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Ben’s Week In Review: January 10

'looks around' Why does it feel like I'm looking down the October/November barrel? What is with all these games coming out in January, February and March?!

This past week's Bayonetta/Darksiders conundrum

Okay, so I've played both now and although I only just started Bayonetta , I feel I can make some accurate comments about both games. I read Arnold's review for Darksiders and a friend brought his copy over today; I played through the introductory portion and watched about an hour's worth of his saved game (he's about 11 hours in). It's quite fun and the mechanics are solid, even though it certainly isn't the prettiest title I've ever seen. I really like the whole atmosphere; it's just so dark and gritty…it's kinda like the style of Gears superimposed over the format for God of War , you know? Worth playing, IMO. But then I opened up Bayonetta and here's where I'll toss in a quick side note-

Arnold has the PS3 version of Bayonetta and I have the Xbox 360 version. Because these two versions are reportedly very different from one another, we'll want to give you a comparison review. So that's coming.

I won't give away too much before the review goes up but I just really love the over-the-top cheesiness of the game. Those who frown upon it just don't get it; the entire purpose of this game is to feature a female character that may as well be half-witch, half-stripper. It's why she sucks on little lollipops, spanks her enemies, and has numerous abilities that often leave her curvaceous form quite exposed. It's silly and absurd and maxed out in the "cheese department." But that's the point . It never once takes itself seriously but the gameplay…that's some serious sh**. Just unbelievable. Stay tuned.

FFXIII might really BE the end of an era 'sob'

I almost wanted to cry when I wrote the article in question ; Square-Enix has clearly hinted at a drastically new direction for their flagship role-playing franchise. Obviously, they feel they need to innovate and progress in order to keep pace with Western developers and the general advancement of the industry. But do they really think it means nothing when half the damn PS3 population in Japan buys FFXIII? Do they really think the fans suddenly want a "new direction?" Granted, one could point towards FFXII and say that represented a definite removal from the norm but in my eyes, it was still distinctly "Final Fantasy." I think Square-Enix is inferring something else; I think they're going to try to force the series into a WRPG or action/RPG mold so as to somehow appeal to the twitch gamers who can't tear themselves away from titles that require constant button presses and no attention whatsoever.

I can't even begin to tell you how annoyed I will be if this happens. Hell, if it does, I'll go back and play every real FF from IV on through XII again. Oh yes, I will.

Personal gaming update

Halo 3: ODST annoyed me so I haven't gone back to it yet, but I believe I'm somewhere near the end. I started Resident Evil 5 and I know a lot of you have been wondering what I think of it, especially after we scored it a little lower than other sources. Well, I'm on Chapter 3-1 and while I like it – I like every RE, really – they really needed to abandon the tank controls for this one. See, it was okay in previous installments for two reasons: 1. the enemies were nowhere near as fast as they are in RE5, and 2. with the exception of RE4, they all presented us with a true third-person camera view, in that you could see your character and all of the screen. Plus, there were screens; i.e., separate sections that could only hold so many enemies. In RE5, the very speed and scope of the game is just begging me to move while shooting…sadly, it doesn't work as well in this format.

But it's still fun and I'm sure I'll finish it. The AI is good; Sheva isn't irritating me and she's an effective companion. Perhaps the best co-op tandem except for Elika and Prince in Prince of Persia . And yes, as you've already seen, I've started Bayonetta , which is just…plain… cool . I'm never playing without a smile on my face. 😉

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14 years ago

I do understand the point of Bayonetta, I really do. It's just that the kind of sillyness that they're going for isn't my thing.

14 years ago

That long legged babe has sure got herself one great looking heiny there, doesn't she, LOL

14 years ago

But the question is, does it compare to chloe. And the anser is: HELL NO!

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Yeah, a close 2nd to Chloe. 😉

14 years ago

I just got my copy of Darksiders from gamefly, it's a really good game, I would have bought it had I not been saving up for Mass Effect 2, later this month.

I've heard you guys at psxe weren't so keen of the first one, but from what other sources say this game is shaping up really good(much like the 1st).
Will you guys be reviewing Mass Effect 2?

14 years ago

I'd imagine not unless it makes its way to PS3.

14 years ago

Sadly it is an Xbot three sixty exclusive. After watching all the videos I could on it; I am very disappointed we cannot enjoy this title… For the first time I though it worth buying an Xbot Arcade, maybe second hand at $120 dollars, just to give this game ago…

…the pain… I cannot bring myself to doing it…


"i am home"

14 years ago

I bought an xbox so I could play Mass Effect and Gears. I am seriously disappointed. Neither are as fun as so many claim.

14 years ago

Thanks Alienange, I don't feel too bad about it now!


"i am home"

Last edited by Qubex on 1/10/2010 1:47:59 AM

14 years ago

Have you played the first Mass Effect Qubex? Driving that buggy around trying to shoot robots that can hit you from miles away? What kind of an RPG is this supposed to be?

I don't know where you live Qubex, but in Canada our Futureshop occasionally sells the Arcade for 149 new. I wouldn't buy a box used if I were you.

14 years ago

I wanted to buy one so I could play splinter cell, but I'm just gonna borrow my brothers instead. It was so much easier living with my parents, lol.

14 years ago

yous know both ME2 and splinter cell are both on PC right?
just get it on that.
o, n gears sucked but gears 2 was a fantastic game.
best shooter since BLACK.

14 years ago

You know you're not forced to play the Xbox version its on pc too so…. the console version meh

14 years ago

Thx for the suggestions, but I prefer consoles. My PC is barely able to run Roller Coaster Tycoon, lol. Also, my PC has nothing on my home theater setup, I'll just get a lot more enjoyment out of playing the console version.

14 years ago

Couldn't even finish the Bayonetta demo, gameplay was so so bad.

And someone needs to fire Wada.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 1/9/2010 10:48:28 PM

14 years ago

actually its a good game kinda short(7 hours) but good replayability big problem would be the loading…god how can Sega dare to release the game like that?

14 years ago

I hated the excessive 'grading' screen that comes up after even the smallest of battles.

14 years ago

I played the demo at least more then 30 times. Don't know why so many people here hate the game…

14 years ago

World, i didn't find Bayon too bad actually; but that is just me and playing the demo. I don't think I will purchase it though!


"i am home"

14 years ago

I didn't finish it either World. I won't be buying this one at full price, maybe a bargain bin purchase.

14 years ago

Ben is finally playing RE5…

14 years ago

Yea and he likes it at least.

14 years ago

Sadly, I only have a ps3. Glad to see you guys will take the time to compare both versions of Bayonetta. Thanks.

14 years ago

Aside from some frame rate issue and an annoying load times, the game is perfect and fun.

I'm recommending Bayonetta to everyone.
And Ben, do you think there will be patch to fix the issues? Frame rate isn't a big deal but the load times are killing me.

Last edited by Snaaaake on 1/9/2010 11:30:45 PM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Are you talking about the PS3 or 360 version?

In the 360 version, I detect very little in the way of frame rate or loading problems. I imagine it's a bigger issue in the PS3 version.

14 years ago

The PS3 version suffers from constant loading and a little frame rate issues from what I heard.

14 years ago

Well Ben :

I really dont know what kind of 360 you have because my version of Bayonetta on my XBOX 360 has a few graphical problems, just like every game. First I must say that I havent seeing, playing or try the PS3 version besides the demo. I was one of the first here who posted about how superior the 360 version looked compared to that PS3 demo. I also said that the 360 version suffered from minor slowdowns and from graphical tearing in some stages. So if the 360 version which is better has these minor problems I could really cant imagine how bad the PS3 port really is.

Also I said that the game takes no longer than 7 hours to finish it, yes you can go back to replay it etc, but its $60 you are paying for it and everybody complained when Heavenly Sword could be beaten in 6 hours.

Also I like the game references to past Sega clasics, the story is a little weird and overall the game is real fun. I really dislikes how the press is treating this game as the best actioner available and said it was even better that Kamiya's classic Devil May Cry (the first one), in my opinion it isnt. But who cares for my opinion at the end im not a game journalist, Im just a 32 year old gamer who didnt sucumbs to the cheeseness of Bayonetta. Dont missunderstand me its not a bad game and the 360 version is better but it also is not the game the media wants us to believe it is.

Sorry about my grammar dudes.

Last edited by apofisboricua on 1/10/2010 10:24:04 PM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

I'm not "succumbing" to anything. I'm understanding the intention of the developer.

And I've noticed the same issues in the 360 version, too, but they're hardly what I would call severe. For the most part, you really have to be looking for the problems in the 360 version (most of the time) while in the PS3 version, I think you can't avoid them.

And while I love DMC, gaming has come a long way since then. Bayonetta's combat really does beat the tar out of the original DMC, but it more on par with DMC3 or DMC4.

14 years ago

Ben, you are spot on with Bayonetta… from what I see its a slick looking game. Yes the port is bitty, but I still think it looks very good and seems to play well too… that is if you get used to the pace and master the combos…


"i am home"

14 years ago

Do you think the new direction they are taking with FF could be online only FF's? I know it may sound kind of dumb but I'm wracking my brain trying to figure this one out.

Sir Shak
Sir Shak
14 years ago

Bayonetta is not my thing , really hate the main character .

14 years ago

aha! me too!

karneli lll
karneli lll
14 years ago

Dont let the pervs hear you!

14 years ago

Since the Bayonetta angst is being piled up I'll go ahead and speak up. I know it's lame to judge a demo and the previews etc., but man, I just don't see the hype and acclaim for this game. Ever since the game's debut video (was it TGS last year?) with all her crotch shots and perverse dialogue -wanna touch me?- The game clearly looked like another attempt at taking a stab at the perverse DOA: XVB market. This time with guns, and being more of a gamer's game. I wrote it off in my mind as a would-be, low-rated pile of crap designed to cash-in with the soft-porn pervs. Then it comes out with all these high reviews and I'm left feeling that something is still amiss with this game. Now judging from the extremely average demo, and the still un-attractive, wonky, small head, and huge body proportions.. the game, emotionally, just isn't grabbing me. Maybe I should just accept that, and push it into the pile of high rated games that just don't appeal to me no matter how high the review. Just like all those soccer games, and paper mario's etc.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

It's a style thing, definitely. If it's not your bag, you won't like it because it's always in your face.

But beneath that style is one of the most accomplished action titles in history.

14 years ago

In History? Really?

14 years ago

The reading! Ooh the reeeading that I had to do in Paper Mario … how could you bring that up?

karneli lll
karneli lll
14 years ago

"But beneath that style is one of the most accomplished action titles in history."

Is the 360 version that different from the ps3 version?

14 years ago

@karneli lll

He wasn't comparing the versions.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Yes, in history. I'm not saying it's the BEST, but in terms of mechanics and the unbelievable raw potential to go absolutely nuts on the part of the player, few things compete with Bayonetta.

And yes, the 360 version is that much better than the PS3 version (I believe; I have to talk to Arnold).

14 years ago

i really can not see how anyone could possiably think let alone say that the combat in bayonetta is better than darksiders.
saying that is saying the combat in bayonetta is better than GOW because darksiders is almost the same.
not as brutal, not as many combos, not as many enemies on screen but the speed and feel of it is exactly the same.
darksiders kicks the living crap out of bayonetta in almost every aspect.
the only complaints i have with darksiders is

1 it takes so freaking long to get all the weapons, upgrading everything IS SO GOD DAM EXPENSIVE! 1 health flask 1500 souls jesus tap dancing christ!

2 the boss battles LAST SO FREAKING LONG!
GOW boss battles last longer than most games, gets anoying at times but darksiders is 10 times longer.
i just beat the second boss where you have to use the train ramps to beat her up.
and honestly it took so long i thought i was doing something wrong and started using my star or the horn to hurt her.
since it took so long i thought i was doing something wrong where i was not you just need to hit her once shes down.
if there was a health gauge like most games i would of not had that problem.
but why do the boss battles have to last so long?
most games a boss is down you repeat the process 3 times and your finished.
darksiders you repeat the process 15 times.

3 use a switch or something and sometimes there wont be a video showing what you just did.
at times you walk into a massive room with 4 or so doors and nothing tells you which one you have to use.
or there was this massive room with water, i walked in and no cutscene.
what do i have to do?
do i climb to the top?
do i need to escape through a hole in the wall?
everytime i enter a new room there should be a cut scene showing me what needs to be done.
most games do that, but darksiders sometimes does not.

4 combat is far to scripted and simple.
instead of having 3 finishing moves on each enemy like GOW darksiders has one per enemy.
just gets boring using the same attacks over and over again.

5 needs WAY, WAY! more combos.
its very basic, just square 3 times or square twice and triangle once combos are very restricted.
no DMC or NG or mortal kombat 40 hit combos here.

6 no where near enough enemies on screen.
your in a massive area with only 5 enemies trying to kill you?
come on this is the PS3 not the PS2.

7 the whole game has a cheap rushed feeling to it, theres no seance of polish like uncharted 2 has.
it feels like a rushed GOW, a brilliant game no doubt, best ive played in a long time but it lacks the polish and scale GOW has.

hopefully vergil does a sequel to this, makes the changes i mentioned and puts it on a much grander scale.
as many reviews have said everything there is well done it just needs more, on a grander scale.
it needs the production values of a high AAA like GOW or uncharted.
it just feels like it was held back by something, be it console reasons, budget reasons, or time reasons.
remove those restrictions and i believe darksiders could be one of the best games ever release.
it has that power begging to come out hopefully a high up studio will realize that and bring it to its full petentional
if i was sony or M$ id be rushing out and throwing millions at this IP because done right with high production values like GOW this could be a contender for GOW.
its there, it has the feel just lacks the scale.
this is the game i would like to see santa monica work on next, just like GOW just needs the talent of a high production studio.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago


If you honestly believe the combat in Darksiders is somehow even in the same universe, let alone actually BETTER, than Bayonetta, I have nothing else to say. It's just ridiculous.

There's a REASON you won't find a single solitary professional critic agree with you.

14 years ago

I play those 2 games xD…Bayo combats are better (well more fun) but Darksiders its a very good game I put it at the same level of Bayo Ps3 Version but not the 360 one.

Bayo 360 > Darksiders Ps3 = Bayo PS3 .

14 years ago

I pissed myself silly laughing at your third point there blank boy. A video showing you what to do next, HAAhahahahahaaa!

14 years ago

so your saying the combat in bayonetta is better than the combat in GOW?
because the combat in darksiders and GOW is almost the same give or take a few restrictions.
i think ive got a new contender for most over rated game of the century.
yup move over GTAIV bayonetta now has taken your spot.

14 years ago

i actually agree with you _______, i alos think that baton is really overrated and that dark siders is a better game overall. but then again i have the ps3 version, but that is no excuse it's the devs fault for making a shitty port.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

You ever notice how the games YOU think are overrated just so happen to be some of the best of the generation…?

14 years ago

maybe thats why i say there overrated?
just because i complain about something does not mean i dont like it, or think its a bad game.
i love AC2 and infamous but still complain about a million and one things about it.
it just means it could of been done better.
you really think GTA IV deserves a 10?
how about bayonettas meta score of 9.2?
the only games i think deserved the score they got are MGS4 still one of the best and uncharted 2.
everything else is overrated and some games underrated like DMC4 or burnout paradise, neither get the praise they deserve.
or halo 3 ODST.
9s across the board you got to be kidding me!

come on you can not say GTA IV was not disappointing after playing GTA 3, GTA VC and GTA SA.
all of those took what the series had and either added to it or made it better.
GTA IV did neither of that, it removed most of the game play and added nothing, improved nothing besides the graphics.

as for bayonetta, i would go as far as to say DMC 4 had better combat than bayonetta i loved the devil bringer arm and how you could string together attacks it felt so smooth and polished.

only thing driving me absolutely INSANE! to the point i dont want to play it anymore in darksiders is everythings a puzzle.
normally puzzles are one every few levels and your always told what you have to do like in uncharted 2 or GOW.
darksiders, a different story, it chucks you into a massive room with 4 different doors.
where am i suppose to go?
up, down, left, right?
i HATE! screwing around wasting time checking every pathway to figure out which way is the right way.
the game should hint at the way, its my job to understand the hint, the game is suppose to give me info not leave me in the dark.
another prime example of that is the massive spider you fight.
you have to throw the bodies in her mouth than while shes munching on them switch to your glove and pound the ice off her back.
but is there anything telling you, or even hinting at that?
i died 2 times and spent almost 1.5 hours just attacking her.
thats whats really killed darksiders for me, i loved it to death, i was giving it a 10 but because of that simple annoyance i dont want to play it anymore.
shame such a small simple thing completley destroyed what was a brilliant game.
just like borderlands they take a brilliant game than destroy it by riddling it with bugs and repetitive respawning enemies.
how am i suppose to complete a mission if theres a million enemies nipping my a$$ and every time i kill all of them more respawn.
O and you still have not answered my original question.

Last edited by ___________ on 1/11/2010 6:02:50 AM

14 years ago

waiting for the Bayonetta review…..

14 years ago

I'm going to pass on both Bayonetta and Darksiders. From what I've seen, neither of these single player experiences are worth the full $60 they're asking.

I must say though, I agree with your sentiments on the FF series. If Wada does this then Wada mistake.

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