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Interview: The Pornstar Gamer

I was wrong.

Back in January of 2008, I wrote a lengthy feature explaining that pornstars and video games simply don't mix. It was in response to another article that supposedly pointed to several adult entertainment stars who love games, and at one point in my rebuttal, I wrote this:

"I will say this- if there is a female adult entertainment star out there who actually plays video games, and she comes to us, we'll tell ya all about it. Heck, we'll even do an interview."

Obviously, when no such thing happened, I would prove my point. However, nearly two years later, I see an e-mail in my inbox that, lo and behold, has forced me to eat my words. Say hello to Mia Rose, adult entertainment star and – oh yes – a Level 80 Warlock in World of Warcraft whose first game was the original Final Fantasy back on the good ol' NES. And now, due to the obligation I imposed upon myself, we are giving you an interview that might just surprise you in a variety of ways.

PSXE: When did you first start playing video games, and what (or who) really got you started?

Mia: "It was my dad who first got me started; I was supposed to be a boy, and he never got over the fact that I wasn't. Obviously, I wasn't born with a controller in my hand but it was pretty damn close; my dad got me into gaming and I was taught how to camp, fish, climb trees, and game. I started with the first Final Fantasy s (you know, the little box shaped guys moving from square to square) and ended with my favorite, FFX. Goddamnit, they really screwed up with FFX-2; almost made it into a dress-up game.

Then there was Chrono Cross , Kingdom Hearts , Zelda , Gran Turismo , the Halo s, [etc.]. I play World of Warcraft now. ( when prompted about the Wii ): I won't touch it. I refuse to. I just don't like it…I mean, gaming is where you sit down and relax and kick back. Moving and playing? I mean, what the fu** is that?"

PSXE: Do you think games appeal more to girls now than ever before? If so, why?

Mia: "Well, the thing is, now it's become 'the thing to do,' I've noticed. Yeah, there are definitely games that are more appealing to girls now, but in some ways, it makes it harder for us. Like, you see all these hot girls gaming and stuff, and that's a new thing."

PSXE: When people find out what you do and also that you like video games, what’s their typical reaction?

Mia: "I'd say about 75% of the time, people are actually rude. They're really rude and mean, especially when they're inside a game and they find out about me. I guess if I ran into someone who did something I wanted to do, or just someone a lot of people knew, I might be a little bitter, too. But when you get over that bitterness, I'd think it would be cool to play with that person. I mean, there are a lot of people who are well-known and play games…millions play, so how can there not be semi-famous people who play?

But for me, I didn't realize I'd become known and I use my name. But when I became known, it got a lot harder for me to play. Everyone gave me sh** so I had to really work for whatever I got. Guys are di*** online and when you're better than them…oh God forbid. I got to the last boss [in the last Warcraft expansion] and there was this guy playing and he was like, 'I can't believe this bi*** is telling me how to heal,' and then he left and called me a dirty whore. I was just like, 'you just had to stand in a different spot.'"

PSXE: Do other people in your line of work play games, too, or do they think it’s a little weird that you do?

Mia: "There's a bunch that do; I know there are at least a few. For example, Belladonna and her husband play, and then there's the guy who got me into Warcraft and we started "Whorelore." Activision Blizzard actually sued us over the first two names – "Whorecraft" and "Whore of the Warcraft" – but now they really can't do anything. I think they just gave up. So yeah, there are a bunch of us that play."

PSXE: Adult entertainment and games have crossed paths before. For example, Tera Patrick was featured in Saints Row 2; do you think we’ll see more of this? And would you like to be in a video game?

Mia: "Did you see those iPhone Apps? They have pornstar iPhone applications now and I think industries are finally starting to get it: nerds are a huge fu**ing audience, so I'm sure we're going to see more of it. I don't know if this will be good but if it works, more power to them. I just hope they get real gamers in those games rather than just pornstars. < /p

And actually, they're going to be making an NPC of me in [game name withheld for our reasons]. And I want to do stuff like PR or spokeswoman or something. I went to BlizzCon this year and it was fu**ing unreal and there were spokespeople there and I was like, 'I could get paid for this.'"

PSXE: All these fashion magazines always list someone’s "turn-ons" and "turn-offs." Would you say a guy who plays games is a turn-on for you?

Mia: "You know what, I don't know, really. Sometimes it's bad because I know how I am with games. I know how much time I spend so maybe I wouldn't want to date me. But still, talent is hot; any kind of talent is hot. And I'm not really into the whole musician thing, but if you're really good at something, that's really hot…so if you're good at video games…

But if you suck, I'm going to make fun of you. 'laughs'"

PSXE: Do you see yourself still playing games well into the future as you get older?

Mia: "I sure hope I will; games are only getting better so [my love for games] better not fu**ing go away. No, I'm not giving this up any time soon. It's really fun to play games; it's sh** you can't do in real life. I like being involved…something like GTA wasn't really my thing; I just found it a little pointless, but I certainly appreciated it for the brilliant game it was."

And by the way, Mia would like to give a shout-out to a couple WoW buddies: the Death Knight, "Pmo," and the Druid, "Noble."

End Interview

Learn more about Mia at her MySpace page , and feel free to check out her character sheet . Yeah. She's the real gamer deal.

We thank Mia for taking time to prove to everyone that this industry attracts all types. And some additional end notes- Mia is mostly retired now (you'll have to get your porn fix elsewhere in the future) and currently trains seeing-eye dogs. She also loves cars and on that subject, the mere fact that she had a 350Z is only the start of the irony; as most of you know, Arnold has his 350Z and I also owned for a while, so we had a laugh about that. Furthermore, anyone who can talk about the Aions in Final Fantasy X and look like that at the same time…? It's more than just refreshing; it's freakin' awesome.

And lastly, I did this interview because I knew we had a mature and intelligent community, so don't make a fool out of me by filling the Comments section with junk. You guys never do that, so don't start now; if you choose this opportunity to abuse the interviewee, I'm gonna come down on you hard. She seemed very nice, so leave her the hell alone; if you want to go on a moralistic rant, feel free in the forums, provided there's no personal bashing going on. I'll be keeping a close eye… Thanks.

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14 years ago

Geez Ben, that must have been a tough interview to do. I bet you dreaded every second of it 😉 Yeah, just teasing. That's the longest interview I've read from you. Just remember that I haven't been around too long. I say that if you're brought up gaming it somehow stays in your blood. My dad and cousin got me started.

Last edited by fatelementality on 11/14/2009 1:38:46 PM

King James
King James
14 years ago

I don't get the joke….oh…an edit…Ok now I get it.

Last edited by King James on 11/14/2009 1:44:45 PM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Not even close to the longest but it was still fun. If you weren't around, you missed our Jaffe/Campbell interview:

14 years ago

Great interview Ben. That GPU must get HOTTTT!!!

14 years ago

Lol Mackid!!!


"i am home"

14 years ago

She emailed you out of the blue or in response to that two year old article?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago


14 years ago

how do you answer "yeah" to an "or" question?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Sorry, I meant yes to the second part.

14 years ago


14 years ago

I am honestly awe struck Ben. This definitely goes down in the record books of awesome things that have happened at PSXE.

King James
King James
14 years ago

Ben!!! My friend, Ben. You've outdone yourself with this one. As soon as she mentioned FFX-2, I knew she wasn't joking. She plays RPGs!! Real RPGs! That's hot. I don't care what anybody got to say about it. That's hot.

This is one of the best interviews I've read on any game site. Not for the content, but just for what the over all msg is.

Ben, I think you need to trade some more E-mails with Ms. Rose. This chick just got like 5x hotter in my book, just off the lil' bit of personality she shows in these interview. That could be a good look for you, Ben. And the 350z ish…I think that's a sign. Just saying. 😉

Oh yea and Ben put her on Dragon Age and Demon's Souls.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Hmm…I'd have a better shot of getting her into Origins than Demon's Souls. But right now, I think it's all about WoW for her. 🙂

14 years ago

Okay, that last picture you put up is very hot. Good interview also 🙂

14 years ago

I like it when gaming is accepted as more than just a selected persons past time. (nerds to be blunt.)

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Yeah, I knew it was a joke but it could be considered sexist, that's all. No worries. 🙂

14 years ago

Great & a enjoyable interview but what I don't understand is why aren't the comments in like pages? like 20 comments each page since its really lagging the site when there's like 200 freakin comments!!

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Even with hundreds of comments, I haven't seen much in the way of lag. Yeah, it takes a little longer, but it's only a matter of a few seconds on my end.

14 years ago

Thats really cool, and kudos for keeping good on your word Ben. Yeah this is really awesome if we have somebody like her on our side (gamers). and she was right, were a huge audience ;). Im not trying to objectify her but she is really beautiful.

14 years ago

yeah many d-bag journalists would just pretended they never made that statement two years ago and do a traditional interview, I like the flavor here better.

14 years ago

Hey Ben great interview, did you nix the title of the game she's in as an NPC because it happens to be the Secret PS3 exclusive? hmmm?

Well that's pretty cool, I always think hot girls playing games is a turn on. It is a tad emasculating to get beat by a girl though. Love PSXE interviews!

*Runs off to check the torrents*

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Heh, no. We nixed the title because she wasn't sure if she could talk about it yet.

14 years ago

OH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU WERE WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lol jk…wow that's pretty awesome gotta admit – nice interview.

14 years ago

Great stuff

No matter her profession, it's great to see awesome female gamers like Mia.

I'd say the problem with there being serious female gamers these days is who they become friends with.

Most girls grow up with other female friends who tend to be into fashion/barbies and such. If parents actually show 'em v-games early on they'll see how awesome they are.

Anyway, FFX-2 rocked, fully disagree with her assessment. You could always switch classes in past FFs.

Other than that, thoughtful and well conducted interview Ben.

PS: That "nerd" part is still puzzling, but whatever

14 years ago

She isn't exactly wrong about the dress up comment though… even if I did enjoy it.

14 years ago

yeah. im in the minority that loved X-2 aswell.

the battle system was perfect!!! best one ive ever seen in a FF game.

14 years ago

Damn right, they got the ATB just right in that one.

Banky A
Banky A
14 years ago

Oooooh crap lol. You two should get married in a game, so much in common..

And haha, she even had a 350Z like you guys. Are you looking for new PSXE staff?


Last edited by Banky A on 11/14/2009 2:38:00 PM

14 years ago

Well this is actually interesting because its not just the girl gamer story its the pornstar gamer… what a rare variant lol

I still think we have to try and figure women into casual game talk so it doesn't feel rare to find any but this news is just nice to know ^_^

Nice way to keep your word Ben old bean ^_^

14 years ago

I like how she sites her gaming origin lol my dad pumped gaming into my veins as well ^_^ but my mom really hit home for me she got me into my fave genre FIGHTERS!

Back when we couldn't afford it my mom rented a PS1 and Tekken 1 and it was the best week ever lol

The hardcore mother gamer now how's that for rare? ^_^

14 years ago

pornstars are people to so it would be safe to assume that pornstars are gamers to….

14 years ago

Great interview. Mia's sister is hot too(Ava Rose).

14 years ago

Ben you are my friggin hero!!!

14 years ago

Mmmmmmm.. Me and her have alot of thing similiarities. both our fave FF is FFX :). maybe you should share her email to us ben.. lol.jk

14 years ago

I remember Mia from the Whorecraft series

14 years ago

I think it's nice to hear about girls playing more games. The fact that she was a former adult entertainer comes a distant 2nd to that.
This article reminded me of a recent article in one of the large tabloid newspapers here about a girl called Edita Bente, another adult entertainer. The article was about the fact that she was an airhostess for Ryanair but after hours she was a pornstar. Like this article, I just didn't see what the connection between her being a pornstar had to do with her choice of games as much as the story that made it to the paper about the airhostess being a pornstar.
Mia sounds like a smart girl and the fact that she also trains seeing-eye dogs shows that she's got a heart too.
Nice article.

Advent Child
Advent Child
14 years ago

I don't want to bash her I WANT her phone number!

14 years ago

Didn't you just get married? : o

14 years ago

Yea I thought you said you gotta wife, the one in the pic!!!
FAIL! for wanting a pornstar's number, I'm telling her!

Last edited by www on 11/15/2009 4:08:11 AM

14 years ago

I know a lot of bi-girls who game, pornstars kind of have to be bi, so I'm not too surprised.

14 years ago

This was an "unusual" thing to see on psxextreme 😛 I enjoyed this interview 😛 it's too bad to hear about all the ignorance that girl gamers have to go through, like whenever I see a girl online I sh** brix and enjoy the time even more, then again if it's wow, they all probobly live in their mothers basement and have never even spoken to the oposite sex, so you kinda have to forgive them xD

14 years ago

Hey! dat girl has good taste on games.

need to find one like that..don't care if she does porn I'm not close minded .

14 years ago

Ben, you should call out more people about gaming and see if they respond like politicians, Infiniti car dealers and priests.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago


14 years ago

ben i guess u had a blast mate……..:P

14 years ago

I think of gaming the same way as her, as a relaxing experience. I know the wii is a huge success but it doesnt really fit my kind of gameplay. I'm pretty sure i'll feel the same as NATAL and PS motion control. I rather sit though a game that catches my attention than moving around the whole time pretending to be the character in the game. I rather be comfortable when playing my games.

14 years ago

if gaming was something i am serious about like the priest who was directed in a wow pug i would feel disrespected too; many times in pugs if you go with people who arent your friends people criticize you and attempt to play a popularity game by dumping you from the pug and bad mouthing you. how would she feel if i criticized her latest work in big wet a$$es 15 and spoke bad about her acting and false expressions?maybe it wouldnt matter to her but if she was serious about her work im sure it would have a matter of difference about what she is doing.

14 years ago

All, I have to say is that is freakin AWESOME! Tell her to get a PS3 & let's game on an RPG or something. Screw all the haters it's about time we see gamer gals coming to the fore front. By the I'm kind of a noob at RPG's, but I'm definitely willing to take advise from her, that guy she was talking about is an idiot. People can't handle a lil constructional criticism!

14 years ago

Great interview Ben; she seems to know what she really enjoys; and enjoys it to the fullest… I think that "view larger image" link was used often and without remorse! A beauty who loves gaming, incredible!


"i am home"

14 years ago

WOW! Now I'm a believer! Ben, you should've ask her what she thought of the dark side of online gaming. You know, the douchebags, the racist, the anti-homosexuals, the sexists, and the anti-Semitics that pollutes gaming? Anyway, that was a nice read. She's a high caliber woman.

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