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Why I Want Assassin’s Creed II More Than MW2

This is one of those times when one game captures the vast majority of gamers everywhere, while a few other excellent titles labor in its expansive shadow. And unfortunately, I find myself in the unenviable position of desiring Assassin's Creed II more than Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 .

I suppose I should explain myself because whenever I make such a statement, most people look at me as if I have lobsters crawling out of my ears. Yes, MW2 sold nearly 5 million copies in the first 24 hours and ACII will be lucky to sell that many copies in a 6-month span (the original sold surprisingly well; check it out), but I've never cared about sales numbers. The bottom line is that I find something like ACII to be a very unique experience, and one that I'm certain I'll enjoy for a variety of different reasons. Don't get me wrong; I really like FPSs and I'm not one of those people who simply don't play the genre based on personal preference. I love me some FPS action. But these days, I find myself wanting a little more…I don't know…substance, I guess.

And let me just say this: right now, it looks like MW2 is the casual blockbuster hit of all time. I've never seen more people who don't often play games get so excited over this one; not surprisingly, many of them have been playing the original MW online since it came out two years ago and are just looking for their new fix. I'm not saying it doesn't take any skill to play, but I am saying absolutely anyone can dive right in and participate with very little in the way of effort. This is a nice attribute for certain games and accessibility is always crucial – especially if you want to appeal to the widest audience possible – but I really do want to play something that tests my mettle. You know, something that requires patience and intelligence here and there; something that isn't entirely reliant on reflexes and a bit of simple strategy.

And yes, I do value a story. I value singular atmospheres like the 14th-century Venice setting. I value some freedom to approach objectives as I choose and becoming a living, breathing member of a world that also appears to be living and breathing. I guess that's why I like GTA so much, too. I do anticipate playing MW2 at some point but for this month, my attention is firmly fixed on ACII and it's simply because I feel it will be a fuller, more involving experience for me. There are only so many times I can run around in circles and shoot people, although I know it's like the siren call to anybody who has even touched a controller in the past year. I get that multiplayer is the main reason to have a game like MW2 but if you're not on board with that, I can't see paying $60 for a short campaign.

We all have our personal gaming preferences. But please don't act like I'm a nutjob because I didn't flock to the stores with everyone else and have no intention of buying MW2 any time soon. Believe it or not, I want something different. So sue me.

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14 years ago

nah dude you're not mentally disabled, I want ACII as well. I think MW2 is gonna be a rental/pick-it up in March for $30

14 years ago

I don't know about being able to pick MW2 up for $30.00 in March, unless you think you can get it used for that much. The first MW came out two years ago. It still sells for $49.99 new.

Oh, and Ben? I will be sueing you.

Last edited by MyWorstNightmar on 11/14/2009 12:06:54 AM

14 years ago

im more excited about the god of war collection than MW2 or AC2

14 years ago

Ben-you missed your chance to do the "why I want herpes more than MW2 and all IW and Sctivisions BS" story you've been planning for so long! Or is that just my mind running away with the subject matter because it's totally true for me!

14 years ago

I dunno, I'm still worried AC2 will end up just like AC1. Repeated missions, having to do too much of the same. I'm sure they figured someway to change it up, not having to force you to do as many things to get to the assassinations or adding in special ones specifically for each mission, dunno, here's to hoping.

14 years ago

That and the voice acting in the first made me cringe, let's hope they worked on that too.

14 years ago

Lol, indeed, something was just wrong with it, also i want to know if they're going to tell you what all those symbols and other weird things from the first game, like when you use your vision in real life, because it was never explained really.

14 years ago

They said they fixed the repetitive nature of the first game, and I believe them.

14 years ago

As with everything here, I will wait for the review and read the comments before spending anything… only buying when I am absolutely sure!


"i am home"

14 years ago

Smart man, Q. No sense in wasting $$$.

Diggity Dan
Diggity Dan
14 years ago

Yea, the first AC disappointed me too. The visuals were breathtaking, but the gameplay was so shallow.

I hope they expanded the audio too. Those peasants would say the SAME THINGS over and over, no matter what town you were in. "Please, just a few coins. I beg of you!"

I have heard that the developers addressed all these things in the sequel. I'll be interested to see how it turns out.

14 years ago

Yeah I guess maybe I wasn't so hot on MW2 because I'm not much into multiplayer, a cheap xmas price might be worth it though. I think MP should be an afterthought, not the campaign. So are you handling the ACII review Ben?

14 years ago

I just finshed paying off ACII for my friend for christmas, it looks way better than MW2. World I agree with you Man.
Also just finished paying off GOW collection can't wait for tuesday 🙂

mike rlz
mike rlz
14 years ago

Ben, agreed 100%

14 years ago

do people just agree because they want to be cool?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Are you always arbitrary for the same reason?

14 years ago

ben, come on. it's the same sh** every time you post something. 'ben I agree 100%', 'ben you are so right', 'ben I completely agree'.

14 years ago

I hope the PS3 version of Assassin's Creed won't be watered down again.

14 years ago

Nah, I'm sure they fixed it since they're better at making games for the ps3 now…right…? Surely?

14 years ago

Yup. When i first got my ps3, i was debating on which game i should get first. Cod4 or AC. I picked AC! 😀 im not much of a fps fan

14 years ago

ac1 got me bored.i hope ac2 have something new worth playing.but agree with you guys,i think ac2 is better than MW2.

14 years ago

I almost bought AC1 as my first game, I'm glad I only rented it instead.

14 years ago

first PS3 game… *facepalm*

14 years ago

Don't lie WEWM, we all know you are a video game n00b in disguise. 😉

14 years ago

I thought your first woulda been Resistance like me.

14 years ago

actually it was Folklore and Kane & Lynch at the same time, I probably would have gotten Resistance if I were a launch buyer but I was a little broke when she launched and waited for the drop to $500 and then found each of those games for about $40 so I'd get the system and two games 🙂

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 11/14/2009 10:25:29 AM

14 years ago

I have to admit I can't stand FPS's I've been hard wired to stray away from the violence and repetitive nature of the genre its a lot of point and shoot to me when you break it down and I know when you break any game down to its simplest elements they would sound crappy as well but "point and shoot" just never appealed to me, "jump from shadows and assassinate" however does peek my interest ^_^

14 years ago

If I have to end each mission running like hell and then hiding, I'll wait for a budget price.

14 years ago

i just try mw2 i dont want ac1 or2

14 years ago

u know i am totally with you on this ben, or more negative with me in terms of the attitude towards FPSs. i have said this somewhere in my other postings and it might be a little extreme, but i dont mind saying it again: Even the entire industry this generation suddenly stops making a single more FPS from today on, i will not miss or beg for it now or any time in the future, this is the time to bring on some "real, intelligent, artistic, intricate and meaningful" games — to name a few: MGS4, Demon's Souls, FF13, v13, The last guardian, GOW3, Resonance of Fate or the likes.

Last edited by BigBoss4ever on 11/13/2009 11:35:55 PM

14 years ago


14 years ago

Did you just receive your free "review copy" from Ubisoft or what? What kind of article IS this?

14 years ago

An article that's just helped me decide to purchase AC2 over MW2 this month.

^ Ok, it was because of AC2's gameplay walkthrough video, but this article got me intruiged enough to search for that video.

14 years ago

hah, it is a bit strange but I think it's an editorial of sorts as Ben refers to himself here instead of PSXE as a whole. And he has been saying he wants AC2 over MW2 in posts for awhile now.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Are you just being annoying on purpose lately?

14 years ago

It's an editorial you silly, silly man. I like them. I think it brings the community closer to the writers. Have you ever heard the term "faceless bureaucrat"? That's what you get at most other news sites. Not this one.

14 years ago

I'm surprised the rest of you are falling for Alienange's absurd out of nowhere rage lately with the exception of Ben. I'm glad you've also seen it Ben, we don't know what our dear old friend Alienange has been drinking or smoking lately, lets hope he's well soon Lol.

14 years ago

Ben, I've been commenting here for a long time and been reading your site for even longer. When you write editorials you identify them as such. This article seems self defensive and I find it actually detracts from the 8.9 score your site just recently gave MW2.

As for ACII, I have been on your site defending the first game at every opportunity even though it is very popular around here to hate on it. ACII is going to be fantastic and a day one buy for millions. I however do not see the need to put down the millions of people who bought MW2 by in effect calling them sheep and people who "run around in circles."

But this IS an editorial isn't it? As such, you'd expect some of your visitors to not fully agree with what you've written. Right?

14 years ago

I think most people can identify editorials without "ZOMGEDITORIAL!" in the title. I guess you are not one of these people. As for Ben putting down the COD fans…really? I got no negative vibe from him. I think you are seriously sensitive about this subject. I'm not sure if you bought CODMW2, but it would seem to me that you did, are kind of regretting it, and now are trying to reassure yourself that you did the right thing by lashing out at Ben and Arnold. It's sad. And yes, they expect disagreement, but not in the semi-insulting way that you disagreed.

"What kind of article IS this?"

14 years ago

Alien you need to make an account on Kotaku in that place they give MW2 a godly status.

14 years ago

Ben's site is better than Kotaku my friend.

Banky A
Banky A
14 years ago

Nice 'Disclaimer' Ben, smooth criminal.

14 years ago

for once im with ya all the way.
some people are forgetting games can change, they seem to think just because the first was repetitive the second will.
i loved AC yes it was repetitive but that did not bother me because running across the roof tops of of the middle east was so much fun.
the only thing that did annoy me was that the guards always knew it was you.
like towards the end you have to kill 5 people in quick succession.
i look arround theres no guards, i kill my target get to the next one, stare at him than the guards start attacking me.
what staring at someone is illegal in the ME is it?
hell i loved assassins creed so much im thinking of trading in my 360 for a psp go so i can buy assassins creed bloodlines.
yup im a xbot lol all the way 100%

14 years ago

i'm totally with you man… sandbox games FTW!!

14 years ago

Same here. I enjoy FPS's once in a long while but I'd much rather have an engaging story. Case in point I still have yet to get killzone 2 and I never even played online in CoD4.
Meanwhile I'm just about to beat Brutal legend, though if this part is indeed the end I'm sad it wasn't longer. Tim Curry hasn't even had that much screentime.
I'm also nearly done replacing everyone's entrance music in wwe 2010 with metal, and a bit of other stuff where appropriate. Works so much better.
I'll get MW2… eventually.

Last edited by Nerull on 11/14/2009 1:09:13 AM

14 years ago

I too love me some wonderful story telling and great adventures. Though these days I just Do Not have time to invest 20+ hours into a games story. With work and School my time for games has diminished over the years, and I find that if a game goes on too long I eventually stop playing (time restrictions). it is hard to be motivated to pick up a game you have not played in months and are half way through. not that I don't enjoy getting my moneys worth in an epic adventure, I just do not have the time to dedicate. So as I have gotten older I tend to spend my time playing multi-player games. AKA Street Fighter and online Shooters (Team Fortress2) I can play for 30 minutes or 3+ hours its up to me, and nothing is waiting to be finished or holding me back if i don't touch it for months. At the same time I will not be buying MW2 (until its cheap at least/just for online with friends) for awhile. Personally I do not like real time war FPS's I'd rather kill monsters than people from other countries. So the campaign in MW2 does not attract me for many reasons. I will get it eventually for the online play since most of my buddies have it, and its fun to kill them!

[The Moose]

14 years ago

I haven't read your article yet, I will, but I don't need to. I feel the same way as you Ben.

14 years ago

How odd NiteKrawler?


"i am home"

14 years ago

I just meant that from the title of the article, I knew I felt the same way as him. Haha, it probably looked like I just randomly agreed with him without even knowing what the article was about. My bad.

14 years ago

well, i loved the first one.. played it thrice, didn't find any problem with the repetition. the counter sword play was too much fun/satisfying..!

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