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Your Hobbies Outside Of Gaming

Every once in a while, I like to do simple editorials designed to facilitate discussion and conversation, both here in the Comments section and in the forums. It's more important than ever to do so now, because we continue to grow and grow…when we first started counting registered members, it was maybe around 4,000. Well, it's over 14,000 now and we've shot from maybe 50-75 Comments per day to around 300-400 daily, and forum activity is really starting to pick up. As you may have noticed, we also have some larger ad campaigns on the site so on the surface it may appear we're going "big and impersonal."

Yeah, well, not while I'm around.

The reason we continue to grow is because of our community. I could get all egotistical and say it's because of the content – which of course we work hard to produce – but in reality, we know just how important our awesome community has been and will continue to be. Therefore, we will always keep that small-town atmosphere, as idealistic and cliched as it sounds. So, let's talk about what you like to do besides game. We all have to take our favorite hobbies in moderation, so let's hear it. I'll get things started-


I love to read. I've often thought about doing some Week in Reviews or other editorials specifically geared to my other passion, but I know few read what I read. I have this insatiable drive for the classics; for the absolute greatest books ever written. I want to read as many of them as possible before I die. It's why my favorite books are Leo Tolstoy's "Anna Karenina," Edith Wharton's "The Age of Innocence," Thomas Mann's "The Magic Mountain," and George Eliot's "Middlemarch" and "The Mill on the Floss." I just finished a complete collection of short stories by Flannery O'Connor and I'm currently reading Virginia Woolf's "To The Lighthouse." I know I'm weird. I know I'm in the vast minority.

Exercise/working out

I've been working out for about 8 years now and only in 2008 – when I realized I was getting older – did I finally incorporate cardio into my standard weight routine. So when I started in July of '08, I could only do about 15 minutes on the rower before becoming completely exhausted, but I'm happy to say that after a year and a half of hitting it hard three times per week, I can now go 55 minutes at a good clip. Really, I'm in the best shape of my life. As for the strength training, that now consists of two 55lb. barbells and one 65lb.; I do four or five difference exercises with those. So I'm working out six days per week and if I miss a session, I feel like hell .

Food…GOOD food

I am so sick and tired of chain restaurants and over-processed "food stuffs" that so many Americans call "food," I find myself searching for better-quality, better-prepared food. Yes, it costs a little more but in my eyes, it's worth every dime. The portions aren't designed for cattle, a good chef will provide a flavor and taste explosion, and it's true; presentation matters. We have so little around here, though; I have to drive a good 35-45 minutes before I can break the boring and repetitive string of Ruby Tuesdays, Chilis, TGI Fridays, Applebees, etc, etc, etc. Dude…they're all the same restaurant and not a one features good food . That's all I'm saying.

I also like to play tennis when the weather cooperates; I've been playing since high school. Other than that, things have calmed down a bit for me in the past few years. When I was writing for the papers and handling entertainment features, that involved some interviewing of celebrities but you know, that is nowhere near as glamorous as it sounds. I could barely pay for the gas to get to those interviews; getting $50/article makes it tough to live. It was only freelance, after all. So people would go, "oh wow, you got to talk to 'insert celebrity name here;' that's awesome!" and then I'd just say, "yeah, I was about ready to ask them for a loan." These days, I just sort of work and live. A calming period, I suppose.

Okay, how about you?

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14 years ago

I love learning =D lol, I dunno, don't have many hobbies other than gaming and computer-related activities. and to think I used to go outside so often D: but I still have work at least? not much of a hobby tho 🙁

14 years ago

outside? i remember outside. i saw it when i was takin a break to open the window while playin bioshock 2. it didnt look all that exciting so i went back to rapture.

14 years ago

let's see…
-reading (comic books, novels, biographies)
-working out (no as much as I should though)
-the history channel

i have more but those are the ones that take up most of my time.

14 years ago

Like Wolfeh, I love learning. When I find something I am interested in, I read everything I can find online, I go into 'sponge mode' – I learn. I'm addicted to Discovery, History, Science and like channels – and the BBC.

I too read – not as much as I used to, and almost entirely fiction.

I like good food, and cook. Personal favorite to cook is Indian food.

I collect things, but I won't say what unless someone guesses it. You'll never guess though.

I'm a parent, a husband and I work full time. I get less time to 'do' things than I want, and more time to spend at a screen than you might expect.

Oh, and I'm a trekkie.

Last edited by TheHighlander on 3/12/2010 10:02:20 PM

14 years ago

trekkie huh? im not one much myself but i thought that new movie was amazing. i rented it on the playstation store and got a star trek home costume with my rental.

14 years ago

Is it something common, like coins, stamps, bottlecaps, ect?

Something wierd, like dead animals in jars of formaldehyde?

Or is it something so specific that nobody would ever guess? Like ticket stubs for movies starring Sean Connery?

14 years ago

Japanese horror films? If so, me too! =D

14 years ago

All wrong, and it's not mega specific.

14 years ago

You collect.. some sort of magazine, or comic. Or rare books. Something to do with literature in one form or another.

14 years ago


14 years ago

"sponge mode" you took the words right out of my mouth. I love watching Discovery, History, Science Channel, etc. etc. I was about to write about how I soak up all the information from the shows on those channels.

I have History International on the TV as I type this.

14 years ago

I bet you have a whooooole jar of boogers from since you were ten.
Or idk thongs????

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

He collects pogs and anything associated with The Flintstones.

14 years ago

Regarding guesses – nope.

Regarding History/Discovery et al, oh yes, If DirecTV offered a basic 'geek' package, we'd drop a bunch of useless 'entertainment' channels in a heart beat.

14 years ago

That's why you're so smart Highlander, you just suck all that info from tha web and discovery and whatnot, and actually remember it.

Let's try this one: You collect videogames, or maybe you collect something psycho like pieces of people's skin you keep stacked up somewhere, which you gain after you've killed someone with some genius trap thingy.

14 years ago


Nope, no skin collection….

I do collect video games, but that's mostly because there's no point selling them, besides they all play in my PS3. 😉

14 years ago

Reading, traveling, cooking and gambling are some of my other hobbies.

Of course, Xbox 360 gamers have only one other hobby…visiting every video game message board there is in cyberspace to chime in with their opinions.

14 years ago

My hobbies are working out a bit of reading but mostly 3D animation and modeling.

14 years ago

Ben you're lucky, you get the GOOD chain restaurants. In Canada we get McDonalds, Burger King, Wendys, and Harveys. Theres a subway and a quiznos scattered here and therem but nothing that compares to the likes of checkers and stuff like that. I miss my vacations in florida…

14 years ago

Ben,good idea for an article…

hmm,i have many hobies,lets see there is Hometheater,Diy audio(ie,speakers subwoofers,etc),2channel audio(Audiophile)

games,movies(did i mention hometheater?)lol
computers,electronics,internet(of course)

Forensics,science,patheology,mummies,zombies 🙂
and many,many,more….this is just the icing…

14 years ago

I'm into drawing, and recently I've decided to try my hand at painting.

14 years ago

I like to draw, but can't draw faces, so it's limiting…

14 years ago

You'll love painting…trust me

14 years ago

I wish I could draw, but if I were to draw a stick figure everyone would think I drew and abstract. You may laugh, but I'm not kidding, I'm that bad. I can laugh at myself tho, so feel free to laugh with me. =)

14 years ago

As a high school student, I used to draw and paint a lot, though it's like riding a bike (once you learn how to you don't forget). Although I never kept a collection of my artwork, throwing it away not long after I finished it, there was a certain satisfaction I would get from onlookers just passing by after me drawing the first few lines, then see them come back and stop in bewilderment, like "OMG, that's amazing!" I would pretend to throw it away, and then just hand it over to them. It wasn't a matter of pride, but it was about how you can change a person's mind or impression of things that was pleasing to me.

14 years ago

Cars. Like to watch most most sports. Play a few. Working on the house.

14 years ago

Everything, specially everything related to art (Illustrations are my fave, as well as paintings)

I also love writing. I would have seriously majored in English/Journalism if it wasn't for the fact that you have to read those boring books (traditional reading using books is painful, unless they have a lot of art to go with it).

Sports in City areas is ridiculous (dumb imo). But I'm trying to get back to weight lifting again.

I also have great ears. Can easily identify good music (no matter what genre).

Furthermore, I love learning through video/tv programs. SPECIALLY if it's history/science related. A big fan of the History channel (and trusted websites)

14 years ago

I've tried my hand at writing, but I think that I'm marginally better than the average fanfic writer, which really isn't that good…you know?

14 years ago


Keep at it, you'll get the hang of it eventually.

14 years ago

Oh, I do try again every now and then. If I ever get it, I will have a ball!

14 years ago


I feel like I'm learning to draw all over again. There's such a big difference between drawing and painting.

14 years ago

I am a man of music, I play piano and violin, i write sheet music for both, and i sing and write lyrics.

14 years ago

Very cool.

14 years ago

thank you =]

14 years ago

oh I also do random speed drawing with pencil. (I basically just start drawing and I decide what it becomes later on, it's pretty fun.)

14 years ago

haha speed draw.. i do that too though I can't draw well, its those basic pictures from elementary school that those pictures end up turning into.

Like the music, im jealous about the piano 😉

14 years ago

Hey all art is art right? and yes I absolutely love the piano <3 and I like the violin, but I love playing the piano. Here is my YouTube video

Last edited by JMO_INDY on 3/12/2010 10:58:38 PM

14 years ago

haha I guess. I'll be sure to check out ur vids too

14 years ago

Nice. Saw the vid. Good job. And props on playing the violin. From what I hear, it's really hard to learn.

14 years ago

Reading, Music, Horror films, and being sexy.

14 years ago

Oh and I use to paint… a lot… But after high school, I fell out of it.

14 years ago

Go in depth with that "being sexy" hobby if you don't mind doing so.

14 years ago

Well, its not something anyone can just do. It involves open shirts and wind swept hair. Its a talent you really have to be born with.

14 years ago

Or be really handy with photoshop…

14 years ago

Open shirts and wind swept hair?

It's such a shame that not everyone is as fortunate as us eh?

::heroic pose::


14 years ago

So true, so true. lol

14 years ago

Maaaaan, that's just good hygiene + dressing well
Don't think hygiene or dressing up is a hobby…

14 years ago

hell yeah !! I love horror films and i love to collect horror action figures. My favorite being the Texas Chainsaw Massacre ( the original and part 2 )
My best piece in my collection is a Exorcist figure ( spider walk pose ) singed by Linda Blair. Saw her at Frank and Sons, this huge warehouse full of everything for every collector here in So Cal.

14 years ago

i usualy come to this site for my reading. i think this site and posting here could be a hobby for me.

i like to work on my car, look for things to do to it. owning a mustang there are a lot of things to do.

i used to read comics a lot as a teen and havent bought one in a long time. now with the psp and digital comics i have bought a few and think its really cool. just still like the paper in my hands.

i like to collect transformers and bad ass action figures. marvel legends or spawn that kind of thing.

14 years ago

Thats true. I'm here about half an hour a day, if not more.

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