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Game Of The Year Battle: All PS3 Exclusives?

As we exit summer and roll on towards the holidays, there are plenty of big-name titles scheduled, several of which should be legitimate Game of the Year contenders. But in looking at the entire year as a whole, is it possible that the three front-runners will all be exclusive to the PlayStation 3…?

Last year, it was all about Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots but this year, it might be a closer race, what with arguments for both exclusives and top-notch multiplatform games. There's no doubt that stuff like Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 , Guitar Hero 5 , Street Fighter IV , Batman: Arkham Asylum , and Assassin's Creed II have a chance at taking many top honors around the Internet, but unless Halo 3: ODST really wows the crowds and critics alike, it's tough to ignore what the PS3 has to offer in 2009. First is Killzone 2 , which is arguably the best FPS of the generation and undeniably a fantastic game; it had both innovation and a tremendous amount of polish, and although it has the unfortunate distinction of releasing way back in February (gamers have poor memories when it comes to this), it's still worthy of consideration.

Then comes Uncharted 2: Among Thieves , which – if you hadn't already noticed – is dragging down insanely high (almost perfect) review scores everywhere. This one is almost a given. And finally, the wild card: Gran Turismo 5 . I can almost guarantee you it's coming this year and if it does, I think we have our Top 3. If not, we probably shouldn't forget about Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack in Time ; it's bound to be a gem as most all entries in that franchise are, and we're plenty excited. And for the record, inFamous should qualify, too; I actually liked it more than Killzone 2 (not in terms of overall quality but in terms of personal preference). Lastly, looking into 2010, I see God of War III and Heavy Rain jumping out at me, so…

Yeah, I could be wrong. And if people want to propose other games that might climb into the Top 3 for this year, feel free. We all only want to play the best of the best, right? So bring 'em on!

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14 years ago

Lol at Guitar Hero 5. Was putting it up there a big joke to begin with?

14 years ago

lol yeh i luv rock but seriously y is that there!

14 years ago

I don't necessarily see Ratchet and Clank as in the running for GOTY myself, that is, of course, because of the competition it itself has with the rest of the field. I don't see Killzone 2 doing it either, simply because it came out so early on in the year. However, seeing early feedback on Uncharted 2, that's looking to be quite strong, extremely strong in the runnings. But, my hat goes to GT5 when it hits…this year. And it certainly will. TGS is just a few short days away and we're going to have a massive amount of eye-candy and hype to digest before next week is through.

Either way, great time to be a PS3 owner (then again, it's always good to be a PS3 owner).

14 years ago

It doesn't matter when Killzone 2 came out during the year, it's a 2009 release so it's a contender. I see either KZ2 or Uncharted 2 taking top honors.

14 years ago

yeah comming out early means nothing, GTA4 won alot of game of the year awards and it came out early last year.

14 years ago

Hm, I like GT5 and all, but am I the only one who really doesn't think it could be a GoTY contender? I'm not saying it's a bad game or anything, just that, genre wise, it doesn't seem like a racing simulator would be considered a game of the year. (And then again this is in reference to something say, the Spike VGA, on PSX I know it's all PS3 games and such)

14 years ago

Yea I agree… seems like the only kind of games I can see being GOTYs are FPS, Action/Adventure, and RPGs… though I could be wrong

14 years ago

To be honest, from the little we've heard about it. And the probability of lots we haven't heard about. I wouldn't be surprised. It's a franchise that sells extremely well, has a massive install base, and could quite literally move as many PS3's as FFXIII will.

I'm pretty faithful that Kazunori Yamauchi and the boys at PD haven't been putzing around for the last 4 years simply to add some head tracking, some new cars and a damage model. Seems like a bits missing don't you think? Anyway, as I said, TGS will reveal all. Going to be fun as hell to find out.

Banky A
Banky A
14 years ago

… Everybody loves a little Gran Turismo ^_^

14 years ago

Not me. I can appreciate the quality, but I don't enjoy it. I'll take Burnout over GT any day, but there are plenty of people who love it.

Of course, I don't enjoy driving in real life, so I'm probably in the minority.

Last edited by Fane1024 on 9/19/2009 3:21:39 PM

Banky A
Banky A
14 years ago

Lulz wut?

Dislike driving in real life? Prefer Burnout?
Yes you are the minority haha ^_^

But it's okay! Well apart from not liking real driving… – kidding lol.

I guess you really do have to enjoy real cars to enjoy racing sims over fun arcade types yeah?

14 years ago

I'm not surprised I got the down-votes, despite my being intentionally positive about GT. I'm also not complaining; vote however you see fit. I just find it amusing.

14 years ago

Gran Turismo 5 out this year? IF it is, I am so happy. 😉

14 years ago

Dont really care what becomes game of the year but the developer who made it should be honored( cant think of any other word right now). All i know is i'll be playing all these "game of the year" contenders. Killzone 2, Uncharted 2, Gran turismo 5 are all great additions to my library. Halo ODST… I dont think it even gonna impress people that much. Its basically an add on using a different character plus map packs for halo 3 included. Its probably the same experience as halo 3 except that you cant just rush in because you dont have shields. because of that reason and no high damn jumps, im leaning towards trying it out.

14 years ago

Also Rock Band 2 is a lot better than GH in my opinion and I think it came out this past February.

14 years ago

Nope. It released about a year ago (Sept. on 360; Oct. on PS3), though the Wii version (not GOTY-quality) may have been this year.

GH5 may be a solid game, but I don't see it getting GOTY, since by all accounts I've seen it isn't _better_ overall than RB2.

Last edited by Fane1024 on 9/19/2009 1:48:46 AM

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

I can confirm that RB2 came out in '08 as they were on sale at TRU in December of '08 for $90 with a $15 GC. They were getting rid of their overstock.

14 years ago

Game of the year according to who? That subject seems to be hotly debated throughout the year. Anyways, when we get out mits on Uncharted 2 we might just see why it's scoring the way it is in the reviews. If it's anywhere as good as they say, I doubt niche games like racing or rpgs will win GotY.

14 years ago

No kidding. A dozen different games will win GOTY from various media outlets, followed by a handful of them being re-released with some extra content as GOTY Editions. We all know how this phony drill plays out by now. What we really need is a survivor-like contest between the GOTY's to see who really comes out on top!

14 years ago

Exactly. The xbots will have their say too and will be voting on multiplats. They are a mob with a lot of influence on the industry.

14 years ago

Uncharted 2 will take it, and probably should. But right now my GOTY remains inFamous.

14 years ago

I'm with you on this one.

14 years ago

I agree, inFamous was a great game. I just want to see what they do with an inFamous 2, because developers usually push their second game harder. It would be nice for this game to improve to the point where Sucker Punch makes the same lame claim that Naughty Dog made about pushing the PS3 to the limits.

14 years ago

It's not as much a lame claim as it is a misunderstood one. By utilizing the ps3 to 100% as opposed to 30% in the prequel, ND has figured out to use all seven active SPU's in the Cell for U2, instead of just 2 or 3 of them at a time. It does not mean that code has been optimized, on the software side, or that this is as good as things are gonna get, because software optimization is full of surprises, and hardly a measurable thing, especially when it comes to the complex hardware of the ps3. Besides, Sony would censor ND for saying any thing that might indicate a premature end of their 10 year commitment to the life of the ps3.

14 years ago

Saying that the GOTY's this year will all be Ps3 exclusives is just stupid. Maybe next year with Agent, GOW III and The Last Guardian, but this year only 2 will likely make it, while things like Assassins Creed 2 and Brutal Legend will likely flesh it out. There's no doubt that there will not be a great game this year thats not on the Ps3, but saying they will all be exclusives? No chance

14 years ago

exclusives > Multiplats

14 years ago

Oh come on. You can't just dismiss something like Brutal Legend just because it appears on more than one platform. It's fu**ing awesome.

Banky A
Banky A
14 years ago

I don't think Assassin's Creed 2 or Brutal will have as much polish as exclusives or have better gameplay. I don't think. Dunno'.

But we can't deny the PS3 exclusives look good enough to be high on the list ^_^

14 years ago

Someone needs to take a second look at the Ps3 exclusives. That is the only thing note worthy that has been dropping. Even notable multiplats pail in comparison to the quality of the exclusives. Direct example: Prototype vs inFamous.

14 years ago

I'm kinda with you on AC2, but if it was an exclusive I'm pretty sure we'd be seeing something special. As a multiplat it'll be limited when compared to Uncharted 2.

14 years ago

Uncharted 2 for GOTY!

14 years ago

It will be have to be Modern Warfare 2
1) its multiplatform
2) its a sequel to a game of the year.

why is ODST on there? isn't it a add-on or spin off or something like that? 360 has to have something better than that for GoTY consideration.

Last edited by dlte on 9/18/2009 10:55:43 PM

14 years ago

oooh the cod haters have given u thumbs down lol

14 years ago

I don't think MW2 will be as good as some people hope it will be.

14 years ago

I believe its gonna sell more than any game but game of the year, i dont think so. However there are many media outlets that picks game of the year because of popularity so its got a good chance as any other game. but as an overall game of the year, it doesnt hold a candle to killzone 2 and uncharted 2 in quality. I will be getting modern warfare 2 so i'll see you then but only getting the regular version. Prestige is too expensive and harcore is too. It does come with cod1 but i got into cod because of modern warfare so i dont care about it.

14 years ago

cod4 is better than k2…..if its any were near as good as cod4 i think its stands of getting goty…..tho i think uncharted 2 atm as thebiggest chance

14 years ago

MW2 at E3:
"Here's your big moment. Show us what you got!"

"uh ok, here's some ice climbing."

If that wasn't an epic fail I don't know what is.
MW2 was embarrassing compared to what Uncharted 2 pulled out at E3. I repeat, MW2 won't be as good as some hope. The xbots will vote for it as game of the year though so they can still claim their box handles the best games.

14 years ago

Agreed alienage.

14 years ago

I agree with World, until Uncharted releases GOTY has gotta be InFamous.

Although Uncharted2 should be GoTY, you know CoD:MW2 will win simply because it is multi-platform.

14 years ago

hate how they always pick multiplats to make everyone feel included.

14 years ago

just like how GTA 4 got the honors last year? yeah, game of the year has to be about quality. I think it beat out metal gear solid 4, seriously? Dont remember much but i think it should've been MGS4 or littlebigplanet with all the awards it won.

14 years ago

inFAMOUS is my personal GotY so far.

14 years ago


14 years ago

im still playing killzone 2 and i got it second day, so im gonna have to say KZ2

14 years ago

i don't know.. for me it's a three way tie between killzone 2, uncharted 2, and gran turismo 5 (if it's released)

my runner-ups would be inFamous and Demon Souls. inFamous is not really GOTY material for me because when i was playing it, there was a certain point when i get fed up of it and i play killzone 2 instead. on the other hand, in killzone 2, i still have to unlock the last rank and some of the ribbons… plus, i didn't even beat the story mode.

14 years ago

beat it on elite mode, that thing tests the hell out of you and makes it worth buying it if youre not sold on any other aspect of it.

14 years ago

What about UFC Undisputed? That was like super popular and insanely addicting and fun. And the price still hasn't even went down. Then again it's just my opinion, and mine's not always the greatest.

14 years ago

there's a UFC game?

14 years ago

Hey I posted this before, but I think many missed it because it was at the end of the day for the article. Talking about exclusives, go to YouTube and type in the search bar this vid..

PS3 v 360 v WII – System Exclusive Games SHOWDOWN!

The posters name is Wipeout and although funny as hell, what he shows you and says is the truth. I loved it. And here is another…

XBOX 360 IS WORTHLESS (Pt.1).. There is a part 2 and many more on this guy. He's a PS3 god man. check it out..

And lastly their is a poster named Elpresador who is a comedian in his own right and a PS3 supporter. He is drop dead funny and type in this search for his vid…




As for Goty contender my baby is GT5, but in all honesty I will have all 3 of those titles and love them all. And Infamous is up there too. Sony just has too many dam good exclusives, and the train is just starting to really fly down the tracks now. Sony FTW all the way from here on out.

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

El presador is not funny. He seems very confused about what he is too.

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