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Ben’s Week In Review: January 31

I think it's like 10 outside. There's no wind but if there was, it'd feel like -1000. But I'm warm…warm and kinda happy. 🙂

An urge for old-school RPGs has returned

You know, you wouldn't think that a small piece of news like Namco Bandai failing to bring Tales of Vesperia to the US would resonate for the week. But for me, it has. I think it's all this talk about Final Fantasy XIII straying so far from the standard old-fashioned RPG norm and while I'll still play it, I find myself craving some turn-based JRPG goodness. This is why I really wanted to see Vesperia arrive at some point; I didn't really have the time for Eternal Sonata when it finally came out for the PS3, but it was still a solid game. And now that I'm 100% convinced that turn-based is officially dead, I keep looking for any information on a Lost Odyssey sequel, which I think is the last new RPG (for consoles, not handhelds) that was truly turn-based. So how come we can't get the PS3 version of Vesperia ?

I'm only talking about all RPG fans in this scenario; I can easily get the 360 version if I want to. It's just that every time I see even the slightest example of the continued elimination of the turn-based system, I get depressed. It's really painful for someone who loves that style and still remembers the glory days of the PS1 with great fondness.

Do we care about Episodes from Liberty City?

I love GTA and all, and I suppose I should care about Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City coming to the PS3 …but I don't. If I really cared, I would've picked this up for the 360 when it came out last October but the truth is, I never even knew it released. There's no doubt that I'll play GTAV when it comes out but when it comes to these spin-offs, I have great difficulty summoning the requisite enthusiasm. I dunno…I just think GTAs should be a full experiences from start to finish; I want time to enjoy a robust story and become immersed in a huge new world. Maybe that's just me, but I get the feeling others may feel the same way, provided they actually play the GTA titles. I know some – kids, mostly – just drive around in circles and kill people, but I've always become quite involved with every GTA. I can't really do that with spin-offs and pseudo-sequels so I guess I just don't care enough for Episodes from Liberty City .

But I'm sure it's good news for fans of the franchise who only own a PS3. Personally, I can't wait for Rockstar's Red Dead Redemption , which comes out at the end of April. I won't be missing that release.

Personal gaming update

So I guess the cat is out of the bag and most of you know what I'm playing right now. It also doesn't really help that some of you are on my PSN friends list and can easily see what I'm playing; I've gotten a half-dozen messages already, all riddled with excitement and a bit of jealousy. 😉 However, I can only tell you what I've told them: I am not allowed to say anything until the embargo date, which is February 10. I promise that we'll be one of the first to post the review and that's the best I can do. All I'll say is that I'll really try to impress people with the analysis; I think it's required for this game.

I've finished Halo 3: ODST , which means I've played and completed every entry in the series. It was…well, it was Halo . I like them all. But as I've said before, I've grown a little tired with the same ol' same ol' and I'm really hoping Halo Reach actually represents some forward thinking on the part of Bungie. I'm also about 2/3 of the way through Bayonetta although I'm not sure when I'll be able to finish. I have more pressing matters at hand right now. 😉 The other game I really want for February is Bioshock 2 , although I do want to try Dante's Inferno at some point. That's it for now. Gotta get back…

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Kiwi of DOOM
Kiwi of DOOM
14 years ago

I've been missing the RPGs lately too. Took to playing through .Hack//Infection again. Maybe i'll give Xenosaga another go too..

14 years ago

I finished GU but still trying to beat quarantine… It's a pain in the *ss to get all the virus cores…

@__@ Anyways i never played any Tales games…

Anyone here finished or played mass effect 2? said that you didn't like Mass effect 1…. but 2 it's actually good… i couldn't even play 1 without getting bored but 2 it's really good.

I hope secret exclusive is twisted metal!

14 years ago

Finishing up Bayonetta myself, on Chapter 10, cool game, she's smoking hot, lol! Any details at all on God of War III, online? i am really curious to see what its going to be. Dante's Inferno, i am really looking forward too, and Heavy Rain. Keep up the great work !

14 years ago

my guess, just scores, ranks & leaderboards

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Yeah, there won't be any actual online mode as far as I know. And that's just fine by me.

14 years ago

what game are you playing? i didnt see the cat come out of the bag lol. i went to preorder GOWIII ultimate trilogy yesterday but was told it sold out b4 it released, damn, oh well just gotta import the GOW collection and buy GOWIII standard edition

14 years ago

Heavy Rain

14 years ago

So you're playing Heavy Rain. Ok now I'm part of the 'bit of jealousy' crowd. I can't wait to play it myself. I thought there were no game overs, but in your editorial, "What Do You Expect From Heavy Rain?" you said there are no deaths. Is that true, I'm kinda confused now.

Last edited by tes37 on 1/30/2010 10:28:58 PM

14 years ago

if your character dies, it's dead for good but the game doesn't stop, you just lost a perspective

14 years ago

Wait, I never thought of Tales as turn based, since you just run up and mash attack buttons over and over again. I tried to get through two Tales games but couldn't do it.

But hey at least we have Last Rebellion coming in turn based form, and at $40 it looks like a steal. Even though I'm now technically looking forward to WKC more than FFXIII I have to play the latter first, I'll pick up WKC a bit cheaper. Stick around for Resonance Ben, and that other one, forget its name.

Dante's Inferno is on the preorder pony as well. That will be my action fix for quite some time, sorry Kratos, I love ya but there's some gray in that beard by now.

I gives strictly no f*cks for oldass GTA DLC, Rockstar can shove it up their butts. TheWorld doesn't do sloppy seconds.

Oh yeah, and I'm on a PS2 RPG kick, but my team in Grandia III isn't strong enough to beat the last guy. ARRRGH! After that it's on to Shadow Hearts Covenant. That's what's up with me in case you were interested.

Considering doing another story based in a game world a-la my treatment Fallout 3: The Dunwich Horror. Can't focus on what I'm really sposeda be doing.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

No, Vesperia isn't entirely turn-based; it's just the style that reminds me of the old days, you know?

14 years ago

Yeah I reckon.

Update: Using superior strategy skills and timing I just beat Grandia III with a relatively weak force, great ending. Now can we get a part IV?

Thing is, and I think this is the appropriate venue, the turn based mechanic allows you to do these things like overcome insurmountable enemies with a sense of having accomplished an intellectual feat. Going up to a big critter and wacking away at it in an action rpg, just isn't the same as taking on a glactic evil force with not just your sword but your superior mental faculties. The death of turn-based ends the strategy that makes RPGs so rewarding in the first place.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 1/31/2010 12:31:12 AM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Exactly. There was always an element of strategic thinking or as you say, "intellectual" thinking when playing turn-based. No matter how deep real-time gets, I think we lose this. No matter what the situation, having time to think about your plan of attack and SETTING that plan of attack is infinitely more rewarding, IMO.

In turn-based RPGs, I just loved thinking two, three, even four and more turns ahead when fighting tough enemies and bosses. All you really do in hack 'n slash is react. I will never buy the idea that all these real-time mechanics are as deep as turn-based COULD be. Because I still play most RPGs and I haven't seen that yet.

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 1/31/2010 12:56:36 AM

14 years ago

For me, it doesn't NEED turn-based gameplay

It just needs to have a BIG and explorable world
A true party where I can swap characters
A deep storyline
Upgradable system (weapons, magics, etc.)

50hours+ of TRUE gameplay

14 years ago

Ben what do you mean "Entirely turn-based"? It isn't turn-based AT ALL.

14 years ago

Wait………….you're passing on GOW3 just to purchase a GOW ripoff?? Fail!

14 years ago


14 years ago

Dantes Inferno is going to kick ass. The demo rocked and EA even got the DVD tie-in and the PS3 edition right for a change.

14 years ago

I also would want to preoder Dante's but if its like 8 hours not…need to see more about the lenght of that game.

14 years ago

@oxvial if you played the demo expect the game to be the same who cares about length or what someone else thinks.
Again that demo rocked I got that puppy on pre order too. All else falls to the side when DI finally comes to me doorstep. I havent been this excited for a game since inFamous.

Last edited by Deadman on 1/31/2010 6:56:56 PM

14 years ago

I must be reading this wrong … you almost sound like Vesperia was going to satisfy your craving for turn-based jrpgs.

Which doesn't make sense.

14 years ago

That's what I was thinking (saying).

14 years ago

Yeah you beat me to it. It IS what it sounds like… I'd blast Tales into orbit for how much I hate it, but I'm a little tired right now.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

See above comment.

Sorry, I didn't make that clear.

14 years ago

If it wasn't for you Ben I would NEVER have played Lost Odyssey. I decided on a whim to see what you were going on about and sure enough, it's turn-based jrpg greatness.

As WorldEnds points out above, turn-based can give a gamer a real sense of accomplishment when up against insurmountable odds.

Maybe I've got to take TheHighlander's suggestion to write to game companies more seriously. I want turn-based back!

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

LO is RPG gold, IMO. 🙂

14 years ago

Since reviewer's kit is out already, I'm guessing Ben's probably playing Heavy Rain, aren't you ben???? LOL

14 years ago

i assumed it was heavy rain but i wasnt sure

14 years ago

Yeah his rain is all heavy, ours is just a bit of sleet right now.

14 years ago

Envious just isn't quite it. There are no words to truly explain how extremely envious I am of Ben right now. (Still in the panic room up in the attic…just 24 days til release, haha, hehe, I'm not crazy!).

14 years ago

10 degrees? Damn, it's been in the 70s here all day. ;o

14 years ago

lucky you. It's negative 4 here. My thermostat is set at 64. Thats 68 degrees warmer, and I'm still cold.

14 years ago

It was a little cooler today. Its been very cloudy all day so its been in the 60s. ;x

14 years ago

well ben as soon as you've played through that (HR) i'll take it off your hands ok? ok!
but please clarify on no game overs/no deaths in HR

14 years ago

Well my gaming update is terrible, I think I'm the first person to say this but I am officially on my 3RD Ps3. My refirb has given in and I'm going to sent that one in(I question the ps3's failure-rate) for another 60 gig. If that one fails on me I am done with playstation.(Though there isn't much alternative for me, nintendo is casual and I just hate the way microsoft runs it's gaming division, it's nothing but shooter after shooter with them)

On the Heavy Rain note, I am really liking what I've seen in the recent videos. It looks like the story is going to be really good, which should make up for any lack of gameplay.

14 years ago

Sell your refurbished one when you get it back and buy a slim. You'd lose the built-in heater but it's a lot more quiet.

14 years ago

Those old refub units have the same probs the originals did. Break down and get a slim.

edit: a pox on tes37 for beating me to it.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 1/31/2010 12:33:31 AM

14 years ago

What? I ain't good enough for an old fashioned curse. Why do I always get stuck with the pox? How about we settle on rickets?

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

I wouldn't recommend the slim as the cooling design isn't as good as the originals. Not saying the originals are great but I saw some design flaws in the schematics. Just fix it yourself.

14 years ago

Sad that jrpg's are kinda done….
Now it's thrown into the Japanese "niche" category….meaning we'll rarely get the good rpgs in the U.S. anymore…or in limited quantities

So sad. ps3 provides so much technology for rpgs to use…..and only Demon's Souls has used it perfectly (yeah it's not a true jrpg, but yeah)

Heavy Rain's so close now…

Freaking cold here to…wtf?

14 years ago

Maybe Squeenix will surprise us with Dragon Quest X.

14 years ago

well, if you really want a game you can just import. i love that ps3 games are region free. Now i just gotta learn japanese.

14 years ago

Guess we all have to learn Japanese for imports huh?

14 years ago

i still can not believe R* have not released any info on LA Noire yet.
i read a article the other day saying its a mess ATM, and has had the shakiest development cycle ever.
i was really excited for that game, since i thought i finally had a proper substitute for GTA but these recent reports certainly are not striking confidence in me.
hope im wrong but ive got the feeling LA Noire is going to be the biggest disappointment of the generation.

14 years ago

As big as Duke Nukem Forever????… I think they said that wasn't dead yet, talk about shaky development.

14 years ago

well a game has to come out to be disappointing.
i really hope DNF comes out, i would jump to the moon if it did.
but, yea, i cant see that happening.

14 years ago

Sad too see a slump in turn based RPG's. Guess it just makes the old school ones more valueable. Ever since FFVII I've always prefered turn based to Action RPG. I got bored with Enternal Sonata. Was more interested in Tales of V. Instead. Bummer.

As far as the extra GTA IV episodes. I don't really care. Happy for those who wanted it though. A buddy of mine really wanted these and was thinking about getting another 360 just for these episodes. Bet he's glad be waited.

Red Dead Redemption does look pretty freaking awesome. IGN has some nice preview videos up. Can't wait to see more. The graphics look much better then GTAIV. Did the same Rockstar studio make Red Dead? There's more then one studio yes?

Last edited by Jawknee on 1/31/2010 1:31:57 AM

14 years ago

Yes there's a whole lotta studios, we have Rockstar Vancouvre, Rockstar Leeds or something….. I dunno, Rockstar North, a lot.

Bandit King
Bandit King
14 years ago

Just so you and other know a head of time Sqeenix wont be surprising anyone with Dragon Quest X as that title was long ago announced as a Wii exclusive, yes you read that right I said Wii. So sad………….

14 years ago

I think unlike many of us here, the Hardcore Gamers of today (most, not all) should be called "Twitchcores", if you guys know what I mean 😉

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