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Ben’s Week In Review: August 23

I won't be talking about the PS3 Slim because, as awesome as that announcement was, I think we had plenty of coverage this past week. If you need more and missed my commentary on the subject at hand, feel free to go back and indulge . But I'll move on to other topics, here. 🙂

Resonance of Fate keeps "resounding" in my head

I'm not really sure why, but I think it has something to do with the fast-action gameplay that actually focuses on modern-day firearms rather than fantasy swords and magic. The weird thing is that I vastly prefer the fantasy setting to the sci-fi themes…maybe I'm just into a bit of change these days, and I'm lovin' the atmosphere and combat style. Then, I hear tri-Ace won't be shortchanging anyone by providing us with 150+ hours of gameplay , and I get even more excited. Thing is, I do have faith in this developer, despite my opinion that they fell short with Star Ocean: The Last Hope . I really think this could end up being one of my favorite RPGs of the generation; all they need to do is give me what appears to be a super-entertaining battle mechanic, and a decent story. Of course, nothing tops FFXIII on my RPG "must-have" list, but I'm also looking forward to Demon's Souls and White Knight Chronicles . Both will get my attention, certainly, but there's something about Resonance of Fate .

Is anybody else feelin' this one? Or am I totally alone in this, as I seem to be in my anticipation of Bayonetta ?

If that God of War pack is real…it's HUGE

We still haven't been able to confirm if that "Tweet" from a Sony Manager in Mexico was real, but if it's true, and we really are going to get a God of War pack for the PS3 in December, everyone should be freakin' pumped . Just as a reminder, the first two God of War titles on the PS2 were two of the best-reviewed games ever , and then Chains of Olympus for the PSP continued the tradition of super high scores. I'd have to check but I believe that with these three titles, GoW is the highest-scoring franchise in video game history…and you can bet that'll be solidified when GoWIII drops in March. So if Sony really has managed to reformat the first two gems and put them on a Blu-Ray disc (along with that rumored GoWIII demo), it is just massive . And, if Gran Turismo 5 also comes out in December and we've already got Uncharted 2: Among Thieves , Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack in Time and Demon's Souls , then I see a runaway victory for the PS3 this holiday season.

That hardware price cut is gonna contribute in a big way, too, but seriously, do not just discount this special GoW pack if it actually does exist. I mean, this would be similar to when we got Super Mario All-Stars on the SNES!

Personal gaming update

I should have Batman: Arkham Asylum from Warner on Monday and that tops my to-do list for the week. You should also see the Madden NFL 10 review; I've done my part and now Arnold is going to do his (it's another one of those dual-effort reviews, if you don't mind). All I can say about the latter game is that it truly is for the hardcore; even if you're used to last year's edition, this one holds a few intricate surprises… And after seeing all the unbelievable critical praise for Batman (Game Informer gave it two 9.5s and IGN gave it a 9.3), I'm awfully psyched to give that one a try. September seems a little dry, but I'm interested in Wet and Katamari Forever is most certainly a Day 1 purchase…and I suppose I'll want Halo 3: ODST , too, but that's going on the Christmas list. I don't feel like paying $60 for another iteration of an old FPS. Oh, and I'm going to put Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 on that list, too.

October is the big month. Demon's Souls on the 6th, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves and Brutal Legend on the 13th, Borderlands on the 20th, and Alpha Protocol and Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack in Time on the 27th. Damn. That's just insane. 🙁 But I'll find a way!

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14 years ago

GOW pack is awesome if it is true….I m looking forward to it.

14 years ago

y would u ever want halo? wtf

14 years ago

Because this community is full of people who enjoy VIDEO GAMES regardless of the console they are sold on. Now that's said it's just the fact that most people here PREFER the PS over the Xbox. Halo will probably always be a "good" FPS so why shouldn't someone who enjoys FPS not want to try it?

Last edited by Fatcat3788 on 8/22/2009 10:51:39 PM

14 years ago

Halo is nothing more than a poor PC gamer's version of a true FPS.

14 years ago

Halo 1. Party game. The rest? Blagh!

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

What Fatcat said.

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 8/23/2009 12:55:06 AM

14 years ago

honastly i think halo 3 sucked but the campaign mode sucks which in my opinion make a suckyy game. the only good thing is the online which gets boring after a match or two

Halo 2 was good campaign was better but the online was the same

halo 1 the best in the series amazing campaign and the online was fun

14 years ago

Because Halo is flat out a good game. FPS games are not really my cup of tea, but I have to confess that Halo hit a sweet spot. If I were Bungie and/or MS I wouldn't stop making Halo until the appetite for the game dried up either.

I really think that a lot of people have missed the point of this site, and of video gaming as a hobby. Video gaming isn't about being a fanboy and fighting a holy war over the badge on the front of a game console, it's about playing great games. Period. Now, I will say that there are a fair number of hardware geeks – like myself – who also like to mess around with hi-tech stuff. We appreciate a good design, and good hardware for what it is in technology and design terms as well as for the games it can run. There are some people who appreciate what Sony has doe for the gaming industry, I hope they're also capable of seeing what Nintendo and even Microsoft have done for the industry.

Now, sure MS have done a lot of not so good things too, more than their fair share IMHO, but that doesn't alter the fact that Halo is an excellent game.

14 years ago

im gonna be broke-er by the end of this year if thats possible..

14 years ago

It's called bum lol.

14 years ago

Even if you end up homeless, you'll still have your PS3 😉

14 years ago

This seems like a pretty big holiday lineup. It actually seems huge! Can't wait for the holiday vacation when I have enough time to actually play all of those games.

14 years ago

I thought last year was crazy for gamers but now with the PSP stepping its game up (lol I said game) I'm going to be pulling my hair out on what to buy and that's only looking at Sony's lineup adding in third party games and I might have to be institutionalized (phew, thank you interwebs).

Hey Ben or Arnold, is there going to be a review for Dissidia coming? I have it preordered from amazon (for 31.99) and I've played the demo, but I want to know what's new since its Jap release? Thanks XD

14 years ago

Also, could it be possible to get reviews for Motorstorm: AE and Gran Turismo PSP. I know GT Motorstorm will be great but it's always nice to hear the opinion of others.

14 years ago

I still have games from last october-november that I havent finished.

14 years ago

I narrow it down to the better games

Don't need stuff like Brutal Legends and Borderlands

I'm happy with Demon's Soul, Uncharted 2, and Ratchet & Clank: A Crack In Time


Me? I'm waiting to get into the WATER LBP beta! :3

14 years ago

Best Buy in Canada is selling Batman at 38 bux if you buy it by thursday. I wasn't going to get it but the praise is so high and the price is so low. The demo rocked my soxes too.

If the GoW pack is a reality then it WILL be mine.

14 years ago

My xmas list is so long…

RoF is one of the games on my list, I'm looking forward to DS a little more. And no Ben, you're not alone, I'm looking forward to Bayonetta as well, lol.

A GoW pack would be EPIC…I have a couple of friends that haven't played the games and now with the futuristic pizza box model PS3 at $299 that pack (if true) I would sit them down and make them watch. Of course other games would suffice (inFamous, R&CFToD, K2,etc.) If that doesn't get them to even consider buying a PS3 I don't know what will.

Waiting for Batman and I found a PSP pack with the GoWCoO and the red PSP for cheap, yay.

14 years ago

I got me one of the red psps when they came out, and I love it.

14 years ago

Hey Jed or anybody, is that red PSP a 2000 or 3000? Don't care either way I'm getting it.

Last edited by sunspider13 on 8/23/2009 4:04:32 PM

14 years ago

I'm actually really pumped about the prospect of a GoW pack, 'cause I am one of the few who has yet to play any of them. So I take this as a great opportunity to hop in and get alot of bang for my buck. (I'm actually doing the same thing with the Metroid Prime Trilogy next week)

As for RoF – even though there is still plenty of time until it comes out, by then we should hope to have some FFXIII and I don't think I have enough time for 2 different 150+ hour games…

Sir Shak
Sir Shak
14 years ago

When was R&C release date revealed ?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

I think both GameStop and GameSpot have it listed for the 27th.

14 years ago

God of War blue ray pack?

Yes please!!

14 years ago

if the GOW pack is real my heads going to explode, a HD version of GOW and GOW 2 with a demo of GOW3 would be epic.
but i doubt they would do that, if they have re done the games they would save it for a limited edition.
i dont know what the bloody hell is going on with wet.
ive checked 6 of my local retailers and they dont know the game exists??????
it better be released here or im going to be really pissed.
sadly ninja gaiden sigma 2 isent out till mid october here so im giving it a miss,its just a rehashed NG2 with the best part removed, no thanks.
uncharted 2 R&CACIT borderlands and alpha protocol will be more than enough to keep me occupied till MW2 and assassins creed 2 comes out.

14 years ago

"… The weird thing is that I vastly prefer the fantasy setting to the sci-fi themes…maybe I'm just into a bit of change these days, and I'm lovin' the atmosphere and combat style. Then, I hear tri-Ace won't be shortchanging anyone by providing us with 150+ hours of gameplay, and I get even more excited. Thing is, I do have faith in this developer, despite my opinion that they fell short with Star Ocean: The Last Hope. I really think this could end up being one of my favorite RPGs of the generation; all they need to do is give me what appears to be a super-entertaining battle mechanic, and a decent story. Of course, nothing tops FFXIII on my RPG "must-have" list, but I'm also looking forward to Demon's Souls and White Knight Chronicles. Both will get my attention, certainly, but there's something about Resonance of Fate.

Is anybody else feelin' this one? Or am I totally alone in this, as I seem to be in my anticipation of Bayonetta?…"

— Ben I am totally with you on the entire section

14 years ago

OMG batman is officially one of the best games to ever come out. its so much fun. i am currently fighting the big boss with needles in his fingers and its in like my dream, i gotta stay away from his sight or he kills me right away. its so much fun, i love this game. thank god i got it earlier then everyone else. its amazing.

14 years ago

if the god of war pack is real its a definet must get even though i already have both games also i cant wait for batman arkham asylum cant stop from replaying the demo =)

14 years ago

Hold on.
The GOW pack is on BluRay? Will that mean that non b/c PS3s can play GoW1 and GoW2?

14 years ago

If the rumours are true, it will be a BlueRay disc containing both GOW games with a GOW3 demo.

The two existing GOW games would, most possibly be updated to make use of the HD resolution the ps3 can output along with maybe some other tweaks. It will work natively on any PS3 so no B/C will be required.

14 years ago

Resonance is lookin great, and it takes a bit to get me psyched. I prefer swords and junk but guns work with this ones style

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 8/23/2009 6:49:21 AM

14 years ago

I'm looking forward to Resonance as well, although the gun based combat has me concerned, only a little bit. I'll wait for more screen shots and video.

New avatar image?

14 years ago

Everybody loves Tifa 🙂

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago
14 years ago

Oh god! My Eyes!!! It stings….my eyes! I…I can't see! How could you!? Where was the warning? Oh the humanity….

14 years ago

haha, that guy loves her a little TOO much.

14 years ago

nice pic, where did u get it?

14 years ago

I want DiRT 2

14 years ago

G.O.W Got Higher Ratings Then MGS??

14 years ago


14 years ago

"FFXIV will go to 360 eventually"


14 years ago

It was announced at E3 as a PS3 exclusive – for now. Square Enix were very evasive at their own event about what platforms it would be coming to, and I think everyone here kinda assumed that it would arrive on the 360 too.

14 years ago

FFXIII started out as exclusive to PS3 also…look how well that turned out…

14 years ago

I'm gonna call it now.

"square enix just announced FF Versus XIII will be coming to xbox".

I hope Im wrong. But I doubt I will be.

14 years ago

Resonance of Fate is….. really long if it really is 150 hours…
I don't want to say this especially even before I got my hands on the game but so far it doesn't seem as interesting as I thought it'd be. Star Ocean 4 wasn't all that great either.

14 years ago

i dont know to me it seems like a unique rpg thats bound to have some flaws but will still kick ass cause it has a diffrent rpg element

14 years ago

I honestly haven't been following Resonance of Fate, but thanks for putting it on my radar now. 🙂 You are not alone on Bayonetta though, Ben. I have my copy pre-ordered and have been looking forward to it for a little while now.

Last edited by KilloWertz on 8/23/2009 2:21:57 PM

14 years ago

i think gran turismo 5 or this gow pack will come out in december, cuz they can't rely on uncharted 2 and ratchet & clank: future a crack in time for the holiday season to help push the slim. so they're probably going to do it.

14 years ago

the gow pack wont sell that many consoles if it comes in my opinion so heres hoping gran turismo

14 years ago

you know the way i always saw the swords vs guns debate is that, a sword that hid with a full on slash wil give you critical damage vs a gun which can be more inaccurate(depending on the shooters accuracy, and the type of gun) and covers less surface area and theres also body armour and clean shots to consider, so to me it made sense that a man getting sliced in half would take more damage that a man who gets shot especially if its not a critical shot that hits an organ or if there is body armour on. Now another thing i noticed is that although guns do less damage per shot, guns in rpg tend to have multiple shot per move and as a rsult the damage tallies up to be the equivalent of or more than the sword (at least initally before stronger swords are found etc.) so yeah it made sense to me in that regard, what would be messed up is if bazookas/rpgs did less damage than swords, then that would be messed up.

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