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Ben’s Week In Review: April 4

I think we're finally past the snow. Have to consider doing some car stuff; full detailing, brake pads, etc. It's about that time.

Red Dead Redemption better not flop

So Rockstar says the development process for this potential blockbuster has been long, grueling, and immensely challenging" but it had better pay off in the end. We've all been waiting for the premier Western in this industry; the one game – third-person shooter or not – that finally delivers on all its cowboy-esque promises. Past efforts have been decent and I did like Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood , but I'm looking for Assassin's Creed II quality, here. In fact, just about everything I've seen and heard about RDR makes it sound just like ACII…only in a completely different era and setting, of course. There's the free roaming, the option to remain out of sight and out of mind, the accepting of side missions from various townsfolk, and even the finding of treasures via little maps. I mean, minus the obvious platforming insanity of ACII, RDR really does sound very, very similar. And that would be awesome .

I think everyone has very high hopes for this game and although Rockstar can always turn to GTA for their big payday, they do require other triumphs. Their lineup includes Max Payne 3 , too, but for now, it's all about John Marsten and Co. I've never really been into Western movies but even so, this particular game has been on my radar for a loooooong time.

Uncharted 3 = most anticipated anything ever

Well, almost. And at least for me. I think if the third entry hits huge like the second one did, and leaves me with that same feeling of total and complete fulfillment, I'd argue that this franchise can vie with God of War for the single greatest trilogy in gaming. I'd also mention that both are exclusive to PlayStation platforms, but I know that isn't necessary. The point is, when I heard that Naughty Dog could very well be cranking on Uncharted 3 , I was extremely happy. I knew it'd be coming, of course, but it just reminded me of how great Uncharted 2 really was and I found myself pining for that third entry. I can only expect the most polished, most refined, most professional, and overall most impressive piece of interactive entertainment to be found. There is so little in the way of real competition (definitely MGS4 but besides that…) and the third Naughty Dog gem is bound to be awesome. Right now, I can't think of a more highly anticipated game for the future.

Personal gaming update

So I'm about 45 hours into Final Fantasy XIII and I'll just push forward so I can finish it. I really need to play God of War III and let's not forget that although April is mostly empty, May has a bunch of stuff I want. I also need to get to Resonance of Fate – apologies on not having a review yet – and after the atrocity that was Last Rebellion , I'm really wondering if turn-based RPGs are dead forever (on consoles, anyway). That game was just so bad. Oh, and the 500+-Comment freak-out that was the PSN subscription prank ; that was awfully entertaining. It was a little unsettling to see so many people losing their minds over what amounted to a $5-7/month charge (damn, some people really are cheap) but I do understand the sentiment behind a lot of the negativity. Anyway, it's over now.

Nothing else to talk about, I guess. I'm out.

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14 years ago

I felt betrayed by Sony when I heard that PSN would cost us money. Especially after I brag on them atleast a few times a week about the advantages over that other console. I too have high hopes for Red Dead Redemption. That multiplayer better be damn good. I don't even want it if the multiplayer is garbage. I'm not looking for another $60 game that is only good for a play through.

14 years ago

Lol, it was only an april fools joke =p jeez

14 years ago

multiplayer is overrated.

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

They're all gonna laugh at you!

Last edited by fluffer nutter on 4/3/2010 10:04:27 PM

14 years ago

@world, i agree. multiplayer is over rated. playin with friends is great but i want a single player game with a good story. multiplayer games seem very repetitive.

14 years ago

split-screen multiplayer is da bomb, yo. lol

14 years ago

tru dat

14 years ago

Yep, Yep. NOTHING better than being with friends and playing LBP together.

14 years ago

I agree with the slit screen multiplayer stuff but i found it funny that the game you used for multiplayer doesnt even have split screen. I like the old 4 player deathmatch on license to kill back in the goldeneye n64 days.

14 years ago

Split screen is tight for when you are entertaining, but if I'm sitting in front of my TV alone I'd rather experience a good story. But what I meant mainly was games like RDR really don't need a multiplayer. Games like MW really DO need it though.

14 years ago

Oh, LOL, yeah I wasn't paying attention, just mentioning a game with super awsome multiplayer. Hmm, most split screens this gen haven't been great because they always put the screen in weird ways, like RE5 for instance, just stretch out each screen, jeez. But there were tons of good ones for the PS2 =p LOL

14 years ago

i have been playing through god of war collection to finish them and move on to god of war 3. i am almost done with god of war 2. my buddy brought over god of war 3 today and i played the first hour. AMAZING. i now have to finish gow2. i had seen a little of 3 but playin it today i cant wait to own it.

i didnt play uncharted til just before 2 came out, i didnt have to sit here and wait for 2. now waiting for 3 will suck.

my gf and kid have been playing lbp. they are about the same level of understanding the game and half the time i have to do it for them. watching these 2 play is frustrating and funny at the same time.

14 years ago

Looking forward to RDR too, but I might not get it brand new. Revolver was hard as hell.

So Ben does this mean you won't be doing your completionist shtick with FFXIII? I certainly won't, I have no interest in getting my ass whooped by the giant cactuar again, that's for sure. I swear though, it's like two teams worked on that game, I'm really enjoying it again after all those killtubes ended.

You should have charged Arnold with the RoF review, I almost picked it up at a good price but since I had so much more to play and no decent review to rely upon I passed. It should be easy to find at that price again by the time I finish all the games on my platter.

Anyway, fun week in news. And people freaked because you can't take free things away from them. (See: repealing health care as platforms for election). Keep on rockin in the PSXE world.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Yeah, I don't think I'll do the completionist thing here. I almost always do with Final Fantasy games but this one…sadly, I'm not sure I care enough.

14 years ago

the gigantaur is weak to Daze, which is this game's version of sleep. Meaning once its applied to him, if you hit him, he will wake up. So daze him as soon as possible then buff up your party as much as possible then wail on him

14 years ago

you know what i missed in Final fantasy, the reflect spell. i remember in a previous ff title that you can cast reflect on one party member then bounce off magic attacks for twice the damage.

14 years ago

I miss Reflect, too. And I'm fighting Adamantoises now and REALLY miss Float.

14 years ago

What was float for??? I remember having that on FFXII and also a spell that made you invisible, but I never new what they were for.

14 years ago

float was for avoiding earth based attacks im pretty sure. im assuming invisibility would help the enemy not be able to hit you as well. i never played 12 so i dont remember that one but i remember float.

14 years ago

Haha. Yeah, Float did just what it says. The enemy can't use Quake on you if you aren't touching the ground.

14 years ago

adamantioses are easy when i started fighting them. i would suggest fighting the one on eden where it falls down the glass floor. there will be an adamantoise there so you can quit after saving to respawn them. i dont even get hit with the ground attack most of the time. heres what you do, at least my set up.

have hope as synergist with haste and bravery, vanille as sabotour w/death, and fang as a sabotour(preferably). just summon the eidolon to take out its legs. then just spam death with vanille. hope and fang would be casting buffs that will make it easier for death to work. Im not sure but i think having more than one saboteur improves buffing i think. it says so with the role description. anyway, once that adamantoise falls, just fight the 4 soldiers, 2 separate behemoths, and if your tp doesnt reach 3 yet, the 3 other soldiers. so you can summon the eidolon again on the adamantoise when you restart. not only is this place a good place to farm cp but gil too with platinum ingots and credit and incentive chips, less running involved too.

my adamantoise party is vanille with marboro wand, hope with collectors catalog, and fang with growth egg and connoseur catalog. my secondary party, the one i use to gain TP, is i switch vanille with lightning and give her energy sash and champions belt to get TP. then i just switch her back with vanille. make sure vanille has high magic too. One successful run, with growth egg and catalogs, will net you 120000cp, a platinum ingot/or trapezohedron (even with catalogs adamantoise drops dont happen much), and a hand full of credit and incentive chips. make sure you only fight north of the adamantoise because to the south you'll have to fight 2 behemoths together and those mechanical train like things with arms and legs. battles to the north are enough to net you the 3TP especially when you get preemtive strikes. getting a preemptive strike with behemoths are easy. when i get preemtive strikes, behemoths dont even get a chance to fall when i launch them with lightning.

14 years ago

Ikr, People just seem to freak out at a rumor

14 years ago

Im stuck at chapter 11..stupid (spoiler) ambling bellows..

14 years ago

i had to second guess myself on what game you was playing for a second. i think its ff13. hahaha. nothing really stuck out for me until i got to gran pulse. i also hated that your party got separated a lot so you had to make do with the characters that stuck together. hell, you couldnt even use snow for a long time. which is funny because he was the only one that knows what he wanted to do and believed in serah.

Last edited by johnld on 4/4/2010 3:20:36 AM

14 years ago

I agree with just about everything you said, except for maybe that "Freaking April Fools Fiasco.

I'd like to think that most of us weren't being cheap, and that we were just standing on our principals more so…..

…..that of Sony always keeping the PSN & the online basics "free", as the only way we've always known them to be.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 4/3/2010 10:18:35 PM

14 years ago

Well I didn't think it was real, but had set in my mind that if it had been true, I wouldn't have paid it.

I wouldn't have because I am that cheap. It's easy to be cheap when you don't have much money.

I know people think $5 a month is nothing, but considering I have to save for each and every game, thats one less game per year I can afford.

14 years ago

And yet here we are after the hoax is over and people are still bristling at Sony over the prank. It wasn't Sony, it was PS3Clan. Why do people insist on ignoring those to blame for things?

Last edited by TheHighlander on 4/4/2010 1:04:13 AM

14 years ago

Although I must also say that even if Sony had went to a "paid only" PSN, I wouldn't pay for it!!!!!

But I certainly wouldn't go selling off my PS3 or the games I already own.

As Mike Tyson would say…
"That's completely Ludicrous"

14 years ago

i agree. if i had to pay to play online i sure would not get rid of my ps3, i just wouldnt be going online to game any more. i like to play single player more anyway

14 years ago

Same for me, I can deal without online if its pay to play.

14 years ago

I'd have to wait to see what's included in a subscription to decide if I really want to pay for it. I'm all about supporting the PS3 and PSN- if the benefits are worth it. Anyways, I just finished GOW3- effin' excellent game. Also finished Heavy Rain (1x)- also effin' excellent. Great story- was immersed in it. Today just went and picked up InFamous, that'll keep me busy for a minute.. Happy Easter 🙂

14 years ago

i loved infamous. i need to get back to playing it. i beat the good side and am at the end for the bad side. good luck finding the shards, its damn hard.

14 years ago

i got the platinum trophy for infamous. my advice is do not clear each territory before beating the game if you want to have your powers maxed. i dont know if you couldve waited but infamous is supposed to be in the greatest hits line which means 30 bucks. if you dont like the red box you could always look for a copy with the reduced price.

14 years ago

Will keep that in mind. And as a matter of fact, toys 'r' us had a buy one, get one half off for all games so I picked up this and one for my son on 'the other console' and got InFamous for $15!

14 years ago

I look forward to hearing your thoughts on RDR, and if you give it a glowing review, I'll just add it to the seemingly ever growing games that I want.

I keep knocking them down 1 at a time, slowly but surely. Might have to go thru and replay all my old games before I can get my next one tho. Luckily I am careful with my purchases and love all my games.

14 years ago

I'm also very careful when buying, since i just can't buy games whenever i want. Still have to and I mean have to purchase God of war III. And somewhere after that, resonance of fate.

I'm not sure i'm interested in RDR, for me it's a wait and see kind of thing.

Oh and the PSN thing, even though i'm cheap/careful that's not really what it was about. Sony would just have been a step closer to becoming Microsoft, I feel a taste of sourness in my mouth just by saying it. I do miss offline multiplayer though, like a good coop game. As I miss turnbase RPG's, FFVIII still rocks. Laters.

14 years ago

I've got Bioshock 2, Sacred 2 and Trine waiting on me to get around to them. I'm hoping LBP PSP goes on sale here in America like it is in Europe. That should be my next purchase. And the Dragon Age expansion.

14 years ago

@ neo, bioshock 2 is an amazing game. i played the hell out of it and i want to play it again. the end of the game is crazy and i love what they did with the game.

14 years ago

Yeah, I played a bit of it when I first got it, but got distracted. I've bought them all, just haven't had time to get really into them.

14 years ago

I know that whole PSN subscription fee thingy was a prank. How? because just few days ago I watched an interview with our beloved President and CEO of SCEA Jack Tretton, and he said they are not going to charge any fees. Oh, hurry up and play God of War III already, if you need pointer I can help 😛

14 years ago

Perhaps it's time for some people to give Sony some credit for making PSN FREE, and for making a console that hasn't been cracked? I'm so bloody sick and tired of the negativity that hides in the closet waiting for the slightest excuse to vomit up all over Sony. I'm not suggesting we should suddenly become fanboys, but good God, perhaps it wouldn't be so hard to put the negativity under lock and key and only bring it out when it's truly merited?

The amount of unreasoned negativity hurled at Sony is just incredible, and the free pass given to others at times is jaw-dropping. Apart from giving us the PS1, PS2, PS3, PSP, PSN, PSEye/PSMove and of course an incredible catalog of games, what did Sony ever do for us?

14 years ago

yeah why does sony seem to be a swear word to some people. its a four letter word but sony makes quality. it took 3 years for someone to crack an old firmware update. that update has been well passed over. microsoft can make a piece of crap that should have been recalled. if the xbox was a car it would be a lemon. sadly no one is makin lemonade.

14 years ago

ive said it before and ill repeat it…

sony is the big black beast on this market , they can very well do whatever the hell they want and they would still kik ass, these guys have been in this gaming business for a long time, even if they made me pay for psn with i doubt, im sure it would be well worth the money they would charge, as knowing sony they would make loads of premium content available for subscribing or something…i dont WANT for them to charge, but in all honesty , i wouldnt mind either…

its like WOW and the pay by month argument, it amounts to 50 cents a day , and you get additional content wich is worth hundreds of hours on each content update…i dont play the game anymore but the minimal fee they charge is totaly worth it for the entertainment value it provides, im sure it would be thge same with psn

14 years ago

I second that!
Sony FTW, don't blame them for the things other people do. It would be like if I steal a game from a store and you would blame the store…

14 years ago

Highlander, Amen to that!!!

Overall I've got to say Sony's been great to me. And with only a few rare mis-stepped Sony hiccups over the lifetime of their Playstation branding, it's been 1 hell of an amazing ride.

And I've got already got my future Playstation trip tickets all lined up for whatever destination the mighty "PS Express" want's to haul my butt…..

14 years ago

RDR looks good for sure. I don't think I'll be finished FFXIII and Just Cause 2 by the time it comes out though.

14 years ago

with all you can do at that demo, i dont know how the hell i'm going to finish just cause 2 if i bought it. i was planning to get it but i dont want to add to my backlog right now.

14 years ago

I hear you johnld. The demo sold it to me though. One of the first times that's ever happened. It reminded me so much of Mercs2 (which I loved) that I just had to have this one. As unbelievable as it sounds, JC2 is even more bonkers than Mercs2 but with less bugs…

Playing online with friends has taken a lot of my single player time away though so as you say, there's a bit of a backlog now. Guess I'll have to hunker down and get them done.

14 years ago

RDR better rock like a Metalica concert mash-up from hell! Ive been waitin for something from Rockstar that trumps GTA4. Im also anxious for Agent too.
Just finished GOW3 for the 4th time and cant wait to playthrough again. After that I think Im gonna pick up on Heavy Rain. Still havent grabbed that yet.
Hey Ben. Imagine an Uncharted 3 in the middle east and focused on the geography and treasures of Egypt. The desert, sand storms, oasis spots, pyramids, temples, tombs- King Tut, Rameses, & Cleopatras to name a few, militant resistance, booby traps, camels for transport, dodging crocs in the Nile River……………..(and the list keep on going!!!) That would very well be the best uncharted concept ever!

14 years ago

I had an idea for GOWiii, where Kratos could be resurrected, by a secret archeological mission, in the future where mankind is on the brink of enslavement, to fight various warring alien races that posed as mythological deities throughout the history of mankind. He would take time portals back to various times in history, and make the kills, and in exchange, he would be given the ability to save his family, and brother, and to finally right the wrongs of his past.

Strange thing is, except for the time-travel part, a couple of very recent and good games seem to share a couple of similarities in plot to this one.

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