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Editorial: Is Sony Off Base With Move?

I think by now people are aware of my stance on the Wii, which I consider to be more of a gadget than a video game console. But I certainly understand that it has proven to be insanely popular – despite a major falling off in the past year or so – and it's all due to that motion sensing feature.

And of course, both Sony and Microsoft want to grab a piece of that gigantic pie for themselves, which is only natural. And while I'll be interested to give the PlayStation Move a try, I find I'm mostly lukewarm on the whole idea…and I doubt I'm the only PS3 owner who feels this way. Look, I'm aware they're trying to cater to a younger demographic and come across as more family-friendly. There will be slightly more mature games designed for Move, but for the most part, I doubt they'll be offending anyone (at least, not at first). The EyePet is all sorts of cute and it's a great idea but I'm just wondering if this will appeal to the majority of the PS3 crowd. I mean, I'm no business executive but if I'm sitting there going, "this turned out to be a smash hit; we need to do it, too," I'm asking myself the follow-up question:

"Do we have the type of audience that would respond favorably to the concept?"

And this, I'm not 100% on. Right now, the PS3 is about cutting-edge video game productions and it typically appeals to the 18-35 age group, I believe. There are also a lot of long-time gamers who have been on board since the original PlayStation, and in my experience, the older they are, the less interested they are in Move. I'm not proposing that Move will fail; the technology is intriguing and I'm sure there are some current Wii owners going, "hmm, maybe I should upgrade," but I'm wondering what kind of investment this is for Sony. Did they really pump a ton of money and resources into this? Or is it not costing them as much as we think? It's all about returns on investments in business and I suppose I'm just questioning the size of that return for the Move. Am I off base or are they…?

I have my reservations about 3D, too, but for different reasons. I guess it's just very anti-progress of me to say I'm happy with the way things are, that I'm just now getting used to high-definition, online-everything and entirely new experiences like Heavy Rain . I'm perfectly satisfied with the ultra-polished, ceaselessly entertaining products like Uncharted 2 and to me, they just got here. Maybe it's just age, I dunno. But when I look at Move and then look at your standard, run-of-the-mill PS3 owner, I have to wonder if one is hot for the other. That's all.

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14 years ago


dad buys PS3 to play COD with his office buddies because its also a blu ray player.

move drops and he finds out he can give his kids something like the wii on hardware hes alread bought.

thats your audience, sony. theres probably like at least 2000 individuals that will buy your product. the rest of us have a wii, and move's gonna have to open up a hugegantic can of whup-ass to get everyone else to buy it. i'm talking like holographic projectors in the ball thingy. call me when that happens.

14 years ago

I am sure you will get some thumbs down, but I couldn't agree more.

At this point, I am not interested in the Move, as I have a Wii. The videos I saw of Move looked completely uninspiring to say the least. That is not to say they won't come out with something that is a must have, so I will keep an open mind, and a watchful eye.

Ben, the comment "despite a major falling off in the past year or so" describing the Wii's sales or popularity (not sure which you are describing) may be true, however, the numbers are still off the chart impressive, and it is still selling like hot cakes and outselling the competition. In a race, PS3 and 360 are doing 60 MPH, the Wii had been doing 120 MPH, but now it is just going at a steady pace of 90 MPH. So while technically your statement was true, there is another side of it in that it is still outpacing the competition.

14 years ago

It's about keeping up with market trends, more so than competition. Even if endorsing motion controls doesn't help them, they know that it will hurt them more if they don't endorse it. That's the unfortunate nature of the beast.

14 years ago

This does have a certain amount of appeal to me. I do not own a Wii (although my sister, brother-in-law, niece and nephews have one in their living room). Personally save for the few games of interest I'm not sure if it's personally of much value to me. The few Nintendo staples such as some Mario, Zelda and Metroid titles being likely the most notably interesting. Now I have tried a few games such as Mario Galaxy (which I admittedly enjoyed) and Wii Sports (and others along those lines). That being said I presently do not intend on getting a Wii either, unless perhaps by some chance I were to win a new/like new one or given a new/like new one.

However if on the PS3 some of these games looked and played better I'd probably be more inclined to purchase the necessary hardware (bundled with a game at a reasonable price) and eventually include other games in my gaming library.

As some have stated as well (including a friendly and knowledgeable PS3 owner from my local EB Games) I hope this will not replace or overshadow the classic gameplay of the DualShock 3 configurations, but perhaps compliment it on some games giving us the option to use Move.

Thank you for your time and friendly feedback.

14 years ago

wth you ppl talking about. The WII is utter CRAP.

The response is SLOW and unprecise.

The graphics blow.

And the games are 90% shovelware.

I only like the Mario/Zelda Nintendo offcial releases.

Now a PS3 with HD gaming and Move can appeal to ALOT of people. What you are saying is wrong. The adopters won't only be to those who think they might buy one for their kids. But also for all the people who cry because their Wii graphics look like puke on their HD tvs and want to train with an actual real person looking coach and not a hunk of pixels.

It will also appeal to new adopters who want to exercise aswell as having a BD player and good games.

Sry but the Wii nowhere near cuts it for motion sensing. Its only a huge advertisement trap. Unless youre a fan of mario, you shouldn't touch it with a 10 yard pole.

Last edited by VicTheMighty on 5/9/2010 7:03:31 PM

14 years ago

ps3 isnt just 18-35 dude, its as low as 14
when i was 14 and heard rumors, i was looking on this one hints site and was smashing my face across a crt monitor reading all the awesome tidbits that ps3 was gonna have
i owned 6 days after my 16th birthday and now enjoy a little over 20 disc games, 7 bluray's and 19 dl games

14 years ago

The more I look at it the more I'm interested.

I'm planning to get a Wii, but I might not get one if Move is really that good.

14 years ago

Snake, don't let the Move stop you from enjoying Mario and Zelda games. And I don't mean to imply that Wii motes make those games good, because they don't. They are just excellent games that should be played. Even with Move coming out, there will be no game to come out for the PS3 that will be good enough to justify you cheating yourself out of some great Wii gaming experiences.

Even with the Move coming out, the best PS3 games will still require a Dualshock controller.

I say get the Wii!!

14 years ago

Well whether people see it as a gimmick or not, it looks promising and rather fun. I'm not a huge advocate for motion controlling beyond the occasional sixaxis as in Heavy Rain's applications. I dont like controlling the entire game with motion control, lower the dosage the better. I will say I'm looking forward to the XMB or just regular control of simple tasks or small games as paired with the PS Eye, thats what I look for. I was never really one of those people that thought if it got more serious and more hardcore I'd be into it, and I also don't like the Wii's approach. I'm very torn, but will probably pick it up. I'm all for new technologies getting boosted for future uses and better applications and overall better quality, and I think people will agree that while it may be a slight copy of the Wiimote, it is also a quantum leap from what Ninty has brought to the table.

Last edited by JMO_INDY on 5/7/2010 9:39:02 PM

14 years ago

I know that I will be buying it no matter what.

14 years ago

It's going to come down to the games. If there are games out there that you want to play that require the Move as a controller, then people will buy it.

If the Software to support it is crap, then sales will be crap as well.

A few well done Kevin Butler ads though should get a few moves into some living rooms.

As I mentioned in a previous post, if they bundle it with a game I'm interested in, I'll probably pick it up, but when I go to a store to buy something for my PS3, I'll buy a game before I buy another controller/accessory unless I absolutely need one.

I bought my PSeye because it was with Eye of Judgment (which I was interested in) I bought my blutooth because it was bundled with Warhawk, I bought the PS Blutooth because it was bundled with Socom. I'll buy a Move if they bundle it with Socom 4, but if it's bundled with a better version of Wii Sports resort? I'll buy a different game.

14 years ago

The more vids I watch of MOVE the more I ask 'why?'

At the end of the day they can go ahead and launch this device. But they better not expect everyone to buy it. If anything they should KNOW they created this for casual gamers.

I GUESS it's good for business. But it's so sad. V-game consoles were all 'bout attracting people through GAMES. It's always good being creative in controller design but this whole motion-sensing thing is no upgrade, is simply a dumbing down of gameplay.

Now it's all 'bout simple movements instead of strategic or complex usage of space and button commands.

Now it'll be just simple movements…

Anyway, this is all for casual gamers so I guess I can stand it for now

If only the MOVE was used to create really innovative games (maybe new genres? mix of genres?). Guess they won't bother, it's for the casuals……..

14 years ago

Scarecrow, after watching those videos, I hope they are not showing us everything they have to offer, cuz talk about blah. Nothing new, and nothing inspiring that I can see. Although the 1 to 1 ratio being touted is good, but still.

14 years ago

I bet most will buy this because of the hype

14 years ago

I'm all for 99% of the upcoming future tech.

I think we all know that the "Move" controller is never going to replace our regular controllers, or ever become a hardcore mainstay either.

But looking at it as an addition to how we can play our games, and then it becomes a much richer BONUS added to our gaming pleasures.

I see the same for 3DTV's & it's games, but I believe over time if 3D's done right & we can lose those pesky glasses, it will have a much greater chance on becoming a hardcore feature & something that 10 years from now, that most of us will be saying…"Wow", how the hell did we live without it"????

As for myself, I hate that other 1% of my future in having to go to "non-physical" DL only.

So, I give it a Siskel styled "5 Flushes Down"…..and by down, I mean….
right down my toilet bowl, along with ALL the rest of my purely "physical" crapping's.

14 years ago

remember when people kept saying that some consumers are buying ps3s for the bluray player? now all they need is to get the playstation move and they'll have a wii 3.0. just like how older people buy wii games because its accessible to them. with a ps3 at hand, why not try move for them. the core gamers wont really mind because its just another way we can play our games.

14 years ago

Bingo. I was thinking the same thing. The non-gamers bought a PS3 for reasons other than games and this could help Sony put some software in their hands.

14 years ago

I am still not convinced… for the casual party poopers the Move may move them; but I will be looking for the serious games and how the work with the device.

Once E3 comes around I think enough will be shown, seen and played to get a better idea of how easy and effective it is to actually use practically. As said, for the casual games, the Move should work well, no reason why not. For the more complex game type mechanics I would need to get a very good idea of how it works before I can say if it really is for me or not…

For now I am happy with my trusty dual shock!



14 years ago

Move needs to be made because my trying to learn FPS playin' ass bought a $70 FragFX to help me aim a little better on my copy of Bioshock and Fallout….only to find out that it's almost impossible to turn around to shoot the bastard behind you.

It comes down to "light guns". I like the idea of them. If they do it right, it will lead to better aiming.

And, yes, I still miss Duck Hunt.

Best "light gun" game ever? Revolution X. I stole SO many quarters from my dad's coin jar to play that game. Ultimately, I'm hoping for that kind of aim.

I have the Wii for the family, but honestly, it's only Power Glove 2.0.

14 years ago

Best lightgun in my eyes was the Konami lightgun. I remember you were able to use it after you got the alien ending in the first Silent Hill.

14 years ago

The PS1 had a light gun? Never heard of that…

14 years ago

I don't think so, because people were talking about Ninendo need a Wii 2 (Wii with HD) but now PS3 got that covered, and we already covered HD gaming and Blu-ray so we are set!

14 years ago

I sometimes wonder if the Wii would have been better received by the “gamer” if the sort of content produced for it were in line with the more obvious interests of those who drive the momentum behind the PS3 and 360. If, at the time of the Wii launch, Nintendo came to the market with a powerful system that offered a broad selection of games that had varied appeal, and especially more games that had the image and sort of production values that spoke directly to the “gamers,” I would be more invested into their product. Instead, I see a breadth of games that target weight loss, children’s cartoon characters, and party/social games. Games that do not transcend our understanding of interactive video entertainment. But, instead, games that fill shelf space like cheap literature, or monthly magazines, purchased and forgotten that leave little impact with the gamers who have followed the evolution of gaming entertainment and who can chronologically identify great milestones in game design.

While I do own a Wii, mostly because of my wife’s interests, and I’ve spent a few hours with Metroid, the graphics and presentation are so dated and archaic it struggles to hold my interests. I will give props to Mario Galaxies. It is far and away the most enjoyable game I’ve played on the system with clever design and nostalgic appeal… sadly, I think those are the only games on that system I care to try.

As for the Playstation Move. It already bothers me that I’m reading headlines about Toy Story 3 having Move support. I really hope publishers do not pigeon-hole the Move audience as a platform that will pander to children, and simple minded entertainment demographics.

Sony embrace the technology of motion-control, but only if you marry it with a strong selection of cutting edge content that appeals to the identity of your audience. Otherwise, I’ll pass and put my money somewhere else.

14 years ago

When I buy any electronic device, i do my homework to find out what it's all about. Move seems to me like a good, solid product. I'm getting it because I like getting the most out of my stuff like the PS3, and because I think it'll be fun. That's what games are supposed to be, right? I think this is a step in the right direction, now lets see where Sony takes us next.

14 years ago

If move fails imagine how bad natal is gonna hit the fan. By that I am referring to the $hit hitting the fan.

14 years ago

never underestimate the xbots.

14 years ago

By "the xbots", do you mean "the dark side"? Well, certainly they're not very bright.

14 years ago

lol shams, nice pun.

14 years ago

Being able to be interactive with my games seems awesome to me. I once had the Wii. Just like the PS3 it was plagued with lack of quality games being a given. The Wii had awesome games in its early years, the PS3 sucked in its early years. Nevertheless they both suffered in drought when good games lacked.

The PS3 has awesome games. Anything over than a dozen awesome game is amazing. Seriously…If you fail to come into the system's early years, you have time to catch up on all the great games. Then come the new hot games that are on their way.

The Playstation Move is a great addition. We are at 35 million units sold world wide. When the move comes out and stupid Sony makes sure that demand is met…we can easily see this number double within a year.

I like my "cool" games and at the same time I like my "fun" games. I will enjoy throwing crap at the screen and thrusting my controller any which way and see what my actions complete on screen..simple as that.

14 years ago

I'm sorry, but I have never regretted buying my PS3 in Dec '06. The PS3 had more launch titles that interested me than any other console I've owned. And that's going back to the Atari 5200. I still play some of the early pre-trophy games from time to time. I guess I'm a simple gamer.

14 years ago

Well, here's MY personal opinion on Move: Quite simply the technology astounds and impresses me. I will be picking it up (plus I already have the EYE) if they show some truly stellar games for it at E3. All I need to be convinced at this point is a slew of awesome software.

14 years ago

As they say Kowhoho… different strokes for different folks 🙂



Last edited by Qubex on 5/7/2010 11:41:18 PM

14 years ago

Sony took a risk with the PS3, and its paying off big time.

I have total faith in them.

14 years ago


14 years ago

I am impressed by the specification of the new peripherals, and the potential already talked about from developers… that the ps crowd is right for it or not is just silly conjecture, I think the move is a fine product, with lots of fine developers working on some really interesting stuff for it.

14 years ago

Ben, your article paints "Move" as a mutually exclusive offering when it isn't. Sony has a huge R&D budget so developing this peripheral isn't taking from the next kick ass gadget of the future. There is room for "Move" in Sony's lineup just as there's room for three video game consoles. As happy PS3 owners, we should be happy Sony is looking to expand the PS3 empire instead of holding on to its former glory.

14 years ago

I don't know, seeing this video made me change my mind about it a bit:

14 years ago

I'm not really to arsed about Move or 3D myself to be honest. They're like selling gimmicks but I'm not sure that they'll really take off. Well sure the Wii is extremely popular and 3D tv's are hitting stores soon but I just can't see this being the way of the future no matter how much they push these technologys onto us.

3D was a huge fad decades ago and then dropped off the map completely until recently when the technology advanced enough to put it back on the map. But even still, there hasn't been that many great 3D movies coming out. It works great for childrens cartoons and Avatar was good fun to watch but what sells these movies is the novelty of the technology and storylines and depth (emotional depth not in the context of visual dimension) usually gets pushed to the side in favour of cheap trickery. As of yet we're still in the dark as to how this will transfer over to games as we don't have the tv's yet but soon we'll see if our games are downgraded to facilitate 3D or if it really enhances the immersion factor.

As for motion sensing technology, it's great with a gang of friends over, to play during the holidays with your family or to give your mother/sister the false sense of an excercise workout but playing on your own it's pretty crap imo. It's strong points are when played in numbers but for the most part I'd personally want to sit down and relax and play my games old school without flaying my arms around like an idiot. I don't see it happening for older gamers unless they have kids, then I can see the attraction. I don't have kids and having the Wii already in the house is more than enough motion tech for me. It's seven months to Christmas before it'll be switched on again for a few games of bowling with the family.

14 years ago

the wii does not sell like hotcakes because of its motion controllers, it sells like hot cakes for 2 reasons.
1 being its seen as a family friendly console, soccer mums see it as the only console appropriate for kids.
you look at the 360 whats its mascot?
you look at the ps3s whats its mascot?
you look at the wii whats its mascot?

2nd reason and i think the stronger one is it gives older gamers a serious nostalgia hit.
i absolutely loved playing pokemon red when i was a kid, the wii lets me play allot of the games i played when i was 6.
does the ps3 let me do that?
does the 360 let me do that?
thats one thing sony and M$ are missing, they think that if they bring in motion controllers that their console will automatically sell like a wii.

i dont like move only because there wasting time and money on this when they could be spending it somewhere else.
i dont hate move, im looking forward to how it can revolutionize the way we experience our games.
but is the cost worth it?

what would you rather?
sony spend tens of millions of dollars making move?
or them put that money towards saving their studios which have gone bankrupt?
sony london in particular has lost a sh*t load of employees due to budget cuts.

what would you rather?
move, or the re announcement of 8 days and the getaway 3?
i sure know which one i would pick!

14 years ago

well, i can only agree with one point on your post, that the wii is more family friendly. Thats because most, if not all, their games are so dumbed down that people who were apprehensive of current videogame see them as complex and hard to learn. When they see the wii, all they need to know is basic actions like swing their hand so therefore they wont be scared of by it since its pretty easy for them to do.

The wii's mascot is mario theres no argueing that, but thats because its the franchise that made nintendo great. Thats the game that people look back to as one of their favorite childhood franchise. hell, theres only 2 games i bought for the wii, new mario bros wii and mario galaxy. As for microsoft, they have master chief, mainly because they dont have anything else they can use imho. As for sony, they dont really have a mascot this gen. ps1 it probably was crash, ps2 probably was jak and daxter, and for the ps3, theres a lot to choose from because they've always had the most franchises that are just simply amazing. theres kratos, sackboy, drake, etc. Their library is just so diverse to actually focus on 1 mascot.

As for nostalgia hit, are you serious? first off you say you loved playing pokemon red then say the wii lets you play the games you loved when you were younger. unless i'm missing something, the wii doesnt let you play gameboy games. although i havent looked up my nintendo wii for a long time, i'm sure it doesnt let you play gameboy games. you can correct me on this if i'm wrong. How old are you by the way? when i go for nostalgia, i remember games like the first mario, super mario 3, contra, megaman, and all other older franchises.

as for the other systems not letting you play older games, have you been under a rock this whole time? ps3 can play ps1 and some play ps2 games. the 360 plays some older xbox games too. I believe that psn store and live marketplace offers older games too. Of course you wont see nintendo games on ps3 and 360 because they are nintendo games. what did you expect.

How can you even determine if move is worth the cost when you dont even know how much it will sell for? Lets see, should sony save that studio to create games that has a comparatively small audience or expand their reach to a bigger market which will also allow their system to expand into the casual market. i think its a pretty clear choice.

14 years ago

ive always loved platforming games, and really the wii is the only console that lets you play so many of them.
a boy and his blob looks like a really fun game, im actually cursing myself for buying a 360 instead of a wii!
and yes the wii does let you play gameboy games, its called a emulator.

ps1 games are near impossible to find, no stores sell them anymore, im not using ebay anymore because the last 3 times i bought something i did not get the item.
the PSN store sucks because all the ps1 classics are only on the US store, the only ones EU gets are the freaking disney titles!

as for move im not saying its not worth its price, im saying id rather sony use the money they spent making it on more useful things.
i thought the ps3 was made for games, not for gimmicks!
i would much rather have the getaway and 8 days than a motion controller.

14 years ago

Not everyone is gonna hack a wii to play those old games. I don't agree at all that the wii is worth for buying. The only games I bought and that were worth on the wii were mario galaxy and smash brothers. Also I agree with john when you talk about old games I always go back double dragon megaman and such. How old are you exactly? Also considering how you "buy" your games I don't feel bad about your ebay story. You always seem to mention it.

Last edited by sawao_yamanaka on 5/8/2010 10:03:41 AM

14 years ago

If I were to buy a Wii, I would hack it to play all those games. And I would hack it to be able to play Wii backups from the internet. Why? Because then I can play the game and see if I like it before buying it. Also, some games can be hard to find after a while, so downloading it and playing it until I get it is perfect.

14 years ago

It's weird I have been playing video games since the age of 2, starting with a Nintendo I won in pin the tail on the donkey (true story.) Essentially I have enjoyed everything Nintendo up until… Wii. Now I'm aware Move promises to be more accurate and all that noise, but I am NOT interested in motion controls HD or not. I love using a controller and being immersed because a game is good, not because of how you play it. For instance in the 90's the idea of virtual reality was huge, and as much of that would be a cool experience, it's not what made me fall in love with games. I fell in love with pressing the right button and that input actuating my progress. I am old school despite my age of 22, and I will never subscribe completely to motion control even if it's from my two favorite console makers Sony, or Nintendo. Maybe I can assimilate but for now until a Wii is won by me in pin the tail on the donkey, I will never own motion controls.

14 years ago

I have been looking forward to this for a long time and I can't wait. I really don't understand the negativity from ps3 owners. It's not like you have to get it, but it offers a chance for the ps3 to get into more homes.

I personally think the 1:1 ratio will get me to play games I don't usually play that often. Like shooters, a simple gun attachment made for the move could make me play shooters for the feel and accuracy.

I really enjoyed fable on original xbox, I know ps3 doesn't have that, but an rpg like it being able to use move for the bow and sword/shield would be a lot of fun.

One big thing I want, I've said it before and will continue to say it until I get it, Demon's Souls 2 with Move. I can't wait.

14 years ago

Dude, Demon's Souls 2 would so be so ROCKIN' AWESOME with Move. Also don't forget the Monster Hunter franchise should it ever come back to consoles.

Last edited by WolfCrimson on 5/8/2010 5:08:32 AM

14 years ago

I am looking forward to the Move, I had my hands on the first WII that came into the U.K but I only had it for week before I passed it on, I never bothered to buy one as I was a too unimpressed by the lack of accuracy.

I shall be getting the move though as I do like the idea of the motion controlled games. Hopefully, Move will not annoy me and get in the way of the game. I am also a little annoyed at the lack of games that make use of the PS-EYE, Sony should have at least made it compatible with the eyetoy games, Move should fill that gap.

14 years ago

Yeah. What ever happened to Identify? Remember that game?

14 years ago

move just like the wii and 3D gaming and thown in the that other thing from M$ are all just fads. i will not be buying any of the grabage. just give me a real controler and my games and i be happy just like the good ol' days. (nintendo days)

currently playing
360 – splintercell conviction

14 years ago

Its just not how i like to play games, i can appreciate it as being innovative, but i much prefer to just hold a Joypad. I thought the PS3 tackled motion sensor with the Sixaxis well, i thought it worked well for minor parts like in uncharted aiming a grenade or balancing over a log, but anything more than that just annoys me, i remember on Heavenly Sword, the bow and arrow mission where you have to protect that guy, i someone hit hit him right between the eyes, needless to say i was not happy lol.

But in all seriousness, i just cant see it working on games i enjoy, I never liked it on the Wii, just becuase it is coming to the PS3 does not mean i am going to chance my mind anytime soon.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x