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Ben’s Week In Review: May 23

It has been a supremely busy week so tomorrow I'm going to do next to nothing until I have to do news at night.

Westerns suck…but Red Dead Redemption doesn't

And you know, the gaming public has definitely responded . They estimate that over a half-million copies have been sold in the first few days of availability and after analyzing the game , it's easy to understand why. However, I think it proves just how important immersion is in games of this nature; i.e., wide open, freedom-oriented. Thing is, RDR is absolutely GTAIV in the Old West so there's no reason whatsoever for a person to hate one and love the other…besides the very different settings. When it comes to interacting with an expansive, vibrant world, designed entirely to suck us in from the get-go, we have to like where we are. And I've found that although I don't like Western movies, I most certainly like playing a Western movie. And that's crucial. No matter how good San Andreas was, I didn't like it anywhere near as much as Vice City . It's ridiculous to say the latter was superior; just about everything was better in San Andreas in terms of "reviewable" facets. But hey, it's about…absorption.

This is what's going to keep me playing RDR for a very long time, and it further proves that games and movies are vastly different. The interaction has completely changed the idea of a Western for me.

Maybe Square-Enix SHOULD try new stuff…but then again…

So the company wants to maybe try their hand at some "new IPs" in the near future, so as to bolster their current stable of franchise titles. Back in the original PlayStation days, they were able to give us stuff like Vagrant Story , Xenogears , Threads of Fate , Parasite Eve and even Einhander . Now, I have no illusions of returning to the glory days of Squaresoft but after S-E disappointed a lot of long-time Final Fantasy fans, maybe it is a good idea to try something fresh. Maybe they can introduce the next big role-playing series. The more I hear about Final Fantasy Versus XIII , the more I'm starting to think it's not the answer (just more real-time, RPG-lite stuff, it seems), so maybe an epic new approach will be welcome. Of course, they still won't cater to their long-time fans; they seem determined not to do that, but maybe an answer to something like Dragon Age: Origins . Wouldn't that be interesting?

On the other hand, they have tried new IPs in the past and they didn't exactly impress critics or heat up the sales charts. This is why they've been sticking with so many established IPs (obviously), and maybe it's best they continue to do this. I don't know. All I know is that while FFXIII was indeed a great achievement, I will probably never play it again and FFVII will always be played.

Personal gaming update

So it's going to be all about Red Dead Redemption but I'm actually going to start over and play it the way I play most RPGs I love. I sort of had to rush along the story and miss a lot of side missions and other optional stuff to do the review, and I hate that. So I really want to dive in and start fresh, which I can't wait to do. But because I also hate to have so many incomplete games on my plate at once, I'm going to finish Nier , 3D Dot Game Heroes and Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands first. I just finished reviewing the latter and while I don't recommend it as an automatic purchase, I've always loved the Prince games and I like it, so I'll finish it. I'm close to the end of Nier and I doubt 3D Dot Game Heroes can take very long. And oh yeah, I'm wearing an RDR t-shirt now. 😉

I've also played ModNation Racers (Arnold will give you the review soon but Sony also sent me a copy), and it's about what you'd expect. I think it's great; so much customization and freedom. You can really lose yourself in that one; I promise. But it's not really my thing, so onwards. But there's little rest for the weary as Backbreaker , Alpha Protocol and Naughty Bear should be coming my way in the next few weeks.

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14 years ago

I can't wait to see the reviews for Naughty Bear.

14 years ago


I agree

14 years ago

Same here…

14 years ago

Alpha Protocol! Finally!!!

….So today I was trying to kill the Flamelurker in Demon's Souls in my NG+, but it has become like x100 harder, so I wanted someone to summon me as a Blue Phantom, but nobody did! So I went to Latria to kick some Fool's Idol ass.

Any advice on the Flamelurker?? I'm at Soul level 105

Last edited by hellish_devil on 5/22/2010 10:13:01 PM

14 years ago

I'm gonna stay skeptical about AP until I see some reviews. For some reason I get a bad feeling from it.

14 years ago

your going to be very pissed at who you have to face after him

14 years ago

he knows whats coming since he is on a ng plus.

14 years ago

Have you tried using Soul arrows or Soul Ray? I`m sure those hurt him pretty bad…if I remember correctly.

Oh, and yeah. Flamelurker isn`t that bad, just wait later on..

14 years ago

Dragon God was easy, at least for me. Flamelurker is harder IMO

14 years ago

How long roughly does story mode in Red Dead Redemption take if anyone knows?

14 years ago

I've played it for 8 hours now and only have completed 40 percent of the game. Hope this info helps.

14 years ago

I'll give you $15 for your shirt.

14 years ago

I think you should stick to your usual fluffy pirate shirts.

14 years ago

I gave up the pirating gig a long time ago. It's just that it's summer now and this hakama is too hot.

14 years ago

Oh, I didn't know you get the sun in Canada. I thought your weather was like here in Seattle.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Nope. Mine.

And you can't have the old-fashioned bar of soap, dice, or deck of cards they sent with it, either.

14 years ago

AAHHHHH HAAAAHHHHH, now we know why Pachter wanted his free copy from R*.

14 years ago

Ok fine. Keep your RDR shwag. I'll take a PSXE shirt instead.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Actually, I think Val has one…

14 years ago

Ben, wish you had a Wii. Galaxy 2 comes out tomorrow. And the amazing reviews just keep pouring in…

But hey, its not like you don't have a shelf FULL of games to play right now as it is. I just hate to see a fellow game enthusiest like yourself miss out on the 2010 game of the year.

14 years ago

Too bad there is no online Mario/Luigi co-op eh Jawknee?

Will have to wait for WII Part Duex for some better online connectivity me thinks.

14 years ago

Too bad, nothing i want more then to share this GOTY experience then with a Wii pal. ha

Seriously though, this game is gonna kick ass!

Last edited by Jawknee on 5/22/2010 10:33:28 PM

14 years ago

I don't know about goty. Maybe wii goty but don't forget about gow3 and heavy rain. Either way the game is pretty cool. Got it yesterday 🙂 from my friend at best buy so awesome!

14 years ago

Sawa, you have a friend that hooks you up at Best Buy AAAAAAND you live in VEGAS??? Oh man, you are livin' the dream my friend.

Oh, and to be GOTY, yes, it would have to beat out games like GODIII and Heavy Rain, but to be the best you gots to beat the best.

On a side note, it is quite amazing how many quality games there are for the PS3. I never realized it until getting a PS3 last year. Course back when I first got it, the quality titles didn't come at you at fast and furious as they do now. The Wii just can't compete with that. The Wii has only a handful of absolute must owns.

Last edited by MyWorstNightmar on 5/22/2010 11:21:05 PM

14 years ago

That would be good though. When was the last time a nintendo game got goty? I wish I was living the dream! 😛 oh well no sleeping tonight. Catching up on RDR now that I finally put Galaxy down. I do want online coop though. 🙁

14 years ago

Sawa, to answer your question, the last time Nintendo got GOTY was with the first Mario Galaxy! lol

And by all acounts, it sounds like the second one pushes the envelope even further. Although, this year, there is stiffer competition then there was in 2007.

14 years ago

2007? Lol wow that was a while ago, at least that is definitely a good sign. Yea there are I wasn't expecting so many good games coming out this year at all. Well if they don't win at least platformers are gonna have a tough time following this title they will have to learn from this!

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

I don't care if the game gets 10s…if I compare that to Uncharted 2, God of War III, Heavy Rain, it's still very, very silly.

14 years ago

🙂 To each their own.

14 years ago

Ben, please expound on that statement. Silly? Does a game have to have a level of seriousness before it can win game of the year, or your play time? Not sure where you are going with this. Does that make someone who plays the game….silly? I know you don't feel that way, I just didn't really get your comment. Mario doesn't try to be Uncharted, just like Uncharted doesn't try to be God of War.

Also, for a game reviewer/critic to state that other reviewer/critics giving the game perfect scores, and then for you to say you don't care, it is still "very silly" (almost discrediting their oppinion to critique a game properly), seems a bit close minded on your part. And that coming from you, someone who fights againts closemindedness whether it be bias against the PS3, bias against video games in general, bias against the kinds of books you like to read. I dunno, it is a little surprising to me.

Last edited by MyWorstNightmar on 5/23/2010 12:25:11 AM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

I'm not discrediting anything. I'm sure the game is great. I'm also sure it's not the epitome of advancement, progression, and cutting-edge forward-thinking in the industry. I'm not saying the game sucks because of this; I'm merely saying it shouldn't even be in the same ballpark as the games that define industry benchmarks.

Look, there's simply LESS to talk about in a game like Mario Galaxy. There's a lot LESS that can go wrong. Take Tetris, for instance. There's really nothing wrong with it. Not a damn thing. In that respect, a critic would have to give it a 10 because there aren't really any flaws.

In regards to Galaxy 2, we don't have a professional voiceover cast with all the right acting direction from the director. We don't need classical musical scores from the best orchestras assembled. We don't need an in-depth and rewarding storyline. We don't need engaging character development. We don't need any facets of any other gameplay elements besides platforming (in an world where genres are blending, adapting, and often innovating constantly).

No, we don't "need" any of that. …at the same time, when all you're really scoring is basic control and game design, how hard is it to get a 10, really? In short, if we're not seeing the best of the best in any given category (Galaxy doesn't have the best graphics, best overall sound, best story, best cinematography, best artistry, best scripting, most depth, etc, etc, etc.), than how can we in good conscience compare it to the ACTUAL best that we've seen?

I've been thinking about this a lot ever since I saw that 10 from GameSpot. I'm sorry, but Wii games shouldn't even be on 10-point scales the way other games are. And for the record, I would love to have the time to play Galaxy and I'm SURE it's fun. That's not the point; not from a critical standpoint.

A game would have to be superior to other games in multiple major categories in order to warrant superior scores. "Oh, it's just fun" is not a solid basis for delivering a perfect score. I'm sorry, but that's the harsh truth.

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 5/23/2010 1:13:13 AM

14 years ago

I liked your Tetris analogy. I think I learned something here tonight…

Oh, and Mario games are silly.

Last edited by Alienange on 5/23/2010 1:10:38 AM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Here, let me sum up what I mean- look at all the many categories of awards in Game of the Year ceremonies for major sites, including ours. Now, at the end of the year, can you honestly say Mario Galaxy 2 would win ANY category? Would it even be nominated? It sounds odd to even ask, doesn't it?

So if that's the case, how can it possibly win Game of the Year? It would have to be magic…it's not the best in anything (not even remotely close) but overall, it IS the best…? See what I mean?

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 5/23/2010 1:12:41 AM

14 years ago

Ben, all very good points as always, and I can definately agree with you in your logic. I apreciate you clarifieing your previously short comment. As I haven't played the game yet, I can't really rebut anything that you have said. All I can go by is what others in your profession have experienced by playing the game extensively.

Now, to infer that there is not much that can go wrong when making a Mario game, I guess if that were true, we would have 10 mario style games come out a year, and they would all get perfect 10's, because they are so easy to make/develop. I can't believe that to be true, but it would seem that you might believe that.

Where Mario has an advantage over all those other great games you believe to be superior, is that it seperates itself from those games. It couldn't be farther, or more different from those games. What do we know? Bowser is gonna capture the princess, Mario has to save her, and he has to go through a lot of Goomba's to save her. So how does Nintendo continue to amaze using the same old premise? No one gets graphically killed, no guns are used (unless you include getting shot out of a cannon…) This is not a rehash of 2007's game, this is a redo, with all new elements. It is just hours and hours of fun, challenging puzzles, colorful worlds, unique gameplay, and replayability that appeals to all age groups. No other game can match that, and for those reasons it would be up for overall game of the year, IMHO.

Would I pick to play Mario Galaxy 2 over all my PS3 games? Don't make me choose. I'm gonna play em all, and enjoy them all.

Last edited by MyWorstNightmar on 5/23/2010 1:48:33 AM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

The Marios typically do get 9+ without any problem. I think they all do.

But regardless of how long it takes them, my points stand. I grew up with Mario and I have no doubt these games are still great fun. I just don't believe we can score them on the same exact 10-point scale we use for the industry leaders.

14 years ago

Ben, even when comparing apples and oranges, you can still like one or the other better. 🙂

I agree that it's a lot harder for games like GOW and Uncharted to get a 10, but games like the Mario's and such are just so creative and innovative.

14 years ago

I want a Wii, if mostly for the Nintendo brand games, you can't even go wrong. The next Zelda from initial reports sounds like it's heading in the wrong direction. "EASIER?" For who, grandma to play it?! (Ocarina of Time is one of my favorite games ever beat it in middle school.)

14 years ago

Expounding more on the oranges and apples, its more like which game has more mass enjoyment appeal which I believe makes up a great percentage on what makes a GotY. This puts previously unrecognized genres with the likes of Heavy Rain on a rather handicap (but its so gratifying that the community came to appreciate such a masterpiece). Enjoyment factor is what..wait for it….Modern Warfare the mass market success it has been. Sure we can rate games on measurable benchmarks on graphics, sounds, immersion etc, but in my opinion its mass enjoyment that racks in the GotY title. That being said, Ben makes very good points but like I mentioned, there are non-quantifiable factors that make a game GoyT (appeal may be indirectly connected to total revenue, but that is not 100% true in correlation).

14 years ago

The first Mario Galaxies is one of the greatest games I've ever played. The game was pure mastery of it's form and it offered many new, not mention clever elements of play that kept it consistently fresh and interesting. Without a doubt it was a legitimate contender for GotY when it released. Mario Galaxies 2 has every capacity to do so this year as well.

14 years ago

I think Shigeru Miyamoto pissed off the pantheon of video game gods and was given the power of brilliant game design–but with the curse that he could only make games for 8-year-olds for the rest of his life.

Seriously, think about it.

14 years ago

SMBG2 could very likely take the cake in game/level design, art direction, and controls, but I do see what you mean, Ben. PS3 to me is the happy medium between Wii and PC gaming. Wii is too low-end most of the time, and PC gaming tends to be too expensive, less convenient. And both seem to be sparse in terms of must-plays. So PS3 suits me quite well. 360 comes close at times, but frankly, it's more like a low-end pc, than an entirely unique platform.

At the same time, SMBG1/2 are the only reasons why I want a Wii. It IS magic. First-party magic. The same magic that I love Sony's platform for.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

People are perfectly welcome to enjoy what they will. I have no doubt Super Mario Galaxy 2 is fantastic…but I will never place it in the same category as the MGS4s, Uncharted 2s, Heavy Rains or God of War IIIs. In good conscience, I really can't.

I still want to play it, though. 🙂

14 years ago

Massive amounts of agreement all over the place, RDR is definitely GTA in the old West, but while I'm thoroughly enjoying it I kind of wish there was a bit more of Red Dead Revolver in it than GTA.

SE has screwed themselves, they may still be rich but wow I've never seen anyone purposely alienate their fans in such a way. Their new IPs so far aren't burning up the charts anyway. They really need to send us a game that says they remember us.

I still have to finish 3DDotGameHeroes as well, but I also have Star Ocean 4 and now RDR going. Speaking of RDR here's a little gift:

I preordered from Amazon and my golden guns code came in the box, but today Amazon sent me another code. It should work, no reason why it wouldn't so first come first served, just punch it in, with the dashes, at the downloadable content screen on the title page:


14 years ago

World, you are my new best friend. Golden Guns unlocked for yours truelly. I feel all tingly inside. I wonder if it would work for anybody else, or if it is a first come first serve.

14 years ago

Nice World.

14 years ago

That was my first come first served one time deal Nightmar, glad to be of service to a fellow constant PSXE contributor 🙂

I do what I can for the community that's been so good to me *single tear*

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 5/22/2010 10:42:49 PM

14 years ago

I don't know what to say, other than getting something for doing nothing, I feel like a, a, a Democrat? And I like it.

In all seriousness, thanks World, that was a nice solid.

14 years ago

There's another word for it, it's called a freeloader.


14 years ago

You're welcome, enjoy the extra fame when you use those guns.

14 years ago

Ah yes, it just hit 9:30, and the kids are finally in bed. Time to play some RDR! Of course with my Golden Guns! THANK YOU WORLD!

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