Ah, football season has officially begun and Uncharted 2: Among Thieves is exactly one month away. It's good to be alive. 😉
So I hear you guys have several unannounced titles on tap for the Tokyo Game Show, and I'd just like to say that if one of them isn't a new Suikoden for the PS3, I'm gonna have a fit . Look, with the possible exception of Suikoden IV and maybe Suikoden Tactics , every last installment in that series has been stellar in my eyes, and I so want another one. However, I have one requirement in addition to my request: it absolutely must be turn-based . I never knew how much I'd miss turn-based; I didn't realize it until the mechanic essentially died out completely. Now that it's gone (on home consoles; I know it's available in some portable RPGs for the PSP and DS), it really pisses me off, and Suikoden is one of those franchises that always featured wonderful turn-based combat. So if you keep that and produce a new entry, I'll be happy as punch. It'll immediately become one of my most anticipated games of the generation.
And no, I don't mind if it comes to the Xbox 360, too, and I don't mind if I have to wait a little while. So long as I know it's coming, my inner RPG self will be able to smile from now until then. Believe it or not, some of my fondest role-playing memories are entrenched within the Suikoden franchise, and it's almost all because of the fantastic storylines. Third best ever behind FF and MGS, IMO.
Okay, I admit it…I kinda want to play with EyePet
I've never had any interest whatsoever in the Wii and motion sensing in general just seems like one giant failed attempt at virtual reality. I will never understand why moving a flippin' controller in a certain direction will feel anything like "realistic" emulation of what's happening on the screen. Perhaps when true 3D gaming comes about, I might be more inclined to give it a chance, but as it stands, it just doesn't do it for me. …then why do I have this sneaking desire to toy around with that silly EyePet ? By all rights, I shouldn't care in the slightest. It's like that ridiculous electronic pet from Japan that people carried around with them (forget the name), which I thought was the single dumbest thing I had ever seen. And yet, I really want to give EyePet a try and if I could provide you with a reasonable explanation, I would readily do so. Instead, all I can say is I wanna tickle a virtual furry creature and see what it does…and I don't know why.
…I may need professional help.
Personal gaming update
Well, I can tell you I'm definitely getting Katamari Forever this week (it does launch this week, right?), because that series rules all and I really don't care what they charge for it. That'll be a blast. I also have NHL 10 , IL 2-Sturmovik: Birds of Prey and Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2 on tap for reviews, so expect to see those, too. I also want to get involved in that insanely awesome Uncharted 2 demo , and I'm hoping 2K stops ignoring me and sends me NHL 2K10 so I can do an effective comparison with EA's effort. Beyond that, all I really care about is Uncharted 2 and if Gran Turismo 5 releases this year (which seems inevitable), that will be mine as well. In the meantime, I tried the playable demo for that revamped TMNT: Turtles in Time on the PSN and didn't like it…so I went and won another Super Bowl in Madden '93 on the SNES. I decided to give Buffalo their first title…just because. 😉
Not much else going on right now. I have some outstanding ("outstanding" as in yet to be dealt with) female issues, but I've resolved not to put that stuff on the site much, anymore. It was fun for a while but I think the majority of the readers got bored with it, and I only do as the readers please. Besides, the current situation isn't really a good story, anyway. 🙂
Hooray for vanilla. Ha ha. We're interested in EyePet but we have kids in the house. I want to make him fall off of a plane, and shoot a machine gun, if possible. If I have two PS3's, would there by a way to have two EyePets meet each other? That would be interesting.
Let's hear about those girls again Ben!
Aye aye!
yak4life85 get a life! You will have your own girls some day…
BTW i have a girl and a kid already!
If they do announce a new Suikoden I sure hope it's not one of these "you'll see it in 2012" kinda deals. I'm rpg deprived, I need it now.
Oh come on, man. We've got stuff coming. Demon's Souls, Dragon Age: Origins, Alpha Protocol, White Knight Chronicles…you won't be deprived for long. 🙂
I'm resting a lot of rpg hope on WKC… I sure hope it doesn't disappoint.
October is a month of "to many RPG's for the wallet".
What to do?
oh god, i'm pretty sure that i'm getting wkc and demon souls. i dunno about dragon age… i'll prolly hold that one out because of uncharted 2. as we all know, it's what playstation is about people… RPG'S!!!
i'm still busy with cross edge and valkyria chronicles lol
im more hopeful to hear news about persona 5 coming to next gen platforms. how cool would that be 😀
I'd actually rather have the original Shim Megami series
Devil Summoner, Nocturne, Digital Devil Saga
Though I LOVE Persona too
Just like the standalone Shin Megami ones better
I've actually never played a Suikoden…
Anyway would be great if Konami is indeed making one. I'd definitely get it
So has anyone seen that new Ninja Theory game "Enslaved" yet?
Main character doesn't LOOK as good as Nariko, imo
NEVER played a Suikoden?!
Just pick one and be happy. I'd recommend any of the first three, or maybe the fifth. 🙂
You can even download the first one on the PSN. Talk about convenience!
I was ten years old when the first Suikoden came out. I remember renting it and then buying it with the money I saved up from my allowance. It's without a doubt the game that got me hooked on RPGs and definitely my favorite RPG franchise.
Each game takes place in a different part of the world and in a different time period. Sometimes a game will be a few years after an installment and other times it'll be a hundred years before an installment. The stories in the games aren't the typical "save the girl and then save the world" nonsense. Most of the time they are political struggles between countries involving just a handful of people in the world.
Always intriguing, sometimes hilarious, and sometimes tragic. Nevertheless, they are always fun.
The first two games are two of the only games I can still pick up and play no matter what. Get it for $6 on PSN, it's worth it. Suikoden II starts a while after the first game and expands on what made the first one so great.
Then the series went 3D… still awesome games (especially V and III) but I prefer my 2D Suikoden.
Konami needs to get Sony to release Suikoden II on the PSN. I'm sure most people who haven't played it aren't willing to cough up over a hundred dollars for a used copy on eBay. The only people willing to do that are the ones who had the game but either lost it or it got damaged :P.
I highly recommend the games. I would suggest you play them in order but take a decent break between the games so you don't get burnt out.
Oh yeah, Luca Blight in Suikoden II is one of the most memorable villains in an RPG. Sephiroth doesn't have shit on him.
Suikoden (#1) is only $6 on PSN…possibly the best deal on PSN, aside from freebies and items on sale. If you like JRPGs, you're not risking much to give it a try.
I downloaded Suikoden from the psn a while back. I haven't beat it yet, but I really like the free will feature for easy repetitive battles.
I gots a mint condition Suikoden II. 😉
hey ben, i got a mint suikoden I… wanna trade? haha.
i just wish the uncharted 2 beta would go live already.
this is going to be the longest 3 days of my life, just staring at it there burning a hole into my HDD.
turn based rules, return the RPGs to its former true self!!!
Last edited by BigBoss4ever on 9/13/2009 12:47:46 AM
I second that. BIG time.
"Instead, all I can say is I wanna tickle a virtual furry creature and see what it does…and I don't know why."
Only possible on the PlayStation 3.
"…I may need professional help."
It only does everything.
Last edited by Victor321 on 9/13/2009 1:20:27 AM
I think Ben and I are the only ones here that come off as completely obsessed with the Suikoden games.
Have you just arrived?
I've been coming to the site for about a year. Just started leaving comments the other day. I left that comment in hopes of getting big Suikoden fans flipping out. That way I'd know where they were.
I wouldn't say I'm "completely obsessed," but I certainly believe that Suikoden doesn't get anywhere near enough respect and attention.
" and I only do as the readers please. "
How about making me a sandwich then . 🙂
But I loved my Tamegochi Ben =O though of course my would always die for some reason xD but still I tried to feed and it such xD but whatever.
tamegochi, that was what he was referring to?
yes, that was for me too, the stupidist thing ever. no offense obvi Wolfeh,
not sure, but I think so, lol and no prob xD
I didnt have the tamogachi, I got the rip-off of it. I had a little T-Rex.
oh the memories…
lol i had 1 of those tamegochi, and had a digimon digivice… lol both were a waste
If you want a turn based rpg ben, try pokemon, either pkmn platinum, or the reakes of gold and silver. such damn good games.
and as for eye pet, sony has struck you. somehow.
Mhmmmmm….pokemon….. *Crunch* *Crunch* *Crunch*
any pokemon before crystal for gb colour, are amazing!!! everything after is just dumb imo…
i wish i still had my gb colour and my red,blue,yellow,gold,silver,and crystal games 🙁
I remember running to the store as a kid and picking up Red Version…lol
i am so excited for eyepet. And uncharted 2 demo. I have laid down the $60 and paid full and i am getting in that demo as soon as it launches!
One month until lift off!
I kind of want to check out the eyepet too. I will definitely rent it, since I already have the PSeye. It looks like another one of those games that you could show the girls and have them go crazy for it. (like LBP)
I really want to check out the uncharted demo too.
I want to play with EyePet to
yeh those electronic pocket pets were tamogachi… and they were indeed boring… i killed mine in like 5 mins… then was like F**K it… lol
Last edited by Gregory Freeman on 9/13/2009 2:43:33 PM
Word. The Turtles in Time remake Is lacking the charm the arcade had. Dissapointing. I loved that game as a kid.
Yeah, I was so gonna comment on this too, but for reason I forgot to do so… 🙁
Seriously, played it yesterday at night and it was sad, it was almost like it was s dumbed down version of it.
This is the problem with remakes, if they change too much and inject it with new things that change the feel of the game, it's just not the same.
it almost feels like you're cruising and randomly beating up dumb enemies
There's no intensity or feel of danger
Almost like punching bags…
And then there's the 3D gravity/feel or physics they added, everything feels EASY AND FLOATY. LIke when you slide around and walk, and jump. It's all light-weight and smooth.
They should have not changed the physics of the game, at all.
Heck, all they needed to do was change the graphics. Everything else should've been the same.
I guess they felt they needed to change the 2D feel to a more 3D feel so that it'd sell -_-
Well they're loss…
I thought it was an okay game although I wished they just released the original version with trophies.