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Editorial: Resistance Requires More Respect

There are certain games that are kinda like the Rodney Dangerfields of the game industry; they just don't get the respect they deserve, regardless of how much praise they receive from the critics.

After seeing this article , I recalled all the great memories I had with both Resistance: Fall of Man and Resistance 2 . Furthermore, it annoys me that even with the excellent critical reception for the sequel, the developer believes the overriding belief amongst fans is that it was a disappointment. I've heard this as well but it makes little or no sense as far as I'm concerned. I suppose the difference in movement and control is more subjective – the sequel moved faster and felt more like Call of Duty – but even so, the improvements were clear. And besides, since when is a Call of Duty style un popular? Are we forgetting just how awesome that single-player campaign was in Resistance 2 ? With the lone exception of Killzone 2 , R2 is my most favorite FPS of the generation.

The thrills were almost ceaseless, the AI was great, the giant enemies and size and scope of the game was fantastic, and I've wanted to go through it again ever since I finished it. Then you've got the multiplayer; we're talking about 60 players at once online and that's just insane. Until we heard about MAG , 60 was the record and all in all, R2 represented one of the most amazing and intense online multiplayer experiences around. Heck, it still does. I stand by every last word of my review and urge everyone who hasn't played it – perhaps due to the ridiculous negative feedback by other games; God only knows what they're disappointed about – to give it a try ASAP. The first Resistance was the only truly awesome game to launch with the PlayStation 3 way back in 2006 and it remained one of the best titles on store shelves for a very long time.

Yes, Killzone 2 may be the defining FPS of the generation thus far, but it's still wrong to discount the Resistance games. It's really unfair to Insomniac; they put forth this unbelievable sequel and while most all of the critics reward them appropriately, it just doesn't acquire the requisite admiration among the gaming public. It's a crime, I say.

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14 years ago

Its the Insomniac Curse. Ratchet and Clank doesnt get half the praise it deserves, and it seems the Spyro was loved more after they stopped making it.

I put R:FoM in the other day to play a bit. It is such an incredible game. Everyone who plays Insomniac's games knows how great they are, but maybe we have just grown accustomed to how awesome they are.

*plays R&C:ACiT*
"Oh, another AAA title from insomniac. How predictable…"

I just read the article you posted. I have so much damn respect for Insomniac after reading that. Its easy to tell that they care about nothing more than their fans. They are the kinds of people who drive this industry forward.

Last edited by NoSmokingBandit on 10/23/2009 10:10:34 PM

14 years ago

I agree, when i mention it people ask me what that is. Actual fellow gamers! it's ridiculous!

14 years ago

not as hard as some parts in KZ2 I'll tell ya.

Banky A
Banky A
14 years ago

Not hard but annoying.
Everthing's easy after COD: WaW on Veteran.

A walk in the park compared to MegaMan..

14 years ago

Ah yes!

Hard? you'd have a hard attack playing NES/SNES games

Super Ghosts N Ghouls?
Or how 'bout the original Ghosts N Goblins?

Nah, R2 was fun as hell, you can always adjust the difficulty.

Difficulty is a good thing imo, should never be a negative unless it's Devil May Cry 3

Banky A
Banky A
14 years ago

/sorry off topic boasting

Bahhh what's with people and DMC3 🙂

14 years ago

Hell Yea! This game was sooo BadAss!!!

14 years ago

I liked both games, but I liked R:FoM more. I liked being able to carry all those guns at the same time, and I liked that the campaign could be played with 2 players. R2 had incredible boss battles, and the online co-op was awesome.

14 years ago

i liked having all the guns also

but not having all the guns did offer a bigger challenge in R2

14 years ago

I disliked the fade-to-red thing for health. The partially regenerating health bar was a great idea and it seems like they just followed the rest of the industry instead of keeping up their original ideas. I also disliked the two-weapon thing. Having a sh** ton of guns is just a staple of Insmoniac's games.

Those are the only two problems i have with R2 and they arent really problems seeing as every other game does it the same way.

14 years ago

Y'know what? It really does.

This was my first owned & played PS3 game; it helped define the PS3 aura for me. Plus it's got a really nice plot.

Too bad this game got drowned out. This and LBP were the main driving force of 08 fall season, and many either didn't give a s**t, or never even heard of them.

14 years ago

The only thing I can see people having a problem with was the "brown" wash that seemed to be over everything and honestly should that keep you from a fantastical game. Awhile ago I wrote my own editorial for the forums on how R2 is in a number of ways better than KZ2 so I can sympathize with you Ben. And you bet your ass I'm looking forward to Resistance 3.

14 years ago

Ah yeh, but I remember that the brown wash seemed more dull/grayer with Fall of Man. Resistance 2 is more vibrant [no complaint either].

14 years ago

I may pick up Resistance 2 if I can find it somewhere at half price 🙂


"i am home"

14 years ago

i dont ignore resistance for what it is i ignore it for what it isnt, i love the story thats all i got out of it, the orginal multiplayer was just plain fun but like all games the multiplayer got old, when R2 multiplayer come out i almost died

its nothing like the orginal its more of a fast paced cartoon feeling rather then r2, and the co-op campaign wasnt nearly what it should have been also

Resistance (story, online) 9.6/10
Resistance 2 (story) 10/10
Resistance 2 (online) 6.5/10

14 years ago

r u high dude? the R2 online was plain out sick in my opinion its passed the level of so many games

14 years ago

Another Side Note, when is Resistance 2 going to become a Greatest Hit? It would sell huge!

14 years ago

I never owned this title but did play some of R:1 FOM and I loved it personally especially considering it was a big change in direction for INSOMNIAC in terms of design and overall tone ^_^ I will go support it and buy a copy A.S.A.P. ^_^

14 years ago

i really liked the first one, even though it was a bit bland. the second one wasn't bad, but it needed a lot of polish. some levels have the worst lighting… i think sony might have pushed this one out so it wouldn't be so close to killzone2 or something.

14 years ago

Sony never pushes Insomniac on release dates. They know what they've got and don't want to sour the relationship. If anything, Insomniac's decision to release Resistance 2 during the holidays pushed Killzone 2 to February.

14 years ago

Ben: Pass this along to IG. R2 has a few fans in Detroit! The only thing I think it's missing are some completely new maps for co-op and competitive modes; the only things we've seen since R2 was released last year were a couple slightly modified co-op maps that came with an update.

14 years ago

KZ2's visuals are definitely mesmerizing, but in terms of story and voice-acting, and gameplay and responsiveness of controls, R2 > KZ2.

The problem with excessive Cell postprocessing is that just as in LCD tv's postprocessing (especially with motionflow/auto-motion), it creates perceptible lag in the controls. R2 just felt more responsive than KZ2.

This is also why I traded in my lcd for a plasma. Since image retention and screen burn-in issues of the first models have been ironed out, plasma guarantees the best performance for gaming, offering a much faster response rate, not to mention also the higher contrast ratio, and more and deeper colors makes the graphics of games like U2 pop out even more, without all that postprocessing that lcd's typically do to reduce ghosting, which just bogs down the controls.

14 years ago

Everything Insomniac has done is always top-notch, Resistance 2 is no exception…

…but,…(no-"but-cracks"!)… 😉

…What happens with a certain character at the end of the game just pisses-off both myself and anyone I've spoken with whose played it. It's a great game both single-player and online, hell, it's an EPIC game, but what a horrible thing to do to a player after all those hours…

14 years ago

Uhhh, no its an INSOMNIAC game.

14 years ago

NeoGAF thought Resistance 2 was a failure? NG hates everything. Insomniac shouldn't pay attention to them.

Yeah, R2 did somethings I didn't like, but so did Ratchet: Deadlocked. Insomniac has admitted they pushed R&C too far with that game, but it told Insomniac what the fans want, what the series needs to be. They need to look at the R2 complaints the same way. That's why sequels exist. To improve.

Insomniac's Spyro is the reason I started playing games. R&C: ToD is the reason I bought my PS3. Resistance reignited my passion of the shooter genre. Insomniac is my favorite developer and I honestly think they always will be.

14 years ago

Resistance Fall of Man had the better story by far.

Im actually glad insomniac feels this way, only because it means they will try to go all out for the third, should be epic. It also shows they care about their fans. But to say fans thought it was a failure? since when does one site determine how the whole fanbase feels?

I really think the game needed more polish though. Still had a blast with it

Last edited by aaronisbla on 10/24/2009 12:22:50 AM

14 years ago

Nice to see ya back!

Banky A
Banky A
14 years ago

OMGWTFBBQ Resistance is awesome.

14 years ago

lol thats a great trophy

King James
King James
14 years ago

I just played some Co-op today with a friend of mine who only has an xbox. So, he is not familiar with the new PS3 franchises. I put him on Killzone last week. He loved it. But today he asked did it had co-op. I gave him that look, sighed, and said that's the only thing its missing.

So I looked at my library and found…R2. I said this has a great co-op! We played offline. I told him that the AI is smart and numerous. I had to babysit him all game. He, constantly, just keep trying to run in guns-a-blazing. Real Halo style. Trying to melee Chimera. "You are NOT Master Chief!", I kept yelling.

He died so much, lol. Good thing my Medic is maxed out or I wouldn't have had so much fun time laughing at him get smacked down by MetalHeads (the ones with the Auger guns).

Good times. Thank, Insomniac. R3 will have that U2 effect. It'll be like a re-launch of the franchise. Noobs will discover Resistance like its the next best thing. And Sony will actually advertise it this time. R3 will sell a mil in one week, easy.


Last edited by King James on 10/24/2009 1:19:34 AM

14 years ago

I love watching Halo tweakers die when playing as someone other than Master Chief, they might as well just say "What the hell I'm not invincible and I can't fly when I jump!"

14 years ago

My only disappointment was the lack of the Ricochet gun.

14 years ago

LOL. Good timing with this article Ben. I just traded R2 in today. It was towards U2 so I guess I kinda bought a vowel didn't I? My life is full of such irony. When I walked out of a meeting last week after being informed that everyone was getting a 6% pay decrease, the first thing I heard on the radio station was "Money money money money……………moooneey!!" There was fraud in my bank account three days ago, then I see the cover of my car insurance newsletter that evening. "BEWARE OF FRAUD!!" Man, the past few weeks have really sucked ass.

Last edited by fatelementality on 10/24/2009 2:08:28 AM

14 years ago

Sign Sign everywhere a sign
Blocking out the scenery breaking my mind
Do this, don't do that, can't you read the sign

14 years ago

Why are people wanting to buy at half price or whatever? Or wanting it to go as a Greatest Hits

People should just support this game at full price for how awesome it truly is

Anyway, cramming LBP with R2 within two weeks of each other was such a baaaaaad move….Both games suffered 'cause of that.

Anyway it's a great game. Those who don't own it are just missing out, period. I don't feel sad for the game, nah, I'm sure Imsoniac made lots of money. I just shrug at those who haven't played it fully like the rest of us.

With that in mind, I can't wait for Resistance 3, should be freaking insane. Chimeran New Yorkers! Oh hell yes!

PS: Resistance 2 still has some of the best textures I've seen in any game. This game is truly a graphical marvel. And I agree 'bout the huge enemies, lots of variety in them too.

14 years ago

I thought that was some of the knocks it was getting…'selectively' nice textures while letting others just be mediocre? Not that you should really be noticing such trivialities if you're enjoying the game! 🙂

14 years ago

This isn't MY opinion, but the main things I hear from others about R:FoM & R2 (who aren't 360 fanboys or Sony/PS3 haters) is that while they are solid games on the PS3, they're not 'unique' enough to be THAT special. That is, when you play a lot of those kinds of games, even if something new is GOOD, it can be kinda ho-hum and not intrigue some people that much. K2 also suffered from this kind of feeling in some people's minds.

Last edited by xnonsuchx on 10/24/2009 2:39:42 AM

14 years ago

I prefer R2 over Killzone 2 personal opinion of course.
Better boss battles, and then there's also the kick-ass online co-op.

The only area Killzone 2 beat R2 was in graphics and by quite a large margin. But everywhere else including story R2 was better it wasn't "good" but Killzone 2's story was just…wtf?

14 years ago

i was actually really disappointed by resistance 2.
first i had to wait 27 days longer than the US to play it.
than i found out the limited edition was not available here, and for some reason everyone on ebay refused to ship it here.
that dident start me off well.

main things i did not like.
1 whats with the whole game looking like the Sahara desert?
everything was so red or orange, the first was brown and dark, looked crap but much better than the red and orange environment.

2 the game was so repetitive.
i finished resistance fall of man 5 times in the first few weeks and never ever got bored of it, ive finished it like 20 times now and am STILL not bored of it.
after finishing resistance 2 i was sick of it, i had to force myself to play it so i could unlock the later difficulty.
than i was half way through superhuman and my HDD shat itself, so i had to start all over again.
there was so many fu** ups with that game, just completley put me off it.
so thanks to that i had to finish the game on hard again just to unlock superhuman.

3 the online was BRILLIANT! loved it to death, and i normally hate online.
but it was so god dam buggy, every time i a tried a co-op game titans would get stuck in walls, switches would not work, i would get stuck in logs or other obstacles.
it took insomniac FOREVER! to fix these god dam things.
thats why i was massively disappointed with resistance 2, they took all the good things about R1 and removed them.
i thought the whole point of a sequel was to keep all the good things of the old and add new good ones, not remove all the good ones.
still was a decent game but no where near as good as the first.

Banky A
Banky A
14 years ago

Ok okay.

14 years ago

I'm glad that insomniac is aware that R2,is a failure in the fans "eyes" …

They replaced everything that made fall of man great like,

the health bar > for regenerative health.

being able to carry all guns > to only 2 at a time…

the narrative and presentation and story from the British womans perspective > to nathan interacting directly…

quote "People should just support this game at full price for how awesome it truly is"

I,like many others paid $60,for the original and do not regret it,however i regret any amount that i paid for the second one .

As soon as i,started the first level,it was obvious this was not the game i had bought with
my hard earned money,and i inmediately took it back for my refund,(its the first time i return a game)

so i would think that insomniac,will fix what they did to their fans with their third installment…

14 years ago

Ben, Resistance FOM was phenomenal, I loved the controls, pace of the game and even the weapon wheel. I think the weapon wheel was great. Now the fact that R2 made changes is good, but they made so many HUGE changes to the game. It wasn't broken so why would you try to fix it? R1 had a really good thing going and they screwed it up by giving it more of a COD4 feel. Now don't get me wrong I love COD4 but come on, I dont want every FPS I play to feel like COD4. I hate how people complain that a game isnt like COD4. But then they whine that they want something fresh,. I'm sorry to tell ya (not you Ben, just people in general) but ya need to decide which one you want. I would like to bring up the KZ2 fiasco. Perfect example. Here you got a great new game where the weight of your gear is what effects your turning speed, and whats the first thing out of peoples mouths? *Whiny voice* "It doesnt turn like COD4"
cont. below

14 years ago

Well sorry to tell ya it's not COD4, it's KZ2, if ya don't like it den git de puck. So in closing I think that and the cool features that they took out is what bothers people. I know that was it for me. I don't hear people complain about RFOM. I only hear people complain about R2.

Last edited by LowKey on 10/24/2009 4:13:23 AM

14 years ago

I do feel that Resistance 2, while great, was a bit of a let down. But that let down for me came mostly in the department of polish, something this game didnt have enough of IMO. Loved the game and the multiplayer kept me busy for a while, but it just wasnt at the level i had anticipated being a fan of the first game.

14 years ago

I loved Resistance: Fall of Man in the most graphic of ways. But they completely jumped the shark with R2 in almost every way that a game could let me down R2 did. The plot was boring, they destroyed everything that was cool about Nathan Hale, they turned the online from some awesome old-school feeling game into the premature love child of CoD, Halo, and Socom. The only saving grace that the game had IMO was that the single player level design was superb. If I were to take everything in that single player campaign and completely remove it from that atrocious plot then it was one of the best FPS single player games of the generation. Too bad the game wasn't long enough to make me feel like I got even close to my sixty dollars' worth.

Luckily, it seems Insomniac is learning it's lesson as Ratchet and Clank: A Crack in Time looks like it will expand the game a lot without destroying what made previous entries so good to begin with.

14 years ago

I think Resistance is phenominal, I rarely play FPS because but Resistance had just a brilliant style i couldnt resist…( No pun intended lol)

I liked the 2nd one, but i cant help but think its a little too cinematic. I didnt like how Nathan sudden wanted to comment on everything, The end… was just…. i didnt satisfy me.

14 years ago

I agree how the ending wasn't quite as epicly monolithic as one would expect it to be, but from a film critic perspective, it was beautifully written…a twist from the scene where Capelli goes…

"Hale when you turn, and it won't be long, I'll be the one to pull the trigger, and I won't hesitate, not one sec…glrglghgh"

Hale grabs Capelli by the throat.

"Offer accepted! But until then, let's consider this subject closed."

Hale chucks Capelli aside and boards the helicopter.

The ending was a heart-wrenching twist from that scene. Capelli says,

"Sir, it was an honor."

Ah, the character development.

14 years ago

the only aspect of the game that i thought truly deserved the praise it got was the online co-op. playing with a friend is impossible tho. the story was OK but i just didn't really get into it. The online was awful imo. it takes too long to kill ppl and i would finish on like 5 kills and about 100 assists. It was good, but not great

14 years ago

also the first one you get a greater feel of desperation. they tried to replace the grim and dark feeling of the first one with gore and hordes of enemies

Banky A
Banky A
14 years ago

Not trying to sound mean but it's not too hard to kill people.

I got 10,000+ kills and I see that people who found it hard just aren't good at R2 yet.

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