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5 Games To Make Us Proud Of Our Industry

I'm only including future titles in this little rundown here, because I think we all are aware of the recent games that have made us very proud to be gamers. Titles like Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots , Gears of War , LittleBigPlanet and many others have really given us the urge to drag random people in off the street, point to the screen and say triumphantly, "look at that !"

Well, here are five games that should have this very effect on us, and represent both the grown-up nature of video games today and the technical and artistic quality that make them special.

Heavy Rain

We've been excited about this one for almost a year now, and every time we see new media and information, our excitement level goes up yet another notch. This past week, we saw the latest "For Love" trailer and our jaws dropped yet again; we gave you both the video and commentary directly after the show, and most of you agree: this one is gonna be impressive. We've also pondered the possibility of a whole new genre for this title; something we'd like to call the "intellectual genre." It should represent another step forward in storytelling and CGI, and we're already proud of Quantic Dream based on what we've seen.

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

Everyone knows this game will be great, but the important thing to realize is that this really represents one of the first true cross-overs between movies and games. We have the professional voice acting that we need, we have the requisite action, but perhaps more importantly, we have the little things that might fool the uninitiated into thinking this is a theatrical movie. Here's a good example: check out this Chloe Trailer that popped up at GamesCom 2009, and watch Chloe's face from about halfway through; it's the facial reactions of a real woman with real emotions. We see that in Drake in other videos as well (watch the other Fortune Favors trailer ) and this is only one "for-instance" of how far games have come…

Brutal Legend

Tim Schafer can do no wrong. That's all you need to know. He will invariably deliver a unique, entertaining experience that really can't be compared to any other title on store shelves. Brutal Legend will be yet another example of amusing originality that you won't find anywhere else; all you metalheads out there really ought to be intrigued. And even if you're not a fan of that music genre, you should still be respectful and appreciative of the idea and premise. It's something new and a damn good reason to be proud to be a gamer. For more info, feel free to check out the latest Developer Commentary and just try not to smile. The more we see projects like this, the more interested we are in looking down the road and into the future.

Gran Turismo 5

When it comes to realism and authenticity, there really is no equal. Forza 3 can try and I wish it the best of luck (I love great simulators), but I'm fairly confident it simply won't be on the same level as Polyphony's masterpiece. This is one game that will drop your jaw and make your palms sweat, both at the same time; it's all about becoming immersed in an interactive event that feels amazingly real. If it manages to come out this year, it'll give a guaranteed boost to the PS3 (although I'm not sure it needs it now) and make our eyes gleam with excitement. There's a reason why amateur and professional drivers use iterations of GT to train in the off-season and why there's simply no better option for car enthusiasts and gearheads everywhere.

The Last Guardian

There is a small but very vocal group of gamers who continually ask for more titles like ICO and Shadow of the Colossus . Well, they're finally going to get their wish next year, when we'll receive The Last Guardian , which looks downright fantastic from every angle. You can check out the latest trailer and how it stacks up to the early vid that got leaked; it's clear that some work has been done to the boy. This is going to be another singular experience; it's drenched with artistic beauty and it should feature what we'll assume is an engaging form of gameplay. It might even remind us of the good ol' days of Adventure games, as the aforementioned titles from Team ICO managed to do… Gotta love this.

The 6th Man Award: Whatever thatgamecompany's new project is

We don't yet know what Jenova Chen and the rest of the thatgamecompany team is working on, but we will bet our very last dollar that it'll be both innovative and oddly attractive in a variety of ways. After flOw and Flower , we've been sufficiently impressed with Chen and Co., and we've heard that this new project is "something we've never seen before." …how come we're not surprised? Whatever this is, we'll be one of the first to buy it 'cuz we're absolutely convinced it'll be worth our time and money.

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14 years ago

I would also say Demons souls, WKC.
Heavy rain looks amazing the more and more I see and hear about this game the more I want it.
The last Guardian haven't heard much about this game, but will check the trailer out.

14 years ago

Definitely agree with 'Heavy Rain', 'Among Thieves', 'Gran Turismo 5', and 'The Last Guardian.' All look stellar and are at least fairly unique.
As for 'Brutal Legend', I'm sure it will make a lot of people happy, though I personally find no appeal. Substitute that title with 'Mafia II', and you'd have my list.

14 years ago

Wow, a good list, I'll be getting all but Brutal Legend. Odd that the four of them are PS3 exclusive…

14 years ago

It's not surprising, and pretty easy, knowing what the PS3's up against ^.^

By the way, your avatar's cute XD

Last edited by Victor321 on 8/21/2009 10:40:40 PM

14 years ago

It's KOS-MOS from Xenosaga – on her day off….

14 years ago

Lol….Day off you say =)….

14 years ago

awwww KOS-MOS.

14 years ago

Does anyone know what game, that was supposed to only xbox 360 that is coming to the PS3?

Last edited by Danny007 on 8/21/2009 10:29:02 PM

14 years ago

It was XBLA game, I don't remember what it was called actually but it's supposed to be pretty good.

14 years ago

Castle Crashers? And isn't Trine coming to ps3 too? i think so.

14 years ago

Castle Crashers, and Braid are supposed to hit the PSN sometime soon. Both are very good games.

14 years ago

castle crashers and/or braid

14 years ago

Sorry i got mixed up with braid and trine.

14 years ago

I'm looking forward to most of those games, and I'm sure all of them will be great. Although, I'm not sure I'll grab a random person off the street to show them. That sorta thing can get you arrested.

mk ultra
mk ultra
14 years ago

Can't wait for Heavy Rain and The Last Guardian. With all these great exclusives and the price drop I've already convinced 3 people on the fence to get a PS3. But this is only in my circle of friends, I feel a huge sale surge for the PS3 coming on.

14 years ago

Same with me and 2 people xD. He had the xbox and was bragging about it like 2 years ago, now he says he wants ps3. Good news for so though!

14 years ago

"Good news for so though"

Sony right Kevinater ;)?

Last edited by Victor321 on 8/21/2009 11:51:37 PM

14 years ago

I can see whats next for Chen and co.




Banky A
Banky A
14 years ago


Fly / Fli


14 years ago

Heavy Rain and The Last Guardian truly stand out from the crowd imo. Brutal Legend will be blast. Uncharted 2 looks like it will be much better than the first. I love Flower hopefully the wait won't be long on the their next project.

14 years ago

Considering how very, very good Drake's Fortune was, you must be expecting Uncharted 2 to be true GOTY material.

14 years ago

Yes it was good but among thieves seems like it will be absolutely awesome! Way more action, additional characters and the plot is very intriguing! Of course it will be goty contender…

14 years ago

Fooled my folks into thinking it was a new "movie" trailer.

14 years ago

Most of them are PS3 Exclusives!

14 years ago

Because they try to make games beyond the typical demographics of "Halo" and "Gears of War".

14 years ago

I deffinitly agree with uncharted 2 and Heavy rain. But i'm not sure I agree with brutal legends, The Last Guardian or Garb Turismo 5. For brutal legands, well i don't think that it will be something i will show some random person off the street. As for The Last Guardian, well i just don't have enouph information to really judge it. and for gt5, i have no doubt it will be an amazing game, but racing games isn't my thing. So don't go hating on me cuz i don't think gt5 should be on the list because it isn't my type of game.

14 years ago

The Last Guardian is going to be sweeeeeeeeeeeeet.

14 years ago

I bet it will. But I havn't seen enough gamplay and information to really know what is going on.

14 years ago

Go play Shadow of the Colossus. I'm playing it right now. It will give you an idea of what to expect from The Last Guardian.

14 years ago


From my understanding, Shadow of the Colossus and ICO did no pre-rendered CGI cut-scenes. Taking that into account we can "try" to say that what we saw in The Last Guardian could be the gameplay in itself.

14 years ago

Yes, it could be gameplay. But i still have no idea what was going on in that trailer. I just need more information on the game. I have not shunned it from my list yet, but i will need to see more info becofe it can be a part of it.

14 years ago

Maybe that's the whole idea. It doesn't look like gameplay at all. That's just a whole new level of gaming….

14 years ago

Wow at Brutal Legend…

14 years ago

Looking forward to HR maybe it'll have a Chinatown sort of feel to it.

U2AT is a day one buy for me, hearing Claudia Black's voice in that E3 trailer made up my mind right then and there. Plus it's the Indy game we should have.

Tim Schafer's Psyconauts was awesome, however I'll be passing on BL. Can't stand Jack Black.

GT5…what more do i need to say? Nothing I tell you!

The Last Guardian and U2AT are the two games that I'm looking forward to. After playing Ico and Shadow of the Colossus these people can do no wrong.

14 years ago

Amen to the Jack Black hate. It's put me off that game as well.

14 years ago

Gears of War? Meh….

14 years ago

*Shows off new avatar for FFVII fans*

14 years ago

Love me some Tifa.

14 years ago

Much better avatar ….. I must say.

* I'm not dogging the other ones though *

Last edited by tes37 on 8/22/2009 9:49:11 AM

14 years ago

someone thumbs downed Tifa, that someone fails so hard it hurts them

14 years ago

wtf!?! no God of War III?

Banky A
Banky A
14 years ago

Holyyyyyyyyyyyy Cow (Lv 99 white magic)

You're right!

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

I considered it but while it will RULE (no doubt about that), I don't think it's something that fits this particular list.

14 years ago

Well I guess I don't know what kind of pride you're referring to Ben. When I played the first level of the first GoW I was definitely out in the street pulling people in to show them the greatness that was this game. GoWIII is going to be epic to the extreme degree. It will make me VERY proud to be a gamer and will have me out on the street once again.

How you gave it thought and came up with Brutal Legend over GoWIII is completely beyond me.

Banky A
Banky A
14 years ago

Gran Turismo 5!

But Ben, supposedly Forza 3 is very realistic too and Le Mans drivers has given it praise.

I'm kind of worried, coz' FM3 does look good. People like the look of it's customization and vehicle damage + roll overs.


14 years ago

GT5 has damage. Gt5 has customization out the wazoo. GT has always delivered more customization than all but the most dedicated tuning freaks could demand. Methinks you're playing Devil's Advocate.

Banky A
Banky A
14 years ago

I pretty much was lol 😉

I meant that Forza had big (kind of arcady') destruction physics so more non-hardcore people would like that for fun.
And there's those guys who love to put decals and paint jobs on their cars, which GT has never done but I hope they don't.

14 years ago

Forza 3 only has 400 cars. GT5 has 1000 and GT PSP has 800. Forza 3 looks like crapola.

Last edited by Jawknee on 8/22/2009 9:13:11 AM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Don't be worried. GT5 will be superior; that much I guarantee.

14 years ago

Wasn't there an interview that GT5 will have "interior" damage or was it the cockpit view damage that will affect your car. If what he says is true, then the video showed nothing of it, possibly a revamped GT5: Prologue at GamesCom.

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