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Ben’s Week In Review: May 16

A very busy week right here…we'll try to make sure all angles are covered in terms of reviews. 🙂

If this is true, we gotta see more of it

When I heard the report that White Knight Chronicles 2 would actually release with an updated version of the original WKC , that got me to thinking: isn't that a damn good idea? Not only will they include the first title with the sequel (which makes perfect sense, as WKC2 is a direct follow-up), but the developers will also overhaul the original so it features the new mechanics and additions in the sequel. …how sweet is that ? Now, I'm well aware that Level 5 is going above and beyond the call of duty, but I really think it would behoove many designers to take this same approach when it comes to certain sequels. It may be a little more difficult to "upgrade" the original so it holds all the enhancements of the sequel – depending on the project – but just the idea of packaging the first game in with a sequel…it's just awesome. Everyone often complains about "bang for your buck," especially in regards to shorter experiences, so wouldn't this be a very nice option?

And if they could manage to overhaul the original adventure so it plays like the sequel, that's even more incentive. It'd be one thing if this were the movie industry and sequels are never as good as the originals, but it's basically the opposite in gaming; many sequels really are better because the technology and refinement gets better. It should definitely be the case for WKC2…

Another example of what developers should do

So they insist the single-player campaign in Dead Space 2 won't suffer due to the new multiplayer mode, and that's primarily because Visceral has two separate teams working on each aspect of the production. This appears to be a running theme with EA, too: for Medal of Honor , EALA will produce the single-player quest and DICE will handle the multiplayer modes. This is exactly the type of thing other designers should do, because we've all noticed examples of the multiplayer emphasis infringing on the quality and longevity of single-player campaigns. I think the recently released Splinter Cell: Conviction is a definite example. It's fine by me if you want to cater to all those who absolutely require a multiplayer experience, but I'm convinced that too many game makers are underestimating how many fans remain who prefer the single-player aspect. They've been doing it for years. But maybe they're starting to come 'round…

Have you noticed that almost every time a developer details a multiplayer mode in a new game, they make a point of saying how it won't hinder the single-player experience? This means they've heard the complaints, at the very least.

Personal gaming update

Unsurprisingly, I'm in a definite jam. I didn't expect to like Nier as much as I did, and now I'm struggling to finish before the big games for this week arrive. Then there's 3D Dot Game Heroes , which again, I honestly didn't think I'd want to play through to completion, but damn…it's Zelda ! I'm wondering if I'll be able to review Red Dead Redemption and Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands , stop long enough to finish Nier and 3D Dot Game Heroes , and then go back. However, it's more likely I'll have to keep playing the new gems because I'm convinced they'll be damn good…I hate it when this happens. It drives me nuts to have games in my collection I haven't beaten, and it's annoying when they start to pile up. Probably shouldn't complain, though; a lot of great games is always better than not enough. 😉 It's just a matter of time, really.

Not much else to talk about. My car now has two coats of wax on it and is fully detailed and ready for the summer, which is always nice. Cars like that benefit from a definite shine the whole way 'round…

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14 years ago

While I think it is totally cool that WKC2 may pack in the first game, updated, they now have the problem of not getting new customers for the first iteration (which was great JRPG fare)

Umm, as you all know from my Dante rants Visceral can do no wrong by me and I loved Dead Space so I actually trust them when they say the SP won't suffer.

I'm stuck in 3DDotGameHeroes, I can't find the old man in the desert temple, help me!?

Oh yeah and I'm upgrading to a 37" TV as we speak (post)

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 5/15/2010 10:11:20 PM

14 years ago

Haha ill help man. He aint in the desert temple! He at the inn close by it. :p I almost platinumed the game 🙂

14 years ago

holy f*ckin sh*t I would have given up on the game before lookin there! THANKS

14 years ago

Kratos still kicks Dante's ass any day!!!

14 years ago

He'd win in a fight I'll give ya that.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 5/16/2010 3:12:48 AM

14 years ago

Which 37" TV are you getting World?

14 years ago

Well I'm not so rich so I went with the Vizio

14 years ago

Dude, Vizios are legit HDTVs. Both of my family's HDTVs are Vizio brand, and they're very nice.

14 years ago

If developers want to hand out two games for the price of one, why don't they just do that off the bat? If it were to become a trend I can easily see people saying "Hey, I'M not buying the first game. YOU buy it so I can get the two pack later."

14 years ago

I would say the sales of WKC has been underwhelming, .58 million total according to VGChartz. Maybe if they pull a stunt like this for the second game, the sales for the second game will be through the roof. Anybody who passed on the first game, but always had a slight itch to get it, well, now, they will jump at the chance for the second game. (that includes me.) This is brilliant, think outside the box sort of marketing move.

14 years ago

I've been playing a lot more of Uncharted 2's online mode recently; I guess a little break from it did me some good. The main event though is FFXIII, which has actually surpassed my expectations after all the negative press. Who knew?
In my non-gaming news, I have been collecting all of Hayao Miyazaki's films and just watched Ponyo on blu-ray, an absolutely stunning film. I recommend it to anyone who watches movies with their families or values animation of the highest calibur.

14 years ago

FFXIII is fantastic. Not letting a game stand on it's own merits is a mistake.

14 years ago

but don't you guys get tired of it being mainly a grind with cutscenes?

14 years ago

the game got what it deserved from most sites, its the first FF game that i can honestly say i can't see myself waiting for a replay thru it again. Most of the other FF games put that spell on me, not this one though

Last edited by aaronisbla on 5/16/2010 12:23:32 AM

14 years ago

I didn't get disappointed with FFXIII until AFTER I beat it. That's when you realize how little power your characters really get from all the grinding.

14 years ago

^^ damn, thats how i felt, it ok till the end, ending was nice, but it didnt give me that " i just beat another awesome FF game" feeling i normally get, especially after i grind and beat the hardest enemies on the game

14 years ago

@ WorldEnds – You just described every jrpg in existence.

Fight, advance the story and see new places. Nothing wrong with that. It's good fun.

14 years ago

naw man, in others you get to explore, talk to people, go through the stuff in their towns, it breaks up the grind nicely. I always breathe a sigh of relief when after a big grind I can saunter into a new town, have a laugh at a typical jrpg joke, rifle peoples drawers, etc.

14 years ago

There are several points for and against FFXIII in general, but when all's said and done, I agree most with Ben's description: RPG Lite. It's a very "Lite" RPG but then, it's the best possible quality Lite you'll ever play. That's how I look at it. If they had chosen a different gameplay direction it would have been just as well-thought-out.
I guess what I mean to say is that they made a perfect system that also just happens to hold your hand and automate most things, which many people hate. I don't like it all that much but I can get over it.
Other things like the lack of NPC's who actually talk to you are pretty large detractors but luckily the visuals are encapsulating enough to make you want to advance.
P.S. I haven't gotten to Gran Pulse yet, so from what I've heard here and there I expect my experience to be greatly enhanced later in the game.

14 years ago

You you'll have fun in Gran Pulse, but it still doesn't fundamentally change much. It's just more open.

14 years ago

I've been attempting to appease myself at some more Demon's Souls while I'm really only thinking about playing Red Dead Redemption is 3 days. That game is ALL I've been thinking about for over a week….

14 years ago

I'm gonna have to pick up WKC2 now. Oh and just put on my second coat a couple weeks ago…been raining ever since…good gaming weather though!!

14 years ago

I still haven't play WKC and if WKC is really being included in WKC2, WKC will be off my list for good.

Because it ain't FF and I'm not a huge fan of Level 5, I can wait a year or so for WKC2.(that is, if WKC2 does comes with WKC)

14 years ago

Level 5=good

14 years ago

wkc is so much fun. I enjoyed it so much! I don't mind in the least that I bought the first one and it's going to be added to the second. I waited for the first one for 2 years and was not disappointed.

Can't recommend it enough.

14 years ago

No worries, i'm buying it!

14 years ago

Red dead for me on tuesday, got my Wii fixed in time for SMG2, preordered LittleBigPlanet 2 from Gamestop today, and I only have 3 more trophies till I platinum Heavy Rain.

14 years ago

Good for you sir. Finished HR but will platinum it later, lent it to a friend and got to borrow GoW3 which was surprisingly shorter than i anticipated (but still worth the price my friend bought it with 🙂

14 years ago

i have been playing mag all week. i am up to level 50 almost. i am getting sick of the idiots on there that want to kick you for no other reason than for them to be squad leader so they can have the points. most of the time they dont even have a mic on and say anything they just try to kick you.

my cousin got his psn account back this week. someone had stolen his account and changed it on him. he contacted sony and they looked into it. the person that had stolen his account charged a bunch of stuff to his credit card. sony called him back and said they had pretty much assumed something was up in the begining because so many things were bought in a short amount of time. they restored everything for him.

14 years ago


14 years ago

Whats your psn?

14 years ago

I'm currently playing Record of agarest war like mad. I have finally gotten a ff tactics style of game to play. I love fftactics but I've beaten it so many times I just needed the same style with a new story. They do have some very key differences but I'm loving this one too.

Next week tho I'll be getting red dead, followed by modnation the next week. After that I won't be buying any games for several months most likely, but then again, I won't need to.

14 years ago

After Red Dead, the only thing I'll get this year is Fallout New Vegas. Then no more games for me until I come into some more cash or something comes along that is good enough for me to sell my body.

14 years ago

Um, World, are you forgetting possibly inFamous 2 (though I hope it is released next year rather than this year). Guess you're not much in to racers, but GT5 is surely on my list, along with Modnation Racers (even though I have MS1&MS:PR along with Wipeout HD/Fury). And what about R3? and KZ3? Save on booze, and get these games!

14 years ago

no I don't do racers, cart or otherwise, and there is no way in a monkeys arse Infamous 2 hits this year. But when it does its a D1P.

14 years ago

hey world just so you know modnation is way more than a kart racer, its lbp with uber awesome racingness. More modifications, easy to create tracks, karts, mods. I know it's not for everyone but I hope you at least check the demo and give it a try. So much fun.

14 years ago

yeah I'm informed on it, but it just isn't for me, you guys will have to race on without me 🙂

14 years ago

I've been playing GTA4 and the Episodes in anticipation for Red Dead. R* seems to have taken a similar move as L5: GTA4 gets upgraded with content from Liberty City Episodes. I've been thinking of just selling my EFLC disc and getting the DLC versions just so I can combine the soundtracks. TLAD is a forgettable experience, but BOGT was nicer with spruced up visuals, better story, and action. I've already beat it, but I'm sure it'll be worth a second playthrough at some point.

14 years ago

Monday at midnight = Me picking up Alan Wake, PoP The Forgotten Sands, and Red Dead Redemption.

Tuesday morning = Me going hungry cause I can't afford breakfast due to me purchasing 3 games.

*Sigh* It's a gift and a curse!

14 years ago

man, even the dollar menu will be too expensive for you after that.

14 years ago

something tells me that if you only picked up 2 of those games and waited one week for the other you might be able to afford to eat for that week. i mean you can only play one game at a time and whats a week… but then again i would probably justify it also

14 years ago

I'd like to clarify on behalf my friend, World, after knowing him from his commentary over the years, that he did not imply any social, racial, or cultural insinuation regarding "dollar meal".

14 years ago

haha, thanks for that disclaimer shams

14 years ago

u really need more workers if u have THAT much trouble keeping up with everything.

14 years ago

Give em a break, if 2 guys can run the best PS community I have ever hung out in they deserve plenty of slack.

14 years ago

More appreciation less complaints. Or better yet, contribute to the community by giving great info on stuffs to help out Ben and the gang.

14 years ago

ND added multiplayer to UC2 WITHOUT degrading the single player and instead, the single player experience was tons better than UC1.

What do we learn from this?
PS3 exclusives simply doesn't need to sacrifice anything for the sake of adding another because of Blu Ray.

14 years ago

Precisely. You want to add multiplayer to your epic singleplayer? You better go with the system that doesn't gimp your great ideas.

14 years ago

My dream is that if sega re-releases Yakuza 1 with Japanese voices and subtitles and included Yakuza 2's Combat.

14 years ago

Splinter Cell Conviction a little short for ya Ben?

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