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Ben’s Week In Review: January 24

There is a scratch in the hood of my car. It's shallow and easily fixable and yet…oh so annoying. Anywho.

Anybody else intrigued by L.A. Noire?

I know what the really ardent news-hunters will say: "where have you been?" Yes, well, bear in mind that I handle the news pretty much every single day of the year and I'm well aware that L.A. Noire has been a recognizable name for years. But I never latch onto a game when there's little to no info available; I'm far too busy to get excited about a project that's 98% mysterious. However, every once in a while, all I need is one detail to arouse my interest. Such a detail came this past week with the knowledge that the crimes in this game will be based on real-life crimes from 1947. The idea that a designer actually had to go through newspapers from that year, locate specific events and crimes, and place them into the database for implementation into the game…am I the only one who thinks that's awesome ? I mean, this puts such an atmospheric tinge of authenticity onto the project, something that no Grand Theft Auto ever featured.

That being said, I am going to have learn more about the gameplay. If we're supposed to be solving these crimes, is it more of a mystery CSI-like game, or are we just chasing down the perpetrators all the time? It'll be very interesting to see the decision Rockstar has made concerning the controls and gameplay. They say we should expect something pretty darn special from L.A. Noire and supposedly, they'll dish next month. I'll be keeping a close eye on that.

Heavy Rain might actually make me buy some DLC

For the most part, while I certainly understand the benefit of DLC, I just don't have the time or motivation to get any of it. As much as I love certain games, I'm always forced to move on if I want to keep up. Not only do I have to review a bunch of games I wouldn't normally play, I have my own list of titles I need to complete, so DLC usually falls by the wayside. Why am I going back to play a game I completed a month ago – regardless of how good it is – when I've got three new games sitting there, waiting to be played? Still, certain companies are starting to cause me to break down. I've already resolved to get those two DLC packs for Assassin's Creed II just because that game is bad-ass and I really want to see more of the cities. And then I heard about the Heavy Rain DLC and I might be sold on that, too. See, I really don't care about random little cosmetic upgrades via DLC but if the extra content will actually add to the story, give me all new places to explore, and simply expand on the gameplay , I'm far more likely to try it.

And considering that Heavy Rain is all about the story, being able to learn more about the primary characters is a definite bonus. And no, I'm not going to whine about the possibility that Quantic Dream purposely left this content out so as to charge extra for it later. In some cases, I do believe that, but I'm not so bitter or skeptical to believe that all DLC is simply designed to rip us off.

Personal gaming update

I'm still working my way through Bayonetta and Halo 3: ODST . I maintain that the former is deserving of any praise it has received; it features the most demanding and accomplished combat mechanic of any action game this generation. Whether you love or hate the style, you can't deny this. I'm talking about the Xbox 360 version, though; if Platinum Games does do a sequel , they had best not screw over PS3 owners again. And if it's a spin-off…oh dear God, no . As for ODST , let me just say this: I've played every Halo there is through to completion. I like 'em all. Like ODST , too. It's also nothing more than an expansion for Halo 3 ; there's nothing even remotely new about it. In fact, none of these games change much at all…ever. If we get the same ol' same ol' from Halo: Reach , I'm done with that franchise.

I know there are a lot of games set for February but I've decided that Bioshock 2 (February 9) and Heavy Rain (February 23) take precedence over the others. I definitely want to try White Knight Chronicles and Dante's Inferno but they'll just have to wait. And didn't the new Splinter Cell get delayed…? It was originally set to release on the same day as Heavy Rain , which was annoying . I love all the SCs and I play all those, too. If it's delayed, it gives me more time and I'm happy.

That's it. Watching the Australian Open. Looks like Nadal has his hands full with Karlovic…and Ana Ivanovic is out early again. Now I have no reason to watch women's tennis for the rest of the tournament…what I need is a house with a tennis court and ask Ana over to play. She'll win…and I won't care. She'll be all sweaty…she'll need a shower…and…stuff…;)

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14 years ago

I can't wait for Heavy Rain! :3


Last edited by Razgriz916 on 1/23/2010 10:07:00 PM

14 years ago

Martina Hinggis was the best imo…

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

Yes, she was great at displaying all of her teeth, all of the time.

14 years ago

Dude!…she had the cutest smile ever!

No doubt one of the bests! (very lively)

14 years ago

if ben can play a goddamn halo game, maybe he should play modern warfare 2 next week. its better than halo anyway…

14 years ago

Now I know why you got banned…

14 years ago

mmmm saying MW2 is better than ODST is not exactly a compliment.
might as well say a kick to the face is better than a kick to the balls.
both bored the fu** out of me.

14 years ago

i dont know about you, but id rather a kick to the face over a kick to the balls ANYDAY

14 years ago

Then, I'll say ODST is the kick to the balls. I stopped playing Halo almost directly after I got 3. So tired of that series..

14 years ago

@ Sypho – Ben NEVER said MW2 sucks. What the hell is wrong with you?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Sypho: Out. And don't come back.

14 years ago

Maybe he has little balls…? (wont hurt as much)

Last edited by Hitch on 1/24/2010 2:49:13 AM

14 years ago

Is Sypho also Booze am confused If he is PLEASE kick him out.He is so ignorant.

14 years ago

I haven't played both and I swear to my heart that I'll never play any Call of Duty its overated and I imagine Halo 3 being like a much more enjoyable experience.
Incidentally why not compare Modern Warfare to Battlefield!?

14 years ago

@ Trilogy. So sorry to hear that the only one missing out is yourself, especially if your a fan or tend to enjoy FPS games.sorry for you.

14 years ago

yup splinter cell conviction has been delayed……… AGAIN!
as if the heartbreak i had to suffer last year was not enough.
now i have to wait till april 28th to get my stealth game fix.
o how i wish crystal dynamics were still making games.
i need a new pandemonium game, o and add a oddworld game to that list.
i wish there were more stealth based games, the stealth mission in uncharted 2 was my favorite.
many found it tedious and annoying but its nice to see a franchise mix up the gameplay a little bit.
less FPS, RPGs, TPS and more combat racing, survival horror, platforming and stealth based games please.

14 years ago

How dare you speak of Crystal Dynamics returning to titles like paindemoium or Obes oddssey!? without mentioning Legacy of Kain lol

14 years ago

God, I hope they bring back Legacy of Kain…

14 years ago

I agree with MW2 being better than Halo, that's why I don't care if Halo is Microsoft exclusive or not.

14 years ago

Ben just said that he'd enjoy Ana Ivanovic serving up his balls.

LMAO twice!!!!

14 years ago


Well she's a beauty!

14 years ago

hahahaah thats great.

14 years ago

Yeah, granted Ana's nice,
but I'd rather score a whole lot of 30LOVE-ing with Maria Sharapova

Some nice pics of Maria, here…..

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Nah, Maria runs 2nd to Ana.

Then again, they can BOTH come over to play. That's even better.

14 years ago

So you prefer brunetts ben? hmm same here but i can't agree with you on this one, Maria Sharapova is just too good to be true

14 years ago

Well, I finally completed Final Fantasy 13 this weekend. And now that I know a full games worth of content was cut out, I feel like Sqaure took a sh** on leg. But anyway, it was an awesome game.

14 years ago

Your post gives me hope.

Your avatar makes me laugh hysterically.

Thanks for both.

14 years ago

Dante's Inferno deserves nothing. 2K Mariner FTW! BioShock 2 will own.

14 years ago

One of my friends got me Darksiders for my birthday (Monday), it's a decent hack/slash and I'm liking the journey. I got another copy of inFamous because my little niece decided that my first copy was part of her tea set and was using the disc as a coaster, she's only 3 so all I could do was laugh.

I'm kinda torn on what to get in Feb. Well not with Heavy Rain because I'm getting that day one. Bioshock 2 is on my list and so is Dante's Inferno, and as for WKC I'll be getting it but not playing right away.

Still waiting for GoWIII, arrg! And off topic some of my friends took me to see Avatar and I want the 3 hours of my life back, d@mn Dances with Wolves in Space. Well at least it was pretty to look at. Had to watch the Aliens and Terminator 2 special editions to get that taste out of my mouth.

Anywho, over and out.

14 years ago

I thought Avatar in 3D was awesome it was like some cool acid trip.

14 years ago

Don't forget pocahontas!

14 years ago

I liked your comment about Halo Reach. If it's no good you're done with the series? Really?

Why does Halo get five strikes before it's out?

Last edited by Alienange on 1/24/2010 12:51:51 AM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Because I like the games. It's just that ODST finally got to me and made me see how boring it has become.

14 years ago

I haven't played ODST but I thought it was supposed to breath new life into the Halo franchise with a new character and some new game mechanics. Sounds rather disappointing.

Oh, and if you look at Halo Wars it would be six strikes by the time you get to Reach, but I'm guessing a lot of people passed on that RTS crud. I know I did.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

The characters are meaningless because there's little to no back story and the only new mechanic is the visor, which just lights up the darkness in a cool way.

Other than that, it's absolutely no different than Halo 3.

14 years ago

It's a shame you don't care for Mass Effect, there Ben. It's looking to be a truly awesome successor to the first. Can't wait for Tuesday. Then my Xbox gets a rest for the remainder of the year. lol. Heavy Rain, God of War 3, FFXIII, WKC, AvP, Bioshock 2..Gonna be a busy few months.

Gonna have to fit school in there somewhere too…

Last edited by I_defenestrate on 1/24/2010 12:50:27 AM

14 years ago

I'll wait till it comes out on PS3.M$ does have about 5 good titles i'd like to get my hands on.

14 years ago

I'm kinda tempted by ME2 but I doubt my comp could run it that well, plus I'm not done with DA:O yet.
Which means I'm most excited for Bioshock 2 since it was made in about the same time it took to localize WKC's. There needs to be a tonne of stuff added to come anywhere near to justifying that.
Maybe I'll pick it up after I get bored with GoW3, which could be a while.

14 years ago

i moved just before the first of the year and just got my internet hooked up at the new place like 2 days ago. i have been missing posting on this site lol.

this has been an interesting week. i met a 24 year old juggalette striper that likes to play video games ha ha. (no i wasnt at the strip club, she just happens to do that) she tried to pull the "xbox is better card" then we sat down and messed around on my ps3. i have a poster of little big planet on my bedroom wall and she asked about it. so i put it in and within about 20 minutes to a half hour of just that game she says "you win" out of no where. when i asked what she was talking about, she said "you win playstation is better" ha ha ha.

my bday is in 2 weeks. bioshock 2 and heavy rain are comin out and i will have my taxes soon. somewhere in there i will have the money for those 2 and just for the hell of it i may just pay off that collectors edition god of war 3 before it comes out

14 years ago

You had a stripper in your room and you played LBP?

14 years ago

yes i did and no where in my post did i say that was all i did with her. 😉

14 years ago

Lucky you Frylock25.I wanna meet a video game playing stripper.Sounds too good to be

14 years ago

LBP gets the ladies, that's for sure!

I told you guys not to underestimate that game! Simply fun!

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Amazing. Certain idiots sign up to insult us, then wonder why they're not exactly popular.

Good riddance.

Sage Mode
Sage Mode
14 years ago

Wow Ben’s dropping the ban HAMMER!

14 years ago

L.A. Noire is starting to sound pretty interesting. I will definitely be on the lookout for more info.

I pre-ordered WKC and Heavy Rain. The free dlc for Heavy Rain is a welcome bonus. Hopefully I'll be ready to start GOW3 when it releases. It's a day one purchase even if I'm still playing the other two games.

14 years ago

Yeah, this Feb/March time period reminds me of October of 2008. I had games I hadn't touched for a few months the way they all came out at once.

14 years ago

L.A Noire has been on my radar ever since it was publically announced. I love film noir (hence stoked for heavy rain) and this sounds like another game ive been waiting for.

14 years ago

I'm excited about L.A Noire, Mafia II, Yakuza 3, GTAV and any other driving sand box game out there. I still play GTAIV every now and then. If I had the chance I'd go back to San Andreas and Vice City and probably The Getaway. I just love those games. Though I haven't tried Saints Row 😛

Heavy Rain is a MUST buy and FFXIII is mandatory and 2010 World Cup is a necessity. Those are the 3 games am definitely getting. Bioshock 2, Dante's Inferno etc would have to wait.

Last edited by www on 1/24/2010 5:51:41 AM

14 years ago

I just bought Saint Row 2 on ebay for about 13 bucks go check it out. Although i haven't started it yet.
Ebay is a great place to buy new & used games cheaper than any store if you have PATIENCE that is always go Ending Soonest and wait for last minute to bid. Just thought you guys might appreciate it. 😉

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