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Interview: Joseph Gatt Answers Fan Questions

Last week, the man who helped bring Kratos to life in the past two God of War entries, Joseph Gatt, offered to answer some fan questions . And of course, because our community is so darn responsive, we quickly had over a hundred questions for the receptive actor. We've gathered up the best – and most popular – questions, and Mr. Gatt has responded. Here you go:

How did you get involved in the gaming industry? Was it something you always wanted to do?

"I was working in a West End musical in London when an actor friend of mine called me and said that a game company was looking for an extra actor to do some mocap. I have no idea at all what he was talking about but I needed the extra money, so I said yes. I spent a week rehearsing, playing some of the smaller characters (my friend was playing the lead), then we went to the mocap stage and shot for a week. The place we shot at was called Centroid 3D, just outside of London. After a week of learning this thing called 'Motion Capture' they said we were done.

A few days later, Centroid called me back to redo a lot of the stuff that my friend had done because they thought his movements didn't suit the character properly. Since I was more physical and ex-military they thought I'd do better. So I went in and in two days mocap'd almost everything the previous actor took a full week to capture. That role was 'Tanner' in 'Driver 2.' I was fascinated by the process and loved working with Centroid. They were pioneers in this media, doing stuff that no one else had even heard was possible. I worked for them several times as a motion capture actor on many games including 'Driver 3,' 'Sniper Elite,' '24,' 'The Game,' and some TV, 'Captain Scarlet,' before moving to America."

Do you play games yourself? If so, which ones?

"I know this is crazy…but I'm not really a gamer! I love video games but have to stay away because my life would disappear instantly into a controller and large screen TV! I save my gaming for parties and the green room at SCEA in San Diego. When I do play I love first person shooters and Role playing games…and racing / aircraft / combat simulators…"

Kratos does a lot of insane actions in God of War III. Did you do motion capture for all of them?

"In GOW3, I do everything you see Kratos do in all the cinematic sequences/cut scenes. In GOW2 I did all the cinematic sequences and also a lot of the in game stuff. Doing the stunts on the mocap stage is so much fun. It's a little like working on a major movie. You can use pads, wires and other people to enhance the stunt and make it safe because non of them are picked up by the mocap camera's. But there was still some very physical stuff to do. One of the hardest was to hang by one hand from a bar 10 feet up while Kratos gives a long 3 minute speech and then drops into the abyss! The other was mocapping the rough lovemaking scene with Athena…but that's enough about that…"

Would you consider portraying Kratos in a film adaptation of God of War?

"They've been discussing this movie for a while but there seems to be a little trouble between production and Sony about the script, casting etc…but my manager has been keeping me in the mix."

What's the best and worst parts of doing motion capture? How does it compare to other things you've done?

"The best thing about doing mocap is that it's hard work…but always enjoyable and never boring (except when you spend days doing in game generic movements!) The technology is so sensitive and advanced today, that very subtle/realistic acting is captured. I've worked on jobs when they've captured movement and voice at once which makes the whole process very satisfying! It's even more exciting when the actual characters look physically similar to how you actually look…and a lot of them have. It's amazing how many video game characters are muscular with bald heads!

"I've just booked a voice job on the new Star Wars game and the actual character design is VERY similar to my own physicality…maybe I'll do the mocap on that one as well! There really isn't a downside to doing Motion capture except that you don't always get any kind of recognition for the character. That always seems to go to the animators and the voice actors. People do seem to overlook how important the physicality is in defining a character. It is as important, if not more so, then the voice. Hopefully actors like Doug Jones and Andy Serkis are proving this."

How does it feel to be the actor/model for one of the biggest, most well-recognized characters in gaming today?

"When I first booked GOW2, I had no idea what or who 'Kratos' was! I had no idea how famous the game and character where….but now I get recognized as much for GOW as for the on camera acting I've done. I suppose it helps that I'm in the making of documentaries that came with GOW2 & 3. The best thing is the young kids. they actually think I'm Kratos…and…without chopping off any heads…I play along."

What's next for you? Would you handle Kratos again if you were asked?

"No matter how successful I become as an actor, I will always go back to doing mocap. It is such a fun experience and I've worked with the most wonderful people in the gaming industry. If Sony called me to do GOW4…I would jump at the chance."

End Interview

We'd like to thank Joseph for volunteering his time and giving us such great answers. We'd also like to thank the ever-reliable PSXE readers for giving us so many good questions. By the way, you guys sorta scared him off with your fantastic response; he was going to post answers directly into that other article in the Comments section but the number of questions was so high…anyway, he said he'd try to drop in to to say hi, so behave yourselves. 😉

For more on Gatt, visit his IMDB resume and his personal website .

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14 years ago

Thanks for your thoughtful responses Mr. Gatt, and for handling our many questions Ben. I love when PSXE does interviews and the only next best thing is when we get to contribute. Keep up the good work both of you 🙂

14 years ago

From Kratos to pornstars, Ben's got it covered.

Gotta love this site.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

…I just realized how insane that sounds. LOL

14 years ago

Kratos to pornstars? Im sure i did THAT in Vegas

14 years ago


14 years ago

Thank you Mr. Gatt. We appreciate you taking the time to answer our questions and giving us more insight into your work. Thanks to PSXE for making it possible.

Is there a way we could try and do more of these Q&A sessions more often? I'd like to see if we could get someone like Nolan North or other key people in the industry to answer some questions from us. Thanks.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Trust me, I've thought about that.

14 years ago


14 years ago

Niiice interview. Is it me, or do many of these mo-cap actors come across as really cool guys? I didn't know much about Gatt until I read this and I must say I'm pleasantly surprised by his great answers.

I do have one suggestion for Mr Gatt though: Do not fear the controller and HD TV. They are your friends. Treat them right and you will find that gaming does not destroy your life, but that life is gaming.

14 years ago

or at the least it is a great way to spend off hours when you aren't out and about. Gaming doesn't have to take over ones life.

14 years ago

Does… not… compute…

14 years ago

Shh! We're trying to make him one of us here!

14 years ago

@World We might have to give him the blue ps3…

14 years ago

HAHA, good luck with that!

14 years ago

That Blue PS3 is Moby Dick.

14 years ago

Thanks for taking time out of your day to answer our questions.

14 years ago

Nice interview Ben.

Can you interview Kevin Butler next? d(^_^)b

14 years ago

Oh yeah that would be nice and funny interview. Make it happen Ben, please.

14 years ago

Kevin Butler would be good but i want a Nolan North.

14 years ago

Would you consider portraying Kratos in a film adaptation of God of War?

"They've been discussing this movie for a while but there seems to be a little trouble between production and Sony about the script, casting etc…but my manager has been keeping me in the mix."

I am glad to hear that. Your appearance is near perfect, so much to the fact I was hoping the question would have been picked.

Thanks for your time Mr. Gatt. And nice interview Ben!!

14 years ago

I was beginning to think that Ben was trying his hand at round 2 on the jokes since most people complained about his April Fools Day prank. Great interview, come back and do it again sometime soon. I wish Mr. Gatt well in his career and many thanks for the time spent answering questions.

14 years ago

So no Do you work out question?


14 years ago

May have to let that one go man.

MoCap Kratos
MoCap Kratos
14 years ago

I've been into sports since I was a kid… playing semi-pro football (soccer), rugby, tennis and various martial arts. I started lifting weights when I was 21… and now, it's basically what I do most, together with maintaining the martial arts and fight skills and the crazy action work!! The key to keeping fit is just motivation. Don't deny yourself anything and know what your goal is. Do your research and work hard in and out of the gym. Most importantly, have fun!! Never stick to a regiment for too long or you'll get bored…always change things up every month or so.

14 years ago

Wait there might be a God of War movie?

14 years ago

ben, uhh… suggestion.
how about ur site reviews things like movies?
i world love 2 c ur sites opinion on the pacific series

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

We have enough trouble keeping up with all the game stuff…you want us to handle movies, too?


Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 4/20/2010 11:23:52 PM

14 years ago

I tried to watch Pacific, found it not as good as Band of Brothers.

Anyway, I like this site to be games, kinda like I did IGN a million years ago before they went into everything else.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 4/21/2010 12:00:56 AM

14 years ago

Thanks for answering questions man. Glad your a cool dude and not a di** like any given worker for Activision.

14 years ago

Cool interview!!!

Kudo's to both Joe Gatt, & Ben for getting this accomplished here on our very own PSXE.

14 years ago

Great interview. Thanks to Mr. Gatt for taking the time to answer some questions. Keep up the great work Ben! I love peices like this.

14 years ago

Great interview psxe and Mr Gatt!

I will also say that a character's appearance and overall presentation is something that is so underestimated in v-games sometimes. I think that if Kratos wasn't that strong/badass kind of character the series just wouldn't go far no matter how good the voice was.

I gotta start lifting some weights again…

14 years ago

Nice interview, Ben! And thanks Mr. Gatt for your time.

14 years ago

cool interview. Ex military working in a West End musical? Can't be too many of those

"It's amazing how many video game characters are muscular with bald heads!"

lol, how true, but only in western games. In Japanese games the character's are skinny with heart-brakingly cool hair cuts

14 years ago


<<<<<In Japanese games the character's are skinny with heart-brakingly cool hair cuts>>>>>

And don't forget the big beautiful "soulfully innocent" eyes the Japenese love to give their characters, like as in "Paz Ortega Andrade" (Paz's music Video From MGS:Peace Walker)

A pic of Paz

14 years ago

This interview will be filed under "Epicness and BADASS" (Same folder, lol).

Thanks Mr. Gatt for your hard work! Hope to see more of your work in the near future!

14 years ago

Cool interview.

Don't see many Q&As like this these days. Keep it up everyone!!

This guy is cool.

14 years ago

Nooooo, my question wasn't picked!!!
Ah well, I did ask a dumb question.

And nice interview Ben, remember to send Joseph our love from PSXE!!

14 years ago

It makes me wonder how Ben does these things, Keep it up Ben!!!

14 years ago

I know this is off topic but….hey, what the hell?

Kratos vs. Superman 😀 who would win?

14 years ago

Well let's see does Superman have the ability to go to hell and march out. Superman is afraid of friggin rocks.

14 years ago

" I love video games but have to stay away because my life would disappear instantly into a controller and large screen TV!"

That comment is kinda really strange though a great interview, cause as far as am concerned there are a lot of celebrities who are gamers and I don't see their lives disappearing 😛
He could admit he's not into games we're not gonna get offended but to say your life would disappear……

Last edited by www on 4/21/2010 6:52:47 AM

14 years ago

He has to keep his physical build, or else he wouldn't get the roles that he does. What I think he is saying there is that if he were to start playing video games on times other than parties and such, he wouldn't want to stop. Most of him time, I'm sure, is put into keeping his physique up. Wouldn't wanna lose that, either, if I had it, lol.

14 years ago

" I love video games but have to stay away because my life would disappear instantly into a controller and large screen TV!"

I think that's fair enough. I know folk that won't touch games as they know they are the personality types that would let it take over, They acknowledge games do look fun

14 years ago

Great interview Ben and thank you Mr. Gatt! I always love hearing about stuff like how he had no idea what mocap was, and now he's one of the most famous video game characters around 🙂

14 years ago

"If Sony called me to do GOW4…I would jump at the chance."

Could this be early confirmation that GOW4 will exist!? I know, it's not, but I can dream.

Anyways, nice interview! I would have thought he played more video games though. By the way, anyone know where the mo cap try outs for non-buff guys is? I've been trying to stay out of the gym for a role like that… 🙂

14 years ago

Thanks for the answers you gave us! It's cool to hear from someone who actually IS the character, ya know?


Every time I sign in, it keeps redirecting me to a page about an error, so I have to go back to the main page. Just thought I'd let someone know, I don't know why it's doing that. Been doing that for a week or so now…

14 years ago

same here u have to enter the letters in the verification that nobody could ever read, I wish the guy who made the "capisha " or whatever they are called dies a horrible death.

14 years ago

Wikipedia says GoW III will not be the last God of War game of the series… is that true?

14 years ago

Has Wikipedia ever lied?

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