that's the difference between favorite games and best games… but anyway, I'll ponder this more some other time.

13 years ago

Wow, Highlander, mammoth sized. Those are some interesting thoughts on marketing and public perception.

For the record, I play very few Wii games. I started Metroid 3, and despite it being good, I just didn't want to keep playing it. I started Mario Galaxies and stopped playing it some ways in.. maybe 2/3s. Outside of some group games (Guitar Band, Mario Kart), that's about it. Well, actually, I played like an hour of the Twilight Princess… the wretched, oh, so wretched visuals I just couldn't tolerate. And I've observed some of SMBG2 in play and I was able to recognize many of the series trademark creativeness and excellence in design that is characteristic of the games.

The whole purpose behind my original post was not to defend the Wii and Mario Galaxy 2. Hence, my analogy of digressing GoW3 onto PS2. Rather, to delineate the elements that makes gaming great. If GoW3 scaled itself back, hypothetically, to PS2's abilities how would the game measure then? And when observing games like Sf4, with enough down-scaling, the gameplay can be captured similarly. Just look at SF3, for example. (Please don't get hung up on the specificity of this statement).

Rather, I'm coming to understand the motives of gamers and what interests them in play and the sort of criteria that gives cause for praise. I believe I've come to know Ben's values well enough.

In discussions with others I find varying perspectives on the matter of great games. It's interesting hearing people's "bests" in gaming. Just look at the varying GotY awards that are doled out each year.

Something that I can sustain is that gaming is a broad, broad road of entertainment that motivates and intrigues a wide variety of people. Thankfully, I've come to know what I value most from the games I choose to engage in.

13 years ago

All excellent points. I guess we're back to the question of what defines games, and how are they evolving. Clearly, a game like Mario which is really about classic gameplay and ingenious level design can't be fairly compared to something like Heavy Rain where bar-raising production values, graphics and motion-capture are not even an embellishment, but necessary to the gameplay and experience. Are we essentially comparing apples and oranges? Perhaps Mario would compare more easily with something like Echochrome or Braid? I'm curious how it would compare with Ratchet, because honestly, I haven't played the SMB Galaxies.

But Temjin brought up an interesting point with his GOW3 and NGS2 comparison. While both are HD, one game sports production values comparable to something out of Hollywood, while the other clearly doesn't, but has a stronger emphasis on action and core gameplay.

Personally, I found while GOW3 was more of an exciting experience the first playthrough, I found myself spending many more hours addicted to NGS2 (roughtly 130 hours vs 30 hours), and that's just counting the sp modes. And I'm still playing it!

Ben has said he isn't particularly the most diehard fan of the hack'n slash variety of games, so it makes sense that he'd be more impressed by GOW3's total package than, say, the intense challenge and action that is to be found in NGS2. But what is weird, is that I, as an apparent fan of the hack'n slash, and not particularly the biggest fan of shooters, have enjoyed and been enjoying Uncharted 2 more so than either game. And I enjoyed it more than a game like Heavy Rain which arguably has raised the bar in production-values higher than any game before it.

So what does this mean to me? It's a tender balance. While games are ultimately about gameplay, other element such as story, production values, music, graphics and sound are becoming increasingly non-peripheral just as the technology and our appetites are growing for them. Uncharted 2 is an example that does everything in proper proportion which why it epitomizes gaming to me. Having said that, I am still having a wicked goodtime with Demon's Souls. Having all these games (and many other personal favorites of mine like Wipeout, Ratchet, inFamous, LBP, GTA4, MotorStorms, and soon GT5) is why PS3 is the one-stop place for all my gaming needs. I don't need a PC, 360, or a Wii, because I have too much on my plate as it is, and unfortunately more than I'll ever get too fully ingest.

13 years ago

Just because gameplay is the most important aspect doesn't mean you can ignore all other aspects. Things like the story, development of the characters, the atmosphere, and the amount of immersion a player gets from a game are hugely important. We've gone beyond the simple playing of a video game and ventured well into the realms of taking part in an adventure.

13 years ago

Back from church and ready to some more post'n.
Yes, even ninja's need to repent of their sins =)

Thanks for your input Master Shams.
Mario is closer to Ratchet than Echochrome. It's the heavy shooter element of Ratchet that distinguishes itself most significantly from Mario. (I haven't played Braid)

I like the curious observation you pose by contrasting your preference of NGS2 to GoW3, yet, you prefer Uncharted 2 to either of them.
It's the game mechanic that drew the hours into NGS2 despite the superior production quality of GoW3. Yet, in Uncharted 2's case, it has trumped both games.

Often times I find myself observing games from the critic in me and then also the gamer in me. The critic must take into account the gaming conventions that represent their perception of greatness independent from personal preference. Hence, the term being objective. A checklist of criteria must be evaluated including the influence of less tangible qualities that may be weighed in as well.

Whereas, the gamer cares little for what the software is doing to evolve the understanding, or boundaries, that define gaming entertainment. This gamer simply indulges in the joy they obtain from engaging in a given title. Whether it's the detail of combat action, or aesthetic vibe a game generates, the gamer indulges in their appetite for it.
An example of this is found in online shooters. Tactical competitiveness is very attractive amongst the online CoD and Halo folk.

13 years ago

This is a good discussion on SMG2, and confirms what I thought would be the case. The thing that got me about the original SMG was the camera work – the camera really wasn't up to par with the PS2-era platformers, and the camera in a 3D platformer is really important to fluid gameplay. Would be curious to know whether they've improved the camera, as without a step up from the original SMG, I wouldn't rate it as better than the best PS2 platformers (Sly Cooper, R&C, original J&D).

13 years ago

Man, this is a LONG thread! But I can say in a word why SMG games can't quite be compared side by side on a plethora of games right now–INNOVATION. What it does is just continuing on a tried and tested formula (w.c isnt a fault on its own). It's like buying the best beeper out there. Sure you can't deny its the best, and its cool to have in the belt (for some) but we have cellphones now.

13 years ago

I seriously have a stalker, everything I post always gets a thumb-down before i even press submit….. just out of curiosity wanna know who are u???

13 years ago

Why do you care if you get thumbs down ? Its not affecting your life?

13 years ago

sometimes it does .sometime it does 🙁

13 years ago

It sounds like you're giving yourself a thumbs down when you submit your comment. If you don't like you own comments, why be surprised by the additional thumbs down?

13 years ago

Some random guy message me this:
Go to: XMB [PS3's Menu] from there go to > settings > accessory settings > audio device settings > input device > press the triangle button > settings > set echo canceller. Now, follow the instructions on screen.

Does anyone know what it does?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

As a general rule of thumb, you don't follow any "random" instructions you get through the Internet.

13 years ago

LOL true

13 years ago

I just try doing it but I could not find input device and echo canceller

13 years ago

Sounds like there is a delay induced audible echo of your voice on your headset. The echo cancellation is a noise cancellation that must be calibrated. I haven't used the options you mentioned, but I would suspect that they allow you to adjust the timing of the echo cancellation.

Funnily enough, I googled PS3 echo cancellation and the first hit was an article from PSXExtreme.

13 years ago

Just guessing, but it sounds like instructions for getting rid of feedback if you've got a headset.

13 years ago

I'm looking forward to seeing more from Deus Ex and I have high hopes for it even if it is from squeenix.

@ Ben

I was doing some internet searching and I was wondering why no news on Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2? The first one was a ps3 exclusive and it seems you guys didn't review it and now the second one comes out late september and I have seen no news about it here.

I know it wasn't uber popular, but that is sad because it's my favorite fighting game this gen. Even if you don't know anything about naruto the fighting in it is super fast paced and awesome.

Sadly it seems the 2nd one is on 360, but as long as the ps3 version is still in HD it shouldn't effect the gameplay.

Anyway, I'm playing Star ocean first departure right now, it's pretty good. Only about 10 hours in and there is so much to figure out with this game, combats pretty easy tho.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

Can't do everything. But in all honesty, I've never seen the game in any big headlines anywhere, so I don't feel like we're missing much.

13 years ago

That's the thing tho, it wasn't showcased much with the first one and it was a ps3 exclusive and IMO turned out to be the best fighting game I've played.

I have high hopes for the second one as well. As long as the kept the fighting the same, but added some new characters and new abilities I'll love it for sure.

The first one's story was pretty much the same as the beginning of the naruto manga and it looks as tho the second one will have to do with Shippuden.

I'm not a big fan of fighting games, but Ultimate ninja storm was a blast.

Edit: I'd also like to add that it's metacritic score was a 75 which is pretty good for a fighting game and it's user score was a 9.0

Last edited by kraygen on 8/1/2010 6:50:43 PM

13 years ago

Sounds like there are some reasonable arguments for covering the new game when it comes out…

13 years ago

This week I oredered a bunch of games, Xenosaga I, II, III, Dark Cloud 2, Heavenly Sword, Motorstorm: PR, LittleBigPlanet GOTY and Blazblue CT. All of them were really good deals, especially the Xenosagas

Last edited by hellish_devil on 8/1/2010 12:39:10 AM

13 years ago

Jeesh man, that's a lot of games. The Xenosaga's alone will keep you busy for quite a while.

13 years ago

HEY HEY WAIT! Don't buy Blazblue CT if you live in NA, because the sequel is already out.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x