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Ben’s Week In Review: December 6

Did some holiday shopping today and I've got to say, Swarovski crystal isn't exactly cheap. Ah well. 'tis the season. 😉

Don't go messing up Mirror's Edge 2, DICE

I really loved Mirror's Edge , primarily because I think DICE did an excellent job in giving us a relatively unique perspective. Everything really did feel just about right and although I know improvements can be made, I also know the first effort was mighty impressive. I've heard people complain about the trial-and-error gameplay but you know, I've never had a problem with that; in fact, I kind of enjoy it. That might be the reason I like the Splinter Cell games so much… Anyway, hearing EA CEO John Riccitiello talk about the two possible directions DICE could go with a ME sequel, I appreciated the info and came to one quick conclusion: if they turn this into a standard FPS, I'm gonna be irate . That would mean you took a perfectly good, innovative concept and erased it for the sake of wider mainstream appeal. I know EA cares a great deal about the latter but you've already started down one path…don't backtrack.

Really, there's still so much they can do with this idea. It's borderline revolutionary. Look at what they're doing with the game Brink ; that "SMART" mechanic essentially builds on the first-person running idea found in ME. DICE, just make the sequel and continue to focus on what you're doing; you can keep the FPS elements you had in the original, but we don't need much else in that category.

I want a GOOD Medal of Honor, for a change

It has been a little depressing to see this franchise go downhill ever since the PlayStation and early PS2 days. I think the last really great installment was Medal of Honor: Frontline , which was always one of my favorite games on the PS2. Then, for whatever reason, each successive entry managed to take yet another step backwards. But I really do have a lot of faith in this new project , and I'll tell you why: EA is doing one of the smartest things imaginable by assigning two separate teams to handle the single-player campaign and multiplayer respectively. I've never liked the idea of focusing too heavily on multiplayer at the obvious sacrifice of a rewarding single-player mode ('cough' Modern Warfare 'cough'), and I believe with two separate teams, we'll get two fully robust modes. Furthermore, I too am tired of the WWII setting and it'll be interesting to see how they approach their own "modern warfare" setting. Using DICE as one of the teams was a good move, too; those guys have Battlefield: Bad Company 2 already on their plate.

I know we don't have a lot of FPS fans around but when a really great one comes along, I typically enjoy playing it. And if MoH lets me down again, that's it for that franchise…one last try, EA.

Personal gaming update

So I'm nearing the end of Assassin's Creed II (I'm in the final section of Venice), and when it's over, back I go to Dragon Age: Origins . I've got nothing else to play until Christmas rolls around, which is when I expect to have several new titles to toy around with; I want Left 4 Dead 2 , Resident Evil 5 , the God of War Collection , and Halo 3: ODST . I wasn't about to pay $60 for the latter, which is – let's just admit it – a freakin' expansion . But I'll play it if someone gives it to me. 😉 After that, I think it's all about Bayonetta in January and then there's White Knight Chronicles in early February. I'm not entirely sold on that just yet – sacrilege, I know – but I've always preferred a slightly more traditional approach to RPGs, and I'm thinking there might be too heavy an emphasis on the multiplayer. I do not , and never will , go online with my RPGs.

Other than that, not much else going on. I'll be headed up to a Sony event in New York on Tuesday; meet up with Arnold and some dude I've known for a while who's flying in for it. I'm looking forward to it because to be honest, there just ain't much happening around here and I need to get out for a day or two. 🙂

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14 years ago

Hey Ben, if this Sony event your going too is about upcoming games, is there anyway you can get some info on quantum theory. The media has pretty much forgotten about it.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

I think it's just called Quantum now and I'm not sure it'll be there. But we'll look.

14 years ago

no, its back to quantum theory.
but than im sure there will be another 15 name changes before release date.

14 years ago

On my personal note-I finished my second DA:O play through tonight. One more play to clean up my last 12 trophies. w00t! Gonna hope my girl gets me Ass Creed for Xmas. lol.

14 years ago

I loved Dark Cloud 2
So if WKC is similar to that then no doubt it'll be great

Lots of great PSN content coming out.
So many great ps1 classics

14 years ago

God of War Collection was cool, but not quite worth the price of entry…$30 would've been more like it.

It was a real trip to see the improvement between the 1st, the 2nd and the demo of the 3rd, though. At first, I was a little disappointed to see that GOW3 was basically GOW2 with a next-gen face-lift, and the lower framerate (which hopefully will be worked out in the release build) was obvious, but the huge scale, and texture detail totally geeked me out. I before thought it an exaggeration when people said it, but you can actually see the pores on Kratos's skin, and see his teeth and see his jaw muscles flex (in the opening screen), and that left me smiling even after playing the demo two times in a row. It has the best character models in a game to date, and they are even better than those found in the CGI scenes of the prequels.

The animations have been retooled, and while the move set seems identical for the must part, plus a couple of combos and throws and a new weapon, the combat feels a lot more tight, dynamic and intense this time around.

Although, I'm suspecting it won't get the same acclaim this generation, fans will be most definitely pleased by the grand finale of one of Sony's most anticipated franchises.

Now, on to Bayonetta's demo.

14 years ago

gow 1 and gow 2 for the ps2 cost 20 dollars each and they should sell it for 30 dollars??

14 years ago

nvm just cheked gow1 is 12 used is 13 and gow2 is 20…. its still a improved version so i think its still worth the 40 dollars

14 years ago

Yeah, you're right. The math doesn't quite work out, and maybe since I've played them before, as well as Chains of Olympus (which was mighty surprising), I didn't feel I got the "umph" for my dollar. If one hasn't played them before, and one doesn't have a b/c ps3 or a ps2, then I would definitely recommend getting it. Otherwise, I suggest getting the two ps2 titles used, and watching the demo on youtube.

Last edited by Aftab on 12/5/2009 11:45:44 PM

14 years ago

Well said Aftab…I couldn't have said it better. Honestly GOW is a great franchise but to be honest, hack and slash isn't my favorite genre for many reasons. But GOW is awesome and is one of those exceptional games along with Heavenly Sword and the soon to be Dante's Inferno. Speaking of Dante's Inferno, for some insanely awkward reason, I'm looking forward to that more than GOW3. There, I said it, this comment is going to be overflowing with thumb downs. I might've had the balls to say it…but in the end, there will only be CHAOS!

Last edited by just2skillf00l on 12/5/2009 11:18:29 PM

14 years ago

Right back at ya. My sentiments exactly. Maybe it has to do with growing older, and the innovations of technology this generation, but hack'n slash and beat'um up titles don't quite do it for me, anymore. I remember the surge of testosterone from mashing 'O' and the adrenaline rush of the quick time events before, but this time it kinda just felt routine. But still, GOW is more of an action-adventurer than an HS game like DMC or NG. It has a great mixture of puzzle-solving, story, production values, visuals, and epic soundtrack (they got their "brass" from London and their "strings" and vocals from Prague) that make it a mandatory playthrough for any gamer. It's kinda like going to the movies.

Last edited by Aftab on 12/6/2009 12:07:32 AM

14 years ago

I agree with Charger7302, I've been itching for some more info on Quantum.

14 years ago

My friend played Quantom @ TGS. He says its a Gears ripoff.

14 years ago

Gamers always amaze me. so Because Gears has been available, No other game can look like it?
How about Dante Inferno VS God of war?
Fifa VS PES?
GTA VS Saint Rows?
Bad Company VS COD VS Ghost Recon?
Resident Evil VS Code Fear?.
and the list goes on and on.

Last edited by jerocarson on 12/6/2009 6:39:36 AM

14 years ago

BTW, Online Create mode for LBP launched a few days ago. If anyone wants to create with me, my PSN is Booboojones. -_-

Perry Katy
Perry Katy
14 years ago

If you want an awesome Medal of Honor game, EA should put Jimmy Patterson again as protagonist, sabotage some ME 262s or V2 rockets, no partner (always act lone wolf), covert operation (using fake ID to fools some Germans), Michael Giacchino's soundtrack or put some Nazi Zombies into it….. :))

Banky A
Banky A
14 years ago

Katy Perry is always right!

Perry Katy
Perry Katy
14 years ago

LOL, that's because i always miss the old MoH games back to Playstation era.. Like Ben, I thought the last great MoH game was Medal of Honor: Frontline 🙂

14 years ago

im not worried about mirrors edge 2, DICE know how to make a good game there not going to let EA sh*t all over it……… i hope.
same for MOH DICE are doing the MP, not that i car but some of their skill should rub off onto the MP.
not that im looking forward to it, im sick of war games.
who do i have to kill to get a proper survival horror game?
come on, dont make me wait for doom 4.

14 years ago

Hey Ben. please get solid info on Eight Days and Syphon Filters 5 and maybe that secrete PS3 exclusive game. .

14 years ago

youre gonna get to the end of ACII and two thoughts are gonna hit you, "i knew it!" and "aw shit, now i've gotta wait a couple years for the sequel."

its awesome. totally worth it.

14 years ago

AARRGH!!! I know this is off topic but I just went to turn on my ps3 and it won't turn on, I get a yellow light then a flashing red light and it won't turn on!!! Does anyone here know what's going on or how to fix this, I have modern warfare 2 stuck inside the consol and I want to play ACII 🙁

14 years ago

So you mean your now hearing about YLOD? If you got the money do yourself a favor and go getta Slim already.

14 years ago

Or get the beast ressurected by dishing out $120 for SCEA to fix it for ya (they'll probably send you the same model back)

If it's a 60GB ps3, I'd definitely dish out the $120, at least once.

Last edited by Scarecrow on 12/6/2009 11:46:43 AM

14 years ago

Ya it's the 60gb model, I found a really good article to fix it online though so I've been following that, I think I just need a new fan though 🙁 that's probobly what the problem is

14 years ago

@jerocarson He says it plays like Gears aswell. He said when you press X your character rolls.

14 years ago

I'll only pick up Mirror's Edge if its 3rd person like Uncharted, c'mon a game full of stunts and you make it 1st person?! I could bet a milli bucks this game woulda scored better if it was 3rd person.

I don't get EA with this MOH thing going modern, I thought Battlefield was meant for that.I tried that L4D demo and I just don't like it. I'll be downloading Bayonetta next.

Personal gaming update, still M4A1-ing people virtually in MW2. Oh and I Stinger any enemy helicopter or AC130 or whatever!

Last edited by www on 12/6/2009 11:13:13 AM

14 years ago

Same, it was the main reason I didn't buy said game.

14 years ago

Mirror's edge works fine first person honestly, its the unforgivingness of the game itself, if you fck up, you have hell to pay

Last edited by Zorigo on 12/6/2009 12:25:17 PM

14 years ago

Can i just say, i played God of war 3 at the playstation house tour in westfields, so damn good.
they also have heavy rain, assasins creed 2 and gt5, so go and check it out, its pretty damn sweet. if u live in the UK, theres one probly not far from you; go to playstationhouse.

14 years ago

i am back on fallout 3. my buddy came over and shared his dlc for the game and now i am going through all of them. damn that game is filled with bugs. some how even with all the bugs and problems with the stupid game i still love it.

anyone know how to format an external hard drive to fat 32? i want to put an external on my ps3.

14 years ago

search the net, i was looking once and found some pretty decent solutions.
as for the dlc, my mate gave me them aswell, they're so great aren't they…

14 years ago

I loved the single player of MW and MW2. There was no "obvious sacrifice" made in my opinion.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

I beat ACII last night. What an awesome game and yeah, I can't WAIT for the sequel.

This, along with Uncharted and Gears, have become first-day purchases for me. I add these to the existing list of any Final Fantasy, God of War, Gran Turismo, and Suikoden (kinda). 😉

14 years ago

That is some high praise indeed. Those day one purchases are not easy to choose.

14 years ago

what type of a ending was that though?
little disappointed, the ending in AC2 raises more questions than it answers.
i know they have to save some things for AC3 but come on the lady you talk to made absolutely no sense what so ever.
will be interesting to see where the next AC will be, im positive you will play as desmond because, well that was the whole point of AC2 to train him up.
the million dollar question will be where is it set, since your playing as desmond you would have to play in current time.

14 years ago

isnt mirrors edge 20 bucks now in some retailers? maybe now its worth a purchase.

14 years ago

Ben…I think you mean you can't wait for the triquel.

14 years ago

No, because Ben is using English.

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