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Ben’s Week In Review: June 13

You know, I'd probably be more excited about E3 if we didn't seem to already know everything.

So…what else can we possibly talk about this week?

I just worked up a newsletter – you'll see it tomorrow, as usual – that could very well have been the one you'd normally see for E3. We already have a ton of announcements and big game reveals: Killzone 3 , Devil's Third , MotorStorm: Apocalypse , the ninth Mortal Kombat , the new Driver , etc, etc, etc. I mean, what's left? We know about inFamous 2 , Dead Space 2 , Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood , Fallout: New Vegas , Call of Duty: Black Ops , Gran Turismo 5 , LittleBigPlanet 2 , Medal of Honor , Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II , Crysis 2 , F.E.A.R. 3 , Rock Band 3 , Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock , Enslaved , SOCOM 4 , and many others. How many game-related surprises could possibly remain? I have a feeling a big part of Sony's press conference will focus on the advent of 3D and the PlayStation Move, although I'm hoping for some new footage we haven't seen just yet. There are just so many games coming out and it almost seems as if we know about hundreds . It's a little overwhelming, actually.

If you're behind on the media, check our PS3 Videos ; we've got a ton of E3 trailers already. Maybe Sony will freak everyone out with a sneak peek at Uncharted 3 , or something nuts like that. It seems way too early, of course, but I'm just reaching for ideas. We know Rockstar won't be there, and Square-Enix won't have Final Fantasy Versus XIII , so…

I think I'm the polar opposite of a "voracious technophile"

So SCEA boss Jack Tretton says most PlayStation 3 owners can be categorized as "voracious technophiles," which is why they're a little more up on current technological matters. According to that cited survey, the majority of PS3 owners are not only aware of 3D gaming, they believe the new visual advancement is "important." Now, I do have my reservations on the matter but in referring to the aforementioned term, I've never been a "technophile" of any kind. I have a five-year-old cell phone I rarely use, I have no intention of upgrading, I've never owned an iPod or iPhone or iPad or iWantToGag or whatever. It's all so boring . I use my PS3 for gaming and watching some movies here and there, and that's it. I think I'll always use any video game console almost the very same way I've used them my whole life, although I do admit to liking the PlayStation Store and visiting often.

This being said, I guess it is fair to say that PS3 owners are, in general, a bit older and a bit more tech-savvy than Nintendo or Microsoft fans. It makes sense from the intended demographic standpoint, at any rate.

Personal gaming update

So I've put a significant dent in Red Dead Redemption ; it's the last game I really need to finish, and I next want Alan Wake . Beyond that, I'm not sure there's anything I really have to play between now and autumn. I will say that Joe Danger is so goddamn fun, I've been playing for like…a large portion of the day. That surprised me, but the game is crazy addictive and totally awesome. For some reason, I thought Singularity and Naughty Bear were out in mid-June, but neither launches until June 29, so I have a bit of a break…if E3 week can be considered a "break" of any kind. Next month seems pretty bland but remember, that secret PS3 exclusive we know about should finally be unveiled, and that'll be quite the event. If I had to hazard a guess, I'd say about 95% of the PlayStation world will be more than satisfied – i.e., pretty darn excited – with the announcement.

Anyway, don't forget to "Retweet" to enter our Virgin Gaming giveaway , and just so you know, we should have a few copies of Nier to give away next week. 🙂

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14 years ago

I'm pretty sure I'm a technophile but voracious? Not quite.

NieR? You automatically have my attention.

mike rlz
mike rlz
14 years ago

I was never into the next big phone. Iphone was cool but didn't interest me. Still, my android phone got my hooked. It's just awesome.

14 years ago

My android phone has me hooked too. I wish I could upgrade to the Evo 4G but I can't until October. =(

Ben, I never met anyone that was in their early 30s and that is NOT into gadgets. And a 5 year old cell phone? Damn. ;o

Gamer Girl Gemo
Gamer Girl Gemo
14 years ago

Hm… I really do wish that I could make it to E3, but I don't have the time nor the money. I never thought about the possibility of Naughty Dog showing off an Uncharted 3 teaser. That'd be a sight. Are you going to be filling us in here at PSXE on E3? That'd be pretty awesome if you could leak a few things.
For my personal gaming update, I just finished getting my platinum tophy for Heavy Rain. I was so happy once I got done with it. And now I'm waiting for GoWIII to show up in my mailbox. I'm so behind on these games, it's not even funny. I need a better system for getting games… (Sigh).
Also, Naughty Bear looks like just the right kind of humor that we need. It definately looks like something anyone can enjoy. And count me in for trying to win Nier! I don't think it looks like something I'd want to play, but I've heard so much praise that I think I'll just give it a shot.

Last edited by Gamer Girl Gemo on 6/12/2010 10:47:28 PM

14 years ago

I'm liking this contest deal on this site all of a sudden. Also I've been playing red dead as well. I have so many great games to play now it's nuts. E3 is gonna probably just be pretty stale unfortunately.

14 years ago

I'm playing High Stakes Poker right now. Has anyone heard about ANY online poker games for ps3 coming down the line? Google doesn't show anything. Can't believe there hasn't been ANY really good ones made yet. High Stakes was well worth the money for me, but DAMN, someone has to be making another by now. The "Cheat 'em" game sucked.

14 years ago

And yeah, E3 may not have anything left to offer. Makes me wonder, though, if maybe they didn't flood the internet with a bunch of stuff to help keep some things secret. Remember last year, they seemed pretty irritated that rumors ruined most announcements.

14 years ago

Good to see the contest giveaways.
It's a great way to reward PSXE's avid fanbase here.

14 years ago

I'm still in with a chance on that blue PS3…


14 years ago

I won the Blue ps3. Guess Ben left that out. I painted it orange.

14 years ago

Think I will have to give Joe Danger a look…

Personal gaming update…

Been playing Star Ocean 2 on the PSP off and on. My wife has been in hospital and is home now. Surgical procedure followed by an extended recovery period. It's been a long week, and my PSP has been a lifeline.

Then there was the ticket I got for parking on my own street outside my own house, written while I was home, and could have moved the car. Yay city traffic ordinances that no one knows about except cops writing tickets to meet a budget…Gits.

Other than that a very long, and unpleasant week, punctuated by an annoying gnat bugging me. Lovely.

I think I will have to spend some time blowing things away in a mindless shooter.

Last edited by TheHighlander on 6/13/2010 12:06:04 AM

14 years ago

Sorry to hear about your wife, brother.

I had a car parked in my driveway that was going to get towed because I didn't have insurance on it. PARKED in MY DRIVEWAY. Ended up having to sell my Jeep for cheap because I didn't want to pay for insurance on a car that was a tinker toy for me.

Last edited by NeoHumpty on 6/13/2010 12:24:06 AM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Indeed, that is not a fun week. Sorry to hear it.

But did you send me your address for the contest winning, Highlander?

14 years ago

I didn't do so yet Ben, but I will email you tonight.

14 years ago

It's all good.

My wife is on the mend.

I'll have to pay the ticket. According to the traffic court flunkies "don't fight the system". But I think I shall write a friendly letter of complaint to my local sheriff's office asking why their jobs-worth officer is writing tickets for residents parked in front of their own home instead of catching the murderers, rapists, burglars and drug dealers in my fair city/county/tri-state area.

…And my wife and I just teamed up with another user to punk some sad gits in Home who thought that they could have a meaningful relationship with an avatar. Satisfyingly evil.

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

What was the violation for, if you don't mind? Or you could comment further in the forum. I once got a ticket in front of my house for parking the wrong way. I went in to use the crapper, came out, there was a ticket. I wasn't in for that long. Just long enough to read the Sports section of my local paper.

14 years ago

Best wishes for your wife's speedy recovery, Highlander.

14 years ago


PArking the wrong way….driver side door to the sidewalk is apparently a terrible offense. I'd never heard of the ordinance at all, neither had my wife who's lived and driven in this area all her life (well, driven as long as she was old enough too….LOL). It's the most pointless traffic regulation I think I have ever heard.


Thanks for the good wishes, I shall pass them on.

14 years ago

a speedy recovery to your wife, highlander!

On-topic: ben mentions so many great games above that I can just cry right now, both of happiness and bankruptcy 🙂 🙁

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

@TheHighlander, I got the same ticket years ago because I pulled in to take a nice dump. I didn't think a cop would pull into my street during that time but that's a universal code. This isn't England. 😉

14 years ago

Wonder if Heavenly Sword 2 is in the works…
It could be one of the big projects Sony might be wow'ing us with at E3

Hopefully that's one of the bombs Sony will drop at E3

And can't wait to see The Last Guardian

14 years ago

Personal Gaming update: A friend of mine just got his 3rd account banned from PSN. I've been trophy hunting Dragon Ball: Raging Blast, I'll return to Modnation when finished, I completed RDR's campaign last week, (GREAT ending) and am preparing for E3.
These games will be the BEST games of 2010 imo
1. God of War III
2. LittileBigPlanet 2
3. Starwars: The force unleaded II
4. Mortal Kombat 9

14 years ago

so 2 questions i must ask:

why a 3rd account, what is he doing?

how is dragon ball?

14 years ago

You mean to say that DOA Paradise isn't on that list?


14 years ago

Hey guys! I know I'm not a "big deal" around here or anything, but I wanted to say goodbye before I leave for a camping trip. I'm gone for 4 weeks (and right before E3 starts aaaarrrgh!). See you all then!

14 years ago

Enjoy your trip. Hope you don't go anywhere near any flooded rivers.

14 years ago

Don't feed the bears, bro.

14 years ago

dude your going camping for 4 weeks? thats hard core. i dont think i could be away from my ps3 that long 😉 lol

Banky A
Banky A
14 years ago

You're a huge deal! Be wary of the Necromorphs old Isaac.

14 years ago

Well, if we don't see you back, at least we know it has something to do with you ignoring neohumpty's advice, anyways, have a good 4 weeks dude.

14 years ago

Thanks for the send-off, everybody! I will not be feeding the bears. And Banky, there isn't a necromorph that can so much as TOUCH me. lol, 6 runs through Dead Space has taught me a lot. Enjoy E3 for me!

14 years ago

"I've never owned an iPod or iPhone or iPad or iWantToGag or whatever. It's all so boring."

GOOD FOR YOU BEN!! Just like me! The 2 phones I've ever owned were my Motorola RAZR V3 and Motorola ROKR E8.

Currently I've had the ROKR for about 2 years and I can't stop loving it. It looks great, and it plays my music beautifully. I honestly don't give an *** about all those apps on the iStore or whatever they call it…I just want to listen to my music, watch videos occasionally and browse the internet.

Now I don't do that w/ my phone – the only thing I do w/ my Motorola ROKR E8 is listen to music…and answer calls – I don't send e-mails, browse the web, have social site integration, or even text.

If I want to watch videos, play music in better quality, browse the web beautifully (IMO), listen to internet radio with great stations, play awesome games like Peace Walker, and play awesome games online – there comes in my PSP.

Although I kind of want to get the Sony Walkman X series – that touch screen mp3 player/multimedia device – looks like something I'll love – 32gb sounds good, a bit pricey…I mean like $100 more than the iPod Touch but hey for the sake of sound quality as a music lover…it's damn worth it!

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

iPods and iPhones have mediocre sound quality, at best. And it cracks me up that people pay so much money to the iTunes store for compressed files when they can buy the original, in much better sound quality, for cheaper, then convert it over at a better rate then the crap in the iTunes store. But you can't teach a dumb dog new tricks can you?

14 years ago

I just got to mexico in RDR. Definitely one of the best games this gen, I love it.

I'd like for an E3 suprise to be a short teaser of Uncharted 3. I'm all ready for another adventure. It seems like UC2 came out ages ago.

14 years ago

Nothing much exciting me about E3 apart from GT5. I'll wait for the surprises!

Gaming wise, spent 25 hours with FFXIII and now I'm in Gran Pulse I don't want to play anymore. Bit of a grindfest.

Demon's Souls is coming out in Australia in two weeks. I'm ready and willing to be handed my family jewels on a plate.

14 years ago

You sound prepared for Demon's Souls, Good Luck and I hope you have at least 1 extra controller especially when you fight the FlameLurker. : )

14 years ago

lol flamelurker is uber tough, especially your first time around.

14 years ago

Not to mention that black phantoms love invading that level *grins*

14 years ago

I finished RDR's Single Player this week, it has an interesting ending. Now I'm just waiting for the free Co Op DLC. I also beat ModNation Racers' Campaign and have been having a blast creating karts, mods, and tracks. I think after last years e3 info leaks Tretton may have a few tricks up his sleeve, for instance I wouldn't be surprised if they announced Jaffe's game (I mean he's had to have been working on SOMETHING) and maybe a release date for The Last Guardian with some gameplay footage, among many other possibilities.

14 years ago

Well I finished RDR over a week ago, wasn't really impressed with the ending, not only story wise, but probably the glitchiest part of the game. Also I won't give anything away for those who haven't beaten it, but after beating campain, annoying snore fest.

I beat the campaign for MNR, still have a couple of challenges to complete, but am absolutely loving creating and even just hanging out in the modspot.

I personally am really excited for e3, it seems that we have already seen a lot of games announced, but mostly they seem like games we were all expecting anyway. So I'm thinking that what we'll see at e3 will be a little bit more of the games we've gotten a look at, but with some big surprises as well. I'm really looking forward to those surprises.

14 years ago

ive got a question for those who own modnation. can you create hills on your tracks? i used to own a motocross game for 32x and that was the most addictive part of the game. you could create your own track to perform tricks off of. i like the idea of creating a custom track but im not in love with the character design.

14 years ago

check out the demo, they let you do the track editor in there. you can do a lot of stuff to the track. i mean A LOT! make it narrow, wide, hills, you can nascar the track so one side is up and one side is down for curves. you have to lay a track and then go back in for advanced level editing. makin tracks is my favorite part of that game.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
14 years ago

Hmm. I trust E3, even if it has become much more casual oriented in recent years. Only hope for a bunch of news and such-as.

As I said in the article, NOT A TECHNOPHILE. At all. 'nuff said, but I understand that a lot of ps3 owners are more up to date on tech than other people for some obscure reason. Maybe it's because we like the best.

Personal update. Just crossed into Mexico in RDRedemption. Fallout 3 has taken a definite back seat, but slowly plowing through it. Just purchased GTA:episodes and FF13 about two hours ago, where I'm going to find time to play them I'll never know. Also, almost finished reading Lolita (I've only been reading it on my lunch breaks at work, so sue me), started drafting an RDR review. I'll make sure to finish the story before finalising and posting it. I think Demon's Souls will have to wait for a month or so, or maybe a lot more :/. Outside of that, sweet bugger all is happening with me in the land of gaming. I don't feel like going personal, so PEACE ONE AND ALL.

14 years ago

well i love electronics but i dont run out and buy the new thing on the market just cuz it exists. i dont have an iphone/touch/pad/pod…

cell phones are fads. i have said it to my friends for a long time. cell phones are just fads. the newest got to have it phone will be out and i wont want it. cell phones are junk to me. great get an iphone but at&t sucks. ehh.

personal gaming update: fallout 3 in large amounts followed by rounds of mag.

i hit level 60 in mag half an hour after my cousin did. we stayed level 60 sver for a while and then went veteran mode back on to sver. i like sver to much not leaving. turns out mag just had a patch and that patch shows how you rank against all other players on mag in your stats. if these stats are right, im a lot better at this game then i thought i was.

fallout 3 caught my attention again. went from level 6 to like 12 in the past week. second play through and im doing the dlc mostly. i think i can platnum this game soon, but then again this is fallout 3 so soon is relative…

i also went on home for the first time in a while. they have changed a lot to the look when you first get on. things are smoother but its the same old idiot people on there. more things change the more they stay the same.

i see the "whats new" on my ps3 has pain 3d. i see stuff for the move a lot. i want to know how much that will be. cant wait to see what comes out of E3.

Last edited by frylock25 on 6/13/2010 2:22:30 AM

14 years ago

i have a feeling that E3 will have a few more surprises but what they gave us already is amazing.

as for my gaming update, i dont really have anymore games to play. i just beaten modnation racers a few days ago. all tokens, all challenges, beaten all developers best lap times, and all 1st place finishes. i tried making my own tracks but i kept running out of track space so i put that away for now. I've been playing multiplayer online with uncharted 2, mag, bad company 2, and modern warfare 2. i didnt get red dead because it wasnt really my type of game. before that, ive beaten arkham asylum goty and 3d dot game heroes. i guess i can go back to final fantasy 13 and get the platinum trophy….ughh.

14 years ago

thats what im a little worried about.
i really hope sony dont focus on 3D, move and the PSN at E3 i really want to see some new announcements of games we dont know about.
if they spend most of their time on move, 3D gaming, PSN than give us a few trailers of already announced games im going to be really disappointed!
but thats what my guts telling me.
i want to see at least 2 new games announced, and proper announcements not this banner and thats it BS they pulled with agent last year!
same goes for M$ and ninty, they all need to announce some games thats what E3 is for, the games, not the tech, GDC is for the tech, E3 is all about the games!!!!!!!!!!

as for the exclusive i have to ask is it a expected one or a unexpected one?
is it a sequel or a new IP?
is it a game we expect like resistance 3, or is it a game we would think is never going to happen like say duke nukem forever?

14 years ago

I think Sony's corporate focus will be 3D, and there will be 3D initiatives on the gaming side. But Sony spent the last year delivering stellar games that changes it's position in the market, I think they know a good thing when they see it.

14 years ago

eh i dont see the point, as morgan web said there wasting there time on 3D because most people dont have the equipment to experience it.
i heard there releasing glasses and a transmitter at E3 that you can use for a normal HD bravia which would be so sweet!
id get that in a instant, but i doubt they would do that because than there hurting their TV sales.

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

Morgan Web loves to talk out of her anus. Why are people so against 3D? We understand it is not for everyone but for those that do want it, let them have it. The equipment is not that expensive for it. People seem to forget that Sony love to charge outrageous prices for their HDTV's but there are other companies that produce sets that are just as good and some, even better.

14 years ago

@Anonymous Cowherd,

The same could have been (and was) said about High Definition when the PS3 first launched. Remember how Microsoft belittled the inclusion of HDMI and stated that there would never be any 1080p games and it was not necessary? Yes, I remember, I'm sure others do, how about you? People always belittle new technology until it is something that they particularly want.

Transistor radios? Ha! Who needs them!? Crystal sets are fine. Color TV!? Ha! What's wrong with black and white? Moving Picture!? Talkies!? Ha! It's the Magic Lantern or nothing for me!

Morgan Web is hardly someone who I would hold up as some kind of determinant of technological advance or industry analysis. There was a time when I thought that she (and Sessler) had minds of their own and could speak with authority. Then they started talking out of the sides of their mouths and reading from auto-cues. Oh dear, how things change.

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