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Ben’s Week In Review: April 25

May is just around the corner and it's another huge month. Which big release tops your priority list?

Anybody else concerned about Jaffe's project?

We've all assumed for years that Eat Sleep Play, David Jaffe and Scott Campbell's new studio, is working on a fresh Twisted Metal installment. And while we continue to find evidence that it might be true, the elapsed time is just plain worrisome. Who ever heard of such a huge exclusive that had to be kept this secret? What possible harm can there be in letting everyone know what you're doing; it will only serve to ratchet the excitement and anticipation up a few notches. I mean, we see baseline information and even early media as much as a year before a game is scheduled to arrive…so why would a TM game be so confidential? And really, why is it taking so long ? We appreciate the amount of time and resources a large blockbuster title requires but what is this black-bag, CIA operation? I just can't conceive of a reason why nobody can know and I'm starting to think that development has taken a turn for the worse…

I mean, who cares if the game will indeed be a PS3 exclusive when it doesn't seem to exist ? Eh, maybe I'm just being paranoid. I so badly want a new TM! I'd still prefer to have some concrete info, though.

Would a first-person Silent Hill be a bad thing?

I know we have a lot of FPS haters here but I happen to like the genre. And although I too was a little skeptical about the idea of a first-person Silent Hill , the more I think about it, the more I start to embrace it. Look, I know we gamers love our traditions and to so seriously alter the perspective and gameplay of an established franchise is taboo. But really, is this that terrible? I mean, one of the more significant flaws visible in the SH games has been somewhat clunky and awkward control. Well, this tends to go away beneath the fluidity of a first-person view. The only problem I might foresee is that SH has always made one feel vulnerable; it's one of the primary traits of this series. You don't feel like a superhero; you feel like a human, and you move like one, too. In a FPS, you can usually fling yourself about with perfect coordination and unbelievable speed, so a FPS Silent Hill might focus more on action and less on thrills.

And yes, that would suck. But if Killzone 2 proved anything, it proved that a character controlled in a first-person format can have weight and at least semi-realistic physics. So besides a bias against FPSs, what would really be the problem with this switch?

Personal gaming update

Okay, so I spent a great deal of time powering up my team in Final Fantasy XIII …and I'm totally underwhelmed. I did all the research on just the type of Legendary weapons I wanted, I maxed them out, I maxed the Crystarium, I got all the great accessories and…big damn deal. I don't really even feel that much more powerful. I thought I'd be able to annihilate most everything but I really can't; I can win, but it's typically an annoying battle and makes it feel like my many hours of building was for nothing. I mean, I know I wouldn't even be able to fight these tougher enemies if I hadn't done it but damnit, where is that feeling of superiority you get from other FFs and RPGs after putting in the requisite time to become a God? I'm sorry; call me crazy, but this is just another reason for me to dislike FFXIII.

Anyway, as I said before, May looks great. I most want Red Dead Redemption but I'm also very interested in Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands . I don't really care so much about Lost Planet 2 but that looks pretty good, too. Oh, and I should have Nier this week so expect a review on that soon. Lastly, everyone seemed to enjoy submitting their questions to Joseph Gatt , so I might try to pursue similar projects…but please bear in mind that we aren't GameSpot and getting the really interesting and popular people can be a process. Just stay tuned and be patient, all right? 😉

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fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

Why are you asking for concrete info. if you already have it? Eh? Who are you trying to fool here? 😉

I'm very interested in the reviews of Nier. It's on my possible order list.

Last edited by fluffer nutter on 4/24/2010 10:28:37 PM

14 years ago

I think this site is better than gamespot news wise. They don't really get any big stories or cool editorials over there. The only thing they have is reviews because they have so many people working on it. Also I too am a bit worried about Jaffe's game. Maybe one day a new Twisted Metal will just be on the shelf and we will all be shocked and amazed.

14 years ago

Ben what about 3d Dot Game Heroes. Aren't you excited about that one??

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

I definitely want to try it but I'm not sure if I'm "excited" about it.

14 years ago

I thought i remember you said you weren't a fan of Zelda Ben. Did you like any of the old Zelda games on NES, SNES or Gamboy? If not, you may not like 3D Dot Game Heros. The game play seems largely the same.

Last edited by Jawknee on 4/25/2010 12:41:55 AM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

I wasn't a fan of the 3D Zeldas but I loved the 2D Zeldas. It's much the same relationship I have with Castlevania.

14 years ago

legend of zelda ocarina of time was epic. thats the only franchise that i will always buy day 1

14 years ago

Day one for me too.

14 years ago

got 3d dot game heroes on release date delivery on amazon. can't wait, each trailer ramps up my anticipation more

14 years ago

What tops my list in May? Definetly Red Dead Redemption and Modnation Racers. I might get Split/Second as well. I'll wait for the PSX review before purchasing that game.

14 years ago

Exactly what I'm looking forward to in May.

14 years ago

In my honest opinion, Gamespot is better than PSXE in many way.

The community and article in PSXE pawned those in Gamespot and that's what I love about PSXE.

I'll be waiting for the Nier review Ben, it'll be interesting to see if Nier will be good or bad.

Last edited by Snaaaake on 4/24/2010 11:00:25 PM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

GameSpot has eight gazillion employees. We have three.

14 years ago

Sorry for not knowing Ben, my bad…….

14 years ago

Yeah I don't know that I've ever seen 2 reviews from the same person on gamespot or ign for that matter. I swear they just pawn reviews off on every person that works there. Even the girl that gets coffee.

Here, it's Ben or Arnold. That says it all.

14 years ago

quality > quantity

PS: Gamespot, and possibly other v-game sources, get paid for reviews (it's been proven before)

14 years ago

dude, gamespot is garbage. isn't that the site that had the review scandal? the only worthwhile thing they have is gamefaqs, when i'm stuck or something.
they have zero credibility as a reviews site.

14 years ago

You guys have 3 employees.

Let's see…there is Val, Arnold and Ben. Did I leave anyone out? Uh, John Shephard…..That's funny…he is not listed as an employee or in the special thanks section. I am smelling a psuedonym.


14 years ago

John is Ben's alter ego. ;x

14 years ago

How about silent hill having metalgear-like gameplay? 🙂 that would be awesome.

14 years ago

I've always thought Horror games should play a lot more like Stealth games.

Siren kind of does.

Last edited by Fane1024 on 4/26/2010 7:54:26 PM

14 years ago

OH and at least the hard battles in FF13 feel more rewarding especially when u get a 5 star raiting! And theres always a challenge in every battle. like you can underestimate a king behemoth then he suddenly pulls a fast sunder and aeroga on

14 years ago

Im looking forward to Nier, it looks like a pretty good game.

I found FFXII a 2 days ago and i got a new phone! ^^

14 years ago

I played the game on a convention… Wasn't all that good it feels like… a dungeon crawler with a hack and slash gameplay and some flashy skills and rpg customizations …. the graphics are pretty bad though the camera is on top so the characters looks small but in close up looks bad… lol
the gameplay was fun… at least

14 years ago

I'm looking forward to Red Dead Redemption as well, but I've got plenty to hold me over until May 18. I've been playing Resonance of Fate, Just Cause 2, Mini Ninjas, and a couple chapters of Afro Samurai.

I still haven't played The Taxidermist for Heavy Rain yet, but I'll get to that sometime soon, I think.

The interview you had with Joseph Gatt was great and hope to see more like it in the future.

14 years ago

Lol FPS haters.

I know exactly what you mean Ben when you talk about the feeling of superiority typically expererienced after many hours of leveling up. I remember specifically making Yuna and Riku hit straight consistent 99999s (I think I kept defeating some monster at the arena which dropped 2 strength spheres and then turned lots of empty nodes into strength +4 nodes). That was quite epic, considering how ironic it was. Monsters that used to own me were getting absolutely pooned- though I still didn't manage to clear all the dark aeons. Maybe next play…

Last edited by kokoro on 4/24/2010 11:40:54 PM

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

They were getting vagina'd? What?

14 years ago


14 years ago

poon=vagina, pawned=overpowered*

*yeah, i cant come up with the word right now.

14 years ago

pwned = owned

14 years ago

thanks for that

14 years ago

im stoked for RDR but im really waiting for ufc undisputed 2010!

14 years ago

ufc undisputed 2010

14 years ago

Well my PSN wallet just got robbed. I'm so angry right now.

14 years ago

Well my PSN wallet just got robbed. I'm so angry right now.

14 years ago

I know what you mean about level grinding and seeming like it was all for nothing. I mean, i maxed out my crystalium and all but its still a pain to get 5 star in some of the mark missions. not to mention my team can still get destroyed easily unless protect or some of the other spells are active.

Gamer Girl Gemo
Gamer Girl Gemo
14 years ago

Hmm… Don't have much to say about anything here except my gaming update… Which is pretty much void since gamefly takes its sweet time sending out games. I'm currently waiting for gamefly to send me Heavy Rain… Oh how it will be such a delight to receive that beauty… Oh how I will jump for joy…
Also, I still don't like the idea of an FPS Silent Hill… Silent Hill and FPS just don't mix for my cup of tea, you know? I love FPS, but when you throw Silent Hill into it… Eeehhh… And I know this is probably due to the whole keeping traditions and keeping what was originally installed. But, I just can't seem to like it… Maybe it takes a demo to sway me over. But if it doesn't then… Aaahh, oh well.

Lastly, I'm not really excited for anything in May… I'm not into RDR or really anything else coming out. The only thing that I'm looking forward to in the future would be ND's announcement of Uncharted 3. Although we pretty much already know it's in the works, I just like some confirmation here.

14 years ago

i really hated that about gamefly. the nearest gamefly center was in like PA and im in IL. so it was a few days to mail there and a few days to mail back.

14 years ago

"Who ever heard of such a huge exclusive that had to be kept this secret? What possible harm can there be in letting everyone know what you're doing"

same question could be asked about every game out there.
plus sony are publishing it and you know what there like, sony Cambridge apparently have 3 new games in development neither of them have been announced.
sony BEND finished working on their latest title years ago, so what have they been doing?
what has insomniac been doing? what has ND been doing?
you make it sound like this is the first time a games been treated so secretively.
im worried about it, but because of the time its been in development and the hype surrounding it.
i can see the sh*t hitting the fan when david announces his game and its not a TM game.

as for silent hill depends on what you mean.
FPS as in first person well that IMO would make the series much better.
a first person horror game would be so cool, that is guaranteed to increase the tension and suspense.

FPS as in first person shooter FU*K NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
honestly dont we have enough of those?
no, seriously if silent hill becomes a first person shooter i will personally go over to konami and re create the opening scene of silent hill homecoming.
and this time there will be no sensors!!!!!!!!!!!!

im really enjoying Nier ATM its certainly not what i was expecting which is a good thing.
the game just needs a little focus and a straight jacket!
i know its a RPG and its nice to have the freedom to wonder around and do whatever you want, but it really lacks refinement.
its far to easy to wonder off and do something your not really suppose to and you have no idea your even doing it.
like traveling from one mission to another theres always multiple paths, you take the wrong one the game does not tell you so your stuck there wondering around for half a hour making absolutely no progress what so ever!
nier is certainly not the game to play when you just want to make progress.
if your happy wondering around doing nothing than its perfect, but if you just want to hurry up and finish the game than your going to be in for a boat load of head aches.
nothing worse than spending 10 minutes travailing in one direction to then finally find out you were traveling in the wrong direction.

14 years ago

i cant say i love fps but i dont hate them. many of my favorite games this gen were fps. bioshock 1 & 2, mag, fallout 3 (even though it had 3rd person i played 1st).

RDR sounds great i am hoping it turns out to be an awesome game.

personal gaming update: i got back into mag this past week. been doing pretty well actually. mag is to much fun. i respeced my profile and went for the best sniper rifle. i love sniping people even more now. i really want to see what that sniper rifle will be like in the dlc mag will get but for some reason i dont think it will be much different.

14 years ago

Ben, Which one are you more into? Street Fighter OR King of Fighters?. . .

Uhm. I'm currently playing Uncharted 2 on Crushing difficulty, about 20 hours into FFXII, and 15min in FFXIII 😛

Looking forward to PoP. . .

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Neither. I really hate fighters in general. 🙂

14 years ago

Playing FFXIII and Heavy Rain now. So far am cool with the battle system in FFXIII, maybe am part of the twitch-gamers cause am glad everything is faster now. Not having to press X to listen to people is nice, and they don't talk a whole lot of unnecessary trash now. I'll post my impressions when am deep in, I don't think it'll be my least favorite FF cause so far Snow seems cooler than Balthier and Sazh is funny. Maybe am a twitch-gamer, I like things fast no wonder am a big fan of MW2 Online, I think FFXIII is my kind of game.

Heavy Rain is epic, in elementary school I imagined brushing your teeth and bathing in a game, several years later and am playing it now. And hey, folding that paper to origami whiles data is being installed to the hard drive was a cool idea, though I was disappointed a few bucks didn't fall out of it cause doing it looked like a magic show lol.

I'm looking forward to SSFIV ONLY cause that budget price is cool, I woulda passed if it was full price and I already sold my SFIV, plus there's nothing to really do in Tekken 6 anymore

Last edited by www on 4/25/2010 4:38:46 AM

14 years ago

I want Red Dead Redemption… I want it bad.

14 years ago

@ Ben

Don't you have an exclusive that you won't reveal ??????????

I finished chaos theory for the first time yest, it is such an awesome JRPG , I have to finish it 4 other times to get the full ending 🙂 another reason to play like I needed any.

I hope it will come to other handheld or the PSN so other ppl without an iPhone/touch could enjoy this awesome game

14 years ago

and this site is miles better than GS to be honest at least ur not biased even though ur called PSX

14 years ago

my may/jun games are

alan wake(360)
red dead redemption
3d dot heros games
skate 3
ufc 2010 undisputed and for june since it got pushed backbreaker

currenty playing
ps3 – nothing right now need more games.
360 – mass effect 2

14 years ago

The most random collection.
but skate3… yh im interested.

14 years ago

I couldn't be buthered maxing out the crysterium/weapon upgrades etc after finishing FFXIII main game. I tried for about an hour, doing a couple more Marks, but found it royalty boring & lost interest. Sounds like I made the right choice…

Silent Hill would be wrong as a FPS. I'm not saying FPS can't work for a horror game, but it can't work for Silent Hill, where empathy for your onscreen vulnerable character is so key

Gaming wise, I'm excited about Monster Hunter Tri. Never tried a MH before, but this looks right up my alley

14 years ago

I've been playing a lot of tri it is my first MH game and though it takes a little while to get into the mechanics of it it really grows on you.

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