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Dear Polyphony: Just Give Us GT5 Already

As most racing fans are aware, Gran Turismo 5 should launch some time this fall. Sony boss Peter Dille essentially guaranteed that it would be on store shelves before 2009 expired. We'll believe him for now.

It's officially only one delay, as the game never got any sort of release date until late last year, when they said it would launch in Japan in March 2010. But that doesn't mean the fans aren't a little miffed and I got news for ya, Polyphony: if you really did delay the game for the sake of possibly inputting 3D or PlayStation Move functionality, or you're considering another delay for the sake of adding such technology, "miffed" won't be the proper description. Pissed off will be far more accurate. Why? Because this is very simple: the hardcore racing aficionados; the target demographic for GT, really don't care . 3D is cool and all but the idea of making it compatible with Move is downright ridiculous and in the end, I can't think of a single solitary GT fan who would want to wait for the addition of these features.

They don't care. They really don't. I certainly don't. And besides, can't you add that stuff via patches at a later date? We've never really received a good explanation as to why the game had to be pushed from March to fall, but we've continually heard that "90% complete" quote for some time now. I know Yamauchi is a perfectionist and I respect that, and I have every confidence that GT will be the driving simulator we've all been waiting for, but I just have to make this clear in case Polyphony is under the delusion that their fans care about stuff like GPS features (which I can't see anyone with less than a million bucks in the bank using), 3D and Move. Now, I do like the idea of 3D. I'll be very interested to give it a try. But no matter how realistic GT might look, 3D still won't make it feel just like a real race and a real car.

And, oh yeah, I just want the damn game . We all do. If you have to delay it for the purpose of refining it and making it better, fine. But if it has anything whatsoever to do with the new technology, it's a colossal mistake.

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14 years ago


14 years ago

i think santa claus and the easter bunny are the ones actually designing the games!

14 years ago

@carlospicyweinr No, Flying Raptor Jesus is the one designing those games.

14 years ago

Yah, I agree. While I'm normally for developers taking all the time they need to create a great game. I feel Polyphony could've made more people happy if they released something a bit less ambitious in breadth and saved some of the more ambitious extra content ideas for GT6. As a gamer who has followed the GT series for years, I would have no problem having paid two times for two quality GT games, rather than waiting a real long time for one real big game. It would also seem to me that it would make better marketing sense on the profitability end too. Complaining aside, I'll get the game whether it's 2010 or 2011.

14 years ago

"As most racing fans are aware, Gran Turismo 5 should launch some time this fall. Sony boss Peter Dille essentially guaranteed that it would be on store shelves before 2009 expired. We'll believe him for now."
Hm? believe him for saying the game will be out before 2009 is over? lol a little late =p

Also I just wish the game was released, I bet right now, nearly everyone would be satisfied with it, it's probably an amazing game that the only thing not finished are minuscule details that they want to be perfected, which is annoying the racers..

Last edited by LegendaryWolfeh on 4/9/2010 9:57:54 PM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Bah. I meant to say 2010.

14 years ago

Im with u ben I want gt5 just as bad as u do, I dont want to keep looking at more videos I want the game. PD I know they are perfectionist so hopefully its this year.

14 years ago

im holdin my breath!

14 years ago

LOL. Everybody pile on top of carlos and help him hold his breath. Just stay away from the spicy watcha callit.

14 years ago

I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you,

(Unless of course, you're also planning on becoming the newest member of "The Blue Man Group)"

14 years ago

Come on already so i can get owned online!

14 years ago

Welcome to the choir Ben, we've been singing this song ever since the "we can release any time" fiasco.

14 years ago

I'm ready to sing a new song myself. Something like a victory song after a race would be good.

14 years ago

I can't believe some of you are taking that statement 100% literally, especially coming off a translation. There was more to that statement. I repeat it so many times that I'm just gonna let you guys keep on ranting about that particular statement and using it in every GT news now.

Last edited by daus26 on 4/10/2010 1:02:59 AM

14 years ago

I sure am glad you decided to let us rant, seeing how it's your decision and all. That's mighty kind of you.

14 years ago

What I meant was that I'm just gonna let it go on everytime you guys mention that statement, unlike the past where I explain and reply to it thoroughly when I get the chance. Yeah, I really thought it was my decision on whether or not you guys can rant or not.

Kudos to you for making that clever sarcasm.

14 years ago

Why would they release it in March? they had too many big exclusives come out already (MAG, Heavy Rain, GoD3) I'm sure SONY is spacing out their exclusives so that they have something good coming out through out the year. Gives Polyphony time to further polish the game until SONY see's when would be the most profitable time to release it. I'm sure it's coming out for the Holidays. Think about it, what other exclusive do they currently have that would be ready by the Holidays? Maybe Resistence 3 but I can't think of anything else right now. Guess we'll see what else they have cooking at e3.

14 years ago

I said basically, this exact same thing in the last GT5 thread….
(Except I was just a wee bit less tolerant & and just a slight smidgen more scathing in mine) LOL

"BUT", I was looking forward to it already having Move & 3D capabilities, since for the life of me, I can't figure what else they could have been doing all these extra months(especially since they already stated, "We can release this anytime", way, way, way back in the year 2009).

So exactly what have they been doing with all that extra time??????…..
Aging the game in Oak barrels using some specially aged secret charcoal-filtered paint-sealing fermentation distillates up in the moonshine stills hidden around the Kentucky Blue Grass Mountains???

Oh hell, it's got to be at least 100% proof already, so just bring the game before it's special vintage sours into vinegar.

Even Jim Bean & Johnny Walker are saying, "Enough is enough already"!!!!

Last edited by BikerSaint on 4/9/2010 11:01:17 PM

14 years ago

all has to do with production. it is to our understanding that the game has been in the works since they scraped the HD Concept and developed a new engine (Or improved HD Concept Engine) Physics.

roughly more than 900 cars will be in the game. each car can take up to 5 people and over 50 man hours to get the job done. And they way the model each car is by taking Full 720 Degree angles pictures of each car.

They also had to get the WRC and NASCAR License. and the permission from the car manufacturers to feature the car in their game.

Last i check the release date was for japan and nothing was said about EU or NA.

the latest i've heard the KY said is that the game was 90% Complete.

14 years ago

Imagine if it was released in march? Theres FFXIII GOW GT all in one month??? lol

14 years ago

Super Street Fighter IV, Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, and Modnation Racing in April/May

14 years ago

Personally I agree with everything except the 3d. I'd rather have the move than the 3d, but with racing wheels as viable options I'd rather just go that route and have the game as soon as its done.

14 years ago

People still waiting for this boring game?

14 years ago

Can you send me your copy of the game? I'd love to play it

PS: When Need For Speed or any of those new racing games manage to give me YEARS worth of entertainment then I will agree with you.

14 years ago

PD could take as long as they want because each delay only mean a better game.

14 years ago

Nice one A2K78. That's what people were saying about Duke Nukem.

14 years ago

Why? Is this the LAST GT game they're going to release? I've said this before, just release the game and put all the technological advances in the next installment. I'm sure people will be having fun with GT5 for 2 plus years while Pholy is creatiing the next GT.

Last edited by shadowscorpio on 4/10/2010 3:59:36 PM

14 years ago

@ ffrulez

Very true. What good is the thought of playing a game you want to play if it never gets released?

Take too long to release something and some people might be dead before they can play it.
Whoops! Just lost some of your customer base cause you TOOK TOO LONG!

14 years ago

I think were on for a 2010 release as long as another racing game doesn't come out that has something Polyphony's racer doesn't have. The only reason GT5 didn't come out last year was because either Shift or Forza had a feature GT5 didn't have. I'm not trying to say anything bad about GT5. All I'm basically saying is I want to play GT5. If some other developer comes up with some new innovation in their game, I fear Polyphony will yet again delay the game because of it.

14 years ago

I hate it when people say stuff like this…

Seriously, as if you work at Polyphony
The reasons are beyond whatever any racing game has. it's more to do with the fact that they feel it's not complete (could be anything from the online infrastructure to the 1000+ cars or the 30+ tracks they're adding)

Why should GT5 even care about the features Forza has. As if any of Forza's features match the racing experience GT5 will give you?

14 years ago

the games been finished for a while… all the extra content could have just been DLC later on… we should be talking about GT6 now 5

14 years ago

If they tell me that they're adding Red Rock Valley Speedway to the game I'd wait a lifetime for them to add that racing track…

I'm serious. if there's one racing track I seriously miss from the GT franchise, it's that one.

I also don't mind the delay at all. But what I do mind is what Ben is saying here, what is the real reason they're delaying it? They should just let tell us.

And yes, 3D isn't necessary, and MOVE is even less necessary…

I just hope I can drive to the LUSH, sunny, and smoking racetracks in GT5 this Autumn*

PS: They better add all the Autumn Ring race tracks…love that track.

14 years ago

Yes, I LOVE Red Rock Valley. I'd be stoke to see that track in HD.

14 years ago

Lets not forget SSRoute 11 boys.

14 years ago

Yes that too. If we pay attention to the pattern of the availability for that track:

GT1: in
GT2: out
GT3: in
GT4: out
GT5: in?

We might have a good chance! Lol jk. It doesn't matter, but interesting to note.

14 years ago

Actually Daus, that IS an interesting note. GT5Ps graphics alone would be awesome to see both Red Valley and SSR due to them both having awesome landscapes around the tracks. Not that we should pay much attention but cool cool scenerey 🙂

Good note Daus, gives me hope. I'ld love the underpass SSR11 from GT1..that chicane could really wreck your race in a hurry.

14 years ago

Ben, it should be Dear Sony, just let PD release their game.

Knowing Kaz, I'd bet anything that he wouldn't delay his game for a casual feature like 3D or PS Move. Just no way.

Like I mention before, this is just like the GTPSP scheme. I just know that Sony interuppted them during GT5's development and forced PD to make GTPSP to help with PSPGo's launch. It has to be especially when Kaz said in an interview that GT for the PSP will continue production once GT5 is over with. Obviously that's not the case! Who else is to blame?

I blame most of the fault to Sony if this game is to release in fall or later.

14 years ago

I don't mind the wait. Make it perfect.

14 years ago

Make us wait any longer, and you will be on to your third band. Maybe smooth jazz this time around Jawk?

14 years ago

lol ill probably still be playing God of War 3 too.

Also I'd love to make some jazz music but I'm not that talented. If Billy Holiday was still alive maybe i could join her band.

Last edited by Jawknee on 4/10/2010 12:12:53 PM

14 years ago

Well you said it Ben! Nobody who plays GT5 wants to wait so the game can have 3D and/or Move. There are legions of gamers who love GT and want to hook up their wheel and just play.

From what we've heard it doesn't have either of those things. Someone somewhere is just making excuses.

14 years ago

Your right Scarcrow I don't work for them and what I say is just pure speculation but I don't have too in orderr to have an opinion. Kaz stated last year right before Forza came out that he could release GT5 at any point. My opinion they were going to release last year until they seen that Forza turned out as good as it did. After Forza came out Kaz had to make GT5 better to make it exceed Forza in every single aspect. I really don't see why people so defensive when you ccompare GT5 to Forza let alone mention it in topic of discussion. The two games are very similar. I have read comments from people on this website comparing GeOW to Resistance and they muh more different than GT5 and Forza.

Last edited by BigT_1980 on 4/10/2010 1:16:05 AM

14 years ago

i really think there getting too carried away with this bells and whistles stuff.
all we expect and want from GT5 is 4 very simple things.
1 lots of cars and tracks? CHECK!
2 realistic physics? CHECK!
3 damage models? CHECK!
4 absolutely mouth watering graphics? CHECK!
GT5 has all that, and more and has so since the demo shown at E3 last year so what the hell is going on?
either damage models is taking them much longer than they expected or there working on some more bells and whistles no one wants.

14 years ago

Because the guys from polyphony are perfectionists. If they don't put these features in now, they'll have to wait for another 5 years for the next installment.

I don't mind waiting for it. I gurrantee that this game will be the best selling PS3 game of all time.

14 years ago

whats wrong with adding them in a patch or DLC?
thats one perfect way to say thank you to your fans, release the game than work on the 3D and move support and release it as DLC.
1 fans would be happy because they get the game sooner rather than later.
and 2 it gives PD a chance to charge a small fee for it maybe, but than that could backfire you know how tight a$$ed some people are these days.

14 years ago

Come on PD! Just give us 5 already theres nothing stopping you from doing firmware updates to add whatever else you want to AFTER you give us the damn game!

14 years ago

I think a lot of people wouldn't have minded if NASCAR was a later add-on too.

14 years ago

This isnt about the game anymore, this is Sony trying to fit GT5 into their marketing schedule.

Sony are bringing out 3D TVs soon so GT5 is the flagship title that will help this happen.

Move is coming out soon. GT5 is helping that along to.

So, the game is probably finshed and ready to go but Sony wants to optimise it's potential to be a PS3 mover, a 3D TV mover and a Sony Move err mover…

Tim Speed24
Tim Speed24
14 years ago

I like to move it, move it….Sony likes to move it, move it.

C'mon and release it already… Jiminey Cricket on a cracker!

14 years ago

You guys really need this game don't you.
I must say, I am kind of psyched for it too, I mean it does look really awesome.

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