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A Veritable Grab Bag Of Thoughts

Because I find myself in one of those situations where I can't seem to settle on a topic for the weekly editorial, I have to issue a grab bag of snippets and thoughts. Hope you don't mind too much… you try coming up with a new subject every week for years on end.

Beat Nier…still think it's way fun: I finally finished it up after taking a long break to handle a slew of reviews, and as I told you in my analysis , I really believe Cavia's simple yet very entertaining RPG is great for old-school fans. I'm still not entirely sure why , as it certainly doesn't feature turn-based combat but everything else…I dunno, it just sorta felt like home when playing. And the ending has quite the storyline twist, too…!

So, Human Revolution looks bad-ass, huh? Did you guys check out that new E3 trailer ? Well, damn . I've always been a fan of the series and I've been waiting for another title…this one appears to be fantastic. Man, just gimme what we always had in terms of gameplay, and with that level of slickness, polish, and style, the game ought to be a winner.

Don't really care about Tera Patrick: Yeah, so I used her pic in that Sony saying "no" to Vivid story, but I didn't go out of my way to find my favorite pornstar, or something. I needed her for that Saints Row stuff, remember? Just sayin'.

So…that secret…next month…love it! Okay, I admit it. I'm getting some sort of cruel pleasure from taunting you with our secret PS3 exclusive, but that's probably just because I've been in a weird mood lately. And I treat y'all pretty damn well – I think – so allow me a bit of fun. Besides, you might forgive me when it comes to light… And I don't feel like getting on Sony's bad side! Or on the bad side of my source… All of that would suck.

So…you want us all to know you drive a piece of sh**? One thing I don't get, that perhaps the younger crowd could explain to me: so you've got some $500 piece of junk Civic. You trick it out with a retarded muffler, tinted windows, and some ridiculous lighting arrangement. Then there's the $2000 sound system. …so, your aim is to draw attention to yourself. You drive it to parking lots and stand next to it…you believe someone, somewhere, somehow, will be impressed. …dude. You're driving a $500 junk heap that would get beat by just about any vehicle on the road (including some lawnmowers), and it looks like hell. It screams, "I have no money and no class but look at this !"

I don't get it. I'm sorry. I had a 350Z, but it was stock and besides, that might be a car worth standing next to. I now have an Infinity M35x. Another one maybe worth standing next to ( definitely worth sitting in) that costs…hmm…math…more than 50 times what that $500 sh**box cost. But I sure as hell don't park it somewhere and stand next to it , and I'd never do it if I owned crap. So…I don't get it. Girls? …really? What sort of girls? Explain, young people, explain!

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Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

By the way, I don't have any pics of my own M35x but here are a few; Arnold posted his 350Z pics so I figured I'd just toss out a few:

Mine's a darker blue and with black leather inside, but these show you what you need to know.

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 6/4/2010 10:04:36 PM

14 years ago

Nice car! I can't really explain because I never owned one. My 1st car was the scion tc before I crashed it on the highway. Please do explain why. I wanna know as well. Wasn't nier, well the japanese version, different from our US release? I can't wait for that secret game hopefully it doesn't disappoint 🙁

14 years ago

I wish I was cool enough to care what I was driving. I have a Dodge Caravan ZX37409-XI358 that work pays for. I also don't have to pay for gas, maintenance, or insurance. A chick once tried to say that I didn't look like a "Caravan" kinda guy. If the "Price Is Right", drive it.

14 years ago

Neo, what kind of job you got? I drive a Ford Windstar for work. I run around working on phone systems.

14 years ago

oooh Ben you have good taste in cars. I love Infiniti. I owned a 1995 Infiniti G20 when i was in high school.

Bandit King
Bandit King
14 years ago

Ben in case you missed it in my last post, thanks for making me take a second look at Nier, its a fantastic game and no I can't explain why either. Oh also I got no clue about the sh*t box "boy racers" out there, as for the chicks I don't know man some women just like a "fixer upper". Personally my car (07 Mustang GT) always has to be clean and nothing I do to it ever looks out of place. Though I'm more 60s/70s muscle (Bullit Steve McQueen) then Fast and Furious.

Last edited by Bandit King on 6/5/2010 5:12:35 PM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Glad to hear it Bandit. Nier really is very fun, and I've tried to convince people of that. 🙂

Jawknee: Well, I'm pretty picky. I drove both the competing models for BMW (535i) and Lexus (GS350), and I settled on the M35 because it felt like the best of both those other worlds. BMW was stiffer and better in the turns but didn't ride well at all; Lexus has the best ride in the world but is a boat around turns; Infiniti is right in between.

It's why I had a Maxima before…Toyota has a better ride and Honda/Acura has better performance, but neither is well-rounded as the Max, IMO.

14 years ago

The mufflers to which you refer are called "fartcannons"

I hope I enjoy Nier as much you did Ben, I just can't take on too many games at the moment.

You could have used Mia Rose just as easily Ben, we all know the truth boutchya.

Can't help but feel the exclusive will be underwhelming.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Oh right, Mia…totally forgot.

As for the exclusive, I suppose that depends.

14 years ago

Coffee can exhausts are an infallible sign of a small penis.

14 years ago

So that's what they're called
Makes me want to go all GTA on those damn cars

14 years ago

Lol "fartcannons".

Saw this one civic with a ridiculously large spoiler on it.he might as well dig himself a grave with all that downforce.

14 years ago

I call those big spoilers: A Park Bench

14 years ago

When you post the article about the secret exclusive, make sure you put the word "FIRST!" right at the top.

14 years ago

"just gimme what we always had in terms of gameplay [Deus Ex]"

I didn't like Invisible War, just about everything in that game felt weak. The original Deus Ex was awesome though.

14 years ago

Some people think that since they can't afford nice things they should make it seem like they are proud of their less than nice things. They look stupid and generally seem to lack self esteem. I especially hate the plastic spinners.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

I still don't get it. If it's about self-esteem, wouldn't they feel worse about themselves to know they're basically being laughed at by anyone over the age of 20…?

14 years ago

It makes them like the other douschers doing the same things including rappers. And they feel self esteem from being like a rapper.

14 years ago

I think the worst is the mirror tint on the bottom half of the window. Nothing says trash like mirror tint.

14 years ago

The secret exclusive has got to be Ben Dutka: Mess with me, Get the Tree.

14 years ago

D1P for me! Would we be trying to get out of bens way or would we be ben?

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
14 years ago

LOL, now that would be a game worth playing.

14 years ago

I'd imagine you would be Ben, then you would beat up gamestop employees, get challenged to races in your Infinity by Xbots, and then drive home to your pornstars.

14 years ago

Hmm so open world like gta. I'll take it!

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

"…then you would beat up gamestop employees, get challenged to races in your Infinity by Xbots, and then drive home to your pornstars."

Exaaaaagerate much…?

14 years ago

Makes for a good story though Ben, lol

14 years ago

Are people giving you crap about your cars Ben? Or are you just amazingly fed up with exactly what you described because believe me I hate them too… my car is a 96 or 97 Altima but I don't trick it out… its nothing fancy and I don't intend to pass it off as it is.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

No, I'm just fed up with what I described.

14 years ago

I feel the exact same way especially when I have the misfortune of taking a peak at "Pimp My Ride". The selected charity story always is like, "Dayyyum!", and acts as if he/she just won the lottery. If you're gonna pump tens of thousands of dollars on the rims, and installing useless household appliances and electronics, at least put it in a brand new, and reliable car, ya know? What would I do? Send it to chop shop, and put the earnings towards a down payment towards a Toyota, or a Honda. I mean, that's what you're basically asking every street thug in the neighborhood to do, if you happen to drive it down the street where folks happen to be impressed with that kind of sh*t, right?

14 years ago

Ok just wanted to make sure no one was making fun or else I would have had to teach them to be respectful… with my fists.

O and I just re-read the article and picked up on something that I missed… when did you get rid of the 350z… I love those cars!

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Over a year ago now. My brother needed a car for college, and instead of forcing my parents to pay for one, I just gave him my old Maxima. It only had 120k miles on it and it was in perfect condition.

Of course, without the Maxima, which I used mostly in the winter and bad weather, I couldn't just have a sports car in New England. So it had to go. Pulled an almost complete 180 and went full-on luxury (with a surprising amount of performance, though) and all-wheel drive. 😉

14 years ago

LOL, I see those rolling boom-box garbage heaps held together with baling wire & duct tape, and weighted down by 37 different spots worth of Rustoleum light gray primer in graffiti sized spray cans.

And every full moon, the herd of mental midget's all meet at one time like a pack of wool-starved mothes drawn to the side lampost at a 7-11 & Wawa parking lot, as if it they were in Woolite Heaven.

BTW, if they were smart, they'd sell the 4 Dubs that's been holding up their obnoxious gnat sounding exhaust, and buy a much better car.

But you know what? They probably just go out & get sucked in by an ole time Yugo salesman.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 6/4/2010 10:40:40 PM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Ahhh…Yugos. My father drove one once. He said it was the first time he ever laughed while driving a car.

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

I laughed every time that I was in a Saturn. Those things felt like bumper cars from the carnival. I think the bodies are made from recycled soda and water bottles.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
14 years ago

Nier, I'll get around to later in the year, or maybe next. Way too many to play through now after my YLOD debacle, and no back-ups. Oh well, gives me good reason to do lots of user reviews.

I don't like watching trailers, but the concept of Deus Ex is enough to get me interested.

Porn stars: meh, I don't watch much of it, so I can't say I have a favourite.

Your secret exclusive: Twisted Metal or FF7 remake. I know you're just trying to throw us all off the scent with a million denials Ben.

As far as the car goes? I bought a Mazda Tribute last year as a birthday present to myself. $12,500 and it was beautiful. I intended to go travelling around this beautiful country and set off down the east coast. I got 1,500 km and T-boned a VW Transporter. I didn't have any insurance. Oh, the sad facts of life. Anyway, I don't know why people feel the need to trick out their steaming piles of cars in order to draw attention to it. And as far as standing next to your car. I only do that if I'm waiting for someone and have agreed to meet them there.

14 years ago

I just realized that his bit about beaten up cars is a hint toward the exclusive making it a Twisted Metal game.

14 years ago

Ouch, I have a 2003 CiviC I'm proud of….no i didn't try to trick it out but I love my car, and it has decent MPG, that comment kinda stung lol.

14 years ago

My fiance has an 03 civic coupe. Its a very nice car. I believe Ben is making fun of people using an economy car as something it's not. People who drive a civic like a race car are the intended targets here.

Last edited by GuernicaReborn on 6/4/2010 11:17:40 PM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Yeah, I'm not saying you're a dope if you own a Civic. Nothing wrong with a Civic. As you say, good mileage and completely reliable.

I just mean ANY very used, very cheap car used to supposedly impress people with useless cosmetic upgrades. I don't get it.

And hey, I drove an '86 Peugeot with 93HP all through college. It cost $300 and the transmission was in a box in the corner of the guy's garage; my father fixed it, put it in, and I drove the engine up to 255k miles. Then my brother had it and pushed it well over 300k before the odometer broke. LOL

14 years ago

The exclusive is……………..

Mooooooooooooooortalllllllllllllll Kooooooooombaaaaaaaaaaaatttttttttt

14 years ago

RRrrriiiiiiiiiddddddgggggggeeeee Raaacccceeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!

14 years ago

Nah see cars are the theme here… its obviously:

Arthur Ready to Race 2: Race With Vengeance

mike rlz
mike rlz
14 years ago

I tinted out my 08 Pontiac G5, it's nothing special but why not?

Metal Head
Metal Head
14 years ago

I don't understand people's fascination with porn. I hope the exclusive game is not a fps. We need more games like Heavy Rain,inFAMOUS,the last guardian. I drive a Civic. On monday morning am heading to Europe then to South Africa to watch the World Cup with my friends. I had an awesome time in Germany and can't wait for the tournament to start. Brazil,Spain,England are the favorites. I hope the U.S. can reach semifinals?.

14 years ago

Please be careful down there. I immigrated from South Africa because of the violence and crime. Tourists will be targets there, so I suggested you stick to what your guides or hotel staff tell you to do. I wouldn't be brave and go off and drive somewhere you don't know… if you don't understand the local temperament don't risk unnecessarily…

South Africa is a huge country, but, there are still an average of about 50 murders a day, it's a very scary statistic and one of the highest homicide rates in the world . You may not be directly effected, i wasn't and I lived there, but the risk is extremely high in areas that you don't know.

Also, not reported in the international news, the Columbian teams rooms were ransacked at there 5 star hotel by the cleaners… all valuables were taken, and they had only been there for a few days prior…

Don't walk around with valuables hanging off you, conceal your mobile phone and camera… head my warnings…



Last edited by Qubex on 6/5/2010 9:38:35 AM

14 years ago

NieR has become one of my favourite titles on the PS3, beating out even Final Fantasy XIII. The only other titles that I can say have a place in my heart are Valkyria Chronicles and Heavy Rain.

As for the vehicles part, well, kids are stupid. I'm still a kid (19yrs) and I can admit this. Kids (those 16 and 17 year olds) want to be noticed somehow. If they don't have the talent in terms of academics or athletics, they'll find other outlets for attention.

What REEEEEAAAALLLY annoys me is that rich kid at school who got a miata from his parent's for passing grade 11. Know what I got for passing grade 11? I wasn't beat! lol… i exaggerate… slightly.

14 years ago

Someone got an S2000 in my class for his first car. It wasn't even his birthday present, it was 'just because'. I think it was brand new too, back in '00.

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

That's common over here, sadly. I had a classmate that got a used SL500 for her "sweet 16" and she was upset that it was used. And by used I mean, it was her father's, it had 6,000 miles on it and he gave it to her because he didn't want it anymore and bought himself a new one. Sickening.

14 years ago

I drive a bike… tied my shower radio to it once… fell over in a parking lot going on the uphil ramp and a woman did come over to help me up… so that's my input on that ^_^

I've got Nier and I played both Drakengard games by Cavia and I love how its its great to play just hard to justify with the dated gameplay T^T

And finally about the exclusive, I know its genre must already be decided but me and a friend have a running bet for 20 bucks, I say its anything but a shooter, racer, or simulator of any kind, he's backing those genres so Ben don't let me down lol ^u^

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

LOL That first part can't be true…

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