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Assassin’s Creed II: Best Multiplat Of The Year

While I believe Uncharted 2: Among Thieves and Killzone 2 are firmly in the #1 and #2 positions respectively, I'm also now convinced that Assassin's Creed II is the single best multiplatform title of 2009.

Exclusives once again are ruling this year – with a few exceptions, of course – and therefore, I believe it means something to say that Ubisoft's tremendous sequel is on par with the best exclusive titles currently available. In my review , I went into a great deal of detail, as I tend to do with all high-profile reviews, but this is where I want to talk about the smaller, yet equally impressive facets of this excellent production. You know, certain games rely more heavily on immersion and convincing the player he's in the given setting; in such cases, the developers have a tough job ahead of them: even the tiniest elements must ring true (with only some leeway allowed for technical limitations). You'd be surprised what we notice when simply walking down the sidewalk in real life. In ACII, we have to believe we're in 15th-century Italy.

Now, I wasn't around back then and no matter how many history books you read or how many experts you talk to, none of us will ever know what it really felt like walking the streets of Florence and Venice in the late 1400s. Even so, we've got a great example of what designers are capable of if they put their minds to producing an authentic, fully believable world based on historic fact. Just walk around and check things out. And don't just watch the many animations and listen to the various cries of heralds and hawkers; also pay close attention to how people react . It's such a good indicator of an advanced product. Citizens will see you and take notice if you do something out of whack, and if you knock into someone and force them to drop what they're carrying, the guards will react. They won't draw blades, but they'll push you about and yell.

In short, it's almost exactly what I would expect to see if I could be transported back in time. Granted, nothing's perfect and there are plenty of improvements Ubisoft could made with a third installment: for example, how's about making throwing knives "incognito?" Since when can everyone in the vicinity see a tiny knife traveling at high speed? Also, the AI could be ramped up again; if an archer sees me and tells me to get down, all I have to do is hang off the ledge and he's happy. There's also some erratic behavior going on, but other than that, the entire atmosphere is just very, very impressive. And the upgrade given to combat and how you go about your day-to-day activities gives us the depth we were missing in the original. Having a Villa of your own that needs to be upgraded, buying new weapons, armor and items, and having almost complete freedom…it's all great.

Every time I play, I keep thinking I'll spot something that should've been remedied. But I just can't find much wrong with this game. Like I said, it's in the realism and reactions of those around you. For instance, using Thieves or Courtesans to distract guards will allow you to get in and out of certain rooms without being noticed. You could also use a smoke bomb and slip in, but by the time you come out, the guards will have recovered and quickly attack. Plus, because the three different types of enemies have altered how you approach battles (Brutes and Seekers force you to adopt new fighting styles), you always feel as if every mission could be very different from the previous one. Use poison? The throwing knives? The pistol? Sneak around and ignore them entirely? This is where that aforementioned freedom comes into play; there are any number of ways to approach an objective, and that's always part of the fun. And oh yes, being able to swim now is a definite bonus. Kinda need that in Venice.

Anyway, for the more straightforward reasons why I would call ACII the best multiplatform game of the year, click the link above and read the review. But I must say, I've been really drawn in by three games in a row over the past few months ( Uncharted 2 , Dragon Age , and this one) and that almost never happens. Of course, it'll probably happen again in March, and I look forward to that .

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14 years ago

omfggggggggg i finished it last night :D. They improved so much from the first title. Good job ubisoft!!! 😀

14 years ago

So did I D=

Ended so suddenly as well. =[ =[ =[

14 years ago

Well you've sung so many praises about this that even though the first one was like watching paint dry maybe I'll pick it up cheap after the the Feb-March explosion dies down. I am a history buff after all.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 12/4/2009 10:19:47 PM

14 years ago

Don't take this the wrong way, I'm sure this game is awesome, and much improved from the first one (which I enjoyed). I really look forward to playing it too…so this comes from not playing it yet…..but "single best multiplat this year?". What about Batman?? You can probably argue that it might be better than AA, but absolute "single best"?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Batman was great.

ACII is better.

14 years ago

i also thought that when batman came out it would be the best multiplat but after i played assassins creed it just seemed so much better story and gameplaywise batman is easily second place.

14 years ago

Hey. Cod 4-2 is multiplatform but yeah.i still prefer ac! its kinda like

Cod 4.2 < Ac2 > Batman

14 years ago

Interesting….now I'm definitely looking forward to playing it!

14 years ago

My spider sense is tingling.
I sense MW2 fanboys.

14 years ago

no i dont think there are a great deal of mw2 fanboys on the site… i might be wrong though

14 years ago

No it's not, SFIV is

14 years ago

Ha! That's funny.

14 years ago

Funny because you say so?

I'd like to see constructive criticism (based on facts), instead.

Ok I'll mimic you:

Batman: Asylum is a joke

14 years ago

Ha! That's funnier.

14 years ago

I guess trolling has become a "funny" habit here

14 years ago

Why are you all insulted buddy? You come on here saying Batman AA is a joke and then start calling people trolls because they're laughing at you? Batman AA trumps an HD remake of ANY game. Don't get all mad just because you can't see that.

14 years ago


More like amazed at the level of trolling recently.

In fact, you're being an ignorant. How can you dismiss Jawknee's garbage talk 'bout SFIV (trolling) and say I was the one who started it all with Batman: AA. Are you blind? dumb?

HD Remake of what? I don't remember SF ever looking like SFIV, unless you're using baseless statements.

14 years ago

Comedy Gold.

Banky A
Banky A
14 years ago


Why are you always offended and retaliating quickly these days?
There's always an argument.

14 years ago

Hey Scarecrow I dont regret selling SFIV afterall, I might pick up SSFIV next year with all the complete characters, I've kinda started missing it already.

14 years ago

You guys have all been commenting here for as long as I've been here, so I find it strange to see veterans calling each other out as "trolls". Can't we all get along and have a few laughs, even if it's at our own expense from time to time?

…..anyways, Tony Hawk Ride for GOTY, never mind multi-plat!

14 years ago

My one problem with AC2 is things pop up badly

14 years ago


14 years ago

That's what she said…

14 years ago


14 years ago

Haha, that b*tch!

14 years ago

Yeah, like hezzron73 just said…

Come on now……let's all bow our heads & have a real fine "Rodney King" moment….."Can't we all just get along"?????

14 years ago

Nope, Batman: Arkham Asylum already has this honor.

14 years ago

I say batman. Sorry ben, i normally agree but not this time.

14 years ago

I have to agree with some of the guys above me.Batman AA was an incredible and very unique game(should win goty from a few outlets);Is definitely in my top 5 for favorite games of this gen(multiplats).

14 years ago

Batman: Arkham Asylum.

Bruce Wayne could kick this sissys arse anyday.

14 years ago

Only Batfans prefer Arkham Asylum to Assassin's Creed II. And there's nothing wrong with Batfans either; I just dislike the theme of Arkham Asylum.

14 years ago

Yeah, I have to go with Batman:AA too. Sorry Ben! I rented ACII having never played the first one, and if this one is leagues better than the first I'm glad I missed it. ACII just takes forever to get anywhere, do we really need to start with Ezio'z birth?! It felt like an Action game trying too hard to be an RPG. The climbing and exploring was fun, but the fight mechanics felt very stilted. The whole first hour or so I beat up some people and delivered a bunch of damn mail. Boring!

And like Jawknee said, Bruce would kick the crap outta Ezio!

14 years ago

Sorry first time posting and I'm posting on a blackberry and I guess when I refresh the page it repost my comment

14 years ago

No worries mate. Welcome to the PSX community!

14 years ago

Welcome! We are happy to have you 😀

14 years ago

Totaly agree with you ben and for those of you saying batman:AA it comes close to assassins ac2 but i think the story and length of gameplay makes it the winner

14 years ago

Batman for me as well. That game just rocked in so many ways.

14 years ago

Haven't played either, but seems AC2 does what AA does, albeit, with much more variety, in a much larger and open world. From an outsiders glance, AA looks like a relatively creative use of clunky unreal engine, where as AC2 borderlines artwork. Seems like if you liked AC1, and/or GTA4, you'll like AC2. If you don't have the patience or attention span for either, AA might be more your thing.

14 years ago

Batman comes out on top for me, AC2 was good, but batman was just a much better experience, for me and apparently others on here too.

14 years ago

is that…, it coudn't be!…..please tellme….fortune hunters edition?

14 years ago

infamous is still better but AC2 would be nipping at the heels.
FINALLY! got my AC2 plat last night, the last 6 feathers were a BITCH!
im done with trophies for now, all that hair ripping running around for half a hour and not finding anything has sent me bald.

14 years ago

I hate this time of year. Having to choose a "best multiplat?" Not really fair to the bucket load of fantastic we got this year. Batman AA was by far the best thing to come out in years for any DC comics character. Dragon Age is a brilliant RPG. Assassin's Creed 2 a wonderful open world. Modern Warfare 2 a hectic good time. Why make me choose a favorite multiplat? These are the games I love. These are the games that made history in 2009.

14 years ago

Agreed. Let's just enjoy all the great games we got this year, without making it into a "My favorite game is better than your favorite game" contest. When you're dealing with a lot of really high quality games, it all comes down to what your personal tastes are anyway.

14 years ago

Instead of arguing about it, we should be pooling our thoughts to figure out how to make more money so we can afford all these great games.

14 years ago

Hmmm, To me the best Multiplat of the year was BlazBlue. I was certainly the biggest surprise in how great it was. It blew every other fighting game released this year out of the water and it was a new IP.

14 years ago

Even SFIV?


14 years ago

Nahh!! It was "COD MW2"!! I mean Batman,Borderlans or brutal legend maybe? Not AC2.

14 years ago

Deffinantly not Borderlands.

14 years ago

Ezio could kick Batmans ass anyday. I had way more fun throwing sand in gaurds faces than going from gargoyel to gargoyel

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